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/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.ss.format;
import org.apache.poi.ss.format.CellFormatPart.PartHandler;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
* This class implements printing out a value using a number format.
* @author Ken Arnold, Industrious Media LLC
public class CellNumberFormatter extends CellFormatter {
private final String desc;
private String printfFmt;
private double scale;
private Special decimalPoint;
private Special slash;
private Special exponent;
private Special numerator;
private Special afterInteger;
private Special afterFractional;
private boolean integerCommas;
private final List<Special> specials;
private List<Special> integerSpecials;
private List<Special> fractionalSpecials;
private List<Special> numeratorSpecials;
private List<Special> denominatorSpecials;
private List<Special> exponentSpecials;
private List<Special> exponentDigitSpecials;
private int maxDenominator;
private String numeratorFmt;
private String denominatorFmt;
private boolean improperFraction;
private DecimalFormat decimalFmt;
static final CellFormatter SIMPLE_NUMBER = new CellFormatter("General") {
public void formatValue(StringBuffer toAppendTo, Object value) {
if (value == null)
if (value instanceof Number) {
Number num = (Number) value;
if (num.doubleValue() % 1.0 == 0)
SIMPLE_INT.formatValue(toAppendTo, value);
SIMPLE_FLOAT.formatValue(toAppendTo, value);
} else {
CellTextFormatter.SIMPLE_TEXT.formatValue(toAppendTo, value);
public void simpleValue(StringBuffer toAppendTo, Object value) {
formatValue(toAppendTo, value);
private static final CellFormatter SIMPLE_INT = new CellNumberFormatter(
private static final CellFormatter SIMPLE_FLOAT = new CellNumberFormatter(
* This class is used to mark where the special characters in the format
* are, as opposed to the other characters that are simply printed.
static class Special {
final char ch;
int pos;
Special(char ch, int pos) {
this.ch = ch;
this.pos = pos;
public String toString() {
return "'" + ch + "' @ " + pos;
* This class represents a single modification to a result string. The way
* this works is complicated, but so is numeric formatting. In general, for
* most formats, we use a DecimalFormat object that will put the string out
* in a known format, usually with all possible leading and trailing zeros.
* We then walk through the result and the orginal format, and note any
* modifications that need to be made. Finally, we go through and apply
* them all, dealing with overlapping modifications.
static class StringMod implements Comparable<StringMod> {
final Special special;
final int op;
CharSequence toAdd;
Special end;
boolean startInclusive;
boolean endInclusive;
public static final int BEFORE = 1;
public static final int AFTER = 2;
public static final int REPLACE = 3;
private StringMod(Special special, CharSequence toAdd, int op) {
this.special = special;
this.toAdd = toAdd;
this.op = op;
public StringMod(Special start, boolean startInclusive, Special end,
boolean endInclusive, char toAdd) {
this(start, startInclusive, end, endInclusive);
this.toAdd = toAdd + "";
public StringMod(Special start, boolean startInclusive, Special end,
boolean endInclusive) {
special = start;
this.startInclusive = startInclusive;
this.end = end;
this.endInclusive = endInclusive;
toAdd = "";
public int compareTo(StringMod that) {
int diff = special.pos - that.special.pos;
if (diff != 0)
return diff;
return op - that.op;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
try {
return compareTo((StringMod) that) == 0;
} catch (RuntimeException ignored) {
// NullPointerException or CastException
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return special.hashCode() + op;
private class NumPartHandler implements PartHandler {
private char insertSignForExponent;
public String handlePart(Matcher m, String part, CellFormatType type,
StringBuffer desc) {
int pos = desc.length();
char firstCh = part.charAt(0);
switch (firstCh) {
case 'e':
case 'E':
// See comment in writeScientific -- exponent handling is complex.
// (1) When parsing the format, remove the sign from after the 'e' and
// put it before the first digit of the exponent.
if (exponent == null && specials.size() > 0) {
specials.add(exponent = new Special('.', pos));
insertSignForExponent = part.charAt(1);
return part.substring(0, 1);
case '0':
case '?':
case '#':
if (insertSignForExponent != '\0') {
specials.add(new Special(insertSignForExponent, pos));
insertSignForExponent = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < part.length(); i++) {
char ch = part.charAt(i);
specials.add(new Special(ch, pos + i));
case '.':
if (decimalPoint == null && specials.size() > 0)
specials.add(decimalPoint = new Special('.', pos));
case '/':
//!! This assumes there is a numerator and a denominator, but these are actually optional
if (slash == null && specials.size() > 0) {
numerator = previousNumber();
// If the first number in the whole format is the numerator, the
// entire number should be printed as an improper fraction
if (numerator == firstDigit(specials))
improperFraction = true;
specials.add(slash = new Special('.', pos));
case '%':
// don't need to remember because we don't need to do anything with these
scale *= 100;
return null;
return part;
* Creates a new cell number formatter.
