\[\[Category Packet\]\] \[\[Category Packet 317\]\] {{packet\|name=Update item container\|description=Updates items in an interface component.\|opcode=53\|type=VARIABLE\_SHORT\|length=N/A\|revision=317}} == Update item container == === Description === Updates the items in a given interface component. === Packet Structure === {\| border=2 ! Data type ! Description \|- \| Unsigned \[\[Data Types\#Standard data types\|Short\]\] \| Interface ID. \|- \| Unsigned \[\[Data Types\#Standard data types\|Short\]\] \| Amount of items. \|- \|} The rest in pseudo-code: for (i = 0; i \< amt\_of\_items; i++) { item\_amount = read\_u\_byte(); // Item Amount: U Byte if (item\_amount == 255) item\_amount = read\_int\_me\_b(); // Item Amount (if entered as 255 previously - to allow bigger amounts than 254): Integer Middle-Endian Big (Inverse middle) item\_id = read\_u\_short\_le\_a(); // Item ID: U Short Little Endian Special A }