2002-03-03 22:25:28 +00:00

33 lines
1.9 KiB

<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Interactive build -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="interactive" description="Interactive Build" depends="init">
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message=" ${fullname} ${version} [${year}] "/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message="Building with ${ant.version}"/>
<echo message="using build file ${ant.file}"/>
<echo message="--------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message=" These are the most common build targets."/>
<echo message=" You can also invoke them directly; see build.xml for more info. "/>
<echo message=" Builds will be in /build directory, distributions in /dist."/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message=" compile ------ compiles the source code "/>
<echo message=" docs --------- generates the html docs"/>
<echo message=" cleandocs ---- cleans the build docs directory"/>
<echo message=" javadocs ----- generates the API documentation"/>
<echo message=" test --------- performs the jUnit tests"/>
<echo message=" clean -------- cleans the build directory"/>
<echo message=" dist --------- creates src and bin distributions"/>
<echo message=" scratchpad --- build-run scratchpad code"/>
<echo message=" contrib ------ build-run contributed code"/>
<property name="input.selection" value="compile"/>
<user-input name="input.selection">Please select a target </user-input>
<antcall target="${input.selection}"/>