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/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException;
import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLProperties;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagePart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagingURIHelper;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NPOIFSFileSystem;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.WorkbookEvaluator;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.ErrorEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.NumberEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.ValueEval;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.functions.Function;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.BaseTestBugzillaIssues;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellValue;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.ClientAnchor;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Comment;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CreationHelper;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DataFormatter;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Drawing;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Font;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FormulaError;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FormulaEvaluator;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Hyperlink;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.IndexedColors;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Name;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.WorkbookFactory;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.AreaReference;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
import org.apache.poi.util.TempFile;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.XLSBUnsupportedException;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.XSSFITestDataProvider;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.XSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.model.CalculationChain;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.extensions.XSSFCellFill;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTCols;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTWorksheet;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.CTFontImpl;
public final class TestXSSFBugs extends BaseTestBugzillaIssues {
public TestXSSFBugs() {
* test writing a file with large number of unique strings,
* open resulting file in Excel to check results!
public void bug15375_2() {
* Named ranges had the right reference, but
* the wrong sheet name
public void bug45430() {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("45430.xlsx");
assertEquals(3, wb.getNumberOfNames());
assertEquals(0, wb.getNameAt(0).getCTName().getLocalSheetId());
assertEquals("SheetA!$A$1", wb.getNameAt(0).getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals("SheetA", wb.getNameAt(0).getSheetName());
assertEquals(0, wb.getNameAt(1).getCTName().getLocalSheetId());
assertEquals("SheetB!$A$1", wb.getNameAt(1).getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals("SheetB", wb.getNameAt(1).getSheetName());
assertEquals(0, wb.getNameAt(2).getCTName().getLocalSheetId());
assertEquals("SheetC!$A$1", wb.getNameAt(2).getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals("SheetC", wb.getNameAt(2).getSheetName());
// Save and re-load, still there
XSSFWorkbook nwb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
assertEquals(3, nwb.getNumberOfNames());
assertEquals("SheetA!$A$1", nwb.getNameAt(0).getRefersToFormula());
* We should carry vba macros over after save
public void bug45431() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("45431.xlsm");
OPCPackage pkg = wb.getPackage();
// Check the various macro related bits can be found
PackagePart vba = pkg.getPart(
// And the drawing bit
PackagePart drw = pkg.getPart(
// Save and re-open, both still there
XSSFWorkbook nwb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
OPCPackage nPkg = nwb.getPackage();
vba = nPkg.getPart(
drw = nPkg.getPart(
// And again, just to be sure
nwb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(nwb);
nPkg = nwb.getPackage();
vba = nPkg.getPart(
drw = nPkg.getPart(
public void bug47504() {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("47504.xlsx");
assertEquals(1, wb.getNumberOfSheets());
XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFDrawing drawing = sh.createDrawingPatriarch();
List<POIXMLDocumentPart> rels = drawing.getRelations();
assertEquals(1, rels.size());
assertEquals("Sheet1!A1", rels.get(0).getPackageRelationship().getTargetURI().getFragment());
// And again, just to be sure
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
assertEquals(1, wb.getNumberOfSheets());
sh = wb.getSheetAt(0);
drawing = sh.createDrawingPatriarch();
rels = drawing.getRelations();
assertEquals(1, rels.size());
assertEquals("Sheet1!A1", rels.get(0).getPackageRelationship().getTargetURI().getFragment());
* Excel will sometimes write a button with a textbox
* containing &gt;br&lt; (not closed!).
* Clearly Excel shouldn't do this, but test that we can
* read the file despite the naughtyness
public void bug49020() throws Exception {
/*XSSFWorkbook wb =*/ XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("BrNotClosed.xlsx");
* ensure that CTPhoneticPr is loaded by the ooxml test suite so that it is included in poi-ooxml-schemas
public void bug49325() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("49325.xlsx");
CTWorksheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0).getCTWorksheet();
* Names which are defined with a Sheet
* should return that sheet index properly
public void bug48923() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("48923.xlsx");
assertEquals(4, wb.getNumberOfNames());
Name b1 = wb.getName("NameB1");
Name b2 = wb.getName("NameB2");
Name sheet2 = wb.getName("NameSheet2");
Name test = wb.getName("Test");
assertEquals("NameB1", b1.getNameName());
assertEquals("Sheet1", b1.getSheetName());
assertEquals(-1, b1.getSheetIndex());
assertEquals("NameB2", b2.getNameName());
assertEquals("Sheet1", b2.getSheetName());
assertEquals(-1, b2.getSheetIndex());
assertEquals("NameSheet2", sheet2.getNameName());
assertEquals("Sheet2", sheet2.getSheetName());
assertEquals(-1, sheet2.getSheetIndex());
assertEquals("Test", test.getNameName());
assertEquals("Sheet1", test.getSheetName());
assertEquals(-1, test.getSheetIndex());
* Problem with evaluation formulas due to
* NameXPtgs.
