// This script is used as input to the Jenkins Job DSL plugin to create all the build-jobs that
// Apache POI uses on the public Jenkins instance at https://builds.apache.org/view/POI/
// See https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/wiki for information about the DSL, you can
// use http://job-dsl.herokuapp.com/ to validate the code before checkin
def triggerSundays = '''
# only run this once per week on Sundays
H H * * 0
def poijobs = [
[ name: 'POI-DSL-1.6',
// workaround as Sourceforge does not accept any of the SSL ciphers in JDK 6 any more and thus we cannot download this jar
// as part of the Ant build
addShell: 'wget -O lib/findbugs-noUpdateChecks-2.0.3.zip http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/findbugs/findbugs/2.0.3/findbugs-noUpdateChecks-2.0.3.zip?download='
[ name: 'POI-DSL-1.8', jdks: ['1.8'], trigger: 'H */12 * * *',
// ubuntu-4 repeatedely failed during Findbugs results collection
slaveAdd: '&&!ubuntu-4'
[ name: 'POI-DSL-OpenJDK', jdks: ['OpenJDK'], trigger: 'H */12 * * *',
// H16 does not have OpenJDK 6 installed
slaveAdd: '&&!H16&&!ubuntu-eu2',
// the JDK is missing on some slaves so builds are unstable
skipcigame: true
[ name: 'POI-DSL-1.9', jdks: ['1.9'], trigger: triggerSundays,
properties: ['-Dmaxpermsize=-Dthis.is.a.dummy=true', '-Djava9addmods=--add-modules=java.xml.bind', '-Djava9addmodsvalue=-Dsun.reflect.debugModuleAccessChecks=true', '-Djava.locale.providers=JRE,CLDR'],
email: 'centic@apache.org', skipcigame: true
[ name: 'POI-DSL-IBM-JDK', jdks: ['IBMJDK'], trigger: triggerSundays, noScratchpad: true,
// some OOXML tests fail with strange XML parsing errors and missing JCE unlimited strength requirements
disabled: true, skipcigame: true
[ name: 'POI-DSL-old-Xerces', trigger: triggerSundays,
shell: 'mkdir -p compile-lib && test -f compile-lib/xercesImpl-2.6.1.jar || wget -O compile-lib/xercesImpl-2.6.1.jar http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/xerces/xercesImpl/2.6.1/xercesImpl-2.6.1.jar\n',
// the property triggers using Xerces as XML Parser and previously showed some exception that can occur
properties: ['-Dadditionaljar=compile-lib/xercesImpl-2.6.1.jar'],
// workaround as Sourceforge does not accept any of the SSL ciphers in JDK 6 any more and thus we cannot download this jar
// as part of the Ant build
addShell: 'wget -O lib/findbugs-noUpdateChecks-2.0.3.zip http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/findbugs/findbugs/2.0.3/findbugs-noUpdateChecks-2.0.3.zip?download='
[ name: 'POI-DSL-Maven', trigger: 'H */4 * * *', maven: true
[ name: 'POI-DSL-regenerate-javadoc', trigger: triggerSundays, javadoc: true
[ name: 'POI-DSL-API-Check', jdks: ['1.7'], trigger: '@daily', apicheck: true
[ name: 'POI-DSL-Gradle', jdks: ['1.7'], trigger: triggerSundays, email: 'centic@apache.org', gradle: true,
// Gradle will not run any tests if the code is up-to-date, therefore manually mark the files as updated
addShell: 'touch --no-create build/*/build/test-results/test/TEST-*.xml'
[ name: 'POI-DSL-no-scratchpad', trigger: triggerSundays, noScratchpad: true
def svnBase = 'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk'
def defaultJdks = ['1.6']
def defaultTrigger = 'H/15 * * * *'
def defaultEmail = 'dev@poi.apache.org'
def defaultAnt = 'Ant (latest)'
def defaultSlaves = 'ubuntu&&!cloud-slave'
def jdkMapping = [
'1.6': 'JDK 1.6 (latest)',
'1.7': 'JDK 1.7 (latest)',
'1.8': 'JDK 1.8 (latest)',
'1.9': 'JDK 9 b142 (early access build) with project Jigsaw',
'OpenJDK': 'OpenJDK 6 (on Ubuntu only) ', // blank is required here until the name in the Jenkins instance is fixed!
'IBMJDK': 'IBM 1.8 64-bit (on Ubuntu only)',
poijobs.each { poijob ->
def jdks = poijob.jdks ?: defaultJdks
def trigger = poijob.trigger ?: defaultTrigger
def email = poijob.email ?: defaultEmail
def slaves = defaultSlaves + (poijob.slaveAdd ?: '')
jdks.each { jdkKey ->
job(poijob.name) {
if (poijob.disabled) {
def defaultDesc = '''
Apache POI - the Java API for Microsoft Documents
This is an automatically generated Job Config, do not edit it here! Instead change the Jenkins Job DSL at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk/jenkins, see https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/wiki for more details about the DSL.
