    <title>Apache Jakarta POI</title>
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    <div align="center" class="titlepage">
      <h1>Apache Jakarta POI</h1>

	<strong>Version 1.5-dev</strong>
	<br br="br"/>
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    <table align="center">
	    <li> <a href="status.xml" class="title">status.xml</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(status of the project and community)</li>

	    <li> <a href="module.xml" class="title">module.xml</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(extended Gump descriptor of the software module)</li>

	    <li> <a href="build.xml" class="title">build.xml</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(main build file)</li>

	    <li> <a href="layout.xml" class="title">layout.xml</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(layout of the project directories)</li>

	    <li> <a href="properties.xml" class="title">properties.xml</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(properties used for building the project)</li>
	    <li> <a href="build/docs/index.html" class="title">Documentation</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(run "build docs" first)</li>

	    <li> <a href="build/docs/javadocs/index.html" class="title">Javadocs</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(run "build javadocs" first)</li>

	    <li> <a href="build/docs/tests/junit/index.html" class="title">Unit test results</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(run "build test" first)</li>

	    <li> <a href="build/docs/metrics/jdepend/index.html" class="title">Code metrics</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(run "build metrics" first)</li>

	    <li> <a href="build.number" class="title">Local build number</a>
	      <br br="br"/>(how many builds have been done locally)</li>
            <li> <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/" class="title"
                >Project Site</a>
              <br br="br"/>(online)</li>
            <li> <a href="http://www.krysalis.org/centipede/" class="title"
                >Krysalis Centipede build system site</a>
              <br br="br"/>(online)</li>
      <hr hr="hr"/>
       Copyright &#x00A9;2002 Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
