The value or default value of this attribute. The description of this attribute Optional, only needed to state valid value based on enumeration or list of valid values. The status: 1 is for Active Dependencies to other services subscription state for this service to be sucessfully provisioned/unprovisioned/unregistered. Used for logical grouping of services. The package type, can be used for tagging like "Basic Package" or "Optional Package" This element defines all provisioning / subscription dependencies for this service. Encapsulates the definition of service The dependency definition to specific service subscription state. The reference to a service which dependencies are being stated. (optional) this dependency is applicable to set this service subscription state defined on this attribute. The default is to be active provisioned. The reference to the dependent on service. Referenced by its service code. the referenced service must been already in the state defined by this attribute. used to specify this configuration is valid for specific subscription state regardless of product. The description of this subscription configuration which either based on state or bound to specific product. (ie: the description for a service subscription configuration with state = BLOCKOUTGOING for Call Barring service is "Block outgoing call") used to specify this configuration is valid for only in the context of a subscription to a specific product regardless of service's state. The attribute setting / the service attribute configuration. The referenced service code which subscription configuration are defined under this element. Encapsulates the definition of product Encapsulates the definition of a package Expected type is emof:Package. Expected type is xsd:schema.