* Blows up on:
* IF(B6= (ROUNDUP(B6,0) + ROUNDDOWN(B6,0))/2, MROUND(B6,2),ROUND(B6,0))
* TODO: delete this test case when MROUND and VAR are implemented
public void bug48539() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("48539.xlsx");
assertEquals(3, wb.getNumberOfSheets());
assertEquals(0, wb.getNumberOfNames());
// Try each cell individually
XSSFFormulaEvaluator eval = new XSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
for(int i=0; i<wb.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) {
Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(i);
for(Row r : s) {
for(Cell c : r) {
if(c.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
String formula = c.getCellFormula();
CellValue cv;
try {
cv = eval.evaluate(c);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can't evaluate formula: " + formula, e);
if(cv.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
// assert that the calculated value agrees with
// the cached formula result calculated by Excel
double cachedFormulaResult = c.getNumericCellValue();
double evaluatedFormulaResult = cv.getNumberValue();
assertEquals(c.getCellFormula(), cachedFormulaResult, evaluatedFormulaResult, 1E-7);
// Now all of them
* Foreground colours should be found even if
* a theme is used
public void bug48779() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("48779.xlsx");
XSSFCell cell = wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(0);
XSSFCellStyle cs = cell.getCellStyle();
assertEquals(1, cs.getIndex());
// Look at the low level xml elements
assertEquals(2, cs.getCoreXf().getFillId());
assertEquals(0, cs.getCoreXf().getXfId());
assertEquals(true, cs.getCoreXf().getApplyFill());
XSSFCellFill fg = wb.getStylesSource().getFillAt(2);
assertEquals(0, fg.getFillForegroundColor().getIndexed());
assertEquals(0.0, fg.getFillForegroundColor().getTint(), 0);
assertEquals("FFFF0000", fg.getFillForegroundColor().getARGBHex());
assertEquals(64, fg.getFillBackgroundColor().getIndexed());
// Now look higher up
assertEquals(0, cs.getFillForegroundColor());
assertEquals("FFFF0000", cs.getFillForegroundXSSFColor().getARGBHex());
assertEquals("FFFF0000", cs.getFillForegroundColorColor().getARGBHex());
assertEquals(64, cs.getFillBackgroundColor());
assertEquals(null, cs.getFillBackgroundXSSFColor().getARGBHex());
assertEquals(null, cs.getFillBackgroundColorColor().getARGBHex());
* With HSSF, if you create a font, don't change it, and
* create a 2nd, you really do get two fonts that you
* can alter as and when you want.
* With XSSF, that wasn't the case, but this verfies
* that it now is again
public void bug48718() throws Exception {
// Verify the HSSF behaviour
// Then ensure the same for XSSF
Workbook[] wbs = new Workbook[] {
new HSSFWorkbook(),
new XSSFWorkbook()
int[] initialFonts = new int[] { 4, 1 };
for(int i=0; i<wbs.length; i++) {
Workbook wb = wbs[i];
int startingFonts = initialFonts[i];
assertEquals(startingFonts, wb.getNumberOfFonts());
// Get a font, and slightly change it
Font a = wb.createFont();
assertEquals(startingFonts+1, wb.getNumberOfFonts());
assertEquals(startingFonts+1, wb.getNumberOfFonts());
// Get two more, unchanged
/*Font b =*/ wb.createFont();
assertEquals(startingFonts+2, wb.getNumberOfFonts());
/*Font c =*/ wb.createFont();
assertEquals(startingFonts+3, wb.getNumberOfFonts());
* Ensure General and @ format are working properly
* for integers
public void bug47490() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("GeneralFormatTests.xlsx");
Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(1);
Row r;
DataFormatter df = new DataFormatter();
r = s.getRow(1);
assertEquals(1.0, r.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(), 0);
assertEquals("General", r.getCell(2).getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
assertEquals("1", df.formatCellValue(r.getCell(2)));
assertEquals("1", df.formatRawCellContents(1.0, -1, "@"));
assertEquals("1", df.formatRawCellContents(1.0, -1, "General"));
r = s.getRow(2);
assertEquals(12.0, r.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(), 0);
assertEquals("General", r.getCell(2).getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
assertEquals("12", df.formatCellValue(r.getCell(2)));
assertEquals("12", df.formatRawCellContents(12.0, -1, "@"));
assertEquals("12", df.formatRawCellContents(12.0, -1, "General"));
r = s.getRow(3);
assertEquals(123.0, r.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(), 0);
assertEquals("General", r.getCell(2).getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
assertEquals("123", df.formatCellValue(r.getCell(2)));
assertEquals("123", df.formatRawCellContents(123.0, -1, "@"));
assertEquals("123", df.formatRawCellContents(123.0, -1, "General"));
* Ensures that XSSF and HSSF agree with each other,
* and with the docs on when fetching the wrong
* kind of value from a Formula cell
public void bug47815() {
Workbook[] wbs = new Workbook[] {
new HSSFWorkbook(),
new XSSFWorkbook()
for(Workbook wb : wbs) {
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
Row r = s.createRow(0);
// Setup
Cell cn = r.createCell(0, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC);
Cell cs = r.createCell(1, Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING);
Cell cfn = r.createCell(2, Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA);
Cell cfs = r.createCell(3, Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA);
FormulaEvaluator fe = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, fe.evaluate(cfn).getCellType());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING, fe.evaluate(cfs).getCellType());
// Now test
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cn.getCellType());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING, cs.getCellType());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA, cfn.getCellType());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cfn.getCachedFormulaResultType());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA, cfs.getCellType());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING, cfs.getCachedFormulaResultType());
// Different ways of retrieving
assertEquals(1.2, cn.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
try {
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {}
assertEquals("Testing", cs.getStringCellValue());
try {
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {}
assertEquals(1.2, cfn.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
try {
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {}
assertEquals("Testing", cfs.getStringCellValue());
try {
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {}
* A problem file from a non-standard source (a scientific instrument that saves its
* output as an .xlsx file) that have two issues:
* 1. The Content Type part name is lower-case: [content_types].xml
* 2. The file appears to use backslashes as path separators
* The OPC spec tolerates both of these peculiarities, so does POI
public void bug49609() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("49609.xlsx");
assertEquals("FAM", wb.getSheetName(0));
assertEquals("Cycle", wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(1).getStringCellValue());
public void bug49783() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("49783.xlsx");
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
Cell cell;
cell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0);
assertEquals("#REF!*#REF!", cell.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR, evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell).getCellType());
assertEquals("#REF!", FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue()).getString());
Name nm1 = wb.getName("sale_1");
assertNotNull("name sale_1 should be present", nm1);
assertEquals("Sheet1!#REF!", nm1.getRefersToFormula());
Name nm2 = wb.getName("sale_2");
assertNotNull("name sale_2 should be present", nm2);
assertEquals("Sheet1!#REF!", nm2.getRefersToFormula());
cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(0);
assertEquals("sale_1*sale_2", cell.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR, evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell).getCellType());
assertEquals("#REF!", FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue()).getString());
* Creating a rich string of "hello world" and applying
* a font to characters 1-5 means we have two strings,
* "hello" and " world". As such, we need to apply
* preserve spaces to the 2nd bit, lest we end up
* with something like "helloworld" !
