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2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
/*-- converted from with --*/
/*-- Rebuild CD sector fields --*/
/*-- Copyright (C) 2012 CUE --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
#![allow(dead_code, mutable_transmutes, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals, unused_assignments, unused_mut)]
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
use libc;
2021-02-18 23:30:17 -05:00
use std::convert::TryInto;
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
static mut CDROM_crc: [libc::c_uint; 256] = [0; 256];
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
static mut CDROM_exp: [libc::c_uchar; 256] = [0; 256];
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
static mut CDROM_log: [libc::c_uchar; 256] = [0; 256];
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
static mut CDROM_enabled: libc::c_uint = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
unsafe fn CDROM_Init_Tables() {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
let mut edc: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut ecc: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut i: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut j: libc::c_uint = 0;
i = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while i < 0x100 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
edc = i;
j = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while j < 8 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
edc = if edc & 1 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint != 0 {
(edc >> 1 as libc::c_int) ^ 0xd8018001 as libc::c_uint
} else {
(edc) >> 1 as libc::c_int
j = j.wrapping_add(1)
CDROM_crc[i as usize] = edc;
ecc = if i & 0x80 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint != 0 {
(i << 1 as libc::c_int) ^ 0x11d as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint
} else {
(i) << 1 as libc::c_int
CDROM_exp[i as usize] = ecc as libc::c_uchar;
CDROM_log[(i ^ ecc) as usize] = i as libc::c_uchar;
i = i.wrapping_add(1)
unsafe fn CDROM_NUM2BCD(mut value: libc::c_char) -> libc::c_char {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
return ((value as libc::c_int / 10 as libc::c_int) << 4 as libc::c_int | value as libc::c_int % 10 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char;
unsafe fn CDROM_BCD2NUM(mut value: libc::c_char) -> libc::c_char {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
return ((value as libc::c_int >> 4 as libc::c_int) * 10 as libc::c_int | value as libc::c_int & 0xf as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char;
unsafe fn CDROM_Update(mut sector: *mut libc::c_char, mut lba: libc::c_int, mut cdmode: libc::c_int, mut flags: libc::c_int, mut check: libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
if CDROM_enabled == 0 {
CDROM_enabled = 1 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint
if check != 0 && CDROM_Check(sector, cdmode) != 0 {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
match cdmode {
1 => {
CDROM_Put_Sync(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_Header(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), lba, cdmode);
CDROM_Put_Intermediate(sector.offset(0x814 as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_EDC(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize), 0x810 as libc::c_int, sector.offset(0x810 as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_ECC_P(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), sector.offset(0x81c as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_ECC_Q(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), sector.offset(0x8c8 as libc::c_int as isize));
2 => {
CDROM_Put_Sync(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_Header(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), lba, cdmode);
21 => {
CDROM_Put_Sync(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize));
//CDROM_Put_Header(sector + POS_HEADER, lba, cdmode);
CDROM_Put_SubHeader(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize), flags);
CDROM_Put_EDC(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize), 0x808 as libc::c_int, sector.offset(0x818 as libc::c_int as isize));
*(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
CDROM_Put_ECC_P(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), sector.offset(0x81c as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_ECC_Q(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), sector.offset(0x8c8 as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_Header(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), lba, cdmode);
22 => {
CDROM_Put_Sync(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize));
CDROM_Put_Header(sector.offset(0xc as libc::c_int as isize), lba, cdmode);
CDROM_Put_SubHeader(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize), flags);
CDROM_Put_EDC(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize), 0x91c as libc::c_int, sector.offset(0x92c as libc::c_int as isize));
_ => {}
return 0 as libc::c_int;
unsafe fn CDROM_Check(mut sector: *mut libc::c_char, mut cdmode: libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
let mut tmp1: libc::c_int = 0;
let mut tmp2: libc::c_int = 0;
let mut tmp3: libc::c_int = 0;
match cdmode {
1 => {
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff00 as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffffff as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(8 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *sector.offset(0xf as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int != 1 as libc::c_int {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0x814 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_int) != 0 {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0x814 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_int) != 0 {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
2 => {
