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package org.apache.poi.ss.formula.functions;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.AreaEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.BlankEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.BoolEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.ErrorEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.NumberEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.OperandResolver;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.StringEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.ValueEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.functions.CountUtils.I_MatchPredicate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellValue;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FormulaEvaluator;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
* Test cases for COUNT(), COUNTA() COUNTIF(), COUNTBLANK()
* @author Josh Micich
* @author Cedric Walter at innoveo.com
public final class TestCountFuncs extends TestCase {
private static final String NULL = null;
public void testCountBlank() {
AreaEval range;
ValueEval[] values;
values = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(0),
new StringEval(""), // note - does not match blank
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:B3", values);
confirmCountBlank(1, range);
values = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(0),
new StringEval(""), // note - does not match blank
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:B3", values);
confirmCountBlank(2, range);
public void testCountA() {
ValueEval[] args;
args = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(0),
confirmCountA(1, args);
args = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(0),
new NumberEval(0),
new StringEval(""),
confirmCountA(3, args);
args = new ValueEval[] {
EvalFactory.createAreaEval("D2:F5", new ValueEval[12]),
confirmCountA(12, args);
args = new ValueEval[] {
EvalFactory.createAreaEval("D1:F5", new ValueEval[15]),
EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:G6", new ValueEval[42]),
new NumberEval(0),
confirmCountA(59, args);
public void testCountIf() {
AreaEval range;
ValueEval[] values;
// when criteria is a boolean value
values = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(0),
new StringEval("TRUE"), // note - does not match boolean TRUE
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:B3", values);
confirmCountIf(2, range, BoolEval.TRUE);
// when criteria is numeric
values = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(0),
new StringEval("2"),
new StringEval("2.001"),
new NumberEval(2),
new NumberEval(2),
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:B3", values);
confirmCountIf(3, range, new NumberEval(2));
// note - same results when criteria is a string that parses as the number with the same value
confirmCountIf(3, range, new StringEval("2.00"));
// when criteria is an expression (starting with a comparison operator)
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval(">1"));
// when criteria is an expression (starting with a comparison operator)
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval(">0.5"));
public void testCriteriaPredicateNe_Bug46647() {
I_MatchPredicate mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<>aa"), 0, 0);
StringEval seA = new StringEval("aa"); // this should not match the criteria '<>aa'
StringEval seB = new StringEval("bb"); // this should match
if (mp.matches(seA) && !mp.matches(seB)) {
throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 46647");
// general tests for not-equal (<>) operator
AreaEval range;
ValueEval[] values;
values = new ValueEval[] {
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("def"),
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("ghi"),
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("aa"),
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A6", values);
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval("<>aa"));
values = new ValueEval[] {
new StringEval("ab"),
new StringEval("aabb"),
new StringEval("aa"), // match
new StringEval("abb"),
new StringEval("aab"),
new StringEval("ba"), // match
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A6", values);
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval("<>a*b"));
values = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(222),
new NumberEval(222),
new NumberEval(111),
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("111"),
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A5", values);
confirmCountIf(4, range, new StringEval("<>111"));
* String criteria in COUNTIF are case insensitive;
* for example, the string "apples" and the string "APPLES" will match the same cells.
