/* * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel; import java.awt.Color; import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.DrawPaint; import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.ColorStyle; import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PresetColor; import org.apache.poi.util.Beta; import org.apache.poi.util.Internal; import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory; import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTColor; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTFontReference; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTHslColor; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTPositiveFixedPercentage; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTPresetColor; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTSRgbColor; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTScRgbColor; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTSchemeColor; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTSolidColorFillProperties; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTSystemColor; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Encapsulates logic to read color definitions from DrawingML and convert them to java.awt.Color */ @Beta @Internal public class XSLFColor { private final static POILogger LOGGER = POILogFactory.getLogger(XSLFColor.class); private XmlObject _xmlObject; private Color _color; private CTSchemeColor _phClr; public XSLFColor(XmlObject obj, XSLFTheme theme, CTSchemeColor phClr) { _xmlObject = obj; _phClr = phClr; _color = toColor(obj, theme); } @Internal public XmlObject getXmlObject() { return _xmlObject; } /** * * @return the displayed color as a Java Color. * If not color information was found in the supplied xml object then a null is returned. */ public Color getColor() { return DrawPaint.applyColorTransform(getColorStyle()); } public ColorStyle getColorStyle() { return new ColorStyle() { @Override public Color getColor() { return _color; } @Override public int getAlpha() { return getRawValue("alpha"); } @Override public int getHueOff() { return getRawValue("hueOff"); } @Override public int getHueMod() { return getRawValue("hueMod"); } @Override public int getSatOff() { return getRawValue("satOff"); } @Override public int getSatMod() { return getRawValue("satMod"); } @Override public int getLumOff() { return getRawValue("lumOff"); } @Override public int getLumMod() { return getRawValue("lumMod"); } @Override public int getShade() { return getRawValue("shade"); } @Override public int getTint() { return getRawValue("tint"); } }; } Color toColor(XmlObject obj, XSLFTheme theme) { Color color = null; for (XmlObject ch : obj.selectPath("*")) { if (ch instanceof CTHslColor) { CTHslColor hsl = (CTHslColor)ch; int h = hsl.getHue2(); int s = hsl.getSat2(); int l = hsl.getLum2(); color = DrawPaint.HSL2RGB(h / 60000d, s / 1000d, l / 1000d, 1d); } else if (ch instanceof CTPresetColor) { CTPresetColor prst = (CTPresetColor)ch; String colorName = prst.getVal().toString(); PresetColor pc = PresetColor.valueOfOoxmlId(colorName); if (pc != null) { color = pc.color; } } else if (ch instanceof CTSchemeColor) { CTSchemeColor schemeColor = (CTSchemeColor)ch; String colorRef = schemeColor.getVal().toString(); if(_phClr != null) { // context color overrides the theme colorRef = _phClr.getVal().toString(); } // find referenced CTColor in the theme and convert it to java.awt.Color via a recursive call CTColor ctColor = theme.getCTColor(colorRef); if(ctColor != null) { color = toColor(ctColor, null); } } else if (ch instanceof CTScRgbColor) { // color in percentage is in linear RGB color space, i.e. needs to be gamma corrected for AWT color CTScRgbColor scrgb = (CTScRgbColor)ch; color = new Color(DrawPaint.lin2srgb(scrgb.getR()), DrawPaint.lin2srgb(scrgb.getG()), DrawPaint.lin2srgb(scrgb.getB())); } else if (ch instanceof CTSRgbColor) { // color in sRGB color space, i.e. same as AWT Color CTSRgbColor srgb = (CTSRgbColor)ch; byte[] val = srgb.getVal(); color = new Color(0xFF & val[0], 0xFF & val[1], 0xFF & val[2]); } else if (ch instanceof CTSystemColor) { CTSystemColor sys = (CTSystemColor)ch; if(sys.isSetLastClr()) { byte[] val = sys.getLastClr(); color = new Color(0xFF & val[0], 0xFF & val[1], 0xFF & val[2]); } else { String colorName = sys.getVal().toString(); PresetColor pc = PresetColor.valueOfOoxmlId(colorName); if (pc != null) { color = pc.color; } if (color == null) { color = Color.black; } } } else if (ch instanceof CTFontReference) { // try next ... continue; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected color choice: " + ch.getClass()); } } return color; } /** * Sets the solid color * * @param color solid color */ @Internal protected void setColor(Color color) { if (!(_xmlObject instanceof CTSolidColorFillProperties)) { LOGGER.log(POILogger.ERROR, "XSLFColor.setColor currently only supports CTSolidColorFillProperties"); return; } CTSolidColorFillProperties fill = (CTSolidColorFillProperties)_xmlObject; if (fill.isSetSrgbClr()) { fill.unsetSrgbClr(); } if (fill.isSetScrgbClr()) { fill.unsetScrgbClr(); } if (fill.isSetHslClr()) { fill.unsetHslClr(); } if (fill.isSetPrstClr()) { fill.unsetPrstClr(); } if (fill.isSetSchemeClr()) { fill.unsetSchemeClr(); } if (fill.isSetSysClr()) { fill.unsetSysClr(); } float[] rgbaf = color.getRGBComponents(null); boolean addAlpha = (rgbaf.length == 4 && rgbaf[3] < 1f); CTPositiveFixedPercentage alphaPct; // see office open xml part 4 - and if (isInt(rgbaf[0]) && isInt(rgbaf[1]) && isInt(rgbaf[2])) { // sRGB has a gamma of 2.2 CTSRgbColor rgb = fill.addNewSrgbClr(); byte rgbBytes[] = { (byte)color.getRed(), (byte)color.getGreen(), (byte)color.getBlue() }; rgb.setVal(rgbBytes); alphaPct = (addAlpha) ? rgb.addNewAlpha() : null; } else { CTScRgbColor rgb = fill.addNewScrgbClr(); rgb.setR(DrawPaint.srgb2lin(rgbaf[0])); rgb.setG(DrawPaint.srgb2lin(rgbaf[1])); rgb.setB(DrawPaint.srgb2lin(rgbaf[2])); alphaPct = (addAlpha) ? rgb.addNewAlpha() : null; } // alpha (%) if (alphaPct != null) { alphaPct.setVal((int)(100000 * rgbaf[3])); } } /** * @return true, if this is an integer color value */ private static boolean isInt(float f) { return Math.abs((f*255f) - Math.rint(f*255f)) < 0.00001f; } private int getRawValue(String elem) { String query = "declare namespace a='http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main' $this//a:" + elem; XmlObject[] obj; // first ask the context color and if not found, ask the actual color bean if (_phClr != null){ obj = _phClr.selectPath(query); if (obj.length == 1){ Node attr = obj[0].getDomNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("val"); if(attr != null) { return Integer.parseInt(attr.getNodeValue()); } } } obj = _xmlObject.selectPath(query); if (obj.length == 1){ Node attr = obj[0].getDomNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("val"); if(attr != null) { return Integer.parseInt(attr.getNodeValue()); } } return -1; } /** * Read a perecentage value from the supplied xml bean. * Example: * * * the returned value is 45 * * @return the percentage value in the range [0 .. 100] */ private int getPercentageValue(String elem){ int val = getRawValue(elem); return (val == -1) ? val : (val / 1000); } private int getAngleValue(String elem){ int val = getRawValue(elem); return (val == -1) ? val : (val / 60000); } /** * the opacity as expressed by a percentage value * * @return opacity in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getAlpha(){ return getPercentageValue("alpha"); } /** * the opacity as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color * * @return opacity in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getAlphaMod(){ return getPercentageValue("alphaMod"); } /** * the opacity as expressed by a percentage offset increase or decrease relative to * the input color. Increases will never increase the opacity beyond 100%, decreases will * never decrease the opacity below 0%. * * @return opacity shift in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getAlphaOff(){ return getPercentageValue("alphaOff"); } int getHue(){ return getAngleValue("hue"); } int getHueMod(){ return getPercentageValue("hueMod"); } int getHueOff(){ return getPercentageValue("hueOff"); } /** * specifies the input color with the specified luminance, * but with its hue and saturation unchanged. * * @return luminance in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getLum(){ return getPercentageValue("lum"); } /** * the luminance as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color * * @return luminance in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getLumMod(){ return getPercentageValue("lumMod"); } /** * the luminance shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color * * @return luminance shift in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getLumOff(){ return getPercentageValue("lumOff"); } /** * specifies the input color with the specified saturation, * but with its hue and luminance unchanged. * * @return saturation in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getSat(){ return getPercentageValue("sat"); } /** * the saturation as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color * * @return saturation in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getSatMod(){ return getPercentageValue("satMod"); } /** * the saturation shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color * * @return saturation shift in percents in the range [0..100] * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getSatOff(){ return getPercentageValue("satOff"); } /** * specifies the input color with the specific red component, but with the blue and green color * components unchanged * * @return the value of the red component specified as a * percentage with 0% indicating minimal blue and 100% indicating maximum * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getRed(){ return getPercentageValue("red"); } int getRedMod(){ return getPercentageValue("redMod"); } int getRedOff(){ return getPercentageValue("redOff"); } /** * specifies the input color with the specific green component, but with the red and blue color * components unchanged * * @return the value of the green component specified as a * percentage with 0% indicating minimal blue and 100% indicating maximum * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getGreen(){ return getPercentageValue("green"); } int getGreenMod(){ return getPercentageValue("greenMod"); } int getGreenOff(){ return getPercentageValue("greenOff"); } /** * specifies the input color with the specific blue component, but with the red and green color * components unchanged * * @return the value of the blue component specified as a * percentage with 0% indicating minimal blue and 100% indicating maximum * or -1 if the value is not set */ int getBlue(){ return getPercentageValue("blue"); } int getBlueMod(){ return getPercentageValue("blueMod"); } int getBlueOff(){ return getPercentageValue("blueOff"); } /** * specifies a darker version of its input color. * A 10% shade is 10% of the input color combined with 90% black. * * @return the value of the shade specified as a * percentage with 0% indicating minimal shade and 100% indicating maximum * or -1 if the value is not set */ public int getShade(){ return getPercentageValue("shade"); } /** * specifies a lighter version of its input color. * A 10% tint is 10% of the input color combined with 90% white. * * @return the value of the tint specified as a * percentage with 0% indicating minimal tint and 100% indicating maximum * or -1 if the value is not set */ public int getTint(){ return getPercentageValue("tint"); } }