''' description( defaultDesc + (poijob.apicheck ? '''API Check POI API Check POI-OOXML API Check POI-Excelant API Check POI-Scratchpad
''' : '''Findbugs report of latest build - Sonar reports - Coverage of latest build
''')) logRotator { numToKeep(5) artifactNumToKeep(1) } label(slaves) environmentVariables { env('LANG', 'en_US.UTF-8') } wrappers { timeout { absolute(180) abortBuild() writeDescription('Build was aborted due to timeout') } } jdk(jdkMapping.get(jdkKey)) scm { svn(svnBase) { svnNode -> svnNode / browser(class: 'hudson.scm.browsers.ViewSVN') / url << 'http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/?root=Apache-SVN' } } triggers { scm(trigger) } def shellcmds = '# show which files are currently modified in the working copy\n' + 'svn status\n' + '\n' + 'echo Java-Home: $JAVA_HOME\n' + 'ls -al $JAVA_HOME/\n' + '\n' + (poijob.shell ?: '') + '\n' + '# ignore any error message\n' + 'exit 0\n' // Create steps and publishers depending on the type of Job that is selected if(poijob.maven) { steps { shell(shellcmds) maven { goals('clean') rootPOM('sonar/pom.xml') localRepository(LocalRepositoryLocation.LOCAL_TO_WORKSPACE) mavenInstallation('maven-3.2.1') } /* Currently not done, let's see if it is still necessary: # Maven-Download fails for strange reasons, try to workaround... mkdir -p sonar/ooxml-schema-security/target/schemas && wget -O sonar/ooxml-schema-security/target/schemas/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xmldsig-core-20020212/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd */ maven { goals('package') rootPOM('sonar/pom.xml') mavenOpts('-Xmx2g') mavenOpts('-Xms256m') mavenOpts('-XX:MaxPermSize=512m') mavenOpts('-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow') localRepository(LocalRepositoryLocation.LOCAL_TO_WORKSPACE) mavenInstallation('maven-3.2.1') } } publishers { if (!poijob.skipcigame) { configure { project -> project / publishers << 'hudson.plugins.cigame.GamePublisher' {} } } mailer(email, false, false) } } else if (poijob.javadoc) { steps { shell(shellcmds) ant { targets(['clean', 'javadocs'] + (poijob.properties ?: [])) prop('coverage.enabled', true) // Properties did not work, so I had to use targets instead //properties(poijob.properties ?: '') antInstallation(defaultAnt) } shell('zip -r build/javadocs.zip build/tmp/site/build/site/apidocs') } publishers { if (!poijob.skipcigame) { configure { project -> project / publishers << 'hudson.plugins.cigame.GamePublisher' {} } } mailer(email, false, false) } } else if (poijob.apicheck) { steps { shell(shellcmds) gradle { tasks('japicmp') useWrapper(false) } } publishers { archiveArtifacts('build/*/build/reports/japi.html') if (!poijob.skipcigame) { configure { project -> project / publishers << 'hudson.plugins.cigame.GamePublisher' {} } } mailer(email, false, false) } } else { steps { shell(shellcmds) if(poijob.addShell) { shell(poijob.addShell) } // For Jobs that should still have the default set of publishers we can configure different steps here if(poijob.gradle) { gradle { tasks('check') useWrapper(false) } } else if (poijob.noScratchpad) { ant { targets(['clean', 'compile-all'] + (poijob.properties ?: [])) prop('coverage.enabled', true) antInstallation(defaultAnt) } ant { targets(['-Dscratchpad.ignore=true', 'jacocotask', 'test-main', 'test-ooxml', 'test-excelant', 'test-ooxml-lite', 'testcoveragereport'] + (poijob.properties ?: [])) antInstallation(defaultAnt) } } else { ant { targets(['clean', 'jenkins'] + (poijob.properties ?: [])) prop('coverage.enabled', true) // Properties did not work, so I had to use targets instead //properties(poijob.properties ?: '') antInstallation(defaultAnt) } ant { targets(['run'] + (poijob.properties ?: [])) buildFile('src/integrationtest/build.xml') // Properties did not work, so I had to use targets instead //properties(poijob.properties ?: '') antInstallation(defaultAnt) } } } publishers { findbugs('build/findbugs.xml', false) { healthLimits(3, 20) thresholdLimit('low') defaultEncoding('UTF-8') } // in archive, junit and jacoco publishers, matches beneath build/*/build/... are for Gradle-build results archiveArtifacts('build/dist/*.tar.gz,build/findbugs.html,build/coverage/**,build/integration-test-results/**,ooxml-lib/**,build/*/build/libs/*.jar') warnings(['Java Compiler (javac)', 'JavaDoc Tool'], null) { resolveRelativePaths() } archiveJunit('build/ooxml-test-results/*.xml,build/scratchpad-test-results/*.xml,build/test-results/*.xml,build/excelant-test-results/*.xml,build/integration-test-results/*.xml,build/*/build/test-results/test/TEST-*.xml') { testDataPublishers { publishTestStabilityData() } } jacocoCodeCoverage { classPattern('build/classes,build/examples-classes,build/excelant-classes,build/ooxml-classes,build/scratchpad-classes,build/*/build/classes') execPattern('build/*.exec,build/*/build/jacoco/*.exec') sourcePattern('src/java,src/excelant/java,src/ooxml/java,src/scratchpad/src') exclusionPattern('com/microsoft/**,org/openxmlformats/**,org/etsi/**,org/w3/**,schemaorg*/**,schemasMicrosoft*/**,org/apache/poi/hdf/model/hdftypes/definitions/*.class,org/apache/poi/hwpf/model/types/*.class,org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/DummyGraphics2d.class,org/apache/poi/sl/draw/binding/*.class') } if (!poijob.skipcigame) { configure { project -> project / publishers << 'hudson.plugins.cigame.GamePublisher' {} } } mailer(email, false, false) } } } } }