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use crate::*;
use std::env;
use std::process::exit;
use getopts::Options;
use std::fs::File;
pub mod codes;
use codes::*;
use core_graphics::event::CGKeyCode;
use core_graphics::event::*;
use core_graphics::event_source::*;
use core_graphics::event::{CGEventTapLocation, CGEventType};
type MacOSKeyMaps = KeyMaps<CGEventSource, CGKeyCode, CGEvent, Option<CGEvent>>;
type CallbackPointer = (MacOSKeyMaps, CGEventSource);
// possible types for event_source
Private = -1,
CombinedSessionState = 0,
HIDSystemState = 1,
// possible types for tapLocation
// macOS seems to require this, or it ignores shift, WHY?
const delay: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_millis(20);
const tapLocation: CGEventTapLocation = CGEventTapLocation::Session;
// this is only used if tapLocation is HID, to prevent us from mapping our own key inputs
const uniqueHIDUserData: i64 = 45;
impl KeyEvent<CGKeyCode> for CGEvent {
fn code(&self) -> CGKeyCode {
self.get_integer_value_field(EventField::KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEYCODE) as CGKeyCode
fn value(&self) -> KeyState {
let event_type = self.get_type();
match event_type {
CGEventType::FlagsChanged => {
let flags = self.get_flags().bits(); // todo: fix cast?
let mask = match self.code() {
_ => panic!("unhandled key: {}", self.code()),
if (flags & mask) != 0 { KeyState::DOWN } else { KeyState::UP }
CGEventType::KeyDown => KeyState::DOWN,
CGEventType::KeyUp => KeyState::UP,
CGEventType::TapDisabledByTimeout => {
println!("Quartz event tap disabled because of timeout; attempting to reregister.");
todo!("implement register listener");
_ => {
println!("Received unknown EventType: {:?}", event_type);
impl Keyboard<CGKeyCode, CGEvent, Option<CGEvent>> for CGEventSource {
fn send(&self, event: &mut CGEvent) -> Result<Option<CGEvent>> {
//println!("send orig: {}", event.code());
self.send_mod_code_value(event.code(), event.value() == KeyState::UP, event)
fn send_mod_code(&self, code: CGKeyCode, event: &mut CGEvent) -> Result<Option<CGEvent>> {
// event.value should only ever be UP/DOWN when this method is called
//println!("send_mod_code orig: {} code: {}", event.code(), code);
//unsafe { CGEventSetIntegerValueField(event.event, kCGKeyboardEventKeycode, code as i64) };
self.send_mod_code_value(code, event.value() == KeyState::UP, event)
fn send_mod_code_value(&self, code: CGKeyCode, up_not_down: bool, _event: &mut CGEvent) -> Result<Option<CGEvent>> {
//println!("send_mod_code_value orig: {} code: {}, up_not_down: {}", event.code(), code, up_not_down);
//return Ok(None);
let event =
CGEvent::new_keyboard_event(self.clone(), code, !up_not_down)
.expect("Failed creating event");
match tapLocation {
CGEventTapLocation::HID => event.set_integer_value_field(EventField::EVENT_SOURCE_USER_DATA, uniqueHIDUserData),
_ => {}
fn synchronize(&self) -> Result<Option<CGEvent>> {
fn left_shift_code(&self) -> CGKeyCode {
fn right_shift_code(&self) -> CGKeyCode {
fn caps_lock_code(&self) -> CGKeyCode {
fn block_key(&self) -> Result<Option<CGEvent>> {
pub fn main_res() -> Result<()> {
let config = parse_args();
//println!("Config: {:?}", config);
let key_map = key_map();
//println!("key_map: {:?}", key_map);
let key_maps = MacOSKeyMaps::from_cfg(&key_map, &config.config_file);
//println!("key_maps: {}", key_maps);
let callback_pointer: CallbackPointer = (key_maps, CGEventSource::new(CGEventSourceStateID::Private).expect("Failed creating event source"));
let mask = CGEventMaskBit(CGEventType::KeyDown)
| CGEventMaskBit(CGEventType::KeyUp)
| CGEventMaskBit(CGEventType::FlagsChanged)
unsafe {
let options = 0;
// Create the event tap
let event_tap = CGEventTapCreate(
if event_tap.is_null() {
panic!("Unable to create event tap. Please make sure you have the correct permissions");
println!("Created event tap...");
let allocator = kCFAllocatorDefault;
let current_event_loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
let mode = kCFRunLoopCommonModes;
// Create Run Loop Source
let run_loop_source = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(allocator, event_tap, 0);
// Add Run Loop Source to the current event loop
CFRunLoopAddSource(current_event_loop, run_loop_source, mode);
// Enable the tap
CGEventTapEnable(event_tap, true);
struct Config {
config_file: String
impl Config {
fn new(config_file: String) -> Self {
Config { config_file: config_file }
fn get_env_push(key: &str, to_push: &str, vec: &mut Vec<String>) {
if let Some(var) = env::var_os(key) {
if let Ok(str) = var.into_string() {
let mut str = str.to_owned();
fn parse_args() -> Config {
fn print_usage(program: &str, opts: Options) {
let brief = format!("Usage: {} [options] [keymap.toml]", program);
println!("{}", opts.usage(&brief));
let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();
let mut default_configs = Vec::new();
get_env_push("USERPROFILE", "\\keymap.toml", &mut default_configs);
get_env_push("APPDATA", "\\keymap.toml", &mut default_configs);
let c_msg = format!("specify the keymap config file to use (default in order: {:?})", default_configs);
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optflag("h", "help", "prints this help message");
opts.optflag("v", "version", "prints the version");
opts.optopt("c", "config", &c_msg, "FILE");
let matches = opts.parse(&args[1..]);
if matches.is_err() {