public void bug49941() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFSheet s = wb.createSheet();
XSSFRow r = s.createRow(0);
XSSFCell c = r.createCell(0);
// First without fonts
new XSSFRichTextString(" with spaces ")
assertEquals(" with spaces ", c.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
assertEquals(0, c.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().sizeOfRArray());
assertEquals(true, c.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().isSetT());
// Should have the preserve set
// Save and check
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
r = s.getRow(0);
c = r.getCell(0);
assertEquals(" with spaces ", c.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
assertEquals(0, c.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().sizeOfRArray());
assertEquals(true, c.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().isSetT());
// Change the string
new XSSFRichTextString("hello world")
assertEquals("hello world", c.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
// Won't have preserve
// Apply a font
XSSFFont f = wb.createFont();
c.getRichStringCellValue().applyFont(0, 5, f);
assertEquals("hello world", c.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
// Does need preserving on the 2nd part
assertEquals(2, c.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().sizeOfRArray());
// Save and check
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
r = s.getRow(0);
c = r.getCell(0);
assertEquals("hello world", c.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
* Repeatedly writing the same file which has styles
public void bug49940() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("styles.xlsx");
assertEquals(3, wb.getNumberOfSheets());
assertEquals(10, wb.getStylesSource().getNumCellStyles());
ByteArrayOutputStream b1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream b2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream b3 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for(byte[] data : new byte[][] {
b1.toByteArray(), b2.toByteArray(), b3.toByteArray()
}) {
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
wb = new XSSFWorkbook(bais);
assertEquals(3, wb.getNumberOfSheets());
assertEquals(10, wb.getStylesSource().getNumCellStyles());
* Various ways of removing a cell formula should all zap the calcChain
* entry.
public void bug49966() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Workbook wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
// CalcChain has lots of entries
CalculationChain cc = wb.getCalculationChain();
assertEquals("A2", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(0).getR());
assertEquals("A3", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(1).getR());
assertEquals("A4", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(2).getR());
assertEquals("A5", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(3).getR());
assertEquals("A6", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(4).getR());
assertEquals("A7", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(5).getR());
assertEquals("A8", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(6).getR());
assertEquals(40, cc.getCTCalcChain().sizeOfCArray());
wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
// Try various ways of changing the formulas
// If it stays a formula, chain entry should remain
// Otherwise should go
sheet.getRow(1).getCell(0).setCellFormula("A1"); // stay
sheet.getRow(2).getCell(0).setCellFormula(null); // go
sheet.getRow(3).getCell(0).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA); // stay
wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet.getRow(4).getCell(0).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); // go
wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet.getRow(5).removeCell(sheet.getRow(5).getCell(0)); // go
wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet.getRow(6).getCell(0).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK); // go
wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet.getRow(7).getCell(0).setCellValue((String) null); // go
wbRead = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
// Save and check
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
assertEquals(35, cc.getCTCalcChain().sizeOfCArray());
cc = wb.getCalculationChain();
assertEquals("A2", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(0).getR());
assertEquals("A4", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(1).getR());
assertEquals("A9", cc.getCTCalcChain().getCArray(2).getR());
public void bug49966Row() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
sheet.getRow(5).removeCell(sheet.getRow(5).getCell(0)); // go
private void validateCells(XSSFSheet sheet) {
for(Row row : sheet) {
// trigger handling
public void bug49156() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("49156.xlsx");
FormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
for(Row row : sheet){
for(Cell cell : row){
if(cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
formulaEvaluator.evaluateInCell(cell); // caused NPE on some cells
* Newlines are valid characters in a formula
public void bug50440And51875() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("NewlineInFormulas.xlsx");
Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Cell c = s.getRow(0).getCell(0);
assertEquals("SUM(\n1,2\n)", c.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(3.0, c.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
FormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
assertEquals("SUM(\n1,2\n)", c.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(3.0, c.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
// For 51875
Cell b3 = s.getRow(2).getCell(1);
assertEquals("B1+B2", b3.getCellFormula()); // The newline is lost for shared formulas
assertEquals(3.0, b3.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
* Moving a cell comment from one cell to another
public void bug50795() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("50795.xlsx");
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(0);
XSSFCell cellWith = row.getCell(0);
XSSFCell cellWithoutComment = row.getCell(1);
String exp = "\u0410\u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440:\ncomment";
XSSFComment comment = cellWith.getCellComment();
assertEquals(exp, comment.getString().getString());
// Check we can write it out and read it back as-is
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
row = sheet.getRow(0);
cellWith = row.getCell(0);
cellWithoutComment = row.getCell(1);
// Double check things are as expected
comment = cellWith.getCellComment();
assertEquals(exp, comment.getString().getString());
// Move the comment
// Write out and re-check
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
row = sheet.getRow(0);
// Ensure it swapped over
cellWith = row.getCell(0);
cellWithoutComment = row.getCell(1);
comment = cellWithoutComment.getCellComment();
assertEquals(exp, comment.getString().getString());
* When the cell background colour is set with one of the first
* two columns of the theme colour palette, the colours are
* shades of white or black.
