#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hashtable.h" #include "utf8.h" #define ARRAY_COUNT(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])) #define INVALID_CHAR 0xFFFFFFFF struct CharmapEntry { uint32_t unicode[3]; int length; // length of the unicode array. TODO: use dynamic memory allocation int bytesCount; uint8_t bytes[4]; // bytes to convert unicode array to, (e.g. 'A' = 0x0A) }; static struct HashTable *charmap; static void fatal_error(const char *msgfmt, ...) { va_list args; fputs("error: ", stderr); va_start(args, msgfmt); vfprintf(stderr, msgfmt, args); va_end(args); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(1); } static void parse_error(const char *filename, int lineNum, const char *msgfmt, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %i: ", filename, lineNum); va_start(args, msgfmt); vfprintf(stderr, msgfmt, args); va_end(args); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(1); } // Reads the whole file and returns a null-terminated buffer with its contents void *read_text_file(const char *filename) { if (strcmp(filename, "-") != 0) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); uint8_t *buffer; size_t size; if (file == NULL) fatal_error("failed to open file '%s' for reading: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); // get size fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(file); // allocate buffer buffer = malloc(size + 1); if (buffer == NULL) fatal_error("could not allocate buffer of size %u", (uint32_t)(size + 1)); // read file fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fread(buffer, size, 1, file) != 1) fatal_error("error reading from file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); // null-terminate the buffer buffer[size] = 0; fclose(file); return buffer; } else { size_t size = 0; size_t capacity = 1024; uint8_t *buffer = malloc(capacity + 1); if (buffer == NULL) fatal_error("could not allocate buffer of size %u", (uint32_t)(capacity + 1)); for (;;) { size += fread(buffer + size, 1, capacity - size, stdin); if (size == capacity) { capacity *= 2; buffer = realloc(buffer, capacity + 1); if (buffer == NULL) fatal_error("could not allocate buffer of size %u", (uint32_t)(capacity + 1)); } else if (feof(stdin)) { break; } else { fatal_error("error reading from stdin: %s", strerror(errno)); } } // null-terminate the buffer buffer[size] = 0; return buffer; } } static char *skip_whitespace(char *str) { while (isspace(*str)) str++; return str; } // null terminates the current line and returns a pointer to the next line static char *line_split(char *str) { while (*str != '\n') { if (*str == 0) return str; // end of string str++; } *str = 0; // terminate line return str + 1; } static char *parse_number(const char *str, unsigned int *num) { char *endptr; unsigned int n = strtol(str, &endptr, 0); *num = n; if (endptr > str) return endptr; else return NULL; } static int is_identifier_char(char c) { return isalnum(c) || c == '_'; } static uint32_t get_escape_char(int c) { const uint8_t escapeTable[] = { ['0'] = '\0', ['a'] = '\a', ['b'] = '\b', ['f'] = '\f', ['n'] = '\n', ['r'] = '\r', ['t'] = '\t', ['v'] = '\v', ['\\'] = '\\', ['\''] = '\'', ['"'] = '"', }; if ((unsigned int)c < ARRAY_COUNT(escapeTable) && (escapeTable[c] != 0 || c == '0')) return escapeTable[c]; else return INVALID_CHAR; } static void read_charmap(const char *filename) { char *filedata = read_text_file(filename); char *line = filedata; int lineNum = 1; while (line[0] != 0) { char *nextLine = line_split(line); struct CharmapEntry entry; struct CharmapEntry *existing; line = skip_whitespace(line); if (line[0] != 0 && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')) // ignore empty lines and comments { int len = 0; /* Read Character */ // opening quote if (*line != '\'') parse_error(filename, lineNum, "expected '"); line++; // perform analysis of charmap entry, we are in the quote while(1) { if(*line == '\'') { line++; break; } else if(len == ARRAY_COUNT(entry.unicode)) { // TODO: Use dynamic memory allocation so this is unnecessary. parse_error(filename, lineNum, "string limit exceeded"); } else if (*line == '\\') { line++; // advance to get the character being escaped if (*line == '\r') line++; if (*line == '\n') { // Backslash at end of line is ignored continue; } entry.unicode[len] = get_escape_char(*line); if (entry.unicode[len] == INVALID_CHAR) parse_error(filename, lineNum, "unknown escape sequence \\%c", *line); line++; // increment again to get past the escape sequence. } else { line = utf8_decode(line, &entry.unicode[len]); if (line == NULL) parse_error(filename, lineNum, "invalid UTF8"); } len++; } entry.length = len; // equals sign line = skip_whitespace(line); if (*line != '=') parse_error(filename, lineNum, "expected = after character \\%c", *line); line++; entry.bytesCount = 0; // value while (1) { uint32_t value; if (entry.bytesCount >= 4) parse_error(filename, lineNum, "more than 4 values specified"); line = skip_whitespace(line); line = parse_number(line, &value); if (line == NULL) parse_error(filename, lineNum, "expected number after ="); if (value > 0xFF) parse_error(filename, lineNum, "0x%X is larger than 1 byte", value); entry.bytes[entry.bytesCount] = value; entry.bytesCount++; line = skip_whitespace(line); if (*line == 0) break; if (*line != ',') parse_error(filename, lineNum, "junk at end of line"); line++; } existing = hashtable_query(charmap, &entry); if (existing != NULL) { const char *fmt = "0x%02X, "; int fmtlen = 6; char str[32]; int