use std::env::args; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{stdin, Read, Write}; use std::iter::Iterator; use std::path::Path; use std::str::FromStr; use die::{die, Die}; use gumdrop::Options; use serde_derive::Deserialize; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use tokio_xmpp::{xmpp_stream, SimpleClient as Client}; use xmpp_parsers::message::{Body, Message, MessageType}; use xmpp_parsers::muc::Muc; use xmpp_parsers::presence::{Presence, Show as PresenceShow, Type as PresenceType}; use xmpp_parsers::{BareJid, Element, FullJid, Jid}; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; use tokio_tls::TlsStream; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result}; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Config { jid: String, password: String, nick: Option, } fn parse_cfg>(path: P) -> Result { let mut f = File::open(path)?; let mut input = String::new(); f.read_to_string(&mut input)?; Ok(toml::from_str(&input)?) } #[derive(Default, Options)] struct MyOptions { #[options(free)] recipients: Vec, #[options(help = "show this help message and exit")] help: bool, #[options(help = "path to config file. default: ~/.config/sendxmpp.toml with fallback to /etc/sendxmpp/sendxmpp.toml")] config: Option, #[options(help = "Force OpenPGP encryption for all recipients", short = "e")] force_pgp: bool, #[options(help = "Attempt OpenPGP encryption for all recipients")] attempt_pgp: bool, #[options(help = "Send raw XML stream, cannot be used with recipients or PGP")] raw: bool, #[options(help = "Send a after connecting before sending messages, required for receiving for --raw")] presence: bool, #[options(help = "Recipients are Multi-User Chats")] muc: bool, #[options(help = "Nickname to use in Multi-User Chats")] nick: Option, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let args: Vec = args().collect(); // Remember to skip the first argument. That's the program name. let opts = match MyOptions::parse_args_default(&args[1..]) { Ok(opts) => opts, Err(e) => die!("{}: {}\nUsage: {} [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\n{}", args[0], e, args[0], MyOptions::usage()), }; if { die!("Usage: {} [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\n{}", args[0], MyOptions::usage()); } let recipients: Vec = opts.recipients.iter().map(|s| s.parse::().die("invalid recipient jid")).collect(); if opts.raw { if opts.force_pgp || opts.attempt_pgp { die!("--raw is incompatible with --force-pgp and --attempt-pgp"); } if !recipients.is_empty() { die!("--raw is incompatible with recipients"); } if opts.muc { die!("--raw is incompatible with --muc"); } } else if recipients.is_empty() { die!("no recipients specified!"); } if opts.muc { if opts.force_pgp || opts.attempt_pgp { die!("--force-pgp and --attempt-pgp isn't implemented with --muc"); } } let recipients = &recipients; let cfg = match opts.config { Some(config) => parse_cfg(&config).die("provided config cannot be found/parsed"), None => parse_cfg(dirs::config_dir().die("cannot find home directory").join("sendxmpp.toml")) .or_else(|_| parse_cfg("/etc/sendxmpp/sendxmpp.toml")) .die("valid config file not found"), }; if opts.raw { let mut client = Client::new(&cfg.jid, &cfg.password).await.die("could not connect to xmpp server"); if opts.presence { client.send_stanza(make_presence()).await.die("could not send presence"); } // can paste this to test: woot pub struct OpenClient { pub stream: xmpp_stream::XMPPStream>, } let client: OpenClient = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(client) }; let mut open_client ="could not lock client stream"); let open_client = open_client.get_mut(); let mut rd_buf = [0u8; 256]; // todo: proper buffer size? let mut stdin_buf = rd_buf.clone(); let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin(); let mut stdout = tokio::io::stdout(); loop { tokio::select! { n = rd_buf) => { let n = n.unwrap_or(0); if n == 0 { break; } stdout.write_all(&rd_buf[0..n]).await.die("could not send bytes"); stdout.flush().await.die("could not flush"); }, n = stdin_buf) => { let n = n.unwrap_or(0); if n == 0 { break; } open_client.write_all(&stdin_buf[0..n]).await.die("could not send bytes"); open_client.flush().await.die("could not flush"); }, } } // Close client connection, ignoring errors open_client.write_all("".as_bytes()).await.ok(); open_client.flush().await.ok(); rd_buf).await.ok(); } else { let mut data = String::new(); stdin().lock().read_to_string(&mut data).die("error reading from stdin"); let data = data.trim(); let mut client = Client::new(&cfg.jid, &cfg.password).await.die("could not connect to xmpp server"); if opts.presence { client.send_stanza(make_presence()).await.die("could not send presence"); } for recipient in recipients { if opts.muc { let nick = opts .nick .clone() .or(cfg.nick.clone()) .or_else(|| BareJid::from_str(cfg.jid.as_str()).unwrap().node) .die("couldn't find a nick to use"); let participant = match recipient.clone() { Jid::Full(_) => die!("Invalid room address"), Jid::Bare(bare) => bare.with_resource(nick.clone()), }; let join = make_join(participant.clone()); client.send_stanza(join).await.die("failed to join MUC"); let reply = make_reply(recipient.clone(), &data, opts.muc); client.send_stanza(reply).await.die("sending message failed"); } else { let reply = if opts.force_pgp || opts.attempt_pgp { let encrypted = gpg_encrypt(recipient.clone(), &data); if encrypted.is_err() { if opts.force_pgp { die!("pgp encryption to jid '{}' failed!", recipient); } else { make_reply(recipient.clone(), &data, opts.muc) } } else { let encrypted = encrypted.unwrap(); let encrypted = encrypted.trim(); let mut reply = make_reply(recipient.clone(), "pgp", opts.muc); let mut x = Element::bare("x", "jabber:x:encrypted"); x.append_text_node(encrypted); reply.append_child(x); reply } } else { make_reply(recipient.clone(), &data, opts.muc) }; client.send_stanza(reply).await.die("sending message failed"); } } // Close client connection client.end().await.ok(); // ignore errors here, I guess } } // Construct a fn make_presence() -> Element { let mut presence = Presence::new(PresenceType::None); = Some(PresenceShow::Chat); presence.into() } fn make_join(to: FullJid) -> Element { Presence::new(PresenceType::None).with_to(Jid::Full(to)).with_payloads(vec![Muc::new().into()]).into() } // Construct a chat fn make_reply(to: Jid, body: &str, groupchat: bool) -> Element { let mut message = Message::new(Some(to)); if groupchat { message.type_ = MessageType::Groupchat; } message.bodies.insert(String::new(), Body(body.to_owned())); message.into() } fn gpg_encrypt(to: Jid, body: &str) -> Result { let to: String = std::convert::From::from(to); let mut gpg_cmd = Command::new("gpg") .arg("--encrypt") .arg("--armor") .arg("-r") .arg(to) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; { let stdin = gpg_cmd.stdin.as_mut().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no gpg stdin"))?; stdin.write_all(body.as_bytes())?; } let output = gpg_cmd.wait_with_output()?; if !output.status.success() { bail!("gpg exited with non-zero status code"); } let output = output.stdout; // strip off headers per // header spec: // find index of leading blank line (2 newlines in a row) let start = first_index_of(0, &output, &[10, 10])? + 2; if output.len() <= start { bail!("length {} returned by gpg too short to be valid", output.len()); } // find first newline+dash after the start let end = first_index_of(start, &output, &[10, 45])?; Ok(String::from_utf8((&output[start..end]).to_vec())?) } fn first_index_of(start_index: usize, haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> Result { for i in start_index..haystack.len() - needle.len() + 1 { if haystack[i..i + needle.len()] == needle[..] { return Ok(i); } } Err(anyhow!("not found")) }