* @param format The format to parse.
public CellNumberFormatter(String format) {
scale = 1;
specials = new LinkedList<Special>();
NumPartHandler partHandler = new NumPartHandler();
StringBuffer descBuf = CellFormatPart.parseFormat(format,
CellFormatType.NUMBER, partHandler);
// These are inconsistent settings, so ditch 'em
if ((decimalPoint != null || exponent != null) && slash != null) {
slash = null;
numerator = null;
int precision;
int fractionPartWidth = 0;
if (decimalPoint == null) {
precision = 0;
} else {
precision = interpretPrecision();
fractionPartWidth = 1 + precision;
if (precision == 0) {
// This means the format has a ".", but that output should have no decimals after it.
// We just stop treating it specially
decimalPoint = null;
if (precision == 0)
fractionalSpecials = Collections.emptyList();
fractionalSpecials = specials.subList(specials.indexOf(
decimalPoint) + 1, fractionalEnd());
if (exponent == null)
exponentSpecials = Collections.emptyList();
else {
int exponentPos = specials.indexOf(exponent);
exponentSpecials = specialsFor(exponentPos, 2);
exponentDigitSpecials = specialsFor(exponentPos + 2);
if (slash == null) {
numeratorSpecials = Collections.emptyList();
denominatorSpecials = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
if (numerator == null)
numeratorSpecials = Collections.emptyList();
numeratorSpecials = specialsFor(specials.indexOf(numerator));
denominatorSpecials = specialsFor(specials.indexOf(slash) + 1);
if (denominatorSpecials.isEmpty()) {
// no denominator follows the slash, drop the fraction idea
numeratorSpecials = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
maxDenominator = maxValue(denominatorSpecials);
numeratorFmt = singleNumberFormat(numeratorSpecials);
denominatorFmt = singleNumberFormat(denominatorSpecials);
integerSpecials = specials.subList(0, integerEnd());
if (exponent == null) {
StringBuffer fmtBuf = new StringBuffer("%");
int integerPartWidth = calculateIntegerPartWidth();
int totalWidth = integerPartWidth + fractionPartWidth;
printfFmt = fmtBuf.toString();
} else {
StringBuffer fmtBuf = new StringBuffer();
boolean first = true;
List<Special> specialList = integerSpecials;
if (integerSpecials.size() == 1) {
// If we don't do this, we get ".6e5" instead of "6e4"
first = false;
} else
for (Special s : specialList) {
if (isDigitFmt(s)) {
fmtBuf.append(first ? '#' : '0');
first = false;
if (fractionalSpecials.size() > 0) {
for (Special s : fractionalSpecials) {
if (isDigitFmt(s)) {
if (!first)
first = false;
placeZeros(fmtBuf, exponentSpecials.subList(2,
decimalFmt = new DecimalFormat(fmtBuf.toString());
if (exponent != null)
scale =
1; // in "e" formats,% and trailing commas have no scaling effect
desc = descBuf.toString();
private static void placeZeros(StringBuffer sb, List<Special> specials) {
for (Special s : specials) {
if (isDigitFmt(s))
private static Special firstDigit(List<Special> specials) {
for (Special s : specials) {
if (isDigitFmt(s))
return s;
return null;
static StringMod insertMod(Special special, CharSequence toAdd, int where) {
return new StringMod(special, toAdd, where);
static StringMod deleteMod(Special start, boolean startInclusive,
Special end, boolean endInclusive) {
return new StringMod(start, startInclusive, end, endInclusive);
static StringMod replaceMod(Special start, boolean startInclusive,
Special end, boolean endInclusive, char withChar) {
return new StringMod(start, startInclusive, end, endInclusive,
private static String singleNumberFormat(List<Special> numSpecials) {
return "%0" + numSpecials.size() + "d";
private static int maxValue(List<Special> s) {
return (int) Math.round(Math.pow(10, s.size()) - 1);
private List<Special> specialsFor(int pos, int takeFirst) {
if (pos >= specials.size())
return Collections.emptyList();
ListIterator<Special> it = specials.listIterator(pos + takeFirst);
Special last = it.next();
int end = pos + takeFirst;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Special s = it.next();
