/* ==================================================================== Copyright 2002-2004 Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region; import org.apache.poi.util.TempFile; import java.io.*; /** * Testcases for bugs entered in bugzilla * the Test name contains the bugzilla bug id * @author Avik Sengupta */ public class TestBugs extends TestCase { public TestBugs(String s) { super(s); } /** Test reading AND writing a complicated workbook *Test opening resulting sheet in excel*/ public void test15228() throws java.io.IOException { String readFilename = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path"); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(readFilename+File.separator+"15228.xls"); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(in); HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow r = s.createRow(0); HSSFCell c = r.createCell((short)0); c.setCellValue(10); File file = TempFile.createTempFile("test15228",".xls"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); wb.write(out); assertTrue("No exception thrown", true); assertTrue("File Should Exist", file.exists()); } public void test13796() throws java.io.IOException { String readFilename = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path"); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(readFilename+File.separator+"13796.xls"); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(in); HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow r = s.createRow(0); HSSFCell c = r.createCell((short)0); c.setCellValue(10); File file = TempFile.createTempFile("test13796",".xls"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); wb.write(out); assertTrue("No exception thrown", true); assertTrue("File Should Exist", file.exists()); } /**Test writing a hyperlink * Open resulting sheet in Excel and check that A1 contains a hyperlink*/ public void test23094() throws Exception { File file = TempFile.createTempFile("test23094",".xls"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet s = wb.createSheet(); HSSFRow r = s.createRow(0); r.createCell((short)0).setCellFormula("HYPERLINK( \"http://jakarta.apache.org\", \"Jakarta\" )"); assertTrue("No Exception expected",true); wb.write(out); out.close(); } /* test hyperlinks * open resulting file in excel, and check that there is a link to Google **/ public void test15353() throws Exception { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("My sheet"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow( (short) 0 ); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell( (short) 0 ); cell.setCellFormula("HYPERLINK(\"http://google.com\",\"Google\")"); // Write out the workbook File f = TempFile.createTempFile("test15353",".xls"); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(f); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } /** test reading of a formula with a name and a cell ref in one **/ public void test14460() throws Exception { String filename = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path"); filename=filename+"/14460.xls"; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(in); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); assertTrue("No exception throws", true); } public void test14330() throws Exception { String filedir = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path"); String filename=filedir+"/14330-1.xls"; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(in); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); filename=filedir+"/14330-2.xls"; in = new FileInputStream(filename); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(in); sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); assertTrue("No exception throws", true); } /** test rewriting a file with large number of unique strings *open resulting file in Excel to check results!*/ public void test15375() { try { String filename = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path"); filename=filename+"/15375.xls"; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(in); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(5); HSSFCell cell = row.getCell((short)3); if (cell == null) cell = row.createCell((short)3); // Write test cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.setCellValue("a test"); // change existing numeric cell value HSSFRow oRow = sheet.getRow(14); HSSFCell oCell = oRow.getCell((short)4); oCell.setCellValue(75); oCell = oRow.getCell((short)5); oCell.setCellValue("0.3"); // Write the output to a file File f = TempFile.createTempFile("test15375",".xls"); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(f); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** test writing a file with large number of unique strings *open resulting file in Excel to check results!*/ public void test15375_2() throws Exception{ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); String tmp1 = null; String tmp2 = null; String tmp3 = null; for (int i = 0; i < 6000; i++) { tmp1 = "Test1" + i; tmp2 = "Test2" + i; tmp3 = "Test3" + i; HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)i); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short)0); cell.setCellValue(tmp1); cell = row.createCell((short)1); cell.setCellValue(tmp2); cell = row.createCell((short)2); cell.setCellValue(tmp3); } File f = TempFile.createTempFile("test15375-2",".xls"); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(f); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } /** another test for the number of unique strings issue *test opening the resulting file in Excel*/ public void test22568() { int r=2000;int c=3; HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook() ; HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("ExcelTest") ; int col_cnt=0, rw_cnt=0 ; col_cnt = c; rw_cnt = r; HSSFRow rw = null ; HSSFCell cell =null; rw = sheet.createRow((short)0) ; //Header row for(short j=0; j=0; i--) { clone.removeMergedRegion(i); } assertEquals("Original Sheet's Merged Regions were removed", originalMerged, template.getNumMergedRegions()); // check if template's merged regions are OK if (template.getNumMergedRegions()>0) { // fetch the first merged region...EXCEPTION OCCURS HERE template.getMergedRegionAt(0); } //make sure we dont exception } /*Tests read and write of Unicode strings in formula results * bug and testcase submitted by Sompop Kumnoonsate * The file contains THAI unicode characters. */ public void testUnicodeStringFormulaRead() throws Exception { String filename = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path"); filename=filename+"/25695.xls"; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); HSSFWorkbook w; w = new HSSFWorkbook(in); in.close(); HSSFCell a1 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell a2 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell b1 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell b2 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell c1 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(2).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell c2 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(2).getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell d1 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(3).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell d2 = w.getSheetAt(0).getRow(3).getCell((short) 1); /* // THAI code page System.out.println("a1="+unicodeString(a1.getStringCellValue())); System.out.println("a2="+unicodeString(a2.getStringCellValue())); // US code page System.out.println("b1="+unicodeString(b1.getStringCellValue())); System.out.println("b2="+unicodeString(b2.getStringCellValue())); // THAI+US System.out.println("c1="+unicodeString(c1.getStringCellValue())); System.out.println("c2="+unicodeString(c2.getStringCellValue())); // US+THAI System.out.println("d1="+unicodeString(d1.getStringCellValue())); System.out.println("d2="+unicodeString(d2.getStringCellValue())); */ assertEquals("String Cell value", a1.getStringCellValue(), a2.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("String Cell value", b1.getStringCellValue(), b2.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("String Cell value", c1.getStringCellValue(), c2.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("String Cell value", d1.getStringCellValue(), d2.getStringCellValue()); File xls = TempFile.createTempFile("testFormulaUnicode", ".xls"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(xls); w.write(out); out.close(); in = new FileInputStream(xls); HSSFWorkbook rw = new HSSFWorkbook(in); in.close(); HSSFCell ra1 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell ra2 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell rb1 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell rb2 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell rc1 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(2).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell rc2 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(2).getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell rd1 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(3).getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell rd2 = rw.getSheetAt(0).getRow(3).getCell((short) 1); assertEquals("Re-Written String Cell value", a1.getStringCellValue(), ra1.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written String Cell value", b1.getStringCellValue(), rb1.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written String Cell value", c1.getStringCellValue(), rc1.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written String Cell value", d1.getStringCellValue(), rd1.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written Formula String Cell value", a1.getStringCellValue(), ra2.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written Formula String Cell value", b1.getStringCellValue(), rb2.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written Formula String Cell value", c1.getStringCellValue(), rc2.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals("Re-Written Formula String Cell value", d1.getStringCellValue(), rd2.getStringCellValue()); } private static String unicodeString(String ss) { char s[] = ss.toCharArray(); java.lang.StringBuffer sb=new java.lang.StringBuffer(); for (int x=0;x