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff00 as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffffff as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(8 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *sector.offset(0xf as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int != 2 as libc::c_int {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
21 => {
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff00 as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffffff as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(8 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *sector.offset(0xf as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int != 2 as libc::c_int {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
tmp1 = *(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_int);
tmp2 = *(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_int);
tmp3 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x20 as libc::c_int;
if tmp1 == 0 || tmp1 != tmp2 || tmp3 != 0 {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
tmp1 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x2 as libc::c_int;
tmp2 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x4 as libc::c_int;
tmp3 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x8 as libc::c_int;
if tmp1 != 0 && (tmp2 != 0 || tmp3 != 0) {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if tmp2 != 0 && (tmp3 != 0 || tmp1 != 0) {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if tmp3 != 0 && (tmp1 != 0 || tmp2 != 0) {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
22 => {
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff00 as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffffff as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *(sector.offset(0 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(8 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) != 0xffffff as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if *sector.offset(0xf as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int != 2 as libc::c_int {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
tmp1 = *(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_int);
tmp2 = *(sector.offset(0x10 as libc::c_int as isize).offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_int);
tmp3 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x20 as libc::c_int;
if tmp1 == 0 || tmp1 != tmp2 || tmp3 == 0 {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
tmp1 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x2 as libc::c_int;
tmp2 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x4 as libc::c_int;
tmp3 = *sector.offset(0x12 as libc::c_int as isize) as libc::c_int & 0x8 as libc::c_int;
if tmp1 != 0 && (tmp2 != 0 || tmp3 != 0) {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if tmp2 != 0 && (tmp3 != 0 || tmp1 != 0) {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
if tmp3 != 0 && (tmp1 != 0 || tmp2 != 0) {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
_ => {
return 1 as libc::c_int;
return 0 as libc::c_int;
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_Sync(mut source: *mut libc::c_char) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
*(source as *mut libc::c_uint) = 0xffffff00 as libc::c_uint;
*(source.offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) = 0xffffffff as libc::c_uint;
*(source.offset(8 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) = 0xffffff as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_Header(mut source: *mut libc::c_char, mut lba: libc::c_int, mut cdmode: libc::c_int) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
lba += 150 as libc::c_int;
*source = CDROM_NUM2BCD((lba / 75 as libc::c_int / 60 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char);
*source.offset(1 as libc::c_int as isize) = CDROM_NUM2BCD((lba / 75 as libc::c_int % 60 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char);
*source.offset(2 as libc::c_int as isize) = CDROM_NUM2BCD((lba % 75 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char);
*source.offset(3 as libc::c_int as isize) = cdmode as libc::c_char;
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_SubHeader(mut source: *mut libc::c_char, mut flags: libc::c_int) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
*(source as *mut libc::c_uint) = flags as libc::c_uint;
*(source.offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) = flags as libc::c_uint;
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_Intermediate(mut source: *mut libc::c_char) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
*(source as *mut libc::c_uint) = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
*(source.offset(4 as libc::c_int as isize) as *mut libc::c_uint) = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_EDC(mut source: *mut libc::c_char, mut length: libc::c_int, mut target: *mut libc::c_char) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
let mut edc: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut i: libc::c_uint = 0;
edc = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
i = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while i < length as libc::c_uint {
edc = edc >> 8 as libc::c_int ^ CDROM_crc[((edc ^ *source.offset(i as isize) as libc::c_uint) & 0xff as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint) as usize];
i = i.wrapping_add(1)
*(target as *mut libc::c_uint) = edc;
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_ECC_P(mut source: *mut libc::c_char, mut target: *mut libc::c_char) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
let mut table: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut column: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut row: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut index: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut ecc: libc::c_uchar = 0;
let mut xor: libc::c_uchar = 0;
table = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while table < 2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
column = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while column < 43 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
