
103 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<record id="0x101B" name="SEP" fromfile="false" package="org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types">
<description>Section Properties.</description>
<author>S. Ryan Ackley</author>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="bkc" default="2" description="Break code">
<const type="byte" value="0" name="NO_BREAK" description="No break"/>
<const type="byte" value="1" name="NEW_COLUMN" description="New column"/>
<const type="byte" value="2" name="NEW_PAGE" description="New page"/>
<const type="byte" value="3" name="EVEN_PAGE" description="Even page"/>
<const type="byte" value="4" name="ODD_PAGE" description="Odd page"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fTitlePage" description="Set to 1 when a title page is to be displayed"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fAutoPgn"
description="Only for Macintosh compatibility, used only during open, when 1, sep.dxaPgn and sep.dyaPgn are valid page number locations"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="nfcPgn" description="Page number format code">
<const type="byte" name="ARABIC" value="0" description="Arabic"/>
<const type="byte" name="ROMAN_UPPER_CASE" value="1" description="Roman (upper case)"/>
<const type="byte" name="ROMAN_LOWER_CASE" value="2" description="Roman (lower case)"/>
<const type="byte" name="LETTER_UPPER_CASE" value="3" description="Letter (upper case)"/>
<const type="byte" name="LETTER_LOWER_CASE" value="4" description="Letter (lower case)"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fUnlocked"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="cnsPgn"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fPgnRestart"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" default="true" name="fEndNote"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="lnc"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="grpfIhdt"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="nLnnMod"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaLnn"/>
<field type="int" size="2" default="720" name="dxaPgn"/>
<field type="int" size="2" default="720" name="dyaPgn"/>
<field type="boolean" size="0" name="fLBetween"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="vjc"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="dmBinFirst"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="dmBinOther"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="dmPaperReq"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcTop"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcLeft"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcBottom"/>
<field type="BorderCode" size="4" name="brcRight"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" name="fPropMark"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="ibstPropRMark"/>
<field type="DateAndTime" size="4" name="dttmPropRMark"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxtCharSpace"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dyaLinePitch"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="clm"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="unused2"/>
<field type="boolean" size="1" default="true" name="dmOrientPage">
<const type="boolean" name="LANDSCAPE" value="false"/>
<const type="boolean" name="PORTRAIT" value="true"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="iHeadingPgn"/>
<field type="int" size="2" default="1" name="pgnStart"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="lnnMin"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="wTextFlow"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="unused3"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="pgbProp"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="unused4"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="12240" name="xaPage"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="15840" name="yaPage"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="12240" name="xaPageNUp"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="15840" name="yaPageNUp"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="1800" name="dxaLeft"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="1800" name="dxaRight"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="1440" name="dyaTop"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="1440" name="dyaBottom"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dzaGutter"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="720" name="dyaHdrTop"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="720" name="dyaHdrBottom"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="ccolM1"/>
<field type="boolean" size="0" default="true" name="fEvenlySpaced"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="unused5"/>
<field type="int" size="4" default="720" name="dxaColumns"/>
<field type="int[]" size="356" name="rgdxaColumn"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="dxaColumnWidth"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="dmOrientFirst"/>
<field type="byte" size="1" name="fLayout"/>
<field type="short" size="2" name="unused6"/>
<field type="byte[]" size="212" name="olstAnm"/>