if (!isDigitFmt(s) || s.pos - last.pos > 1)
last = s;
return specials.subList(pos, end + 1);
private List<Special> specialsFor(int pos) {
return specialsFor(pos, 0);
private static boolean isDigitFmt(Special s) {
return s.ch == '0' || s.ch == '?' || s.ch == '#';
private Special previousNumber() {
ListIterator<Special> it = specials.listIterator(specials.size());
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
Special s = it.previous();
if (isDigitFmt(s)) {
Special numStart = s;
Special last = s;
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
s = it.previous();
if (last.pos - s.pos > 1) // it has to be continuous digits
if (isDigitFmt(s))
numStart = s;
last = s;
return numStart;
return null;
private int calculateIntegerPartWidth() {
ListIterator<Special> it = specials.listIterator();
int digitCount = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Special s = it.next();
//!! Handle fractions: The previous set of digits before that is the numerator, so we should stop short of that
if (s == afterInteger)
else if (isDigitFmt(s))
return digitCount;
private int interpretPrecision() {
if (decimalPoint == null) {
return -1;
} else {
int precision = 0;
ListIterator<Special> it = specials.listIterator(specials.indexOf(
if (it.hasNext())
it.next(); // skip over the decimal point itself
while (it.hasNext()) {
Special s = it.next();
if (isDigitFmt(s))
return precision;
private void interpretCommas(StringBuffer sb) {
// In the integer part, commas at the end are scaling commas; other commas mean to show thousand-grouping commas
ListIterator<Special> it = specials.listIterator(integerEnd());
boolean stillScaling = true;
integerCommas = false;
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
Special s = it.previous();
if (s.ch != ',') {
stillScaling = false;
} else {
if (stillScaling) {
scale /= 1000;
} else {
integerCommas = true;
if (decimalPoint != null) {
it = specials.listIterator(fractionalEnd());
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
Special s = it.previous();
if (s.ch != ',') {
} else {
scale /= 1000;
// Now strip them out -- we only need their interpretation, not their presence
it = specials.listIterator();
int removed = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Special s = it.next();
s.pos -= removed;
if (s.ch == ',') {
private int integerEnd() {
if (decimalPoint != null)
afterInteger = decimalPoint;
else if (exponent != null)
afterInteger = exponent;
else if (numerator != null)
afterInteger = numerator;
afterInteger = null;
return afterInteger == null ? specials.size() : specials.indexOf(
private int fractionalEnd() {
int end;
if (exponent != null)
afterFractional = exponent;
else if (numerator != null)
afterInteger = numerator;
afterFractional = null;
end = afterFractional == null ? specials.size() : specials.indexOf(
return end;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void formatValue(StringBuffer toAppendTo, Object valueObject) {
double value = ((Number) valueObject).doubleValue();
value *= scale;
// the '-' sign goes at the front, always, so we pick it out
boolean negative = value < 0;
if (negative)
value = -value;
// Split out the fractional part if we need to print a fraction
double fractional = 0;
if (slash != null) {
if (improperFraction) {
fractional = value;
value = 0;
} else {
fractional = value % 1.0;
//noinspection SillyAssignment
value = (long) value;
Set<StringMod> mods = new TreeSet<StringMod>();
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(desc);
if (exponent != null) {
writeScientific(value, output, mods);
} else if (improperFraction) {
writeFraction(value, null, fractional, output, mods);
} else {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
Formatter f = new Formatter(result);
f.format(LOCALE, printfFmt, value);
if (numerator == null) {
writeFractional(result, output);
writeInteger(result, output, integerSpecials, mods,
} else {
writeFraction(value, result, fractional, output, mods);
// Now strip out any remaining '#'s and add any pending text ...
