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package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.model.RecordStream;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.model.RowBlocksReader;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.BlankRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FormulaRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.MulBlankRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SharedFormulaRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.WindowTwoRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
import org.junit.Test;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
* Tests for {@link ValueRecordsAggregate}
public final class TestValueRecordsAggregate {
private static final String ABNORMAL_SHARED_FORMULA_FLAG_TEST_FILE = "AbnormalSharedFormulaFlag.xls";
private final ValueRecordsAggregate valueRecord = new ValueRecordsAggregate();
private List<CellValueRecordInterface> getValueRecords() {
List<CellValueRecordInterface> list = new ArrayList<CellValueRecordInterface>();
for ( CellValueRecordInterface rec : valueRecord ) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
* Make sure the shared formula DOESNT makes it to the FormulaRecordAggregate when being parsed
* as part of the value records
public void testSharedFormula() {
List<Record> records = new ArrayList<Record>();
records.add(new FormulaRecord());
records.add(new SharedFormulaRecord());
records.add(new WindowTwoRecord());
List<CellValueRecordInterface> cvrs = getValueRecords();
//Ensure that the SharedFormulaRecord has been converted
assertEquals(1, cvrs.size());
CellValueRecordInterface record = cvrs.get(0);
assertNotNull( "Row contains a value", record );
assertTrue( "First record is a FormulaRecordsAggregate", ( record instanceof FormulaRecordAggregate ) );
private void constructValueRecord(List<Record> records) {
RowBlocksReader rbr = new RowBlocksReader(new RecordStream(records, 0));
SharedValueManager sfrh = rbr.getSharedFormulaManager();
RecordStream rs = rbr.getPlainRecordStream();
while(rs.hasNext()) {
Record rec = rs.getNext();
valueRecord.construct((CellValueRecordInterface)rec, rs, sfrh);
private static List<Record> testData() {
List<Record> records = new ArrayList<Record>();
FormulaRecord formulaRecord = new FormulaRecord();
BlankRecord blankRecord = new BlankRecord();
formulaRecord.setColumn((short) 1);
blankRecord.setColumn((short) 2);
records.add(new WindowTwoRecord());
return records;
public void testInsertCell() {
assertEquals(0, getValueRecords().size());
BlankRecord blankRecord = newBlankRecord();
valueRecord.insertCell( blankRecord );
assertEquals(1, getValueRecords().size());
public void testRemoveCell() {
BlankRecord blankRecord1 = newBlankRecord();
valueRecord.insertCell( blankRecord1 );
BlankRecord blankRecord2 = newBlankRecord();
valueRecord.removeCell( blankRecord2 );
assertEquals(0, getValueRecords().size());
// removing an already empty cell just falls through
valueRecord.removeCell( blankRecord2 );
public void testGetPhysicalNumberOfCells() {
assertEquals(0, valueRecord.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
BlankRecord blankRecord1 = newBlankRecord();
valueRecord.insertCell( blankRecord1 );
assertEquals(1, valueRecord.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
valueRecord.removeCell( blankRecord1 );
assertEquals(0, valueRecord.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
public void testGetFirstCellNum() {
assertEquals( -1, valueRecord.getFirstCellNum() );
valueRecord.insertCell( newBlankRecord( 2, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, valueRecord.getFirstCellNum() );
valueRecord.insertCell( newBlankRecord( 3, 3 ) );
assertEquals( 2, valueRecord.getFirstCellNum() );
// Note: Removal doesn't currently reset the first column. It probably should but it doesn't.
valueRecord.removeCell( newBlankRecord( 2, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, valueRecord.getFirstCellNum() );
public void testGetLastCellNum() {
assertEquals( -1, valueRecord.getLastCellNum() );
valueRecord.insertCell( newBlankRecord( 2, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, valueRecord.getLastCellNum() );
valueRecord.insertCell( newBlankRecord( 3, 3 ) );
assertEquals( 3, valueRecord.getLastCellNum() );
// Note: Removal doesn't currently reset the last column. It probably should but it doesn't.
