
161 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<record id="0x101A" name="PAP" package="org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types">
<description>Paragraph Properties.</description>
<author>S. Ryan Ackley</author>
<field type="int" size="2" name="istd" description="Index to style descriptor"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fSideBySide"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fKeep"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fKeepFollow"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fPageBreakBefore"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="brcl" description="Border line style">
<const type="byte" value="0" name="SINGLE"/>
<const type="byte" value="1" name="THICK"/>
<const type="byte" value="2" name="DOUBLE"/>
<const type="byte" value="3" name="SHADOW"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="brcp" description="Rectangle border codes">
<const type="byte" value="0" name="NONE"/>
<const type="byte" value="1" name="BORDER_ABOVE"/>
<const type="byte" value="2" name="BORDER_BELOW"/>
<const type="byte" value="15" name="BOX_AROUND"/>
<const type="byte" value="16" name="BAR_TO_LEFT_OF_PARAGRAPH"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="ilvl" description="List level if non-zero"/>
<!-- According to PAPX doc pointer is byte, but according to sprmPIlfo documentation pointer is short,
we will use int -->
<field type="int" size="2" name="ilfo" description="1-based index into the pllfo (lists structure), if non-zero"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fNoLnn" description="No line numbering"/>
<field type="LineSpacingDescriptor" size="4" default="new LineSpacingDescriptor()" name="lspd" description="Line spacing descriptor"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dyaBefore" description="Space before paragraph"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dyaAfter" description="Space after paragraph"/>
<!-- Not documented in PAP, but referenced by SPRM doc -->
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fInTable" description="Paragraph is in table flag"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="finTableW97" description="Archaic paragraph is in table flag"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fTtp" description="Table trailer paragraph (last in table row)"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaAbs"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dyaAbs"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaWidth"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fBrLnAbove"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fBrLnBelow"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="pcVert"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="pcHorz"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="wr"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fNoAutoHyph"/>
<!-- wHeightAbs? -->
<field type="int" size="2" name="dyaHeight"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fMinHeight" description="Minimum height is exact or auto">
<const type="boolean" value="false" name="EXACT"/>
<const type="boolean" value="true" name="AT_LEAST"/>
<field type="DropCapSpecifier" size="2" name="dcs"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dyaFromText" description="Vertical distance between text and absolutely positioned object"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaFromText" description="Horizontal distance between text and absolutely positioned object"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fLocked" description="Anchor of an absolutely positioned frame is locked"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" default="true" name="fWidowControl" description="1, Word will prevent widowed lines in this paragraph from being placed at the beginning of a page"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fKinsoku" description="apply Kinsoku rules when performing line wrapping"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fWordWrap" description="perform word wrap"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fOverflowPunct" description="apply overflow punctuation rules when performing line wrapping"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fTopLinePunct" description="perform top line punctuation processing"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fAutoSpaceDE" description="auto space East Asian and alphabetic characters"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fAutoSpaceDN" description="auto space East Asian and numeric characters"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="wAlignFont">
<const type="byte" value="0" name="HANGING"/>
<const type="byte" value="1" name="CENTERED"/>
<const type="byte" value="2" name="ROMAN"/>
<const type="byte" value="3" name="VARIABLE"/>
<const type="byte" value="4" name="AUTO"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="fontAlign" description="Used internally by Word">
<bit number="0" mask="0x0001" name="fVertical"/>
<bit number="1" mask="0x0002" name="fBackward"/>
<bit number="2" mask="0x0004" name="fRotateFont"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" default="9" name="lvl" description="Outline level"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fBiDi"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fNumRMIns"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fCrLf"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fUsePgsuSettings"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fAdjustRight"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="itap" description="Table nesting level"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fInnerTableCell" description="When 1, the end of paragraph mark is really an end of cell mark for a nested table cell"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fOpenTch" description="Ensure the Table Cell char doesn't show up as zero height"/>
<!-- not part of properties structure, but used anyway. See sprmPFInnerTtp doc. -->
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fTtpEmbedded" description="Word 97 compatibility indicates this end of paragraph mark is really an end of row marker for a nested table"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="dxcRight" description="Right indent in character units"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="dxcLeft" description="Left indent in character units"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="dxcLeft1" description="First line indent in character units"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fDyaBeforeAuto" description="Vertical spacing before is automatic"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fDyaAfterAuto" description="Vertical spacing after is automatic"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaRight"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaLeft"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaLeft1"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="jc"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcTop"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcLeft"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcBottom"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcRight"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcBetween"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcBar"/>
<field type="ShadingDescriptor" size="10" name="shd"/>
<field type="byte[]" size="84" name="anld"/>
<field type="byte[]" size="12" name="phe"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fPropRMark"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="ibstPropRMark"/>
<field type="DateAndTime" size="4" name="dttmPropRMark"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="itbdMac" description="Number of tabs stops defined for paragraph. Must be &gt;= 0 and &lt;= 64."/>
<field type="int[]" size="128" name="rgdxaTab" description="Array of positions of itbdMac tab stops. itbdMax==64"/>
<field type="TabDescriptor[]" size="64" name="rgtbd" description="Array of itbdMac tab descriptors"/>
<field type="byte[]" size="128" name="numrm"/>
<field type="byte[]" size="4" name="ptap"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fNoAllowOverlap" description="When 1, absolutely positioned paragraph cannot overlap with another paragraph"/>
<field type="long" size="4" name="ipgp" description="HTML DIV ID for this paragraph"/>
<field type="long" size="4" name="rsid" description="Save ID for last time this PAP was revised"/>