xor = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uchar;
ecc = xor;
row = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while row < 24 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
index = (1 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint)
.wrapping_add((43 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(row))
.wrapping_rem((24 as libc::c_int * 43 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uint);
ecc = (ecc as libc::c_int ^ *source.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(index).wrapping_add(table) as isize) as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uchar;
ecc = CDROM_exp[ecc as usize];
xor = (xor as libc::c_int ^ *source.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(index).wrapping_add(table) as isize) as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uchar;
row = row.wrapping_add(1)
ecc = CDROM_log[(CDROM_exp[ecc as usize] as libc::c_int ^ xor as libc::c_int) as usize];
*target.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(column).wrapping_add(table) as isize) = ecc as libc::c_char;
(2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint)
.wrapping_mul(column.wrapping_add(43 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint))
.wrapping_add(table) as isize,
) = (ecc as libc::c_int ^ xor as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char;
column = column.wrapping_add(1)
table = table.wrapping_add(1)
unsafe fn CDROM_Put_ECC_Q(mut source: *mut libc::c_char, mut target: *mut libc::c_char) {
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
let mut table: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut row: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut column: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut index: libc::c_uint = 0;
let mut ecc: libc::c_uchar = 0;
let mut xor: libc::c_uchar = 0;
table = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while table < 2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
row = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while row < 26 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
xor = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uchar;
ecc = xor;
column = 0 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint;
while column < 43 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint {
index = (43 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint)
.wrapping_add(((1 as libc::c_int + 43 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(column))
.wrapping_rem((26 as libc::c_int * 43 as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uint);
ecc = (ecc as libc::c_int ^ *source.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(index).wrapping_add(table) as isize) as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uchar;
ecc = CDROM_exp[ecc as usize];
xor = (xor as libc::c_int ^ *source.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(index).wrapping_add(table) as isize) as libc::c_int) as libc::c_uchar;
column = column.wrapping_add(1)
ecc = CDROM_log[(CDROM_exp[ecc as usize] as libc::c_int ^ xor as libc::c_int) as usize];
*target.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(row).wrapping_add(table) as isize) = ecc as libc::c_char;
*target.offset((2 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint).wrapping_mul(row.wrapping_add(26 as libc::c_int as libc::c_uint)).wrapping_add(table) as isize) =
(ecc as libc::c_int ^ xor as libc::c_int) as libc::c_char;
row = row.wrapping_add(1)
table = table.wrapping_add(1)
/*-- EOF Copyright (C) 2012 CUE --*/
// above as you can see was roughly and unsafely converted from C, until I get around to cleaning that
// mess up, write some slightly nicer and rustier APIs to use
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
2021-02-18 23:30:17 -05:00
pub fn i32(slice: &[u8], offset: usize) -> Result<i32> {
Ok(i32::from_le_bytes(slice[offset..(offset + 4)].try_into()?))
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
pub struct CDRomImage {
mode: i32,
length: usize,
offset: usize,
position: usize,
impl CDRomImage {
2021-02-18 23:30:17 -05:00
pub fn new(sector: &[u8]) -> Result<CDRomImage> {
let mut length = 0usize;
let mut offset = 0usize;
let mut position = 0usize;
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
2021-02-18 23:30:17 -05:00
let mut slice = &sector[..];
let mut i = 0usize;
let mut n = 0usize;
let mut tabla: [[usize; 3]; 8] = [
[0, 0x800, 0],
[1, 0x930, 0x10],
[21, 0x930, 0x18],
[1, 0x990, 0x10],
[21, 0x990, 0x18],
[1, 0x940, 0x10],
[21, 0x940, 0x18],
[usize::MAX, usize::MAX, usize::MAX],
n = 0;
while n < 2 {
i = 0;
while tabla[i as usize][0 as usize] != usize::MAX {
length = tabla[i as usize][1 as usize];
position = tabla[i as usize][2 as usize];
loop {
offset = length * 150 * n;
let copy_start = (offset + 0x000010 * length) as usize;
let copy_end = copy_start + (2 * length) as usize;
if copy_start >= sector.len() || copy_end >= sector.len() {
bail!("File not supported or invalid");
slice = &sector[copy_start..copy_end];
if i32(slice, position)? == 0x30444301 && i32(slice, position + 4)? == 0x13130 && i32(slice, position + length + 1)? == 0x30304443 {
return Ok(CDRomImage {
mode: tabla[i as usize][0 as usize] as i32,
length: length as usize,
offset: offset as usize,
position: position as usize,
if position < 0x10 {
length -= 0x10;
position -= 0x10
i += 1
n += 1
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
2021-02-18 23:30:17 -05:00
bail!("File not supported or invalid")
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
pub fn update_sectors(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) {
unsafe {
CDROM_Update(bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char, 0, self.mode, 0, 0);
CDROM_Update(bytes[self.length..].as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char, 1, self.mode, 0, 0);
2021-02-16 01:40:40 -05:00
pub fn debug(&self) {
println!("mode: {}, length: {}, offset: {}, position: {}", self.mode, self.length, self.offset, self.position);