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* ====================================================================
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel;
import static org.apache.poi.POIXMLTypeLoader.DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLException;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.DrawFactory;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.DrawTableShape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.DrawTextShape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TableShape;
import org.apache.poi.util.Internal;
import org.apache.poi.util.Units;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlAnyTypeImpl;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTGraphicalObjectData;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTNonVisualDrawingProps;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTable;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTableRow;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.presentationml.x2006.main.CTGraphicalObjectFrame;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.presentationml.x2006.main.CTGraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual;
* Represents a table in a .pptx presentation
public class XSLFTable extends XSLFGraphicFrame implements Iterable<XSLFTableRow>,
TableShape<XSLFShape,XSLFTextParagraph> {
/* package */ static final String TABLE_URI = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table";
private CTTable _table;
private List<XSLFTableRow> _rows;
/*package*/ XSLFTable(CTGraphicalObjectFrame shape, XSLFSheet sheet){
super(shape, sheet);
XmlObject[] rs = shape.getGraphic().getGraphicData()
.selectPath("declare namespace a='http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main' ./a:tbl");
if (rs.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("a:tbl element was not found in\n " + shape.getGraphic().getGraphicData());
// Pesky XmlBeans bug - see Bugzilla #49934
// it never happens when using the full ooxml-schemas jar but may happen with the abridged poi-ooxml-schemas
if(rs[0] instanceof XmlAnyTypeImpl){
try {
rs[0] = CTTable.Factory.parse(rs[0].toString(), DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS);
}catch (XmlException e){
throw new POIXMLException(e);
_table = (CTTable) rs[0];
CTTableRow[] trArray = _table.getTrArray();
_rows = new ArrayList<XSLFTableRow>(trArray.length);
for(CTTableRow row : trArray) {
XSLFTableRow xr = new XSLFTableRow(row, this);
public XSLFTableCell getCell(int row, int col) {
List<XSLFTableRow> rows = getRows();
if (row < 0 || rows.size() <= row) {
return null;
XSLFTableRow r = rows.get(row);
if (r == null) {
// empty row
return null;
List<XSLFTableCell> cells = r.getCells();
if (col < 0 || cells.size() <= col) {
return null;
// cell can be potentially empty ...
return cells.get(col);
public CTTable getCTTable(){
return _table;
public int getNumberOfColumns() {
return _table.getTblGrid().sizeOfGridColArray();
public int getNumberOfRows() {
return _table.sizeOfTrArray();
public double getColumnWidth(int idx){
return Units.toPoints(
public void setColumnWidth(int idx, double width) {
public double getRowHeight(int row) {
return Units.toPoints(_table.getTrArray(row).getH());
public void setRowHeight(int row, double height) {
public Iterator<XSLFTableRow> iterator(){
return _rows.iterator();
public List<XSLFTableRow> getRows(){
return Collections.unmodifiableList(_rows);
public XSLFTableRow addRow(){
CTTableRow tr = _table.addNewTr();
XSLFTableRow row = new XSLFTableRow(tr, this);
// default height is 20 points
return row;
static CTGraphicalObjectFrame prototype(int shapeId){
CTGraphicalObjectFrame frame = CTGraphicalObjectFrame.Factory.newInstance();
CTGraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual nvGr = frame.addNewNvGraphicFramePr();
CTNonVisualDrawingProps cnv = nvGr.addNewCNvPr();
cnv.setName("Table " + shapeId);
cnv.setId(shapeId + 1);
CTGraphicalObjectData gr = frame.addNewGraphic().addNewGraphicData();
XmlCursor cursor = gr.newCursor();
cursor.beginElement(new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main", "tbl"));
cursor.beginElement(new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main", "tblPr"));
cursor.beginElement(new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main", "tblGrid"));
return frame;
* Merge cells of a table
public void mergeCells(int firstRow, int lastRow, int firstCol, int lastCol) {
if(firstRow > lastRow) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot merge, first row > last row : "
+ firstRow + " > " + lastRow
if(firstCol > lastCol) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot merge, first column > last column : "
+ firstCol + " > " + lastCol
int rowSpan = (lastRow - firstRow) + 1;
boolean mergeRowRequired = rowSpan > 1;
int colSpan = (lastCol - firstCol) + 1;
boolean mergeColumnRequired = colSpan > 1;
for(int i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; i++) {
XSLFTableRow row = _rows.get(i);
for(int colPos = firstCol; colPos <= lastCol; colPos++) {
XSLFTableCell cell = row.getCells().get(colPos);
if(mergeRowRequired) {
if(i == firstRow) {
} else {
if(mergeColumnRequired) {
if(colPos == firstCol) {
} else {
* Get assigned TableStyle
* @return the assigned TableStyle
* @since POI 3.15-beta2
protected XSLFTableStyle getTableStyle() {
CTTable tab = getCTTable();
// TODO: support inline table style
if (!tab.isSetTblPr() || !tab.getTblPr().isSetTableStyleId()) {
return null;
String styleId = tab.getTblPr().getTableStyleId();
XSLFTableStyles styles = getSheet().getSlideShow().getTableStyles();
for (XSLFTableStyle style : styles.getStyles()) {
if (style.getStyleId().equals(styleId)) {
return style;
return null;
/* package */ void updateRowColIndexes() {
int rowIdx = 0;
for (XSLFTableRow xr : this) {
int colIdx = 0;
for (XSLFTableCell tc : xr) {
tc.setRowColIndex(rowIdx, colIdx);
/* package */ void updateCellAnchor() {
int rows = getNumberOfRows();
int cols = getNumberOfColumns();
double colWidths[] = new double[cols];
double rowHeights[] = new double[rows];
for (int row=0; row<rows; row++) {
rowHeights[row] = getRowHeight(row);
for (int col=0; col<cols; col++) {
colWidths[col] = getColumnWidth(col);
Rectangle2D tblAnc = getAnchor();
DrawFactory df = DrawFactory.getInstance(null);
double newY = tblAnc.getY();
// #1 pass - determine row heights, the height values might be too low or 0 ...
for (int row=0; row<rows; row++) {
double maxHeight = 0;
for (int col=0; col<cols; col++) {
XSLFTableCell tc = getCell(row, col);
if (tc.getGridSpan() != 1 || tc.getRowSpan() != 1) {
// need to set the anchor before height calculation
tc.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,colWidths[col],0));
DrawTextShape dts = df.getDrawable(tc);
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, dts.getTextHeight());
rowHeights[row] = Math.max(rowHeights[row],maxHeight);
// #2 pass - init properties
for (int row=0; row<rows; row++) {
double newX = tblAnc.getX();
for (int col=0; col<cols; col++) {
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(newX, newY, colWidths[col], rowHeights[row]);
XSLFTableCell tc = getCell(row, col);
newX += colWidths[col]+DrawTableShape.borderSize;
newY += rowHeights[row]+DrawTableShape.borderSize;
// #3 pass - update merge info
for (int row=0; row<rows; row++) {
for (int col=0; col<cols; col++) {
XSLFTableCell tc = getCell(row, col);
Rectangle2D mergedBounds = tc.getAnchor();
for (int col2=col+1; col2<col+tc.getGridSpan(); col2++) {
assert(col2 < cols);
XSLFTableCell tc2 = getCell(row, col2);
assert(tc2.getGridSpan() == 1 && tc2.getRowSpan() == 1);
for (int row2=row+1; row2<row+tc.getRowSpan(); row2++) {
assert(row2 < rows);
XSLFTableCell tc2 = getCell(row2, col);
assert(tc2.getGridSpan() == 1 && tc2.getRowSpan() == 1);