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/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.poi.ss.excelant.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.ss.examples.formula.CalculateMortgageFunction;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.udf.UDFFinder;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FormulaEvaluator;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.WorkbookFactory;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
public class TestExcelAntWorkbookUtil extends TestCase {
private final String mortgageCalculatorFileName =
"test-data/spreadsheet/excelant.xls" ;
private ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper fixture ;
public void tearDown() {
fixture = null ;
public void testStringConstructor() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
assertNotNull( fixture ) ;
public void testLoadNotExistingFile() {
try {
assertNotNull(new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
"notexistingFile" ));
fail("Should catch exception here");
} catch (BuildException e) {
public void testWorkbookConstructor() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
File workbookFile = new File(mortgageCalculatorFileName);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(workbookFile);
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(fis);
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper( workbook ) ;
assertNotNull( fixture ) ;
public void testAddFunction() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
assertNotNull( fixture ) ;
fixture.addFunction("h2_ZFactor", new CalculateMortgageFunction() ) ;
UDFFinder functions = fixture.getFunctions() ;
assertNotNull( functions ) ;
public void testGetWorkbook() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
assertNotNull( fixture ) ;
Workbook workbook = fixture.getWorkbook() ;
assertNotNull( workbook ) ;
public void testFileName() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
assertNotNull( fixture ) ;
String fileName = fixture.getFileName() ;
assertNotNull( fileName ) ;
assertEquals( mortgageCalculatorFileName, fileName ) ;
public void testGetEvaluator() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = fixture.getEvaluator(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
assertNotNull( evaluator ) ;
public void testGetEvaluatorXLSX() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
"test-data/spreadsheet/sample.xlsx") ;
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = fixture.getEvaluator(
"test-data/spreadsheet/sample.xlsx" ) ;
assertNotNull( evaluator ) ;
public void testEvaluateCell() {
String cell = "'MortgageCalculator'!B4" ;
double expectedValue = 790.79 ;
double precision = 0.1 ;
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
ExcelAntEvaluationResult result = fixture.evaluateCell( cell,
precision ) ;
System.out.println( result ) ;
assertTrue( result.didTestPass() ) ;
public void testGetSheets() {
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
ArrayList<String> sheets = fixture.getSheets() ;
assertNotNull( sheets ) ;
assertEquals( sheets.size(), 3 ) ;
public void testSetString() {
String cell = "'MortgageCalculator'!C14" ;
String cellValue = "testString" ;
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
fixture.setStringValue( cell, cellValue ) ;
String value = fixture.getCellAsString( cell ) ;
assertNotNull( value ) ;
assertEquals( cellValue, value ) ;
public void testSetDate() {
String cell = "'MortgageCalculator'!C14" ;
Date cellValue = new Date();
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
fixture.setDateValue( cell, cellValue ) ;
double value = fixture.getCellAsDouble( cell ) ;
assertNotNull( value ) ;
assertEquals( DateUtil.getExcelDate(cellValue, false), value ) ;
public void testGetNonexistingString() {
String cell = "'MortgageCalculator'!C33" ;
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
String value = fixture.getCellAsString( cell ) ;
assertEquals( "", value ) ;
public void testGetNonexistingDouble() {
String cell = "'MortgageCalculator'!C33" ;
fixture = new ExcelAntWorkbookUtilTestHelper(
mortgageCalculatorFileName ) ;
double value = fixture.getCellAsDouble( cell ) ;
assertEquals( 0.0, value ) ;