
464 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
2019-09-29 23:49:23 -04:00
use crate::{Error, Result};
2017-11-15 01:08:38 -05:00
const INVERT_KEY_FLAG: char = '^';
const CAPS_MODIFY_KEY_FLAG: char = '*';
const HALF_KEY_SEPARATOR: char = ':';
// nightly only...
//pub trait KeyCode = Into<usize> + TryFrom<usize> + Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash + Default + 'static;
pub enum KeyState {
pub trait KeyEvent<T>
T: Into<usize>,
fn code(&self) -> T;
fn value(&self) -> KeyState;
pub trait Keyboard<T, E, R = ()>
T: Into<usize>,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
fn send(&self, event: &mut E) -> Result<R>;
fn send_mod_code(&self, code: T, event: &mut E) -> Result<R>;
fn send_mod_code_value(&self, code: T, up_not_down: bool, event: &mut E) -> Result<R>;
fn synchronize(&self) -> Result<R>;
fn left_shift_code(&self) -> T;
fn right_shift_code(&self) -> T;
fn caps_lock_code(&self) -> T;
fn block_key(&self) -> Result<R>;
pub trait KeyMapper<K, T, E, R>
T: Into<usize>,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
fn send_event(&self, key_state: &[bool], event: &mut E, device: &K) -> Result<R>;
pub struct KeyMaps<K, T, E, R = ()>
T: Into<usize> + Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
keymaps: Vec<Box<dyn KeyMapper<K, T, E, R>>>,
keymap_index_keys: HashMap<T, usize>,
switch_layout_keys: Vec<usize>,
key_state: [bool; KEY_MAX],
revert_default_key: T,
revert_keymap_index: usize,
// above do not change, below does
chosen_keymap_index: usize,
current_keymap_index: usize,
fn parse_key<T: Clone + Copy>(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, key: &str) -> T {
match key_map.get(key.trim_matches(|c: char| c.is_whitespace() || c == INVERT_KEY_FLAG || c == CAPS_MODIFY_KEY_FLAG)) {
Some(key_code) => *key_code,
None => panic!("unknown key: {}", key.trim())
fn parse_keymap_numeric<T: Clone + Copy>(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, keymap: &str) -> Vec<T> {
keymap.split(",").map(|k| parse_key(key_map, k)).collect()
fn parse_key_half_inverted<T: Clone + Copy>(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, key: &str) -> HalfInvertedKey<T> {
HalfInvertedKey {
code: parse_key(key_map, key),
invert_shift: key.contains(INVERT_KEY_FLAG),
capslock_nomodify: key.contains(CAPS_MODIFY_KEY_FLAG),
// maybe shortcut to this if not contains * or :
fn parse_keymap_u16<T: Clone + Copy>(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, keymap: &str) -> Vec<T> {
keymap.split(",").map(|k| parse_key(key_map, k)).collect()
// todo: how do I return an iterator here instead of .collect to Vec?
