properties( [ disableConcurrentBuilds() ] ) node { try { stage('Checkout') { checkout scm //branch name from Jenkins environment variables echo "My branch is: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" } stage('Build self-ci-base') { sh ''' set -ex image_tag="$BRANCH_NAME" [ "$image_tag" == "master" ] && image_tag=latest # refresh our base image docker pull archlinux/base:latest # build our image docker build -t "moparisthebest/self-ci-base:$image_tag" . ''' } stage('Build self-ci-java') { sh ''' set -ex exit 0 image_tag="$BRANCH_NAME" [ "$image_tag" == "master" ] && image_tag=latest cd java # build our image docker build -t "moparisthebest/self-ci-java:$image_tag" . cd .. ''' } stage('Build self-ci-rust') { sh ''' set -ex image_tag="$BRANCH_NAME" [ "$image_tag" == "master" ] && image_tag=latest cd rust # build our image docker build -t "moparisthebest/self-ci-rust:$image_tag" . cd .. ''' } stage('Push to docker hub') { sh ''' set -ex image_tag="$BRANCH_NAME" [ "$image_tag" == "master" ] && image_tag=latest # push our images, don't forget to docker login docker push "moparisthebest/self-ci-base:$image_tag" #docker push "moparisthebest/self-ci-java:$image_tag" docker push "moparisthebest/self-ci-rust:$image_tag" ''' } currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS' } catch (Exception err) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' } finally { stage('Email') { step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: '', sendToIndividuals: true]) } deleteDir() } }