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<title>Apache POI - Text Extraction</title>
<person id="NB" name="Nick Burch" email="nick@apache.org"/>
<p>For a number of years now, Apache POI has provided basic
text extraction for all the project supported file formats. In
addition, as well as the (plain) text, these provides access to
the metadata associated with a given file, such as title and
<p>For more advanced text extraction needs, including Rich Text
extraction (such as formatting and styling), along with XML and
HTML output, Apache POI works closely with
<link href="http://tika.apache.org/">Apache Tika</link> to deliver
POI-powered Tika Parsers for all the project supported file formats.</p>
<p>If you are after turn-key text extraction, including the latest
support, styles etc, you are strongly advised to make use of
<link href="http://tika.apache.org/">Apache Tika</link>, which builds
on top of POI to provide Text and Metadata extraction. If you wish
to have something very simple and stand-alone, or you wish to make
heavy modificiations, then the POI provided text extractors documented
below might be a better fit for your needs.</p>
<section><title>Common functionality</title>
<p>All of the POI text extractors extend from
<em>org.apache.poi.POITextExtractor</em>. This provides a common
method across all extractors, getText(). For many cases, the text
returned will be all you need. However, many extractors do provide
more targetted text extraction methods, so you may wish to use
these in some cases.</p>
<p>All POIFS / OLE 2 based text extractors also extend from
<em>org.apache.poi.POIOLE2TextExtractor</em>. This additionally
provides common methods to get at the <link href="hpfs/">HPFS
document metadata</link>.</p>
<p>All OOXML based text extractors (available in POI 3.5 and later)
also extend from
<em>org.apache.poi.POIOOXMLTextExtractor</em>. This additionally
provides common methods to get at the OOXML metadata.</p>
<section><title>Text Extractor Factory</title>
<p>As part of the addition of OOXML support in Apache POI 3.5, there
is a common class to select the appropriate POI text extractor for
you. <em>org.apache.poi.extractor.ExtractorFactory</em> provides a
similar function to WorkbookFactory. You simply pass it an
InputStream, a File, a POIFSFileSystem or a OOXML Package. It
figures out the correct text extractor for you, and returns it.</p>
<p>For complete detection and text extractor auto-selection, users
are strongly encouraged to investigate
<link href="http://tika.apache.org/">Apache Tika</link>.</p>
<p>For .xls files, there is
<em>org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor.ExcelExtractor</em>, which will
return text, optionally with formulas instead of their contents.
Those using POI 3.5 can also use
<em>org.apache.poi.xssf.extractor.XSSFExcelExtractor</em>, to perform
a similar task for .xlsx files.</p>
<p>In addition, there is a second text extractor for .xls files,
<em>org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor.EventBasedExcelExtractor</em>. This
is based on the streaming EventUserModel code, and will generally
deliver a lower memory footprint for extraction. However, it will
have problems correctly outputting more complex formulas, as it
works with records as they pass, and so doesn't have access to all
parts of complex and shared formulas.</p>
<p>For .doc files from Word 97 - Word 2003, in scratchpad there is
<em>org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor</em>, which will
return text for your document.</p>
<p>Those using POI 3.7 can also extract simple textual content from
older Word 6 and Word 95 files, using the scratchpad class
<p>Since POI 3.5, it is possible to use
<em>org.apache.poi.xwpf.extractor.XPFFWordExtractor</em>, to perform
text extraction for .docx files.</p>
<p>For .ppt files, in scratchpad there is
<em>org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor.PowerPointExtractor</em>, which
will return text for your slideshow, optionally restricted to just
slides text or notes text. Those using POI 3.5 can also use
<em>org.apache.poi.xslf.extractor.XSLFPowerPointExtractor</em>, to
perform a similar task for .pptx files.</p>
<p>For .pub files, in scratchpad there is
<em>org.apache.poi.hpbf.extractor.PublisherExtractor</em>, which
will return text for your file.</p>
<p>For .vsd files, in scratchpad there is
<em>org.apache.poi.hdgf.extractor.VisioTextExtractor</em>, which
will return text for your file.</p>
<section><title>Embedded Objects</title>
<p>Extractors already exist for Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Visio;
if one of these objects is embedded into a worksheet, the ExtractorFactory class can be used to recover an extractor for it.
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
POIFSFileSystem fileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(fis);
// Firstly, get an extractor for the Workbook
POIOLE2TextExtractor oleTextExtractor =
// Then a List of extractors for any embedded Excel, Word, PowerPoint
// or Visio objects embedded into it.
POITextExtractor[] embeddedExtractors =
for (POITextExtractor textExtractor : embeddedExtractors) {
// If the embedded object was an Excel spreadsheet.
if (textExtractor instanceof ExcelExtractor) {
ExcelExtractor excelExtractor = (ExcelExtractor) textExtractor;
// A Word Document
else if (textExtractor instanceof WordExtractor) {
WordExtractor wordExtractor = (WordExtractor) textExtractor;
String[] paragraphText = wordExtractor.getParagraphText();
for (String paragraph : paragraphText) {
// Display the document's header and footer text
System.out.println("Footer text: " + wordExtractor.getFooterText());
System.out.println("Header text: " + wordExtractor.getHeaderText());
// PowerPoint Presentation.
else if (textExtractor instanceof PowerPointExtractor) {
PowerPointExtractor powerPointExtractor =
(PowerPointExtractor) textExtractor;
System.out.println("Text: " + powerPointExtractor.getText());
System.out.println("Notes: " + powerPointExtractor.getNotes());
// Visio Drawing
else if (textExtractor instanceof VisioTextExtractor) {
VisioTextExtractor visioTextExtractor =
(VisioTextExtractor) textExtractor;
System.out.println("Text: " + visioTextExtractor.getText());
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