valueRecord.removeCell( newBlankRecord( 3, 3 ) );
assertEquals( 3, valueRecord.getLastCellNum() );
private static final class SerializerVisitor implements RecordVisitor {
private final byte[] _buf;
private int _writeIndex;
public SerializerVisitor(byte[] buf) {
_buf = buf;
_writeIndex = 0;
public void visitRecord(Record r) {
r.serialize(_writeIndex, _buf);
_writeIndex += r.getRecordSize();
public int getWriteIndex() {
return _writeIndex;
public void testSerialize() {
byte[] expectedArray = HexRead.readFromString(""
+ "06 00 16 00 " // Formula
+ "01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
+ "01 02 06 00 " // Blank
+ "02 00 02 00 00 00");
byte[] actualArray = new byte[expectedArray.length];
List<Record> records = testData();
SerializerVisitor sv = new SerializerVisitor(actualArray);
valueRecord.visitCellsForRow(1, sv);
valueRecord.visitCellsForRow(2, sv);
assertEquals(actualArray.length, sv.getWriteIndex());
assertArrayEquals(expectedArray, actualArray);
private static BlankRecord newBlankRecord() {
return newBlankRecord( 2, 2 );
private static BlankRecord newBlankRecord(int col, int row) {
BlankRecord blankRecord = new BlankRecord();
blankRecord.setRow( row );
blankRecord.setColumn( (short) col );
return blankRecord;
* Sometimes the 'shared formula' flag (<tt>FormulaRecord.isSharedFormula()</tt>) is set when
* there is no corresponding SharedFormulaRecord available. SharedFormulaRecord definitions do
* not span multiple sheets. They are are only defined within a sheet, and thus they do not
* have a sheet index field (only row and column range fields).<br/>
* So it is important that the code which locates the SharedFormulaRecord for each
* FormulaRecord does not allow matches across sheets.</br>
* Prior to bugzilla 44449 (Feb 2008), POI <tt>ValueRecordsAggregate.construct(int, List)</tt>
* allowed <tt>SharedFormulaRecord</tt>s to be erroneously used across sheets. That incorrect
* behaviour is shown by this test.<p/>
* <b>Notes on how to produce the test spreadsheet</b>:</p>
* The setup for this test (AbnormalSharedFormulaFlag.xls) is rather fragile, insomuchas
* re-saving the file (either with Excel or POI) clears the flag.<br/>
* <ol>
* <li>A new spreadsheet was created in Excel (File | New | Blank Workbook).</li>
* <li>Sheet3 was deleted.</li>
* <li>Sheet2!A1 formula was set to '="second formula"', and fill-dragged through A1:A8.</li>
* <li>Sheet1!A1 formula was set to '="first formula"', and also fill-dragged through A1:A8.</li>
* <li>Four rows on Sheet1 "5" through "8" were deleted ('delete rows' alt-E D, not 'clear' Del).</li>
* <li>The spreadsheet was saved as AbnormalSharedFormulaFlag.xls.</li>
* </ol>
* Prior to the row delete action the spreadsheet has two <tt>SharedFormulaRecord</tt>s. One
* for each sheet. To expose the bug, the shared formulas have been made to overlap.<br/>
* The row delete action (as described here) seems to to delete the
* <tt>SharedFormulaRecord</tt> from Sheet1 (but not clear the 'shared formula' flags.<br/>
* There are other variations on this theme to create the same effect.
public void testSpuriousSharedFormulaFlag() throws Exception {
long actualCRC = getFileCRC(HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleFileStream(ABNORMAL_SHARED_FORMULA_FLAG_TEST_FILE));
long expectedCRC = 2277445406L;
if(actualCRC != expectedCRC) {
System.err.println("Expected crc " + expectedCRC + " but got " + actualCRC);
throw failUnexpectedTestFileChange();
HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(ABNORMAL_SHARED_FORMULA_FLAG_TEST_FILE);
HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); // Sheet1
String cellFormula;
cellFormula = getFormulaFromFirstCell(s, 0); // row "1"
// the problem is not observable in the first row of the shared formula
assertEquals("Something else wrong with this test case", "\"first formula\"", cellFormula);
// but the problem is observable in rows 2,3,4
cellFormula = getFormulaFromFirstCell(s, 1); // row "2"
assertNotEquals("found bug 44449 (Wrong SharedFormulaRecord was used).", "\"second formula\"", cellFormula);
assertEquals("Something else wrong with this test case", "\"first formula\"", cellFormula);
private static String getFormulaFromFirstCell(HSSFSheet s, int rowIx) {
return s.getRow(rowIx).getCell(0).getCellFormula();
* If someone opened this particular test file in Excel and saved it, the peculiar condition
* which causes the target bug would probably disappear. This test would then just succeed
* regardless of whether the fix was present. So a CRC check is performed to make it less easy
* for that to occur.