* For those cases, ensure we don't break on reading the colour
public void bug50299() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("50299.xlsx");
// Check all the colours
for(int sn=0; sn<wb.getNumberOfSheets(); sn++) {
Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(sn);
for(Row r : s) {
for(Cell c : r) {
CellStyle cs = c.getCellStyle();
if(cs != null) {
// Check one bit in detail
// Check that we get back foreground=0 for the theme colours,
// and background=64 for the auto colouring
Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
assertEquals(0, s.getRow(0).getCell(8).getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor());
assertEquals(64, s.getRow(0).getCell(8).getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor());
assertEquals(0, s.getRow(1).getCell(8).getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor());
assertEquals(64, s.getRow(1).getCell(8).getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor());
* Excel .xls style indexed colours in a .xlsx file
public void bug50786() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("50786-indexed_colours.xlsx");
XSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow r = s.getRow(2);
// Check we have the right cell
XSSFCell c = r.getCell(1);
assertEquals("test\u00a0", c.getRichStringCellValue().getString());
// It should be light green
XSSFCellStyle cs = c.getCellStyle();
assertEquals(42, cs.getFillForegroundColor());
assertEquals(42, cs.getFillForegroundColorColor().getIndexed());
assertEquals("FFCCFFCC", cs.getFillForegroundColorColor().getARGBHex());
* If the border colours are set with themes, then we
* should still be able to get colours
public void bug50846() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("50846-border_colours.xlsx");
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(0);
// Border from a theme, brown
XSSFCell cellT = row.getCell(0);
XSSFCellStyle styleT = cellT.getCellStyle();
XSSFColor colorT = styleT.getBottomBorderXSSFColor();
assertEquals(5, colorT.getTheme());
assertEquals("FFC0504D", colorT.getARGBHex());
// Border from a style direct, red
XSSFCell cellS = row.getCell(1);
XSSFCellStyle styleS = cellS.getCellStyle();
XSSFColor colorS = styleS.getBottomBorderXSSFColor();
assertEquals(0, colorS.getTheme());
assertEquals("FFFF0000", colorS.getARGBHex());
* Fonts where their colours come from the theme rather
* then being set explicitly still should allow the
* fetching of the RGB.
public void bug50784() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("50784-font_theme_colours.xlsx");
XSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow r = s.getRow(0);
// Column 1 has a font with regular colours
XSSFCell cr = r.getCell(1);
XSSFFont fr = wb.getFontAt( cr.getCellStyle().getFontIndex() );
XSSFColor colr = fr.getXSSFColor();
// No theme, has colours
assertEquals(0, colr.getTheme());
assertNotNull( colr.getRgb() );
// Column 0 has a font with colours from a theme
XSSFCell ct = r.getCell(0);
XSSFFont ft = wb.getFontAt( ct.getCellStyle().getFontIndex() );
XSSFColor colt = ft.getXSSFColor();
// Has a theme, which has the colours on it
assertEquals(9, colt.getTheme());
XSSFColor themeC = wb.getTheme().getThemeColor(colt.getTheme());
assertNotNull( themeC.getRgb() );
assertNotNull( colt.getRgb() );
assertEquals( themeC.getARGBHex(), colt.getARGBHex() ); // The same colour
* New lines were being eaten when setting a font on
* a rich text string
public void bug48877() throws Exception {
String text = "Use \n with word wrap on to create a new line.\n" +
"This line finishes with two trailing spaces. ";
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
Font font1 = wb.createFont();
font1.setColor((short) 20);
Font font2 = wb.createFont();
Font font3 = wb.getFontAt((short)0);
XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(2);
XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(2);
XSSFRichTextString richTextString =
// Check the text has the newline
assertEquals(text, richTextString.getString());
// Apply the font
richTextString.applyFont(0, 3, font1);
// To enable newlines you need set a cell styles with wrap=true
CellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle();
// Check the text has the
assertEquals(text, cell.getStringCellValue());
// Save the file and re-read it
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
row = sheet.getRow(2);
cell = row.getCell(2);
assertEquals(text, cell.getStringCellValue());
// Now add a 2nd, and check again
int fontAt = text.indexOf("\n", 6);
cell.getRichStringCellValue().applyFont(10, fontAt+1, font2);
assertEquals(text, cell.getStringCellValue());
assertEquals(4, cell.getRichStringCellValue().numFormattingRuns());
assertEquals("Use", cell.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().getRList().get(0).getT());
String r3 = cell.getRichStringCellValue().getCTRst().getRList().get(2).getT();
assertEquals("line.\n", r3.substring(r3.length()-6));
// Save and re-check
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
row = sheet.getRow(2);
cell = row.getCell(2);
assertEquals(text, cell.getStringCellValue());
// FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/test48877.xlsx");
// wb.write(out);
// out.close();
* Adding sheets when one has a table, then re-ordering
public void bug50867() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("50867_with_table.xlsx");
assertEquals(3, wb.getNumberOfSheets());
XSSFSheet s1 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFSheet s2 = wb.getSheetAt(1);
XSSFSheet s3 = wb.getSheetAt(2);
assertEquals(1, s1.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s2.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s3.getTables().size());
XSSFTable t = s1.getTables().get(0);
assertEquals("Tabella1", t.getName());
assertEquals("Tabella1", t.getDisplayName());
assertEquals("A1:C3", t.getCTTable().getRef());
// Add a sheet and re-order
