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package org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
* Miscellaneous tests for bugzilla entries.<p/> The test name contains the
* bugzilla bug id.
public final class TestFormulaBugs {
* Bug 27349 - VLOOKUP with reference to another sheet.<p/> This test was
* added <em>long</em> after the relevant functionality was fixed.
public void test27349() throws Exception {
// 27349-vlookupAcrossSheets.xls is bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=10622
InputStream is = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleFileStream("27349-vlookupAcrossSheets.xls");
// original bug may have thrown exception here,
// or output warning to stderr
Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Row row = sheet.getRow(1);
Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
// this definitely would have failed due to 27349
assertEquals("VLOOKUP(1,'DATA TABLE'!$A$8:'DATA TABLE'!$B$10,2)", cell
// We might as well evaluate the formula
FormulaEvaluator fe = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
CellValue cv = fe.evaluate(cell);
assertEquals(CellType.NUMERIC, cv.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals(3.0, cv.getNumberValue(), 0.0);
* Bug 27405 - isnumber() formula always evaluates to false in if statement<p/>
* seems to be a duplicate of 24925
public void test27405() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("input");
// input row 0
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
/*Cell cell =*/ row.createCell(0);
Cell cell = row.createCell(1);
cell.setCellValue(1); // B1
// input row 1
row = sheet.createRow(1);
cell = row.createCell(1);
cell.setCellValue(999); // B2
int rno = 4;
row = sheet.createRow(rno);
cell = row.createCell(1); // B5
cell = row.createCell(3); // D5
// if (false) { // set true to check excel file manually
// // bug report mentions 'Editing the formula in excel "fixes" the problem.'
// try {
// FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("27405output.xls");
// wb.write(fileOut);
// fileOut.close();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// use POI's evaluator as an extra sanity check
FormulaEvaluator fe = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
CellValue cv;
cv = fe.evaluate(cell);
assertEquals(CellType.NUMERIC, cv.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals(1.0, cv.getNumberValue(), 0.0);
cv = fe.evaluate(row.getCell(1));
assertEquals(CellType.BOOLEAN, cv.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals(true, cv.getBooleanValue());
* Bug 42448 - Can't parse SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67, B8:B68) / B69 <p/>
public void test42448() throws IOException {
Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
Row row = sheet1.createRow(0);
Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
// it's important to create the referenced sheet first
Sheet sheet2 = wb.createSheet("A"); // note name 'A'
// TODO - POI crashes if the formula is added before this sheet
// RuntimeException("Zero length string is an invalid sheet name")
// Excel doesn't crash but the formula doesn't work until it is
// re-entered
String inputFormula = "SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67, B8:B68) / B69"; // as per bug report
try {
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
fail("Identified bug 42448");
assertEquals("SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67,B8:B68)/B69", cell.getCellFormula());
// might as well evaluate the sucker...
addCell(sheet2, 5, 2, 3.0); // A!C6
addCell(sheet2, 6, 2, 4.0); // A!C7
addCell(sheet2, 66, 2, 5.0); // A!C67
addCell(sheet2, 67, 2, 6.0); // A!C68
addCell(sheet1, 6, 1, 7.0); // B7
addCell(sheet1, 7, 1, 8.0); // B8
addCell(sheet1, 67, 1, 9.0); // B68
addCell(sheet1, 68, 1, 10.0); // B69
double expectedResult = (4.0 * 8.0 + 5.0 * 9.0) / 10.0;
FormulaEvaluator fe = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
CellValue cv = fe.evaluate(cell);
assertEquals(CellType.NUMERIC, cv.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals(expectedResult, cv.getNumberValue(), 0.0);
private static void addCell(Sheet sheet, int rowIx, int colIx,
double value) {
public void test55032() throws IOException {
Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("input");
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
Cell cell = row.createCell(1);
checkFormulaValue(wb, cell, "PV(0.08/12, 20*12, 500, ,0)", -59777.14585);
checkFormulaValue(wb, cell, "PV(0.08/12, 20*12, 500, ,)", -59777.14585);
checkFormulaValue(wb, cell, "PV(0.08/12, 20*12, 500, 500,)", -59878.6315455);
checkFormulaValue(wb, cell, "FV(0.08/12, 20*12, 500, ,)", -294510.2078107270);
checkFormulaValue(wb, cell, "PMT(0.08/12, 20*12, 500, ,)", -4.1822003450);
checkFormulaValue(wb, cell, "NPER(0.08/12, 20*12, 500, ,)", -2.0758873434);
private void checkFormulaValue(Workbook wb, Cell cell, String formula, double expectedValue) {
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
CellValue value = evaluator.evaluate(cell);
assertEquals(expectedValue, value.getNumberValue(), 0.0001);