fn parse_keymap<T: Copy>(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, keymap: &str) -> Vec<Key<T>> {
keymap.split(",").map(|k| {
let ret: Key<T> = if k.contains(HALF_KEY_SEPARATOR) {
let keys: Vec<&str> = k.split(HALF_KEY_SEPARATOR).collect();
if keys.len() != 2 {
panic!("split key can only have 2 keys, 1 :, has {} keys", keys.len());
let mut shift_half = parse_key_half_inverted(key_map, keys[1]);
shift_half.invert_shift = !shift_half.invert_shift;
Key::FullKey(parse_key_half_inverted(key_map, keys[0]), shift_half)
} else if k.contains(INVERT_KEY_FLAG) || k.contains(CAPS_MODIFY_KEY_FLAG) {
Key::HalfKey(parse_key_half_inverted(key_map, k))
} else {
Key::Direct(parse_key(key_map, k))
impl<K, T, E, R> KeyMaps<K, T, E, R>
T: Into<usize> + TryFrom<usize> + Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash + Default + 'static,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
pub fn from_cfg<P: AsRef<Path>>(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, path: P) -> KeyMaps<K, T, E, R> {
let key_map_config = parse_cfg(path).expect("provided config cannot be found/parsed");
KeyMaps::new(key_map, key_map_config)
pub fn new(key_map: &HashMap<&'static str, T>, config: KeymapConfig) -> KeyMaps<K, T, E, R> {
if config.keymaps.len() < 2 {
panic!("must have at least 2 keymaps (original and mapped) but only have {},", config.keymaps.len());
if config.default_keymap_index >= config.keymaps.len() || config.revert_keymap_index >= config.keymaps.len() {
panic!("default_keymap_index ({}) and revert_keymap_index ({}) must be less than keymaps length ({}),", config.default_keymap_index, config.revert_keymap_index, config.keymaps.len());
let base_keymap = parse_keymap_numeric(key_map, &config.keymaps[0]);
2017-09-22 00:30:56 -04:00
//println!("base_keymap : {:?}", base_keymap);
let mut keymaps: Vec<Box<dyn KeyMapper<K, T, E, R>>> = vec!(Box::new(Key::Noop)); // todo: can we share the box?
let mut keymap_index_keys: HashMap<T, usize> = HashMap::new();
for (x, v) in config.keymaps.iter().enumerate() {
keymap_index_keys.insert(*key_map.get(&*x.to_string()).unwrap(), x);
if x == 0 {
if v.contains(HALF_KEY_SEPARATOR) || v.contains(INVERT_KEY_FLAG) || v.contains(CAPS_MODIFY_KEY_FLAG) {
// we need KeyMap, the complicated more memory taking one
let v = parse_keymap(key_map, v);
let mut keymap = KeyMap::new();
let mut i: usize = 0;
for key_code in v {
// todo: if these are the same, do Noop instead[i], key_code);
i = i + 1;
if i > base_keymap.len() {
panic!("all keymaps must be the same length, keymap index 0 length: {}, index {} length: {},", base_keymap.len(), x, i);
} else {
// this is a simple keymap
let v = parse_keymap_u16(key_map, v);
let mut keymap = CodeKeyMap::new();
let mut i: usize = 0;
for key_code in v {[i], key_code);
i = i + 1;
if i > base_keymap.len() {
panic!("all keymaps must be the same length, keymap index 0 length: {}, index {} length: {},", base_keymap.len(), x, i);
//println!("keymaps: {:?}", keymaps);
//println!("keymap_index_keys: {:?}", keymap_index_keys);
KeyMaps {
keymaps: keymaps,
keymap_index_keys: keymap_index_keys,
switch_layout_keys: config.switch_layout_keys.iter().map(|k| parse_key(key_map, k).into()).collect(),
key_state: [false; KEY_MAX],
// todo: detect key state? at least CAPSLOCK...
revert_default_key: parse_key(key_map, &config.revert_default_key),
revert_keymap_index: config.revert_keymap_index,
chosen_keymap_index: config.default_keymap_index,
current_keymap_index: config.default_keymap_index,
//impl KeyMapper for KeyMaps {
//impl KeyMaps {
pub fn send_event(&mut self, mut event: &mut E, device: &K) -> Result<R> {
//println!("type: {} code: {} value: {}", event.type_, event.code, event.value);
let value = event.value();
if value != KeyState::OTHER {
// todo: index check here...
if event.code() == device.caps_lock_code() {
if value == KeyState::DOWN {
self.key_state[device.caps_lock_code().into()] = !self.key_state[device.caps_lock_code().into()];
} else {
self.key_state[event.code().into()] = value == KeyState::DOWN;
let mut switch_layout_keys_pressed = true;
for layout_switch_key in self.switch_layout_keys.iter_mut() {
if !self.key_state[*layout_switch_key] {
switch_layout_keys_pressed = false;
//println!("switch_layout_keys_pressed: {}", self.switch_layout_keys_pressed);
if switch_layout_keys_pressed {
let new_index = self.keymap_index_keys.get(&event.code());
if new_index.is_some() {
self.chosen_keymap_index = *new_index.unwrap();
self.current_keymap_index = self.chosen_keymap_index; // todo: what if revert_default_key is held? for now ignore
return device.block_key(); // we don't want to also send this keypress, so bail
if event.code() == self.revert_default_key {
match value {
// todo: ctrl+c will get c stuck because code c value 1 will be sent, but then we'll let go of ctrl, and code j value 0 is sent, so c is never released... fix that...
