The POI project Ant build. - Execute "ant -projecthelp" to view a listing of the main build targets. - Execute "ant help-properties" to view a listing of some properties controlling the build process. The following properties control the build process: -Ddisconnected="true": Do not execute any targets that require an online connection to the Internet. : for the single-test target, specify the test to run WARNING: This list is not exhaustive. Generating clover report Please install Apache Forrest (see <>) and set the FORREST_HOME environment variable! Broken links: WARNING: The environment variable CVS_RSH is not set. If you cannot access the CVS repository this could be one of the reasons for the failure. POI API Documentation]]> Copyright ${tstamp.year} The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.]]> DDF - Dreadful Drawing Format HPSF - Horrible Property Set Format HSSF - Horrible Spreadsheet Format HWPF - Horrible Word Processor Format POIFS - POI File System Utilities Examples
Distribution located in build/dist JUnit is not available. You must download JUnit from <> and include the JAR file in your classpath. WARNING: Since JUnit is not available you might encounter failures subsequently. In order to avoid this you should download JUnit from <> and include the JAR file in your classpath. JDepend is not available. You must download JDepend from <> and include the JAR file in your classpath. An XSLT processor is missing. You must download e.g. Xalan from <> and include the JAR file in your classpath. WARNING: Since an XSLT processor is not available you might encounter failures subsequently. In order to avoid this you should download e.g. Xalan from <> and include the JAR file in your classpath.