package org.apache.poi.hssf.record; import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian; import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianConsts; import org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree; import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump; import; class SSTDeserializer { private BinaryTree strings; /** this is the number of characters we expect in the first sub-record in a subsequent continuation record */ private int continuationExpectedChars; /** this is the string we were working on before hitting the end of the current record. This string is NOT finished. */ private String unfinishedString; /** this is the total length of the current string being handled */ private int totalLengthBytes; /** this is the offset into a string field of the actual string data */ private int stringDataOffset; /** this is true if the string uses wide characters */ private boolean wideChar; public SSTDeserializer(BinaryTree strings) { this.strings = strings; setExpectedChars( 0 ); unfinishedString = ""; totalLengthBytes = 0; stringDataOffset = 0; wideChar = false; } /** * This is the starting point where strings are constructed. Note that * strings may span across multiple continuations. Read the SST record * carefully before beginning to hack. */ public void manufactureStrings( final byte[] data, final int index, short size ) { int offset = index; while ( offset < size ) { int remaining = size - offset; if ( ( remaining > 0 ) && ( remaining < LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE ) ) { throw new RecordFormatException( "Cannot get length of the last string in SSTRecord" ); } if ( remaining == LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE ) { setExpectedChars( LittleEndian.getUShort( data, offset ) ); unfinishedString = ""; break; } short charCount = LittleEndian.getShort( data, offset ); setupStringParameters( data, offset, charCount ); if ( remaining < totalLengthBytes ) { setExpectedChars( calculateCharCount( totalLengthBytes - remaining ) ); charCount -= getExpectedChars(); totalLengthBytes = remaining; } else { setExpectedChars( 0 ); } processString( data, offset, charCount ); offset += totalLengthBytes; if ( getExpectedChars() != 0 ) { break; } } } /** * Detemines the option types for the string (ie, compressed or uncompressed unicode, rich text string or * plain string etc) and calculates the length and offset for the string. * * @param data * @param index * @param char_count */ private void setupStringParameters( final byte[] data, final int index, final int char_count ) { byte optionFlag = data[index + LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE]; wideChar = ( optionFlag & 1 ) == 1; boolean farEast = ( optionFlag & 4 ) == 4; boolean richText = ( optionFlag & 8 ) == 8; totalLengthBytes = SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD + calculateByteCount( char_count ); stringDataOffset = SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD; if ( richText ) { short run_count = LittleEndian.getShort( data, index + stringDataOffset ); stringDataOffset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE; totalLengthBytes += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE + ( LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE * run_count ); } if ( farEast ) { int extension_length = LittleEndian.getInt( data, index + stringDataOffset ); stringDataOffset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE; totalLengthBytes += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE + extension_length; } } private void processString( final byte[] data, final int index, final short char_count ) { byte[] stringDataBuffer = new byte[totalLengthBytes]; int length = SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD + calculateByteCount( char_count ); byte[] bstring = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy( data, index, stringDataBuffer, 0, stringDataBuffer.length ); int offset = 0; LittleEndian.putShort( bstring, offset, char_count ); offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE; bstring[offset] = stringDataBuffer[offset]; // System.out.println( "offset = " + stringDataOffset ); // System.out.println( "length = " + (bstring.length - STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD) ); // System.out.println( "src.length = " + str_data.length ); // try // { // System.out.println( "----------------------- DUMP -------------------------" ); // HexDump.dump( stringDataBuffer, (long)stringDataOffset, System.out, 1); // } // catch ( IOException e ) // { // } // catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e ) // { // } // catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) // { // } System.arraycopy( stringDataBuffer, stringDataOffset, bstring, SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD, bstring.length - SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD ); UnicodeString string = new UnicodeString( UnicodeString.sid, (short) bstring.length, bstring ); if ( getExpectedChars() != 0 ) { unfinishedString = string.getString(); } else { Integer integer = new Integer( strings.size() ); addToStringTable( strings, integer, string ); } } /** * Okay, we are doing some major cheating here. Because we can't handle rich text strings properly * we end up getting duplicate strings. To get around this I'm doing do things: 1. Converting rich * text to normal text and 2. If there's a duplicate I'm adding a space onto the end. Sneaky perhaps * but it gets the job done until we can handle this a little better. */ static public void addToStringTable( BinaryTree strings, Integer integer, UnicodeString string ) { if (string.isRichText()) string.setOptionFlags( (byte)(string.getOptionFlags() & (~8) ) ); boolean added = false; while (added == false) { try { strings.put( integer, string ); added = true; } catch( Exception ignore ) { string.setString( string.getString() + " " ); } } } private int calculateCharCount( final int byte_count ) { return byte_count / ( wideChar ? LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE : LittleEndianConsts.BYTE_SIZE ); } /** * Process a Continue record. A Continue record for an SST record * contains the same kind of data that the SST record contains, * with the following exceptions: *


  1. The string counts at the beginning of the SST record are * not in the Continue record *
  2. The first string in the Continue record might NOT begin * with a size. If the last string in the previous record is * continued in this record, the size is determined by that * last string in the previous record; the first string will * begin with a flag byte, followed by the remaining bytes (or * words) of the last string from the previous * record. Otherwise, the first string in the record will * begin with a string length *
* * @param record the Continue record's byte data */ public void processContinueRecord( final byte[] record ) { if ( getExpectedChars() == 0 ) { unfinishedString = ""; totalLengthBytes = 0; stringDataOffset = 0; wideChar = false; manufactureStrings( record, 0, (short) record.length ); } else { int data_length = record.length - LittleEndianConsts.BYTE_SIZE; if ( calculateByteCount( getExpectedChars() ) > data_length ) { // create artificial data to create a UnicodeString byte[] input = new byte[record.length + LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE]; short size = (short) ( ( ( record[0] & 1 ) == 1 ) ? ( data_length / LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE ) : ( data_length / LittleEndianConsts.BYTE_SIZE ) ); LittleEndian.putShort( input, (byte) 0, size ); System.arraycopy( record, 0, input, LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE, record.length ); UnicodeString ucs = new UnicodeString( UnicodeString.sid, (short) input.length, input ); unfinishedString = unfinishedString + ucs.getString(); setExpectedChars( getExpectedChars() - size ); } else { setupStringParameters( record, -LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE, getExpectedChars() ); byte[] str_data = new byte[totalLengthBytes]; int length = SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD + ( calculateByteCount( getExpectedChars() ) ); byte[] bstring = new byte[length]; // Copy data from the record into the string // buffer. Copy skips the length of a short in the // string buffer, to leave room for the string length. System.arraycopy( record, 0, str_data, LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE, str_data.length - LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE ); // write the string length LittleEndian.putShort( bstring, 0, (short) getExpectedChars() ); // write the options flag bstring[LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE] = str_data[LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE]; // copy the bytes/words making up the string; skipping // past all the overhead of the str_data array System.arraycopy( str_data, stringDataOffset, bstring, SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD, bstring.length - SSTRecord.STRING_MINIMAL_OVERHEAD ); // use special constructor to create the final string UnicodeString string = new UnicodeString( UnicodeString.sid, (short) bstring.length, bstring, unfinishedString ); Integer integer = new Integer( strings.size() ); // field_3_strings.put( integer, string ); addToStringTable( strings, integer, string ); manufactureStrings( record, totalLengthBytes - LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE, (short) record.length ); } } } /** * @return the number of characters we expect in the first * sub-record in a subsequent continuation record */ int getExpectedChars() { return continuationExpectedChars; } private void setExpectedChars( final int count ) { continuationExpectedChars = count; } private int calculateByteCount( final int character_count ) { return character_count * ( wideChar ? LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE : LittleEndianConsts.BYTE_SIZE ); } /** * @return the unfinished string */ String getUnfinishedString() { return unfinishedString; } /** * @return the total length of the current string */ int getTotalLength() { return totalLengthBytes; } /** * @return offset into current string data */ int getStringDataOffset() { return stringDataOffset; } /** * @return true if current string uses wide characters */ boolean isWideChar() { return wideChar; } }