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/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Font;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.util.TempFile;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.SXSSFITestDataProvider;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.XSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.CTFontImpl;
* @author centic
* This testcase contains tests for bugs that are yet to be fixed. Therefore,
* the standard ant test target does not run these tests. Run this testcase with
* the single-test target. The names of the tests usually correspond to the
* Bugzilla id's PLEASE MOVE tests from this class to TestBugs once the bugs are
* fixed, so that they are then run automatically.
public final class TestUnfixedBugs extends TestCase {
public void testBug54084Unicode() throws IOException {
// sample XLSX with the same text-contents as the text-file above
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("54084 - Greek - beyond BMP.xlsx");
// OutputStream baos = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/test.xlsx");
// try {
// wb.write(baos);
// } finally {
// baos.close();
// }
// now write the file and read it back in
XSSFWorkbook wbWritten = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
// finally also write it out via the streaming interface and verify that we still can read it back in
Workbook wbStreamingWritten = SXSSFITestDataProvider.instance.writeOutAndReadBack(new SXSSFWorkbook(wb));
private void verifyBug54084Unicode(Workbook wb) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
// expected data is stored in UTF-8 in a text-file
String testData = new String(HSSFTestDataSamples.getTestDataFileContent("54084 - Greek - beyond BMP.txt"), "UTF-8").trim();
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Row row = sheet.getRow(0);
Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
String value = cell.getStringCellValue();
assertEquals("The data in the text-file should exactly match the data that we read from the workbook", testData, value);
public void test54071() {
Workbook workbook = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("54071.xlsx");
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
int rows = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
System.out.println(">> file rows is:"+(rows-1)+" <<");
Row title = sheet.getRow(0);
for (int row = 1; row < rows; row++) {
Row rowObj = sheet.getRow(row);
for (int col = 0; col < 1; col++) {
String titleName = title.getCell(col).toString();
Cell cell = rowObj.getCell(col);
if (titleName.startsWith("time")) {
// here the output will produce ...59 or ...58 for the rows, probably POI is
// doing some different rounding or some other small difference...
public void testBug53798XLSX() throws IOException {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53798_shiftNegative_TMPL.xlsx");
File xlsOutput = TempFile.createTempFile("testBug53798", ".xlsx");
bug53798Work(wb, xlsOutput);
// Disabled because shift rows is not yet implemented for SXSSFWorkbook
public void disabled_testBug53798XLSXStream() throws IOException {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53798_shiftNegative_TMPL.xlsx");
File xlsOutput = TempFile.createTempFile("testBug53798", ".xlsx");
bug53798Work(new SXSSFWorkbook(wb), xlsOutput);
public void testBug53798XLS() throws IOException {
Workbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53798_shiftNegative_TMPL.xls");
File xlsOutput = TempFile.createTempFile("testBug53798", ".xls");
bug53798Work(wb, xlsOutput);
private void bug53798Work(Workbook wb, File xlsOutput) throws IOException {
Sheet testSheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
testSheet.shiftRows(2, 2, 1);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
// 1) corrupted xlsx (unreadable data in the first row of a shifted group) already comes about
// when shifted by less than -1 negative amount (try -2)
testSheet.shiftRows(3, 3, -1);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
testSheet.shiftRows(2, 2, 1);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
Row newRow = null;
Cell newCell = null;
// 2) attempt to create a new row IN PLACE of a removed row by a negative shift causes corrupted
// xlsx file with unreadable data in the negative shifted row.
// NOTE it's ok to create any other row.
newRow = testSheet.createRow(3);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
newCell = newRow.createCell(0);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
newCell.setCellValue("new Cell in row "+newRow.getRowNum());
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
// 3) once a negative shift has been made any attempt to shift another group of rows
// (note: outside of previously negative shifted rows) by a POSITIVE amount causes POI exception:
// org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlValueDisconnectedException.
// NOTE: another negative shift on another group of rows is successful, provided no new rows in
// place of previously shifted rows were attempted to be created as explained above.
testSheet.shiftRows(6, 7, 1); // -- CHANGE the shift to positive once the behaviour of
// the above has been tested
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
private void saveAndReloadReport(Workbook wb, File outFile) throws IOException {
// run some method on the font to verify if it is "disconnected" already
//for(short i = 0;i < 256;i++)
Font font = wb.getFontAt((short)0);
if(font instanceof XSSFFont) {
XSSFFont xfont = (XSSFFont) wb.getFontAt((short)0);
CTFontImpl ctFont = (CTFontImpl) xfont.getCTFont();
assertEquals(0, ctFont.sizeOfBArray());
FileOutputStream fileOutStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
//System.out.println("File \""+outFile.getName()+"\" has been saved successfully");
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(outFile);
try {
final Workbook newWB;
if(wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
newWB = new XSSFWorkbook(is);
} else if(wb instanceof HSSFWorkbook) {
newWB = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
} else if(wb instanceof SXSSFWorkbook) {
newWB = new SXSSFWorkbook(new XSSFWorkbook(is));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown workbook: " + wb);
} finally {