Fixes to ddf junits after r776424
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -15,19 +14,15 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
package org.apache.poi.ddf;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
public class TestEscherBSERecord extends TestCase
public void testFillFields() throws Exception
public final class TestEscherBSERecord extends TestCase {
public void testFillFields() {
String data = "01 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 05 05 01 02 03 04 " +
" 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00 01 00 00 00 " +
" 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 05 06 07";
@ -48,8 +43,7 @@ public class TestEscherBSERecord extends TestCase
assertEquals( 0, r.getRemainingData().length );
public void testSerialize() throws Exception
public void testSerialize() {
EscherBSERecord r = createRecord();
byte[] data = new byte[8 + 36];
@ -58,12 +52,11 @@ public class TestEscherBSERecord extends TestCase
assertEquals( "[01, 00, 00, 00, 24, 00, 00, 00, 05, 05, 01, 02, 03, 04, " +
"05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, " +
"00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, 00, 04, 05, 06, 07]",
HexDump.toHex( data ) );
private EscherBSERecord createRecord() throws IOException
private EscherBSERecord createRecord() {
EscherBSERecord r = new EscherBSERecord();
r.setOptions( (short) 0x0001 );
r.setBlipTypeWin32( EscherBSERecord.BT_JPEG );
@ -81,27 +74,27 @@ public class TestEscherBSERecord extends TestCase
public void testToString() throws Exception
public void testToString() {
EscherBSERecord record = createRecord();
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
assertEquals( "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherBSERecord:" + nl +
" RecordId: 0xF007" + nl +
" Options: 0x0001" + nl +
" BlipTypeWin32: 5" + nl +
" BlipTypeMacOS: 5" + nl +
" SUID: [01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F, 00]" + nl +
" Tag: 1" + nl +
" Size: 0" + nl +
" Ref: 2" + nl +
" Offset: 3" + nl +
" Usage: 4" + nl +
" Name: 5" + nl +
" Unused2: 6" + nl +
" Unused3: 7" + nl +
" blipRecord: null" + nl +
" Extra Data:" + nl +
"No Data" + nl, record.toString() );
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherBSERecord:" + '\n' +
" RecordId: 0xF007" + '\n' +
" Options: 0x0001" + '\n' +
" BlipTypeWin32: 5" + '\n' +
" BlipTypeMacOS: 5" + '\n' +
" SUID: [01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F, 00]" + '\n' +
" Tag: 1" + '\n' +
" Size: 0" + '\n' +
" Ref: 2" + '\n' +
" Offset: 3" + '\n' +
" Usage: 4" + '\n' +
" Name: 5" + '\n' +
" Unused2: 6" + '\n' +
" Unused3: 7" + '\n' +
" blipRecord: null" + '\n' +
" Extra Data:" + '\n' +
": 0";
String actual = record.toString();
assertEquals( expected, actual );
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
package org.apache.poi.ddf;
@ -31,166 +31,166 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
public final class TestEscherContainerRecord extends TestCase {
private String ESCHER_DATA_PATH;
protected void setUp() {
ESCHER_DATA_PATH = System.getProperty("DDF.testdata.path");
public void testFillFields() {
EscherRecordFactory f = new DefaultEscherRecordFactory();
byte[] data = HexRead.readFromString( "0F 02 11 F1 00 00 00 00" );
EscherRecord r = f.createRecord( data, 0 );
r.fillFields( data, 0, f );
assertTrue( r instanceof EscherContainerRecord );
assertEquals( (short) 0x020F, r.getOptions() );
assertEquals( (short) 0xF111, r.getRecordId() );
EscherRecordFactory f = new DefaultEscherRecordFactory();
byte[] data = HexRead.readFromString("0F 02 11 F1 00 00 00 00");
EscherRecord r = f.createRecord(data, 0);
r.fillFields(data, 0, f);
assertTrue(r instanceof EscherContainerRecord);
assertEquals((short) 0x020F, r.getOptions());
assertEquals((short) 0xF111, r.getRecordId());
data = HexRead.readFromString( "0F 02 11 F1 08 00 00 00" +
" 02 00 22 F2 00 00 00 00" );
r = f.createRecord( data, 0 );
r.fillFields( data, 0, f );
EscherRecord c = r.getChild( 0 );
assertFalse( c instanceof EscherContainerRecord );
assertEquals( (short) 0x0002, c.getOptions() );
assertEquals( (short) 0xF222, c.getRecordId() );
data = HexRead.readFromString("0F 02 11 F1 08 00 00 00" +
" 02 00 22 F2 00 00 00 00");
r = f.createRecord(data, 0);
r.fillFields(data, 0, f);
EscherRecord c = r.getChild(0);
assertFalse(c instanceof EscherContainerRecord);
assertEquals((short) 0x0002, c.getOptions());
assertEquals((short) 0xF222, c.getRecordId());
public void testSerialize() {
