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/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel;
import java.awt.Color;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.DrawPaint;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PaintStyle;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PaintStyle.SolidPaint;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextRun;
import org.apache.poi.util.Beta;
import org.apache.poi.xslf.model.CharacterPropertyFetcher;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.*;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.presentationml.x2006.main.CTPlaceholder;
* Represents a run of text within the containing text body. The run element is the
* lowest level text separation mechanism within a text body.
* @author Yegor Kozlov
public class XSLFTextRun implements TextRun {
private final CTRegularTextRun _r;
private final XSLFTextParagraph _p;
XSLFTextRun(CTRegularTextRun r, XSLFTextParagraph p){
_r = r;
_p = p;
XSLFTextParagraph getParentParagraph(){
return _p;
public String getRawText(){
return _r.getT();
String getRenderableText(){
String txt = _r.getT();
TextCap cap = getTextCap();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < txt.length(); i++) {
char c = txt.charAt(i);
if(c == '\t') {
// TODO: finish support for tabs
buf.append(" ");
} else {
switch (cap){
case ALL:
case SMALL:
return buf.toString();
public void setText(String text){
public CTRegularTextRun getXmlObject(){
return _r;
public void setFontColor(Color color) {
public void setFontColor(PaintStyle color) {
if (!(color instanceof SolidPaint)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently only SolidPaint is supported!");
SolidPaint sp = (SolidPaint)color;
CTTextCharacterProperties rPr = getRPr();
CTSolidColorFillProperties fill = rPr.isSetSolidFill() ? rPr.getSolidFill() : rPr.addNewSolidFill();
CTSRgbColor clr = fill.isSetSrgbClr() ? fill.getSrgbClr() : fill.addNewSrgbClr();
Color c = DrawPaint.applyColorTransform(sp.getSolidColor());
clr.setVal(new byte[]{(byte)c.getRed(), (byte)c.getGreen(), (byte)c.getBlue()});
if(fill.isSetHslClr()) fill.unsetHslClr();
if(fill.isSetPrstClr()) fill.unsetPrstClr();
if(fill.isSetSchemeClr()) fill.unsetSchemeClr();
if(fill.isSetScrgbClr()) fill.unsetScrgbClr();
if(fill.isSetSysClr()) fill.unsetSysClr();
public PaintStyle getFontColor(){
CharacterPropertyFetcher<PaintStyle> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<PaintStyle>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
XSLFShape shape = _p.getParentShape();
CTShapeStyle style = shape.getSpStyle();
CTSchemeColor phClr = null;
if (style != null && style.getFontRef() != null) {
phClr = style.getFontRef().getSchemeClr();
PaintStyle ps = shape.getPaint(props, phClr);
if (ps != null) {
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue();
public void setFontSize(Double fontSize){
CTTextCharacterProperties rPr = getRPr();
if(fontSize == null) {
if (rPr.isSetSz()) rPr.unsetSz();
} else {
if (fontSize < 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum font size is 1pt but was " + fontSize);
public Double getFontSize(){
double scale = 1;
CTTextNormalAutofit afit = getParentParagraph().getParentShape().getTextBodyPr().getNormAutofit();
if(afit != null) scale = (double)afit.getFontScale() / 100000;
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Double> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Double>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? null : fetcher.getValue()*scale;
* @return the spacing between characters within a text run,
* If this attribute is omitted than a value of 0 or no adjustment is assumed.
public double getCharacterSpacing(){
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Double> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Double>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? 0 : fetcher.getValue();
* Set the spacing between characters within a text run.
* <p>
* The spacing is specified in points. Positive values will cause the text to expand,
* negative values to condense.
* </p>
* @param spc character spacing in points.
public void setCharacterSpacing(double spc){
CTTextCharacterProperties rPr = getRPr();
if(spc == 0.0) {
if(rPr.isSetSpc()) rPr.unsetSpc();
} else {
* Specifies the typeface, or name of the font that is to be used for this text run.
* @param typeface the font to apply to this text run.
* The value of <code>null</code> unsets the Typeface attrubute from the underlying xml.
public void setFontFamily(String typeface){
setFontFamily(typeface, (byte)-1, (byte)-1, false);
public void setFontFamily(String typeface, byte charset, byte pictAndFamily, boolean isSymbol){
CTTextCharacterProperties rPr = getRPr();
if(typeface == null){
if(rPr.isSetLatin()) rPr.unsetLatin();
if(rPr.isSetCs()) rPr.unsetCs();
if(rPr.isSetSym()) rPr.unsetSym();
} else {
CTTextFont font = rPr.isSetSym() ? rPr.getSym() : rPr.addNewSym();
} else {
CTTextFont latin = rPr.isSetLatin() ? rPr.getLatin() : rPr.addNewLatin();
if(charset != -1) latin.setCharset(charset);
if(pictAndFamily != -1) latin.setPitchFamily(pictAndFamily);
* @return font family or null if not set
public String getFontFamily(){
final XSLFTheme theme = _p.getParentShape().getSheet().getTheme();
CharacterPropertyFetcher<String> visitor = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<String>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
CTTextFont font = props.getLatin();
if(font != null){
String typeface = font.getTypeface();
if("+mj-lt".equals(typeface)) {
typeface = theme.getMajorFont();
} else if ("+mn-lt".equals(typeface)){
typeface = theme.getMinorFont();
return true;
return false;
return visitor.getValue();
public byte getPitchAndFamily(){
// final XSLFTheme theme = _p.getParentShape().getSheet().getTheme();
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Byte> visitor = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Byte>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
CTTextFont font = props.getLatin();
if(font != null){
return true;
return false;
return visitor.getValue() == null ? 0 : visitor.getValue();
* Specifies whether a run of text will be formatted as strikethrough text.