KeyState::DOWN => self.current_keymap_index = self.revert_keymap_index,
KeyState::UP => self.current_keymap_index = self.chosen_keymap_index,
_ => () // do nothing for 2
2017-11-15 01:08:38 -05:00
self.keymaps[self.current_keymap_index].send_event(&self.key_state, &mut event, device)
// 249 is one more than KEY_MICMUTE which is max key in uinput-sys
const KEY_MAX: usize = 249;
struct KeyMap<T: Into<usize> + Copy> {
2017-09-23 00:47:20 -04:00
//keymap: Vec<Key>,
keymap: [Key<T>; KEY_MAX],
impl<T: Into<usize> + Copy> KeyMap<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
//let mut keymap = [0u16; KEY_MAX];
//let mut keymap : [Box<KeyMapper>; KEY_MAX] = [Box::new(NOOP); KEY_MAX];
//let mut keymap : [Box<KeyMapper>; KEY_MAX] = [Box::new(0u16); KEY_MAX];
let keymap: [Key<T>; KEY_MAX] = [Key::Noop; KEY_MAX];
2017-09-23 00:47:20 -04:00
let mut keymap: Vec<Key> = Vec::with_capacity(KEY_MAX);
for x in 0..KEY_MAX {
2017-09-23 00:47:20 -04:00
// which is rustier
for x in 0..KEY_MAX {
keymap[x as usize] = x as u16;
for (x, v) in keymap.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*v = x as u16;
//println!("keymap: {:?}", &keymap[..]);
KeyMap {
keymap: keymap
pub fn map(&mut self, from : u16, to: u16) {
self.keymap[from as usize] = to;
pub fn map(&mut self, from: T, to: Key<T>) {
self.keymap[from.into()] = to;
impl<K, T, E, R> KeyMapper<K, T, E, R> for KeyMap<T>
T: Into<usize> + Copy,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
fn send_event(&self, key_state: &[bool], event: &mut E, device: &K) -> Result<R> {
self.keymap[event.code().into()].send_event(key_state, event, device)
struct CodeKeyMap<T: Into<usize> + TryFrom<usize> + Copy + Default> {
//keymap: Vec<Key>,
keymap: [T; KEY_MAX],
impl<T: Into<usize> + TryFrom<usize> + Copy + Default> CodeKeyMap<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut keymap = [T::default(); KEY_MAX];
// which is rustier
for x in 0..KEY_MAX {
keymap[x as usize] = x as u16;
for (x, v) in keymap.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*v = T::try_from(x).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("cannot convert from usize to T ????"));
//println!("keymap: {:?}", &keymap[..]);
CodeKeyMap {
keymap: keymap
pub fn map(&mut self, from: T, to: T) {
self.keymap[from.into()] = to;
impl<K, T, E, R> KeyMapper<K, T, E, R> for CodeKeyMap<T>
T: Into<usize> + TryFrom<usize> + Copy + Default,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
fn send_event(&self, _key_state: &[bool], event: &mut E, device: &K) -> Result<R> {
device.send_mod_code(self.keymap[event.code().into()], event)
//self.keymap[event.code().into()].send_event(key_state, event, device)
// todo:capslock_nomodify is like a whole-key thing, not a half-key thing, split code/invert_shift to own struct, send into send_key from *InvertedKey, maybe anyway, consider it, maybe 1 char for whole key and another for half?