UnknownEscherRecord r = new UnknownEscherRecord();
r.setOptions( (short) 0x123F );
r.setRecordId( (short) 0xF112 );
byte[] data = new byte[8];
r.serialize( 0, data, new NullEscherSerializationListener() );
public void testSerialize() {
UnknownEscherRecord r = new UnknownEscherRecord();
r.setOptions((short) 0x123F);
r.setRecordId((short) 0xF112);
byte[] data = new byte[8];
r.serialize(0, data, new NullEscherSerializationListener());
assertEquals( "[3F, 12, 12, F1, 00, 00, 00, 00]", HexDump.toHex( data ) );
assertEquals("[3F, 12, 12, F1, 00, 00, 00, 00]", HexDump.toHex(data));
EscherRecord childRecord = new UnknownEscherRecord();
childRecord.setOptions( (short) 0x9999 );
childRecord.setRecordId( (short) 0xFF01 );
r.addChildRecord( childRecord );
data = new byte[16];
r.serialize( 0, data, new NullEscherSerializationListener() );
EscherRecord childRecord = new UnknownEscherRecord();
childRecord.setOptions((short) 0x9999);
childRecord.setRecordId((short) 0xFF01);
data = new byte[16];
r.serialize(0, data, new NullEscherSerializationListener());
assertEquals( "[3F, 12, 12, F1, 08, 00, 00, 00, 99, 99, 01, FF, 00, 00, 00, 00]", HexDump.toHex( data ) );
assertEquals("[3F, 12, 12, F1, 08, 00, 00, 00, 99, 99, 01, FF, 00, 00, 00, 00]", HexDump.toHex(data));
public void testToString() {
EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
r.setRecordId( EscherContainerRecord.SP_CONTAINER );
r.setOptions( (short) 0x000F );
String nl = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
assertEquals( "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: true" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl
, r.toString() );
public void testToString() {
EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
r.setOptions((short) 0x000F);
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
assertEquals("org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: true" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl
, r.toString());
EscherOptRecord r2 = new EscherOptRecord();
r2.setOptions( (short) 0x9876 );
r2.setRecordId( EscherOptRecord.RECORD_ID );
EscherOptRecord r2 = new EscherOptRecord();
r2.setOptions((short) 0x9876);
String expected;
r.addChildRecord( r2 );
expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: true" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 1" + nl +
" children: " + nl +
" Child 0:" + nl +
"org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl;
assertEquals( expected, r.toString() );
String expected;
expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: true" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 1" + nl +
" children: " + nl +
" Child 0:" + nl +
"org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl;
assertEquals(expected, r.toString());
r.addChildRecord( r2 );
expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: true" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 2" + nl +
" children: " + nl +
" Child 0:" + nl +
"org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl +
" Child 1:" + nl +
"org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl;
assertEquals( expected, r.toString() );
private static final class DummyEscherRecord extends EscherRecord {
public DummyEscherRecord() { }
public int fillFields( byte[] data, int offset, EscherRecordFactory recordFactory ) { return 0; }
public int serialize( int offset, byte[] data, EscherSerializationListener listener ) { return 0; }
public int getRecordSize() { return 10; }
public String getRecordName() { return ""; }
expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: true" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 2" + nl +
" children: " + nl +
" Child 0:" + nl +
"org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl +
" Child 1:" + nl +
"org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl;
assertEquals(expected, r.toString());
public void testGetRecordSize() {
EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
r.addChildRecord(new DummyEscherRecord());
assertEquals(18, r.getRecordSize());
private static final class DummyEscherRecord extends EscherRecord {
public DummyEscherRecord() { }
public int fillFields(byte[] data, int offset, EscherRecordFactory recordFactory) { return 0; }
public int serialize(int offset, byte[] data, EscherSerializationListener listener) { return 0; }
public int getRecordSize() { return 10; }
public String getRecordName() { return ""; }
* We were having problems with reading too much data on an UnknownEscherRecord,
* but hopefully we now read the correct size.