* @param strike whether a run of text will be formatted as strikethrough text.
public void setStrikethrough(boolean strike) {
getRPr().setStrike(strike ? STTextStrikeType.SNG_STRIKE : STTextStrikeType.NO_STRIKE);
* @return whether a run of text will be formatted as strikethrough text. Default is false.
public boolean isStrikethrough() {
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
setValue(props.getStrike() != STTextStrikeType.NO_STRIKE);
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? false : fetcher.getValue();
* @return whether a run of text will be formatted as a superscript text. Default is false.
public boolean isSuperscript() {
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
setValue(props.getBaseline() > 0);
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? false : fetcher.getValue();
* Set the baseline for both the superscript and subscript fonts.
* <p>
* The size is specified using a percentage.
* Positive values indicate superscript, negative values indicate subscript.
* </p>
* @param baselineOffset
public void setBaselineOffset(double baselineOffset){
getRPr().setBaseline((int) baselineOffset * 1000);
* Set whether the text in this run is formatted as superscript.
* Default base line offset is 30%
* @see #setBaselineOffset(double)
public void setSuperscript(boolean flag){
setBaselineOffset(flag ? 30. : 0.);
* Set whether the text in this run is formatted as subscript.
* Default base line offset is -25%.
* @see #setBaselineOffset(double)
public void setSubscript(boolean flag){
setBaselineOffset(flag ? -25.0 : 0.);
* @return whether a run of text will be formatted as a superscript text. Default is false.
public boolean isSubscript() {
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
setValue(props.getBaseline() < 0);
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? false : fetcher.getValue();
* @return whether a run of text will be formatted as a superscript text. Default is false.
public TextCap getTextCap() {
CharacterPropertyFetcher<TextCap> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<TextCap>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
int idx = props.getCap().intValue() - 1;
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? TextCap.NONE : fetcher.getValue();
* Specifies whether this run of text will be formatted as bold text
* @param bold whether this run of text will be formatted as bold text
public void setBold(boolean bold){
* @return whether this run of text is formatted as bold text
public boolean isBold(){
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? false : fetcher.getValue();
* @param italic whether this run of text is formatted as italic text
public void setItalic(boolean italic){
* @return whether this run of text is formatted as italic text
public boolean isItalic(){
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? false : fetcher.getValue();
* @param underline whether this run of text is formatted as underlined text
public void setUnderline(boolean underline) {
getRPr().setU(underline ? STTextUnderlineType.SNG : STTextUnderlineType.NONE);
* @return whether this run of text is formatted as underlined text
public boolean isUnderlined(){
CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean> fetcher = new CharacterPropertyFetcher<Boolean>(_p.getIndentLevel()){
public boolean fetch(CTTextCharacterProperties props){
setValue(props.getU() != STTextUnderlineType.NONE);
return true;
return false;
return fetcher.getValue() == null ? false : fetcher.getValue();
protected CTTextCharacterProperties getRPr(){
return _r.isSetRPr() ? _r.getRPr() : _r.addNewRPr();
public String toString(){
return "[" + getClass() + "]" + getRawText();
public XSLFHyperlink createHyperlink(){
XSLFHyperlink link = new XSLFHyperlink(_r.getRPr().addNewHlinkClick(), this);
return link;
public XSLFHyperlink getHyperlink(){
if(!_r.getRPr().isSetHlinkClick()) return null;
return new XSLFHyperlink(_r.getRPr().getHlinkClick(), this);
private boolean fetchCharacterProperty(CharacterPropertyFetcher<?> fetcher){
XSLFTextShape shape = _p.getParentShape();
XSLFSheet sheet = shape.getSheet();
boolean ok = false;
if (_r.isSetRPr()) ok = fetcher.fetch(getRPr());
if (ok) return true;
ok = shape.fetchShapeProperty(fetcher);
if (ok) return true;
CTPlaceholder ph = shape.getCTPlaceholder();
if (ph == null){
// if it is a plain text box then take defaults from presentation.xml
XMLSlideShow ppt = sheet.getSlideShow();
CTTextParagraphProperties themeProps = ppt.getDefaultParagraphStyle(_p.getIndentLevel());
if (themeProps != null) {
// TODO: determine master shape
ok = fetcher.fetch(themeProps);
if (ok) return true;
CTTextParagraphProperties defaultProps = _p.getDefaultMasterStyle();
if(defaultProps != null) {
// TODO: determine master shape
ok = fetcher.fetch(defaultProps);
if (ok) return true;
return false;
void copy(XSLFTextRun r){
String srcFontFamily = r.getFontFamily();
if(srcFontFamily != null && !srcFontFamily.equals(getFontFamily())){
PaintStyle srcFontColor = r.getFontColor();
if(srcFontColor != null && !srcFontColor.equals(getFontColor())){
double srcFontSize = r.getFontSize();
if(srcFontSize != getFontSize()){
boolean bold = r.isBold();
if(bold != isBold()) setBold(bold);
boolean italic = r.isItalic();
if(italic != isItalic()) setItalic(italic);
boolean underline = r.isUnderlined();
if(underline != isUnderlined()) setUnderline(underline);
boolean strike = r.isStrikethrough();
if(strike != isStrikethrough()) setStrikethrough(strike);