2017-09-23 00:47:20 -04:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct HalfInvertedKey<T: Clone + Copy> {
code: T,
// code this is describing
invert_shift: bool,
// true to invert shift for this code
capslock_nomodify: bool,
// true means capslock does not normally modify this, but you would like it to
fn send_half_inverted_key<K, T, E, R>(half_inverted_key: &HalfInvertedKey<T>, event: &mut E, device: &K, left_shift: bool, right_shift: bool, caps_lock: bool) -> Result<R>
T: Into<usize> + Clone + Copy,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
let value = event.value();
let mut invert_shift = half_inverted_key.invert_shift;
if value == KeyState::DOWN {
if caps_lock && half_inverted_key.capslock_nomodify {
invert_shift = !invert_shift;
if invert_shift {
let (shift_code, up_not_down) = if left_shift {
(device.left_shift_code(), true)
} else if right_shift {
(device.right_shift_code(), true)
} else {
(device.left_shift_code(), false)
device.send_mod_code_value(shift_code, up_not_down, event)?;
// SYN_REPORT after, then key, then key's SYN_REPORT
let ret = device.send_mod_code(half_inverted_key.code, event)?;
if value == KeyState::UP {
if caps_lock && half_inverted_key.capslock_nomodify {
invert_shift = !invert_shift;
if invert_shift {
let (shift_code, up_not_down) = if left_shift {
(device.left_shift_code(), false)
} else if right_shift {
(device.right_shift_code(), false)
} else {
(device.left_shift_code(), true)
// SYN_REPORT first after key, then shift, then key's SYN_REPORT which will be used for shift's
device.send_mod_code_value(shift_code, up_not_down, event)?;
impl<K, T, E, R> KeyMapper<K, T, E, R> for HalfInvertedKey<T>
T: Into<usize> + Clone + Copy,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
fn send_event(&self, key_state: &[bool], event: &mut E, device: &K) -> Result<R> {
let left_shift = key_state[device.left_shift_code().into()];
let right_shift = key_state[device.right_shift_code().into()];
let caps_lock = key_state[device.caps_lock_code().into()];
send_half_inverted_key(self, event, device, left_shift, right_shift, caps_lock)
2017-09-23 00:47:20 -04:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Key<T>
T: Copy + Clone
FullKey(HalfInvertedKey<T>, HalfInvertedKey<T>),
impl<K, T, E, R> KeyMapper<K, T, E, R> for Key<T>
T: Into<usize> + Copy,
E: KeyEvent<T>,
K: Keyboard<T, E, R>,
fn send_event(&self, key_state: &[bool], event: &mut E, device: &K) -> Result<R> {
match *self {
Key::Noop => {
Key::Direct(code) => {
device.send_mod_code(code, event)
Key::HalfKey(ref key_half) => {
2017-11-15 01:08:38 -05:00
key_half.send_event(key_state, event, device)
Key::FullKey(ref noshift_half, ref shift_half) => {
let left_shift = key_state[device.left_shift_code().into()];
let right_shift = key_state[device.right_shift_code().into()];
let caps_lock = key_state[device.caps_lock_code().into()];
if caps_lock != (left_shift || right_shift) {
send_half_inverted_key(shift_half, event, device, left_shift, right_shift, caps_lock)
} else {
send_half_inverted_key(noshift_half, event, device, left_shift, right_shift, caps_lock)
use std::path::Path;
use serde::Deserialize;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct KeymapConfig {
switch_layout_keys: Vec<String>,
revert_default_key: String,
revert_keymap_index: usize,
default_keymap_index: usize,
keymaps: Vec<String>
2017-11-15 01:08:38 -05:00
fn parse_cfg<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<KeymapConfig> {
let mut f = File::open(path)?;
let mut input = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut input)?;
match toml::from_str(&input) {
Ok(toml) => Ok(toml),
2017-11-15 01:08:38 -05:00
Err(_) => Err(Error::NotFound) // todo: something better