private static RuntimeException failUnexpectedTestFileChange() {
String msg = "Test file '" + ABNORMAL_SHARED_FORMULA_FLAG_TEST_FILE + "' has changed. "
+ "This junit may not be properly testing for the target bug. "
+ "Either revert the test file or ensure that the new version "
+ "has the right characteristics to test the target bug.";
// A breakpoint in ValueRecordsAggregate.handleMissingSharedFormulaRecord(FormulaRecord)
// should get hit during parsing of Sheet1.
// If the test spreadsheet is created as directed, this condition should occur.
// It is easy to upset the test spreadsheet (for example re-saving will destroy the
// peculiar condition we are testing for).
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
* gets a CRC checksum for the content of a file
private static long getFileCRC(InputStream is) {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
try {
while(true) {
int bytesRead = is.read(buf);
if(bytesRead < 1) {
crc.update(buf, 0, bytesRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return crc.getValue();
public void testRemoveNewRow_bug46312() {
// To make bug occur, rowIndex needs to be >= ValueRecordsAggregate.records.length
int rowIndex = 30;
ValueRecordsAggregate vra = new ValueRecordsAggregate();
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified rowIndex 30 is outside the allowable range (0..30)")) {
throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 46312");
throw e;
// if (false) { // same bug as demonstrated through usermodel API
// HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
// HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
// HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex);
// if (false) { // must not add any cells to the new row if we want to see the bug
// row.createCell(0); // this causes ValueRecordsAggregate.records to auto-extend
// }
// try {
// sheet.createRow(rowIndex);
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 46312");
// }
// }
* Tests various manipulations of blank cells, to make sure that {@link MulBlankRecord}s
* are use appropriately
public void testMultipleBlanks() {
BlankRecord brA2 = newBlankRecord(0, 1);
BlankRecord brB2 = newBlankRecord(1, 1);
BlankRecord brC2 = newBlankRecord(2, 1);
BlankRecord brD2 = newBlankRecord(3, 1);
BlankRecord brE2 = newBlankRecord(4, 1);
BlankRecord brB3 = newBlankRecord(1, 2);
BlankRecord brC3 = newBlankRecord(2, 2);
confirmMulBlank(3, 1, 1);
confirmMulBlank(4, 1, 2);
confirmMulBlank(6, 3, 0);
confirmMulBlank(7, 2, 0);
confirmMulBlank(6, 2, 0);
confirmMulBlank(5, 2, 1);
confirmMulBlank(4, 1, 2);
private void confirmMulBlank(int expectedTotalBlankCells,
int expectedNumberOfMulBlankRecords, int expectedNumberOfSingleBlankRecords) {
// assumed row ranges set-up by caller:
final int firstRow = 1;
final int lastRow = 2;
final class BlankStats {
public int countBlankCells;
public int countMulBlankRecords;
public int countSingleBlankRecords;
final BlankStats bs = new BlankStats();
RecordVisitor rv = new RecordVisitor() {
public void visitRecord(Record r) {
if (r instanceof MulBlankRecord) {
MulBlankRecord mbr = (MulBlankRecord) r;
bs.countBlankCells += mbr.getNumColumns();
} else if (r instanceof BlankRecord) {
for (int rowIx = firstRow; rowIx <=lastRow; rowIx++) {
if (valueRecord.rowHasCells(rowIx)) {
valueRecord.visitCellsForRow(rowIx, rv);
assertEquals(expectedTotalBlankCells, bs.countBlankCells);
assertEquals(expectedNumberOfMulBlankRecords, bs.countMulBlankRecords);
assertEquals(expectedNumberOfSingleBlankRecords, bs.countSingleBlankRecords);