i; for (i = 0; i < existing->bytesCount; i++) { sprintf(&str[fmtlen * i], fmt, existing->bytes[i]); } str[fmtlen * i - 2] = '\0'; parse_error(filename, lineNum, "entry for character already exists (%s)", str); } else { hashtable_insert(charmap, &entry); } } line = nextLine; lineNum++; } free(filedata); } static int count_line_num(const char *start, const char *pos) { const char *c; int lineNum = 1; for (c = start; c < pos; c++) { if (*c == '\n') lineNum++; } return lineNum; } static char *convert_string(char *pos, FILE *fout, const char *inputFileName, char *start, int uncompressed, int cnOneByte) { const struct CharmapEntry terminatorInput = {.unicode = {'\0'}, .length = 1}; struct CharmapEntry *terminator; int hasString = 0; int i; while (1) { pos = skip_whitespace(pos); if (*pos == ')') { if (hasString) break; else parse_error(inputFileName, count_line_num(start, pos), "expected quoted string after '_('"); } else if (*pos != '"') parse_error(inputFileName, count_line_num(start, pos), "unexpected character '%c'", *pos); pos++; hasString = 1; // convert quoted string while (*pos != '"') { struct CharmapEntry input; struct CharmapEntry *last_valid_entry = NULL; struct CharmapEntry *entry; uint32_t c; int length = 0; char* last_valid_pos = NULL; // safely erase the unicode area before use memset(input.unicode, 0, sizeof (input.unicode)); input.length = 0; // Find a charmap entry of longest length possible starting from this position while (*pos != '"') { if ((uncompressed && length == 1) || length == ARRAY_COUNT(entry->unicode)) { // Stop searching after length 3; we only support strings of lengths up // to that right now. Unless uncompressed is set, in which we ignore multi // texts by discarding entries longer than 1. break; } if (*pos == 0) parse_error(inputFileName, count_line_num(start, pos), "EOF in string literal"); if (*pos == '\\') { pos++; c = get_escape_char(*pos); if (c == INVALID_CHAR) parse_error(inputFileName, count_line_num(start, pos), "unknown escape sequence \\%c", *pos); input.unicode[length] = c; pos++; } else { pos = utf8_decode(pos, &input.unicode[length]); if (pos == NULL) parse_error(inputFileName, count_line_num(start, pos), "invalid unicode encountered in file"); } length++; input.length = length; entry = hashtable_query(charmap, &input); if (entry != NULL) { last_valid_entry = entry; last_valid_pos = pos; } } entry = last_valid_entry; pos = last_valid_pos; if (entry == NULL) parse_error(inputFileName, count_line_num(start, pos), "no charmap entry for U+%X", input.unicode[0]); for (i = 0; i < entry->bytesCount; i++) { if (entry->bytesCount > 1 && cnOneByte && i % 2 == 0) { continue; } fprintf(fout, "0x%02X,", entry->bytes[i]); } } pos++; // skip over closing '"' } pos++; // skip over closing ')' // use terminator \0 from charmap if provided, otherwise default 0xFF terminator = hashtable_query(charmap, &terminatorInput); if (terminator == NULL) fputs("0xFF", fout); else { for (i = 0; i < (cnOneByte ? 1 : terminator->bytesCount); i++) fprintf(fout, "0x%02X,", terminator->bytes[i]); } return pos; } static void convert_file(const char *infilename, const char *outfilename) { char *in = read_text_file(infilename); FILE *fout = strcmp(outfilename, "-") != 0 ? fopen(outfilename, "wb") : stdout; if (fout == NULL) fatal_error("failed to open file '%s' for writing: %s", strerror(errno)); char *start = in; char *end = in; char *pos = in; while (1) { if (*pos == 0) // end of file goto eof; // check for comment if (*pos == '/') { pos++; // skip over // comment if (*pos == '/') { pos++; // skip over next newline while (*pos != '\n') { if (*pos == 0) goto eof; pos++; } pos++; } // skip over /* */ comment else if (*pos == '*') { pos++; while (*pos != '*' && pos[1] != '/') { if (*pos == 0) goto eof; pos++; } pos += 2; } } // skip over normal string literal else if (*pos == '"') { pos++; while (*pos != '"') { if (*pos == 0) goto eof; if (*pos == '\\') pos++; pos++; } pos++; } // check for _( sequence else if ((*pos == '_') && (pos == in || !is_identifier_char(pos[-1]))) { int uncompressed = 0; int cnOneByte = 0; end = pos; pos++; if (*pos == '_') // an extra _ signifies uncompressed strings. Enable uncompressed flag { pos++; uncompressed = 1; } if (*pos == '%') // an extra % signifies a one-byte long characters on iQue instead of two-byte { pos++; cnOneByte = 1; } if (*pos == '(') { pos++; fwrite(start, end - start, 1, fout); pos = convert_string(pos, fout, infilename, in, uncompressed, cnOneByte); start = pos; } } else { pos++; } } eof: fwrite(start, pos - start, 1, fout); if (strcmp(outfilename, "-") != 0) fclose(fout); free(in); } static unsigned int charmap_hash(const void *value) { const struct CharmapEntry* entry = value; unsigned int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < entry->length; i++) ret = ret * 17 + entry->unicode[i]; return ret; } static int charmap_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct CharmapEntry *ea = a; const struct CharmapEntry *eb = b; if (ea->length != eb->length) return 0; for(int i = 0; i < ea->length; i++) if(ea->unicode[i] != eb->unicode[i]) return 0; return 1; } static void usage(const char *execName) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s CHARMAP INPUT OUTPUT\n", execName); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 4) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } charmap = hashtable_new(charmap_hash, charmap_cmp, 256, sizeof(struct CharmapEntry)); read_charmap(argv[1]); convert_file(argv[2], argv[3]); hashtable_free(charmap); return 0; }