ListIterator<Special> it = specials.listIterator();
Iterator<StringMod> changes = mods.iterator();
StringMod nextChange = (changes.hasNext() ? changes.next() : null);
int adjust = 0;
BitSet deletedChars = new BitSet(); // records chars already deleted
while (it.hasNext()) {
Special s = it.next();
int adjustedPos = s.pos + adjust;
if (!deletedChars.get(s.pos) && output.charAt(adjustedPos) == '#') {
while (nextChange != null && s == nextChange.special) {
int lenBefore = output.length();
int modPos = s.pos + adjust;
int posTweak = 0;
switch (nextChange.op) {
case StringMod.AFTER:
// ignore adding a comma after a deleted char (which was a '#')
if (nextChange.toAdd.equals(",") && deletedChars.get(s.pos))
posTweak = 1;
//noinspection fallthrough
case StringMod.BEFORE:
output.insert(modPos + posTweak, nextChange.toAdd);
case StringMod.REPLACE:
int delPos =
s.pos; // delete starting pos in original coordinates
if (!nextChange.startInclusive) {
// Skip over anything already deleted
while (deletedChars.get(delPos)) {
int delEndPos =
nextChange.end.pos; // delete end point in original
if (nextChange.endInclusive)
int modEndPos =
delEndPos + adjust; // delete end point in current
if (modPos < modEndPos) {
if (nextChange.toAdd == "")
output.delete(modPos, modEndPos);
else {
char fillCh = nextChange.toAdd.charAt(0);
for (int i = modPos; i < modEndPos; i++)
output.setCharAt(i, fillCh);
deletedChars.set(delPos, delEndPos);
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unknown op: " + nextChange.op);
adjust += output.length() - lenBefore;
if (changes.hasNext())
nextChange = changes.next();
nextChange = null;
// Finally, add it to the string
if (negative)
private void writeScientific(double value, StringBuffer output,
Set<StringMod> mods) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition fractionPos = new FieldPosition(
decimalFmt.format(value, result, fractionPos);
writeInteger(result, output, integerSpecials, mods, integerCommas);
writeFractional(result, output);
* Exponent sign handling is complex.
* In DecimalFormat, you never put the sign in the format, and the sign only
* comes out of the format if it is negative.
* In Excel, you always say whether to always show the sign ("e+") or only
* show negative signs ("e-").
* Also in Excel, where you put the sign in the format is NOT where it comes
* out in the result. In the format, the sign goes with the "e"; in the
* output it goes with the exponent value. That is, if you say "#e-|#" you
* get "1e|-5", not "1e-|5". This makes sense I suppose, but it complicates
* things.
* Finally, everything else in this formatting code assumes that the base of
* the result is the original format, and that starting from that situation,
* the indexes of the original special characters can be used to place the new
* characters. As just described, this is not true for the exponent's sign.
* <p/>
* So here is how we handle it:
* (1) When parsing the format, remove the sign from after the 'e' and put it
* before the first digit of the exponent (where it will be shown).
* (2) Determine the result's sign.
* (3) If it's missing, put the sign into the output to keep the result
* lined up with the output. (In the result, "after the 'e'" and "before the
* first digit" are the same because the result has no extra chars to be in
* the way.)
* (4) In the output, remove the sign if it should not be shown ("e-" was used
* and the sign is negative) or set it to the correct value.
// (2) Determine the result's sign.
int ePos = fractionPos.getEndIndex();
int signPos = ePos + 1;
char expSignRes = result.charAt(signPos);
if (expSignRes != '-') {
// not a sign, so it's a digit, and therefore a positive exponent
expSignRes = '+';
// (3) If it's missing, put the sign into the output to keep the result
// lined up with the output.
result.insert(signPos, '+');
// Now the result lines up like it is supposed to with the specials' indexes
ListIterator<Special> it = exponentSpecials.listIterator(1);
Special expSign = it.next();
char expSignFmt = expSign.ch;
// (4) In the output, remove the sign if it should not be shown or set it to
// the correct value.
if (expSignRes == '-' || expSignFmt == '+')
mods.add(replaceMod(expSign, true, expSign, true, expSignRes));
mods.add(deleteMod(expSign, true, expSign, true));
StringBuffer exponentNum = new StringBuffer(result.substring(
signPos + 1));
writeInteger(exponentNum, output, exponentDigitSpecials, mods, false);
private void writeFraction(double value, StringBuffer result,
double fractional, StringBuffer output, Set<StringMod> mods) {
// Figure out if we are to suppress either the integer or fractional part.