XSSFSheet s4 = wb.createSheet("NewSheet");
wb.setSheetOrder(s4.getSheetName(), 0);
// Check on tables
assertEquals(1, s1.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s2.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s3.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s4.getTables().size());
// Refetch to get the new order
s1 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
s2 = wb.getSheetAt(1);
s3 = wb.getSheetAt(2);
s4 = wb.getSheetAt(3);
assertEquals(0, s1.getTables().size());
assertEquals(1, s2.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s3.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s4.getTables().size());
// Save and re-load
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
s1 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
s2 = wb.getSheetAt(1);
s3 = wb.getSheetAt(2);
s4 = wb.getSheetAt(3);
assertEquals(0, s1.getTables().size());
assertEquals(1, s2.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s3.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s4.getTables().size());
t = s2.getTables().get(0);
assertEquals("Tabella1", t.getName());
assertEquals("Tabella1", t.getDisplayName());
assertEquals("A1:C3", t.getCTTable().getRef());
// Add some more tables, and check
t = s2.createTable();
t.setName("New 2");
t.setDisplayName("New 2");
t = s3.createTable();
t.setName("New 3");
t.setDisplayName("New 3");
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
s1 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
s2 = wb.getSheetAt(1);
s3 = wb.getSheetAt(2);
s4 = wb.getSheetAt(3);
assertEquals(0, s1.getTables().size());
assertEquals(2, s2.getTables().size());
assertEquals(1, s3.getTables().size());
assertEquals(0, s4.getTables().size());
t = s2.getTables().get(0);
assertEquals("Tabella1", t.getName());
assertEquals("Tabella1", t.getDisplayName());
assertEquals("A1:C3", t.getCTTable().getRef());
t = s2.getTables().get(1);
assertEquals("New 2", t.getName());
assertEquals("New 2", t.getDisplayName());
t = s3.getTables().get(0);
assertEquals("New 3", t.getName());
assertEquals("New 3", t.getDisplayName());
// Check the relationships
assertEquals(0, s1.getRelations().size());
assertEquals(3, s2.getRelations().size());
assertEquals(1, s3.getRelations().size());
assertEquals(0, s4.getRelations().size());
* Setting repeating rows and columns shouldn't break
* any print settings that were there before
public void bug49253() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb1 = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFWorkbook wb2 = new XSSFWorkbook();
// No print settings before repeating
XSSFSheet s1 = wb1.createSheet();
assertEquals(false, s1.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageSetup());
assertEquals(true, s1.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageMargins());
wb1.setRepeatingRowsAndColumns(0, 2, 3, 1, 2);
assertEquals(true, s1.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageSetup());
assertEquals(true, s1.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageMargins());
XSSFPrintSetup ps1 = s1.getPrintSetup();
assertEquals(false, ps1.getValidSettings());
assertEquals(false, ps1.getLandscape());
// Had valid print settings before repeating
XSSFSheet s2 = wb2.createSheet();
XSSFPrintSetup ps2 = s2.getPrintSetup();
assertEquals(true, s2.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageSetup());
assertEquals(true, s2.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageMargins());
assertEquals(true, ps2.getValidSettings());
assertEquals(false, ps2.getLandscape());
wb2.setRepeatingRowsAndColumns(0, 2, 3, 1, 2);
ps2 = s2.getPrintSetup();
assertEquals(true, s2.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageSetup());
assertEquals(true, s2.getCTWorksheet().isSetPageMargins());
assertEquals(true, ps2.getValidSettings());
assertEquals(false, ps2.getLandscape());
* Default Column style
public void bug51037() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFSheet s = wb.createSheet();
CellStyle defaultStyle = wb.getCellStyleAt((short)0);
assertEquals(0, defaultStyle.getIndex());
CellStyle blueStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
assertEquals(1, blueStyle.getIndex());
CellStyle pinkStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
assertEquals(2, pinkStyle.getIndex());
// Starts empty
assertEquals(1, s.getCTWorksheet().sizeOfColsArray());
CTCols cols = s.getCTWorksheet().getColsArray(0);
assertEquals(0, cols.sizeOfColArray());
// Add some rows and columns
XSSFRow r1 = s.createRow(0);
XSSFRow r2 = s.createRow(1);
// Check no style is there
assertEquals(1, s.getCTWorksheet().sizeOfColsArray());
assertEquals(0, cols.sizeOfColArray());
assertEquals(defaultStyle, s.getColumnStyle(0));
assertEquals(defaultStyle, s.getColumnStyle(2));
assertEquals(defaultStyle, s.getColumnStyle(3));
// Apply the styles
s.setDefaultColumnStyle(0, pinkStyle);
s.setDefaultColumnStyle(3, blueStyle);
// Check
assertEquals(pinkStyle, s.getColumnStyle(0));
assertEquals(defaultStyle, s.getColumnStyle(2));
assertEquals(blueStyle, s.getColumnStyle(3));
assertEquals(1, s.getCTWorksheet().sizeOfColsArray());
assertEquals(2, cols.sizeOfColArray());
assertEquals(1, cols.getColArray(0).getMin());
assertEquals(1, cols.getColArray(0).getMax());
assertEquals(pinkStyle.getIndex(), cols.getColArray(0).getStyle());
assertEquals(4, cols.getColArray(1).getMin());
assertEquals(4, cols.getColArray(1).getMax());
assertEquals(blueStyle.getIndex(), cols.getColArray(1).getStyle());
// Save, re-load and re-check
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
defaultStyle = wb.getCellStyleAt(defaultStyle.getIndex());
blueStyle = wb.getCellStyleAt(blueStyle.getIndex());
pinkStyle = wb.getCellStyleAt(pinkStyle.getIndex());
assertEquals(pinkStyle, s.getColumnStyle(0));
assertEquals(defaultStyle, s.getColumnStyle(2));
assertEquals(blueStyle, s.getColumnStyle(3));
* Repeatedly writing a file.
