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[[Category RSC]]
This page refers to the RSC #135 client revision.
== '''Packet structure''' ==
== '''Login''' ==
== '''Reference''' ==
Player usernames are encoded and decoded as a long with the following methods:
public static long encode_37(String s) {
String s1 = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
s1 = s1 + c;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
s1 = s1 + (char) ((c + 97) - 65);
else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
s1 = s1 + c;
s1 = s1 + ' ';
s1 = s1.trim();
if (s1.length() > 12)
s1 = s1.substring(0, 12);
long l = 0L;
for (int j = 0; j < s1.length(); j++) {
char c1 = s1.charAt(j);
l *= 37L;
if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'z')
l += (1 + c1) - 97;
else if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9')
l += (27 + c1) - 48;
return l;
public static String decode_37(long l) {
String s = "";
while (l != 0L) {
int i = (int) (l % 37L);
l /= 37L;
if (i == 0) {
s = " " + s;
} else if (i < 27) {
if (l % 37L == 0L)
s = (char) ((i + 65) - 1) + s;
s = (char) ((i + 97) - 1) + s;
} else {
s = (char) ((i + 48) - 27) + s;
return s;
== '''Packets''' ==
The packet opcodes are unchanged from previous revisions, presumably this was before the protocol was being regularly modified to deter the developers of bots such as [[AutoRune]]. The payload/structure is quite similar to most other RSC revisions. Some 135 packets are documented ahead. First you will find the packets' body, then you will find a table (for easier reading)
=== '''Incoming Data''' ===
=== '''Outgoing Data''' ===
(ns rsc.rsc135.packets
(:require [jagex.Util])
(:use [jagex.client.SocketStream]))
;; Opcode: 1
(defn disconnect [stream]
(doto stream
;; Opcode: 2
(defn newplayer [stream]
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 2)
(.put-int16 ???)
(.put-int64 (Util/long-for-name username))
(.put-int16 referrerid)
(.putline-rsa password server-session-id key-a key-b) ; keys for RSA?
(.read) ; newplayer response
;; Opcode: 6
(defn logout [stream]
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 6)
;; Opcode: 7
(defn send-command [stream command] ; sends command to server e.g ::home, command arg is (.substring command 2)
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 7)
(.putline command)
;; Opcode: 10
(defn report-abuse [stream username]
(let [name (.substring username 12)
l5 (Util/long-for-name name)]
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 10)
(.put-int64 l5)
;; Opcode: 26
(defn add-friend [stream name] ; name is string represenation of username
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 26)
(.put-int64 (Util/long-for-name name)
;; Opcode: 27
(defn remove-friend [stream name] ; name is long represenation of username (i.e Util/long-for-name username)
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 27)
(.put-int64 name)
;; Opcode: 28
;; name is long representation of username, message is byte representation of message (.getBytes message), length is length of message (maximum length is 200)
(defn send-message [stream name message length]
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 28)
(.put-int64 username)
(.read-bytes message 0 length)
;; Opcode: 29
(defn add-ignore [stream username] ; username is string representation of username
(let [name (Util/long-for-name username)]
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 29)
(.put-int64 name)
;; Opcode: 251
(defn drop-item [stream id]
(doto stream
(.begin-packet 251)
(.put-int16 id)
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Outgoing Packets
! Name
! Opcode
! Payload
! Description
! Disconnect
| 1 ||
* None
| Sends the disconnect packet
! Newplayer (Registration)
| 2 ||
* Short - The client revision number (135)
* Long - Long represenation of username
* Short - Referrer ID
** Integer.parseInt(getParameter("referrerid"));
* Line-RSA - Password, server session ID, bigintegers
| Registers a new user (probably not used in private servers)
! Logout
| 6 ||
* None
| Sends the logout packet to the server
! Execute Command
| 7 ||
* String - The command
| Sends a command to the server to be executed
! Report Abuse
| 10 ||
* Long - The long representation of the username of the user to report
| Sends an abuse report to the server
! Add Friend
| 26 ||
* Long - long represenation of username
| Adds a user to your friends list
! Remove Friend
| 27 ||
* Long - The long representation of the username of the user to report
| Removes a user from your friends list
! Send Message
| 28 ||
* Long - The long representation of the username of the user to send the message to
* Byte[] - A byte array containing the bytes of the message to send to the user
| Sends a message to the specified user
! Ignore User
| 29 ||
* Long - The long representation of the username of the user to ignore
| Adds a user to your ignore list
! Drop Item
| 251 ||
* Short - The ID of the item to drop
| Drops the specified item on the ground
|} |