Third Party Contributions
How to Contribute

See How to contribute to Poi.

Contributed Components

These are not necessarily deemed to be high enough quality to be included in the core distribution, but they have been tested under several key environments, they are provided under the same license as Poi, and they are included in the POI distribution under the contrib/ directory.

None as yet! - although you can expect that some of the links listed below will eventually migrate to the "contributed components" level, and then maybe even into the main distribution.

Patch Queue

Submissions of modifications to POI which are awaiting review. Anyone can comment on them on the dev mailing list - code reviewers are needed! Use these at your own risk - although POI has no guarantee either, these patches have not been reviewed, let alone accepted.

Other Extensions

The other extensions listed here are not endorsed by the POI project either - they are provided as a convenience only. They may or may not work, they may or may not be open source, etc.

To have a link added to this table, see How to contribute to POI.

Name and Link Type Description Status Licensing Contact