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<title>Apache POI - In the News over the world</title>
<person id="AO" name="Andrew C. Oliver" email="acoliver@apache.org"/>
<person id="TK" name="Tetsuya Kitahata" email="tetsuya@apache.org"/>
<section><title>POI in the news</title>
These are articles/etc. posted about POI around the web. If you
see POI in the news or mentioned at least somewhat prominently
on a site (not your homepage that you put the work POI on in
order to get us to link you and by the why here is a picture of
your wife in kids) then send a patch to the list. In general
equal time will be given so please feel free to send inflamatory
defamation as well as favorable, technical and factual. Really
stupid things won't be mentioned (sorry).
<link href="http://archive.midrange.com/web400/200204/msg00023.html">Discussion about using POI on AS/400s</link>
<link href="http://www.somelist.com/mails/23819.html">Discussion from back when we almost had POI as the filter for KOffice if politics and licenses hadn't killed iit</link>
<link href="http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/1552?page=last&amp;x-showcontent=text">Java discussion on O'Reilly Network including discussion about POI</link> - O'Reilly.net
<link href="http://www.rollerweblogger.org/page/roller/20020715">Poor Obfuscation Implementation.</link> - Blog of David M. Johnson
<link href="http://www.jsurfer.org/article.php?sid=322">
POI 1.5-dev-rc2 released </link> - JSurfer
<link href="http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Java/Class_Libraries/Data_Formats/Microsoft_Formats/"> Google says we're the most important in our category </link>
<link href="http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2002-05/01-qa-0503-excel3.html">It's POI-fect</link> - Tony Sintes, Javaworld
<link href="http://www.need-a-cake.com/categories/cocoonWeblog/2002/03/07.html">
Nicola announces POI serialization code
</link> - Matthew Langham's Radio Weblog
<link href="http://javalobby.org/discussionContext/showThreaded/frm/javalobby?folderId=20&amp;discussionContextId=11523">
Jakarta POI 1.4583 Released</link> - JavaLobby
<link href="http://javalobby.org/discussionContext/showThreaded/frm/javalobby?discussionContextId=11442&amp;folderId=20">
POI project moves to Jakarta (OLE 2 CDF/Excel/Word in
pure java)</link> - JavaLobby
List of Java libraries to read and write image and document files
</link> Marco Schmidt's homepage (normally we wouldn't
feature someone's homepage but its an extensive list of
information including "alternatives to POI" (for those
of you who are very wealthy). But heck I think I'll
bookmark his page for myself since he's like got every
piece of info known to man linked or featured on it!
<link href="http://radio.weblogs.com/0101350/">
The Experiences of an Operator (M&#229;ns af Klercker)
</link> - radio.weblogs.com
<link href="http://dataconv.org/apps_office.html">
DATACONV - Data Conversion Tools: Office
</link> DATACONV
<link href="http://chicago.sourceforge.net/devel/">
Chicago Developer Page
<link href="http://www.onjava.com/pub/d/1157">
POI/POI Serialization Project
</link> - Man you know you've hit the bigtime when
O'Reilly Likes you.. ;-)
News Around the Net
</link> - Java World
<section><title>Nederlandstalige (Dutch)</title>
Een Excel-werkboek maken vanuit Java - Lieven Smits
<section><title>Deutsch (German)</title>
<li> <link
href="http://www.entwickler.com/itr/news/show.php3?id=6132&amp;nodeid=82 ">Apache POI verffentlicht</link> - entwicker.com
Apache Jakarta-Projekt bringt Word und Excel in die Java-Welt </link> - jsp-develop.de (for the misguided who use JSP ;-) )
Neues Apache-Projekt bringt Word- und Excel nach Java
</link> - entwickler.com
<section><title>Espa&#241;ol (Spanish)</title>
<link href="http://www.javahispano.com/noticias/todas.jsp">
OLE2 desde Java nativo
</link> - javaHispano
<link href="http://p2p.wrox.com/archive/java_espanol/2002-08/3.asp">Spanish discussion about Excel and Java including POI from Wrox forums</link>
<section><title>Fran&#231;ais (French)</title>
<link href="http://linuxfr.org/section/D%E9veloppeur,0,1,8,0.html">
Excel/OLE accessibles
</link> - Da Linux French Page
<link href="http://www.sogid.com/javalist/f2002/traiter_word_java.html">Discussion on POI in French</link>
<section><title>Nihongo (Japanese)</title>
<link href="http://drpanda.freezope.org/Memo/docs/jakarta/poi/poi_sample">100% PureJava...</link> - Dr. Panda Portal
What's new with java?
</link> - gimlay.org
<li><link href="http://taka-2.com/jclass/POI/">Java de Excel</link> - How to use Japanese with POI</li>
<li><link href="http://www.tech-arts.co.jp/macosx/webobjects-jp/htdocs/3200/3218.html">Various discussion in Japanese including on POI</link></li>
<li><link href="http://muimi.com/j/jakarta/">Japanese resources on Jakarta projects including POI</link></li>
<li><link href="http://www.fk.urban.ne.jp/home/kishida/">Kishida's site</link> -- Weekly Forte Lectures -- includes a snip about POI and Japanese.</li>
<section><title>Russkii Yazyk (Russian)</title>
<link href="http://www.nestor.minsk.by/kg/kg02/21/kg22108.html">
Probably a translation of the Javalobby announcement of 1.5-final
</link> -- Computer News (What's New)
<section><title>Hangul (Korean)</title>
<link href="http://www.javabrain.co.kr/AnswerView?questionId=1189&amp;categoryId=8">Various discussion in Korean about Excel output/APIs including POI</link>
<section><title>No freaking idea</title>
If you can read one of these languages, send mail to the list
telling us what language it is and we'll categorize it!
If I had to guess, I'd say this is Thai, but
maybe you actually know</link> - javacentrix.com
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