Branching Conventions

Branches are tagged in the following way:

Merge points should be tagged as follows:

Releases should be tagged as:

Branching Advise

Don't forget which branch you are currently on. This is critically important. Committing stuff to the wrong branch causes all sorts of headaches. Best to name your checkout after the branch you are on.

Who Manages Branching?

All branching is currently managed by Glen Stampoultzis. If you wish to create your own branch please let him know. Merging is also handled by Glen. Just pop him a mail if you feel it's necessary to create a branch or perform a merge.

The reason to go through a single point for branching is that it can be an easy thing to get wrong. Having a single person managing branches means there is less chance of getting getting our wires crossed with this difficult area of CVS.

Currently Active Branches

The following branches are currently active:

Branch Description
HEAD This is the trunk and is always active. Currently it is being used to continue development of the 2.0 release.
REL_1_5_BRANCH All bug fixes not specifically relevant to the 2.0 work should be placed in this branch. From here they will merged back to the trunk and the merge point marked.