// With # the suppressed part is removed; with ? it is replaced with spaces.
if (!improperFraction) {
// If fractional part is zero, and numerator doesn't have '0', write out
// only the integer part and strip the rest.
if (fractional == 0 && !hasChar('0', numeratorSpecials)) {
writeInteger(result, output, integerSpecials, mods, false);
Special start = integerSpecials.get(integerSpecials.size() - 1);
Special end = denominatorSpecials.get(
denominatorSpecials.size() - 1);
if (hasChar('?', integerSpecials, numeratorSpecials,
denominatorSpecials)) {
//if any format has '?', then replace the fraction with spaces
mods.add(replaceMod(start, false, end, true, ' '));
} else {
// otherwise, remove the fraction
mods.add(deleteMod(start, false, end, true));
// That's all, just return
} else {
// New we check to see if we should remove the integer part
boolean allZero = (value == 0 && fractional == 0);
boolean willShowFraction = fractional != 0 || hasChar('0',
boolean removeBecauseZero = allZero && (hasOnly('#',
integerSpecials) || !hasChar('0', numeratorSpecials));
boolean removeBecauseFraction =
!allZero && value == 0 && willShowFraction && !hasChar(
'0', integerSpecials);
if (removeBecauseZero || removeBecauseFraction) {
Special start = integerSpecials.get(
integerSpecials.size() - 1);
if (hasChar('?', integerSpecials, numeratorSpecials)) {
mods.add(replaceMod(start, true, numerator, false,
' '));
} else {
mods.add(deleteMod(start, true, numerator, false));
} else {
// Not removing the integer part -- print it out
writeInteger(result, output, integerSpecials, mods, false);
// Calculate and print the actual fraction (improper or otherwise)
try {
int n;
int d;
// the "fractional % 1" captures integer values in improper fractions
if (fractional == 0 || (improperFraction && fractional % 1 == 0)) {
// 0 as a fraction is reported by excel as 0/1
n = (int) Math.round(fractional);
d = 1;
} else {
Fraction frac = new Fraction(fractional, maxDenominator);
n = frac.getNumerator();
d = frac.getDenominator();
if (improperFraction)
n += Math.round(value * d);
writeSingleInteger(numeratorFmt, n, output, numeratorSpecials,
writeSingleInteger(denominatorFmt, d, output, denominatorSpecials,
} catch (RuntimeException ignored) {
private static boolean hasChar(char ch, List<Special>... numSpecials) {
for (List<Special> specials : numSpecials) {
for (Special s : specials) {
if (s.ch == ch) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean hasOnly(char ch, List<Special>... numSpecials) {
for (List<Special> specials : numSpecials) {
for (Special s : specials) {
if (s.ch != ch) {
return false;
return true;
private void writeSingleInteger(String fmt, int num, StringBuffer output,
List<Special> numSpecials, Set<StringMod> mods) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb);
formatter.format(LOCALE, fmt, num);
writeInteger(sb, output, numSpecials, mods, false);
private void writeInteger(StringBuffer result, StringBuffer output,
List<Special> numSpecials, Set<StringMod> mods,
boolean showCommas) {
int pos = result.indexOf(".") - 1;
if (pos < 0) {
if (exponent != null && numSpecials == integerSpecials)
pos = result.indexOf("E") - 1;
pos = result.length() - 1;
int strip;
for (strip = 0; strip < pos; strip++) {
char resultCh = result.charAt(strip);
if (resultCh != '0' && resultCh != ',')
ListIterator<Special> it = numSpecials.listIterator(numSpecials.size());
boolean followWithComma = false;
Special lastOutputIntegerDigit = null;
int digit = 0;
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
char resultCh;
if (pos >= 0)
resultCh = result.charAt(pos);
else {
// If result is shorter than field, pretend there are leading zeros
resultCh = '0';
Special s = it.previous();
followWithComma = showCommas && digit > 0 && digit % 3 == 0;
boolean zeroStrip = false;
if (resultCh != '0' || s.ch == '0' || s.ch == '?' || pos >= strip) {
zeroStrip = s.ch == '?' && pos < strip;
output.setCharAt(s.pos, (zeroStrip ? ' ' : resultCh));
lastOutputIntegerDigit = s;
if (followWithComma) {
mods.add(insertMod(s, zeroStrip ? " " : ",", StringMod.AFTER));
followWithComma = false;
StringBuffer extraLeadingDigits = new StringBuffer();
if (pos >= 0) {
// We ran out of places to put digits before we ran out of digits; put this aside so we can add it later
