[[Category RSC]] This page refers to the RSC #135 client revision. == '''Packet structure''' == ? == '''Login''' == ? == '''Incoming Data''' == '''TODO:'''

== '''Outgoing Data''' ==
(ns rsc.135.packets
  (:use [jagex.client.SocketStream]))

;; Opcode: 2
(defn newplayer [stream]
  (doto stream
    (.begin-packet 2)
    (.put-int16 ???)
    (.put-int64 (Util/long-for-name username))
    (.put-int16 referrerid)
    (.putline-rsa password server-session-id key-a key-b) ; keys for RSA?
    (.read) ; newplayer response

;; Opcode: 6
(defn logout [stream]
  (doto stream
    (.begin-packet 6)

;; Opcode: 7
(defn send-command [stream command] ; sends command to server e.g ::home, command arg is (.substring command 2)
  (doto stream
    (.begin-pacet 7)
    (.putline command)

;; Opcode: 10
(defn report-abuse [stream username]
  (let [name (.substring username 12)
	l5 (Util/long-for-name name)]
    (doto stream
      (.begin-packet 10)
      (.put-int64 l5)

;; Opcode: 26
(defn add-friend [stream name] ; name is string represenation of username
  (doto stream
    (.begin-packet 26)
    (.put-int64 (Util/long-for-name name)

;; Opcode: 27
(defn remove-friend [stream name] ; name is long represenation of username (i.e Util/long-for-name username)
  (doto stream
    (.begin-packet 27)
    (.put-int64 name)

;; Opcode: 28
;; name is long representation of username, message is byte representation of message (.getBytes message), length is length of message (maximum length is 200)
(defn send-message [stream name message length]
  (doto stream
    (.begin-packet 28)
    (.put-int64 username)
    (.read-bytes message 0 length)

;; Opcode: 29
(defn add-ignore [stream username] ; username is string representation of username
  (let [name (Util/name-for-long username)]
    (doto stream
      (.begin-packet 29)
      (.put-int64 name)
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; width:200px; height:200px;" |+ Outgoing Packets |- ! Name ! Opcode ! Payload |- ! Add User to Friends List | 26 || * Long - Long represenation of username |}