* Something with the SharedStringsTable currently breaks...
public void bug46662() throws Exception {
// New file
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
// Simple file
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("sample.xlsx");
// Complex file
* Colours and styles when the list has gaps in it
public void bug51222() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("51222.xlsx");
XSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFCell cA4_EEECE1 = s.getRow(3).getCell(0);
XSSFCell cA5_1F497D = s.getRow(4).getCell(0);
// Check the text
assertEquals("A4", cA4_EEECE1.getRichStringCellValue().getString());
assertEquals("A5", cA5_1F497D.getRichStringCellValue().getString());
// Check the styles assigned to them
assertEquals(4, cA4_EEECE1.getCTCell().getS());
assertEquals(5, cA5_1F497D.getCTCell().getS());
// Check we look up the correct style
assertEquals(4, cA4_EEECE1.getCellStyle().getIndex());
assertEquals(5, cA5_1F497D.getCellStyle().getIndex());
// Check the fills on them at the low level
assertEquals(5, cA4_EEECE1.getCellStyle().getCoreXf().getFillId());
assertEquals(6, cA5_1F497D.getCellStyle().getCoreXf().getFillId());
// These should reference themes 2 and 3
assertEquals(2, wb.getStylesSource().getFillAt(5).getCTFill().getPatternFill().getFgColor().getTheme());
assertEquals(3, wb.getStylesSource().getFillAt(6).getCTFill().getPatternFill().getFgColor().getTheme());
// Ensure we get the right colours for these themes
// TODO fix
// assertEquals("FFEEECE1", wb.getTheme().getThemeColor(2).getARGBHex());
// assertEquals("FF1F497D", wb.getTheme().getThemeColor(3).getARGBHex());
// Finally check the colours on the styles
// TODO fix
// assertEquals("FFEEECE1", cA4_EEECE1.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundXSSFColor().getARGBHex());
// assertEquals("FF1F497D", cA5_1F497D.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundXSSFColor().getARGBHex());
public void bug51470() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("51470.xlsx");
XSSFSheet sh0 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFSheet sh1 = wb.cloneSheet(0);
List<POIXMLDocumentPart> rels0 = sh0.getRelations();
List<POIXMLDocumentPart> rels1 = sh1.getRelations();
assertEquals(1, rels0.size());
assertEquals(1, rels1.size());
assertEquals(rels0.get(0).getPackageRelationship(), rels1.get(0).getPackageRelationship());
* Add comments to Sheet 1, when Sheet 2 already has
* comments (so /xl/comments1.xml is taken)
public void bug51850() {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("51850.xlsx");
XSSFSheet sh1 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFSheet sh2 = wb.getSheetAt(1);
// Sheet 2 has comments
assertEquals(1, sh2.getCommentsTable(false).getNumberOfComments());
// Sheet 1 doesn't (yet)
// Try to add comments to Sheet 1
CreationHelper factory = wb.getCreationHelper();
Drawing drawing = sh1.createDrawingPatriarch();
ClientAnchor anchor = factory.createClientAnchor();
Comment comment1 = drawing.createCellComment(anchor);
factory.createRichTextString("I like this cell. It's my favourite."));
comment1.setAuthor("Bob T. Fish");
Comment comment2 = drawing.createCellComment(anchor);
factory.createRichTextString("This is much less fun..."));
comment2.setAuthor("Bob T. Fish");
Cell c1 = sh1.getRow(0).createCell(4);
Cell c2 = sh1.getRow(0).createCell(5);
// Save and re-load
wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sh1 = wb.getSheetAt(0);
sh2 = wb.getSheetAt(1);
// Check the comments
assertEquals(1, sh2.getCommentsTable(false).getNumberOfComments());
assertEquals(2, sh1.getCommentsTable(false).getNumberOfComments());
* Sheet names with a , in them
public void bug51963() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("51963.xlsx");
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
assertEquals("Abc,1", sheet.getSheetName());
Name name = wb.getName("Intekon.ProdCodes");
assertEquals("'Abc,1'!$A$1:$A$2", name.getRefersToFormula());
AreaReference ref = new AreaReference(name.getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals(0, ref.getFirstCell().getRow());
assertEquals(0, ref.getFirstCell().getCol());
assertEquals(1, ref.getLastCell().getRow());
assertEquals(0, ref.getLastCell().getCol());
* Sum across multiple workbooks
* eg =SUM($Sheet1.C1:$Sheet4.C1)
* DISABLED As we can't currently evaluate these
public void bug48703() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("48703.xlsx");
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
// Contains two forms, one with a range and one a list
XSSFRow r1 = sheet.getRow(0);
XSSFRow r2 = sheet.getRow(1);
XSSFCell c1 = r1.getCell(1);
XSSFCell c2 = r2.getCell(1);
assertEquals(20.0, c1.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
assertEquals("SUM(Sheet1!C1,Sheet2!C1,Sheet3!C1,Sheet4!C1)", c1.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(20.0, c2.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
assertEquals("SUM(Sheet1:Sheet4!C1)", c2.getCellFormula());
// Try evaluating both
XSSFFormulaEvaluator eval = new XSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
assertEquals(20.0, c1.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
assertEquals(20.0, c2.getNumericCellValue(), 0);
* Bugzilla 51710: problems reading shared formuals from .xlsx
public void bug51710() {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("51710.xlsx");
final String[] columns = {"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N"};
final int rowMax = 500; // bug triggers on row index 59
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
// go through all formula cells
for (int rInd = 2; rInd <= rowMax; rInd++) {
Row row = sheet.getRow(rInd);
for (int cInd = 1; cInd <= 12; cInd++) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cInd);
String formula = cell.getCellFormula();
CellReference ref = new CellReference(cell);
//simulate correct answer
String correct = "$A" + (rInd + 1) + "*" + columns[cInd] + "$2";
assertEquals("Incorrect formula in " + ref.formatAsString(), correct, formula);
* Bug 53101:
public void bug5301(){
Workbook workbook = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53101.xlsx");
FormulaEvaluator evaluator =
// A1: SUM(B1: IZ1)
double a1Value =
// Assert
assertEquals(259.0, a1Value, 0.0);
// KY: SUM(B1: IZ1)
/*double ky1Value =*/
// Assert
assertEquals(259.0, a1Value, 0.0);
public void bug54436(){
Workbook workbook = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("54436.xlsx");
Function func = new Function() {
public ValueEval evaluate(ValueEval[] args, int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex) {
return ErrorEval.NA;
WorkbookEvaluator.registerFunction("GETPIVOTDATA", func);
* Password Protected .xlsx files should give a helpful
* error message when called via WorkbookFactory.