++pos; // pos was decremented at the end of the loop above when the iterator was at its end
extraLeadingDigits = new StringBuffer(result.substring(0, pos));
if (showCommas) {
while (pos > 0) {
if (digit > 0 && digit % 3 == 0)
extraLeadingDigits.insert(pos, ',');
mods.add(insertMod(lastOutputIntegerDigit, extraLeadingDigits,
private void writeFractional(StringBuffer result, StringBuffer output) {
int digit;
int strip;
ListIterator<Special> it;
if (fractionalSpecials.size() > 0) {
digit = result.indexOf(".") + 1;
if (exponent != null)
strip = result.indexOf("e") - 1;
strip = result.length() - 1;
while (strip > digit && result.charAt(strip) == '0')
it = fractionalSpecials.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Special s = it.next();
char resultCh = result.charAt(digit);
if (resultCh != '0' || s.ch == '0' || digit < strip)
output.setCharAt(s.pos, resultCh);
else if (s.ch == '?') {
// This is when we're in trailing zeros, and the format is '?'. We still strip out remaining '#'s later
output.setCharAt(s.pos, ' ');
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p/>
* For a number, this is <tt>"#"</tt> for integer values, and <tt>"#.#"</tt>
* for floating-point values.
public void simpleValue(StringBuffer toAppendTo, Object value) {
SIMPLE_NUMBER.formatValue(toAppendTo, value);
* Based on org.apache.commons.math.fraction.Fraction from Apache Commons-Math.
* YK: The only reason of having this inner class is to avoid dependency on the Commons-Math jar.
private static class Fraction {
/** The denominator. */
private final int denominator;
/** The numerator. */
private final int numerator;
* Create a fraction given the double value and either the maximum error
* allowed or the maximum number of denominator digits.
* @param value the double value to convert to a fraction.
* @param epsilon maximum error allowed. The resulting fraction is within
* <code>epsilon</code> of <code>value</code>, in absolute terms.
* @param maxDenominator maximum denominator value allowed.
* @param maxIterations maximum number of convergents
* @throws RuntimeException if the continued fraction failed to
* converge.
private Fraction(double value, double epsilon, int maxDenominator, int maxIterations)
long overflow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
double r0 = value;
long a0 = (long)Math.floor(r0);
if (a0 > overflow) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Overflow trying to convert "+value+" to fraction ("+a0+"/"+1l+")");
// check for (almost) integer arguments, which should not go
// to iterations.
if (Math.abs(a0 - value) < epsilon) {
this.numerator = (int) a0;
this.denominator = 1;
long p0 = 1;
long q0 = 0;
long p1 = a0;
long q1 = 1;
long p2;
long q2;
int n = 0;
boolean stop = false;
do {
double r1 = 1.0 / (r0 - a0);
long a1 = (long)Math.floor(r1);
p2 = (a1 * p1) + p0;
q2 = (a1 * q1) + q0;
if ((p2 > overflow) || (q2 > overflow)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Overflow trying to convert "+value+" to fraction ("+p2+"/"+q2+")");
double convergent = (double)p2 / (double)q2;
if (n < maxIterations && Math.abs(convergent - value) > epsilon && q2 < maxDenominator) {
p0 = p1;
p1 = p2;
q0 = q1;
q1 = q2;
a0 = a1;
r0 = r1;
} else {
stop = true;
} while (!stop);
if (n >= maxIterations) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert "+value+" to fraction after "+maxIterations+" iterations");
if (q2 < maxDenominator) {
this.numerator = (int) p2;
this.denominator = (int) q2;
} else {
this.numerator = (int) p1;
this.denominator = (int) q1;
* Create a fraction given the double value and maximum denominator.
* <p>
* References:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ContinuedFraction.html">
* Continued Fraction</a> equations (11) and (22)-(26)</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param value the double value to convert to a fraction.
* @param maxDenominator The maximum allowed value for denominator
* @throws RuntimeException if the continued fraction failed to
* converge
public Fraction(double value, int maxDenominator)
this(value, 0, maxDenominator, 100);
* Access the denominator.
* @return the denominator.
public int getDenominator() {
return denominator;
* Access the numerator.
* @return the numerator.
public int getNumerator() {
return numerator;