print_usage(&args[0], opts);
let matches = matches.unwrap();
if matches.opt_present("h") {
print_usage(&args[0], opts);
if matches.opt_present("v") {
println!("rusty-keys {}", VERSION);
let config_file = matches.opt_str("c").unwrap_or_else(|| {
let remaining_args =;
if remaining_args.len() > 0 {
} else {
for keymap in default_configs.drain(..) {
if File::open(&keymap).is_ok() {
return keymap;
println!("Error: no keymap.toml found...");
print_usage(&args[0], opts);
use libc;
// Opaque Pointer Types
type Pointer = *mut libc::c_void;
type CFMachPortRef = Pointer;
// Integer Types
type CGEventMask = u64;
type CGEventTapOptions = u32;
type CGEventTapPlacement = u32;
// Callback Type
type CGEventTapCallBack = extern "C" fn(Pointer, CGEventType, CGEvent, &mut CallbackPointer) -> CGEvent;
// Constants
const kCGSessionEventTap: CGEventTapLocation = CGEventTapLocation::HID;
const kCGHeadInsertEventTap: CGEventTapPlacement = 0;
// Link to ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h and Carbon/Carbon.h
#[link(name = "ApplicationServices", kind = "framework")]
#[link(name = "Carbon", kind = "framework")]
extern {
/// Pass through to the default loop modes
pub static kCFRunLoopCommonModes: Pointer;
/// Pass through to the default allocator
pub static kCFAllocatorDefault: Pointer;
/// Run the current threads loop in default mode
pub fn CFRunLoopRun();
/// Obtain the current threads loop
pub fn CFRunLoopGetCurrent() -> Pointer;
/// Create an event tap
/// # Arguments
/// * `place` - The location of the new event tap. Pass one of
/// the constants listed in Event Tap Locations. Only
/// processes running as the root user may locate an
/// event tap at the point where HID events enter the
/// window server; for other users, this function
/// returns NULL.
/// * `options` - The placement of the new event tap in the
/// list of active event taps. Pass one of the
/// constants listed in Event Tap Placement.
/// * `eventsOfInterest` - A constant that specifies whether
/// the new event tap is a passive listener or an
/// active filter.
/// * `callback` - A bit mask that specifies the set of events
/// to be observed. For a list of possible events,
/// see Event Types. For information on how to
/// specify the mask, see CGEventMask. If the event
/// tap is not permitted to monitor one or more of
/// the events specified in the eventsOfInterest
/// parameter, then the appropriate bits in the mask
/// are cleared. If that action results in an empty
/// mask, this function returns NULL. callback
/// * `refcon` - An event tap callback function that you
/// provide. Your callback function is invoked from
/// the run loop to which the event tap is added as a
/// source. The thread safety of the callback is
/// defined by the run loops environment. To learn
/// more about event tap callbacks, see
/// CGEventTapCallBack. refcon
/// * `channel` - A pointer to user-defined data. This pointer
/// is passed into the callback function specified in
/// the callback parameter. Here we use it as a mpsc
/// channel.
pub fn CGEventTapCreate(
tap: CGEventTapLocation,
place: CGEventTapPlacement,
options: CGEventTapOptions,
eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask,
callback: CGEventTapCallBack,
channel: &CallbackPointer,
) -> CFMachPortRef;
/// Creates a CFRunLoopSource object for a CFMachPort
/// object.
/// The run loop source is not automatically added to
/// a run loop. To add the source to a run loop, use
/// CFRunLoopAddSource
pub fn CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(
allocator: Pointer,
port: CFMachPortRef,
order: libc::c_int,
) -> Pointer;
/// Adds a CFRunLoopSource object to a run loop mode.
pub fn CFRunLoopAddSource(
run_loop: Pointer,
run_loop_source: Pointer,
mode: Pointer,
pub fn CGEventTapEnable(port: CFMachPortRef, enable: bool);
const NX_DEVICELCTLKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000001;
const NX_DEVICERCTLKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00002000;
const NX_DEVICELSHIFTKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000002;
const NX_DEVICERSHIFTKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000004;
const NX_DEVICELCMDKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000008;
const NX_DEVICERCMDKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000010;
const NX_DEVICELALTKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000020;
const NX_DEVICERALTKEYMASK: u64 = 0x00000040;
const NX_DEVICECAPSLOCKMASK: u64 = 1 << 16;
/// This callback will be registered to be invoked from the run loop
/// to which the event tap is added as a source.
#[allow(unused_variables, improper_ctypes_definitions)]
pub extern fn callback(proxy: Pointer, event_type: CGEventType, mut event: CGEvent, callback_pointer: &mut CallbackPointer) -> CGEvent {
let (key_maps, event_source) = callback_pointer;
match tapLocation {
CGEventTapLocation::HID => {
let user_data = event.get_integer_value_field(EventField::EVENT_SOURCE_USER_DATA);
if user_data == uniqueHIDUserData {
return event;
_ => {}
key_maps.send_event(&mut event, &event_source).expect("macos shouldn't error...")
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
}) // None means return NULL
/// Redefine macro for bitshifting from header as function here
pub fn CGEventMaskBit(eventType: CGEventType) -> CGEventMask {
1 << (eventType as u32)