* (You need to supply a password explicitly for them)
public void bug55692_stream() throws Exception {
// Directly on a Stream
public void bug55692_poifs() throws Exception {
// Via a POIFSFileSystem
POIFSFileSystem fsP = new POIFSFileSystem(POIDataSamples.getPOIFSInstance().openResourceAsStream("protect.xlsx"));
public void bug55692_npoifs() throws Exception {
// Via a NPOIFSFileSystem
NPOIFSFileSystem fsNP = new NPOIFSFileSystem(POIDataSamples.getPOIFSInstance().openResourceAsStream("protect.xlsx"));
public void bug53282() {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53282b.xlsx");
Cell c = wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell(0);
assertEquals("#@_#", c.getStringCellValue());
assertEquals("http://invalid.uri", c.getHyperlink().getAddress());
* Was giving NullPointerException
* at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook.onDocumentRead
* due to a lack of Styles Table
public void bug56278() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56278.xlsx");
assertEquals(0, wb.getSheetIndex("Market Rates"));
// Save and re-check
Workbook nwb = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
assertEquals(0, nwb.getSheetIndex("Market Rates"));
public void bug56315() {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56315.xlsx");
Cell c = wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell(0);
CellValue cv = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator().evaluate(c);
double rounded = cv.getNumberValue();
assertEquals(0.1, rounded, 0.0);
public void bug56468() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
sheet.setRepeatingRows(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 0));
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8096);
byte firstSave[] = bos.toByteArray();
byte secondSave[] = bos.toByteArray();
assertThat(firstSave, equalTo(secondSave));
* ISO-8601 style cell formats with a T in them, eg
* cell format of "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"
public void bug54034() throws IOException {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("54034.xlsx");
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet("Sheet1");
Row row = sheet.getRow(1);
Cell cell = row.getCell(2);
DataFormatter fmt = new DataFormatter();
assertEquals("yyyy\\-mm\\-dd\\Thh:mm", cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
assertEquals("2012-08-08T22:59", fmt.formatCellValue(cell));
public void testBug53798XLSX() throws IOException {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53798_shiftNegative_TMPL.xlsx");
File xlsOutput = TempFile.createTempFile("testBug53798", ".xlsx");
bug53798Work(wb, xlsOutput);
@Ignore("Shifting rows is not yet implemented in SXSSFSheet")
public void testBug53798XLSXStream() throws IOException {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53798_shiftNegative_TMPL.xlsx");
File xlsOutput = TempFile.createTempFile("testBug53798", ".xlsx");
bug53798Work(new SXSSFWorkbook(wb), xlsOutput);
public void testBug53798XLS() throws IOException {
Workbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("53798_shiftNegative_TMPL.xls");
File xlsOutput = TempFile.createTempFile("testBug53798", ".xls");
bug53798Work(wb, xlsOutput);
* SUMIF was throwing a NPE on some formulas
@Ignore("This bug is still to be fixed")
public void testBug56420SumIfNPE() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56420.xlsx");
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Row r = sheet.getRow(2);
Cell c = r.getCell(2);
assertEquals("SUMIF($A$1:$A$4,A3,$B$1:$B$4)", c.getCellFormula());
private void bug53798Work(Workbook wb, File xlsOutput) throws IOException {
Sheet testSheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
testSheet.shiftRows(2, 2, 1);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
// 1) corrupted xlsx (unreadable data in the first row of a shifted group) already comes about
// when shifted by less than -1 negative amount (try -2)
testSheet.shiftRows(3, 3, -1);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
testSheet.shiftRows(2, 2, 1);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
Row newRow = null;
Cell newCell = null;
// 2) attempt to create a new row IN PLACE of a removed row by a negative shift causes corrupted
// xlsx file with unreadable data in the negative shifted row.
// NOTE it's ok to create any other row.
newRow = testSheet.createRow(3);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
newCell = newRow.createCell(0);
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
newCell.setCellValue("new Cell in row "+newRow.getRowNum());
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
// 3) once a negative shift has been made any attempt to shift another group of rows
// (note: outside of previously negative shifted rows) by a POSITIVE amount causes POI exception:
// org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlValueDisconnectedException.
// NOTE: another negative shift on another group of rows is successful, provided no new rows in
// place of previously shifted rows were attempted to be created as explained above.
testSheet.shiftRows(6, 7, 1); // -- CHANGE the shift to positive once the behaviour of
// the above has been tested
saveAndReloadReport(wb, xlsOutput);
* XSSFCell.typeMismatch on certain blank cells when formatting
* with DataFormatter
public void bug56702() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56702.xlsx");
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
// Get wrong cell by row 8 & column 7
Cell cell = sheet.getRow(8).getCell(7);
assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.getCellType());
// Check the value - will be zero as it is <c><v/></c>
assertEquals(0.0, cell.getNumericCellValue(), 0.001);
// Try to format
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
// Check the formatting
assertEquals("0", formatter.formatCellValue(cell));
* Formulas which reference named ranges, either in other
* sheets, or workbook scoped but in other workbooks.