public void testCaseInsensitiveStringComparison() {
AreaEval range;
ValueEval[] values;
values = new ValueEval[] {
new StringEval("no"),
new StringEval("NO"),
new StringEval("No"),
new StringEval("Yes")
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A4", values);
confirmCountIf(3, range, new StringEval("no"));
confirmCountIf(3, range, new StringEval("NO"));
confirmCountIf(3, range, new StringEval("No"));
* special case where the criteria argument is a cell reference
public void testCountIfWithCriteriaReference() {
ValueEval[] values = {
new NumberEval(22),
new NumberEval(25),
new NumberEval(21),
new NumberEval(25),
new NumberEval(25),
new NumberEval(25),
AreaEval arg0 = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("C1:C6", values);
ValueEval criteriaArg = EvalFactory.createRefEval("A1", new NumberEval(25));
ValueEval[] args= { arg0, criteriaArg, };
double actual = NumericFunctionInvoker.invoke(new Countif(), args);
assertEquals(4, actual, 0D);
private static void confirmCountA(int expected, ValueEval[] args) {
double result = NumericFunctionInvoker.invoke(new Counta(), args);
assertEquals(expected, result, 0);
private static void confirmCountIf(int expected, AreaEval range, ValueEval criteria) {
ValueEval[] args = { range, criteria, };
double result = NumericFunctionInvoker.invoke(new Countif(), args);
assertEquals(expected, result, 0);
private static void confirmCountBlank(int expected, AreaEval range) {
ValueEval[] args = { range };
double result = NumericFunctionInvoker.invoke(new Countblank(), args);
assertEquals(expected, result, 0);
private static I_MatchPredicate createCriteriaPredicate(ValueEval ev) {
return Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 0, 0);
* the criteria arg is mostly handled by {@link OperandResolver#getSingleValue(org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.ValueEval, int, int)}}
public void testCountifAreaCriteria() {
int srcColIx = 2; // anything but column A
ValueEval v0 = new NumberEval(2.0);
ValueEval v1 = new StringEval("abc");
ValueEval v2 = ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO;
AreaEval ev = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A10:A12", new ValueEval[] { v0, v1, v2, });
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 9, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 10, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 11, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
// tricky: indexing outside of A10:A12
// even this #VALUE! error gets used by COUNTIF as valid criteria
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 12, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
public void testCountifEmptyStringCriteria() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
// pred '=' matches blank cell but not empty string
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("="));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, NULL);
// pred '' matches both blank cell but not empty string
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(""));
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, NULL);
// pred '<>' matches empty string but not blank cell
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<>"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, NULL);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "");
public void testCountifComparisons() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">5"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 5);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 6);
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<=5"));
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 5);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 6);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "4.9");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "4.9t");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "5.1");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, NULL);
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("=abc"));
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "abc");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("=42"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 41);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 42);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "42");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">abc"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "abd");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">4t3"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 500);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "500");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "4t4");
* the criteria arg value can be an error code (the error does not
* propagate to the COUNTIF result).
public void testCountifErrorCriteria() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("#REF!"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "#REF!");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<#VALUE!"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "#DIV/0!");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "#REF!");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
// not quite an error literal, should be treated as plain text
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<=#REF!a"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "#DIV/0!");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "#REF!");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
* Bug #51498 - Check that CountIf behaves correctly for GTE, LTE
* and NEQ cases
public void testCountifBug51498() throws Exception {
final int REF_COL = 4;
final int EVAL_COL = 3;
HSSFWorkbook workbook = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("51498.xls");
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
// numeric criteria
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
CellValue expected = evaluator.evaluate(sheet.getRow(i).getCell(REF_COL));
CellValue actual = evaluator.evaluate(sheet.getRow(i).getCell(EVAL_COL));
assertEquals(expected.formatAsString(), actual.formatAsString());
// boolean criteria
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
HSSFCell cellFmla = sheet.getRow(i).getCell(8);
HSSFCell cellRef = sheet.getRow(i).getCell(9);
double expectedValue = cellRef.getNumericCellValue();
double actualValue = evaluator.evaluate(cellFmla).getNumberValue();
"Problem with a formula at " +
new CellReference(cellFmla).formatAsString() + "[" + cellFmla.getCellFormula()+"] ",
