This HOW-TO is organized in three section. You should read them sequentially because the later sections build upon the earlier ones.

  1. The first section explains how to read the most important standard properties of a Microsoft Office document. Standard properties are things like title, author, creation date etc. It is quite likely that you will find here what you need and don't have to read the other sections.

  2. The second section goes a small step further and focusses on reading additional standard properties. It also talks about exceptions that may be thrown when dealing with HPSF and shows how you can read properties of embedded objects.

  3. The third section tells how to read non-standard properties. Non-standard properties are application-specific name/value/type triples.

This section explains how to read the most important standard properties of a Microsoft Office document. Standard properties are things like title, author, creation date etc. Chances are that you will find here what you need and don't have to read the other sections.

The first thing you should understand is that properties are stored in separate documents inside the POI filesystem. (If you don't know what a POI filesystem is, read its documentation.) A document in a POI filesystem is also called a stream.

The following example shows how to read a POI filesystem's "title" property. Reading other properties is similar. Consider the API documentation of org.apache.poi.hpsf.SummaryInformation.

The standard properties this section focusses on can be found in a document called \005SummaryInformation in the root of the POI filesystem. The notation \005 in the document's name means the character with the decimal value of 5. In order to read the title, an application has to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the document \005SummaryInformation located in the root of the POI filesystem.

  2. Create an instance of the class SummaryInformation from that document.

  3. Call the SummaryInformation instance's getTitle() method.

Sounds easy, doesn't it? Here are the steps in detail.

An application that wants to open a document in a POI filesystem (POIFS) proceeds as shown by the following code fragment. (The full source code of the sample application is available in the examples section of the POI source tree as ReadTitle.java.)

import java.io.*; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.*; import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.*; // ... public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { final String filename = args[0]; POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader(); r.registerListener(new MyPOIFSReaderListener(), "\005SummaryInformation"); r.read(new FileInputStream(filename)); }

The first interesting statement is

POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader();

It creates a org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReader instance which we shall need to read the POI filesystem. Before the application actually opens the POI filesystem we have to tell the POIFSReader which documents we are interested in. In this case the application should do something with the document \005SummaryInformation.

r.registerListener(new MyPOIFSReaderListener(), "\005SummaryInformation");

This method call registers a org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReaderListener with the POIFSReader. The POIFSReaderListener interface specifies the method processPOIFSReaderEvent which processes a document. The class MyPOIFSReaderListener implements the POIFSReaderListener and thus the processPOIFSReaderEvent method. The eventing POI filesystem calls this method when it finds the \005SummaryInformation document. In the sample application MyPOIFSReaderListener is a static class in the ReadTitle.java source file.)

Now everything is prepared and reading the POI filesystem can start:

r.read(new FileInputStream(filename));

The following source code fragment shows the MyPOIFSReaderListener class and how it retrieves the title.

static class MyPOIFSReaderListener implements POIFSReaderListener { public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(POIFSReaderEvent e) { SummaryInformation si = null; try { si = (SummaryInformation) PropertySetFactory.create(e.getStream()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException ("Property set stream \"" + event.getPath() + event.getName() + "\": " + ex); } final String title = si.getTitle(); if (title != null) System.out.println("Title: \"" + title + "\""); else System.out.println("Document has no title."); } }

The line

SummaryInformation si = null;

declares a SummaryInformation variable and initializes it with null. We need an instance of this class to access the title. The instance is created in a try block:

si = (SummaryInformation) PropertySetFactory.create(e.getStream());

The expression e.getStream() returns the input stream containing the bytes of the property set stream named \005SummaryInformation. This stream is passed into the create method of the factory class org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySetFactory which returns a org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet instance. It is more or less safe to cast this result to SummaryInformation, a convenience class with methods like getTitle(), getAuthor() etc.

The PropertySetFactory.create method may throw all sorts of exceptions. We'll deal with them in the next sections. For now we just catch all exceptions and throw a RuntimeException containing the message text of the origin exception.

If all goes well, the sample application retrieves the title and prints it to the standard output. As you can see you must be prepared for the case that the POI filesystem does not have a title.

final String title = si.getTitle(); if (title != null) System.out.println("Title: \"" + title + "\""); else System.out.println("Document has no title.");

Please note that a Microsoft Office document does not necessarily contain the \005SummaryInformation stream. The documents created by the Microsoft Office suite have one, as far as I know. However, an Excel spreadsheet exported from StarOffice 5.2 won't have a \005SummaryInformation stream. In this case the applications won't throw an exception but simply does not call the processPOIFSReaderEvent method. You have been warned!

This section focusses on reading additional standard properties. It also talks about exceptions that may be thrown when dealing with HPSF and shows how you can read properties of embedded objects.

A couple of additional standard properties are not contained in the \005SummaryInformation stream explained above, for example a document's category or the number of multimedia clips in a PowerPoint presentation. Microsoft has invented an additional stream named \005DocumentSummaryInformation to hold these properties. With two minor exceptions you can proceed exactly as described above to read the properties stored in \005DocumentSummaryInformation:

  • Instead of \005SummaryInformation use \005DocumentSummaryInformation as the stream's name.

  • Replace all occurrences of the class SummaryInformation by DocumentSummaryInformation.

And of course you cannot call getTitle() because DocumentSummaryInformation has different query methods. See the API documentation for the details!

In the previous section the application simply caught all exceptions and was in no way interested in any details. However, a real application will likely want to know what went wrong and act appropriately. Besides any IO exceptions there are three HPSF resp. POI specific exceptions you should know about:


This exception is thrown if the application tries to create a PropertySet or one of its subclasses SummaryInformation and DocumentSummaryInformation from a stream that is not a property set stream. A faulty property set stream counts as not being a property set stream at all. An application should be prepared to deal with this case even if opens streams named \005SummaryInformation or \005DocumentSummaryInformation only. These are just names. A stream's name by itself does not ensure that the stream contains the expected contents and that this contents is correct.


This exception is thrown if a certain type of property set is expected somewhere (e.g. a SummaryInformation or DocumentSummaryInformation) but the provided property set is not of that type.


This exception is thrown if an input stream that is to be parsed into a property set does not support the InputStream.mark(int) operation. The POI filesystem uses the DocumentInputStream class which does support this operation, so you are safe here. However, if you read a property set stream from another kind of input stream things may be different.

Many Microsoft Office documents contain embedded objects, for example an Excel sheet on a page in a Word document. Embedded objects may have property sets of their own. An application can open these property set streams as described above. The only difference is that they are not located in the POI filesystem's root but in a nested directory instead. Just register a POIFSReaderListener for the property set streams you are interested in. For example, the POIBrowser application in the contrib section tries to open each and every document in a POI filesystem as a property set stream. If this operation was successful it displays the properties.

This section tells how to read non-standard properties. Non-standard properties are application-specific name/value/type triples. Write this section!