* Used to fail with with errors like
* org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParseException: Cell reference expected after sheet name at index 9
* org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParseException: Parse error near char 0 '[' in specified formula '[0]!NR_Global_B2'. Expected number, string, or defined name
public void bug56737() throws IOException {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56737.xlsx");
// Check the named range definitions
Name nSheetScope = wb.getName("NR_To_A1");
Name nWBScope = wb.getName("NR_Global_B2");
assertEquals("Defines!$A$1", nSheetScope.getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals("Defines!$B$2", nWBScope.getRefersToFormula());
// Check the different kinds of formulas
Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Cell cRefSName = s.getRow(1).getCell(3);
Cell cRefWName = s.getRow(2).getCell(3);
assertEquals("Defines!NR_To_A1", cRefSName.getCellFormula());
// Note the formula, as stored in the file, has the external name index not filename
// TODO Provide a way to get the one with the filename
assertEquals("[0]!NR_Global_B2", cRefWName.getCellFormula());
// Try to evaluate them
FormulaEvaluator eval = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
assertEquals("Test A1", eval.evaluate(cRefSName).getStringValue());
assertEquals(142, (int)eval.evaluate(cRefWName).getNumberValue());
// Try to evaluate everything
private void saveAndReloadReport(Workbook wb, File outFile) throws IOException {
// run some method on the font to verify if it is "disconnected" already
//for(short i = 0;i < 256;i++)
Font font = wb.getFontAt((short)0);
if(font instanceof XSSFFont) {
XSSFFont xfont = (XSSFFont) wb.getFontAt((short)0);
CTFontImpl ctFont = (CTFontImpl) xfont.getCTFont();
assertEquals(0, ctFont.sizeOfBArray());
FileOutputStream fileOutStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
//System.out.println("File \""+outFile.getName()+"\" has been saved successfully");
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(outFile);
try {
Workbook newWB = null;
try {
if(wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
newWB = new XSSFWorkbook(is);
} else if(wb instanceof HSSFWorkbook) {
newWB = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
} else if(wb instanceof SXSSFWorkbook) {
newWB = new SXSSFWorkbook(new XSSFWorkbook(is));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown workbook: " + wb);
} finally {
} finally {
public void testBug56688_1() {
XSSFWorkbook excel = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56688_1.xlsx");
checkValue(excel, "-1.0"); /* Not 0.0 because POI sees date "0" minus one month as invalid date, which is -1! */
public void testBug56688_2() {
XSSFWorkbook excel = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56688_2.xlsx");
checkValue(excel, "#VALUE!");
public void testBug56688_3() {
XSSFWorkbook excel = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56688_3.xlsx");
checkValue(excel, "#VALUE!");
public void testBug56688_4() {
XSSFWorkbook excel = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56688_4.xlsx");
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 2);
double excelDate = DateUtil.getExcelDate(calendar.getTime());
NumberEval eval = new NumberEval(Math.floor(excelDate));
checkValue(excel, eval.getStringValue() + ".0");
* New hyperlink with no initial cell reference, still need
* to be able to change it
public void testBug56527() {
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
XSSFCreationHelper creationHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
XSSFHyperlink hyperlink;
// Try with a cell reference
hyperlink = creationHelper.createHyperlink(Hyperlink.LINK_URL);
assertEquals(3, hyperlink.getFirstRow());
assertEquals(1, hyperlink.getFirstColumn());
assertEquals(3, hyperlink.getLastRow());
assertEquals(1, hyperlink.getLastColumn());
// Try with explicit rows / columns
hyperlink = creationHelper.createHyperlink(Hyperlink.LINK_URL);
assertEquals(5, hyperlink.getFirstRow());
assertEquals(3, hyperlink.getFirstColumn());
assertEquals(5, hyperlink.getLastRow());
assertEquals(3, hyperlink.getLastColumn());
* Shifting rows with a formula that references a
* function in another file
public void bug56502() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("56502.xlsx");
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
Cell cFunc = sheet.getRow(3).getCell(0);
assertEquals("[1]!LUCANET(\"Ist\")", cFunc.getCellFormula());
Cell cRef = sheet.getRow(3).createCell(1);
// Shift it down one row
sheet.shiftRows(1, sheet.getLastRowNum(), 1);
// Check the new formulas: Function won't change, Reference will
cFunc = sheet.getRow(4).getCell(0);
assertEquals("[1]!LUCANET(\"Ist\")", cFunc.getCellFormula());
cRef = sheet.getRow(4).getCell(1);
assertEquals("A4", cRef.getCellFormula());
public void bug54764() throws Exception {
OPCPackage pkg = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSamplePackage("54764.xlsx");
// Check the core properties - will be found but empty, due
// to the expansion being too much to be considered valid
POIXMLProperties props = new POIXMLProperties(pkg);
assertEquals(null, props.getCoreProperties().getTitle());
assertEquals(null, props.getCoreProperties().getSubject());
assertEquals(null, props.getCoreProperties().getDescription());
// Now check the spreadsheet itself
// TODO Fix then enable
try {
new XSSFWorkbook(pkg);
fail("Should fail as too much expansion occurs");
} catch(POIXMLException e) {
// Expected
} */
// Try with one with the entities in the Content Types
try {
fail("Should fail as too much expansion occurs");
} catch(Exception e) {
// Expected
* .xlsb files are not supported, but we should generate a helpful
* error message if given one
public void bug56800_xlsb() throws Exception {
// Can be opened at the OPC level
OPCPackage pkg = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSamplePackage("Simple.xlsb");
// XSSF Workbook gives helpful error
try {
new XSSFWorkbook(pkg);
fail(".xlsb files not supported");
} catch (XLSBUnsupportedException e) {
// Good, detected and warned
// Workbook Factory gives helpful error on package
try {
fail(".xlsb files not supported");
} catch (XLSBUnsupportedException e) {
// Good, detected and warned
// Workbook Factory gives helpful error on file
File xlsbFile = HSSFTestDataSamples.getSampleFile("Simple.xlsb");
try {
fail(".xlsb files not supported");
} catch (XLSBUnsupportedException e) {
// Good, detected and warned
private void checkValue(XSSFWorkbook excel, String expect) {
XSSFFormulaEvaluator evaluator = new XSSFFormulaEvaluator(excel);
XSSFCell cell = excel.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell(1);
CellValue value = evaluator.evaluate(cell);
assertEquals(expect, value.formatAsString());