expectedValue, actualValue, 0.0001);
// string criteria
for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
HSSFCell cellFmla = sheet.getRow(i).getCell(13);
HSSFCell cellRef = sheet.getRow(i).getCell(14);
double expectedValue = cellRef.getNumericCellValue();
double actualValue = evaluator.evaluate(cellFmla).getNumberValue();
"Problem with a formula at " +
new CellReference(cellFmla).formatAsString() + "[" + cellFmla.getCellFormula()+"] ",
expectedValue, actualValue, 0.0001);
public void testWildCards() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a*b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "ab");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "axxb");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "xab");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a?b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "ab");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "axxb");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "xab");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "axb");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a~?"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a~a");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a~?");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a?");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("~*a"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "~aa");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "~*a");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "*a");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("12?12"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 12812);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "12812");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "128812");
public void testNotQuiteWildCards() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
// make sure special reg-ex chars are treated like normal chars
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a.b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "aab");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a.b");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a~b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "ab");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "axb");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a~~b");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a~b");
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">a*b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a(b");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "aab");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a*a");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a*c");
private static void confirmPredicate(boolean expectedResult, I_MatchPredicate matchPredicate, int value) {
assertEquals(expectedResult, matchPredicate.matches(new NumberEval(value)));
private static void confirmPredicate(boolean expectedResult, I_MatchPredicate matchPredicate, String value) {
ValueEval ev = value == null ? BlankEval.instance : new StringEval(value);
assertEquals(expectedResult, matchPredicate.matches(ev));
private static void confirmPredicate(boolean expectedResult, I_MatchPredicate matchPredicate, ErrorEval value) {
assertEquals(expectedResult, matchPredicate.matches(value));
public void testCountifFromSpreadsheet() {
testCountFunctionFromSpreadsheet("countifExamples.xls", 1, 2, 3, "countif");
* Two COUNTIF examples taken from
* http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/countif-function-HP010069840.aspx?CTT=5&origin=HA010277524
public void testCountifExamples() {
HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("countifExamples.xls");
HSSFFormulaEvaluator fe = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.getSheet("MSDN Example 1");
for (int rowIx=7; rowIx<=12; rowIx++) {
HSSFRow row = sheet1.getRow(rowIx-1);
HSSFCell cellA = row.getCell(0); // cell containing a formula with COUNTIF
assertEquals(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA, cellA.getCellType());
HSSFCell cellC = row.getCell(2); // cell with a reference value
assertEquals(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cellC.getCellType());
CellValue cv = fe.evaluate(cellA);
double actualValue = cv.getNumberValue();
double expectedValue = cellC.getNumericCellValue();
"Problem with a formula at " + new CellReference(cellA).formatAsString()
+ ": " + cellA.getCellFormula() + " :"
+ "Expected = (" + expectedValue + ") Actual=(" + actualValue + ") ",
expectedValue, actualValue, 0.0001);
HSSFSheet sheet2 = wb.getSheet("MSDN Example 2");
for (int rowIx=9; rowIx<=14; rowIx++) {
HSSFRow row = sheet2.getRow(rowIx-1);
HSSFCell cellA = row.getCell(0); // cell containing a formula with COUNTIF
assertEquals(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA, cellA.getCellType());
HSSFCell cellC = row.getCell(2); // cell with a reference value
assertEquals(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cellC.getCellType());
CellValue cv = fe.evaluate(cellA);
double actualValue = cv.getNumberValue();
double expectedValue = cellC.getNumericCellValue();
"Problem with a formula at " +
new CellReference(cellA).formatAsString() + "[" + cellA.getCellFormula()+"]: "
+ "Expected = (" + expectedValue + ") Actual=(" + actualValue + ") ",
expectedValue, actualValue, 0.0001);
public void testCountBlankFromSpreadsheet() {
testCountFunctionFromSpreadsheet("countblankExamples.xls", 1, 3, 4, "countblank");
private static void testCountFunctionFromSpreadsheet(String FILE_NAME, int START_ROW_IX, int COL_IX_ACTUAL, int COL_IX_EXPECTED, String functionName) {
int failureCount = 0;
HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(FILE_NAME);
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
HSSFFormulaEvaluator fe = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum();
for (int rowIx=START_ROW_IX; rowIx<maxRow; rowIx++) {
HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rowIx);
if(row == null) {
HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(COL_IX_ACTUAL);
CellValue cv = fe.evaluate(cell);
double actualValue = cv.getNumberValue();
double expectedValue = row.getCell(COL_IX_EXPECTED).getNumericCellValue();
if (actualValue != expectedValue) {
System.err.println("Problem with test case on row " + (rowIx+1) + " "
+ "Expected = (" + expectedValue + ") Actual=(" + actualValue + ") ");
if (failureCount > 0) {
throw new AssertionFailedError(failureCount + " " + functionName
+ " evaluations failed. See stderr for more details");