This utility takes a flat file and emits an instance of perf-results.xsd. The ant task extends the MatchingTask class, so many files may be processed at a time. The format of a flat perf test result is like the following (all on one line): [delimeter] [testname] time [long time value] hash [int hash value] customparam=customparamvalue or [delimeter] [testname] memory [long memory value] hash [int hash value] customparam=customparamvalue ---------------------------------------------------- For example, a file call foo.log that contains this: TEST: mytest time 100 hash -1234 color=blue type=invalid could be processed like this: ant generate.results -Ddelimeter="TEST:" -Dsrcdir="." -Dincludes="foo.log" This would emit a file called foo.log.xml. There are default values for all possible parameters. View contents of this file to see them.