import requests, logging from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from queue import Queue from threading import Thread logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) def get_pages(page): global all_pages if page in all_pages: return all_pages.append(page) ebin.write(page + "\n") print(page + "\n") req = requests.get("" + page) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text) content = soup.find("div", id="mw-content-text") links = content.find_all("a") for link in links: link = link["href"] off = link.find("?title=") if off is -1: continue next_page = link[off + 7:] if "#" in next_page: next_page = next_page[:next_page.find("#")] if "&" not in next_page and "Special:" not in next_page and next_page != page: get_pages(next_page) ebin = open("legit_pages.txt", "w") all_pages = [] pages = get_pages("Main_Page")