public void testBug44857() throws Exception {
File f = new File(ESCHER_DATA_PATH, "Container.dat");
FileInputStream finp = new FileInputStream(f);
byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(finp);
// This used to fail with an OutOfMemory
EscherContainerRecord record = new EscherContainerRecord();
record.fillFields(data, 0, new DefaultEscherRecordFactory());
* Ensure {@link EscherContainerRecord} doesn't spill its guts everywhere
public void testChildren() {
EscherContainerRecord ecr = new EscherContainerRecord();
List<EscherRecord> children0 = ecr.getChildRecords();
assertEquals(0, children0.size());
public void testGetRecordSize() {
EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
r.addChildRecord(new DummyEscherRecord());
assertEquals(18, r.getRecordSize());
EscherRecord chA = new DummyEscherRecord();
EscherRecord chB = new DummyEscherRecord();
EscherRecord chC = new DummyEscherRecord();
List<EscherRecord> children1 = ecr.getChildRecords();
assertTrue(children0 != children1);
assertEquals(2, children1.size());
assertEquals(chA, children1.get(0));
assertEquals(chB, children1.get(1));
assertEquals(1, children0.size()); // first copy unchanged
List<EscherRecord> children2 = ecr.getChildRecords();
assertEquals(2, children2.size());
assertEquals(chC, children2.get(0));
assertEquals(chA, children2.get(1));
* We were having problems with reading too much data on an UnknownEscherRecord,
* but hopefully we now read the correct size.
public void testBug44857() throws Exception {
File f = new File(ESCHER_DATA_PATH, "Container.dat");
FileInputStream finp = new FileInputStream(f);
byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(finp);
// This used to fail with an OutOfMemory
EscherContainerRecord record = new EscherContainerRecord();
record.fillFields(data, 0, new DefaultEscherRecordFactory());
* Ensure {@link EscherContainerRecord} doesn't spill its guts everywhere
public void testChildren() {
EscherContainerRecord ecr = new EscherContainerRecord();
List<EscherRecord> children0 = ecr.getChildRecords();
assertEquals(0, children0.size());
EscherRecord chA = new DummyEscherRecord();
EscherRecord chB = new DummyEscherRecord();
EscherRecord chC = new DummyEscherRecord();
List<EscherRecord> children1 = ecr.getChildRecords();
assertTrue(children0 != children1);
assertEquals(2, children1.size());
assertEquals(chA, children1.get(0));
assertEquals(chB, children1.get(1));
assertEquals(1, children0.size()); // first copy unchanged
List<EscherRecord> children2 = ecr.getChildRecords();
assertEquals(2, children2.size());
assertEquals(chC, children2.get(0));
assertEquals(chA, children2.get(1));
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
public class TestEscherDgRecord extends TestCase
public final class TestEscherDgRecord extends TestCase {
public void testSerialize() {
EscherDgRecord r = createRecord();
@ -53,13 +52,11 @@ public class TestEscherDgRecord extends TestCase
public void testToString() {
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherDgRecord:" + nl +
" RecordId: 0xF008" + nl +
" Options: 0x0010" + nl +
" NumShapes: 2" + nl +
" LastMSOSPID: 1025" + nl;
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherDgRecord:" + '\n' +
" RecordId: 0xF008" + '\n' +
" Options: 0x0010" + '\n' +
" NumShapes: 2" + '\n' +
" LastMSOSPID: 1025" + '\n';
assertEquals( expected, createRecord().toString() );
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
public class TestEscherDggRecord extends TestCase
public final class TestEscherDggRecord extends TestCase {
public void testSerialize() {
EscherDggRecord r = createRecord();
@ -64,17 +63,15 @@ public class TestEscherDggRecord extends TestCase
public void testToString() {
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherDggRecord:" + nl +
" RecordId: 0xF006" + nl +
" Options: 0x0000" + nl +
" ShapeIdMax: 1026" + nl +
" NumIdClusters: 2" + nl +
" NumShapesSaved: 2" + nl +
" DrawingsSaved: 1" + nl +
" DrawingGroupId1: 1" + nl +
" NumShapeIdsUsed1: 2" + nl;
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherDggRecord:" + '\n' +
" RecordId: 0xF006" + '\n' +
" Options: 0x0000" + '\n' +
" ShapeIdMax: 1026" + '\n' +
" NumIdClusters: 2" + '\n' +
" NumShapesSaved: 2" + '\n' +
" DrawingsSaved: 1" + '\n' +
" DrawingGroupId1: 1" + '\n' +
" NumShapeIdsUsed1: 2" + '\n';
assertEquals( expected, createRecord().toString() );
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
public class TestEscherSpgrRecord extends TestCase
public final class TestEscherSpgrRecord extends TestCase {
public void testSerialize() {
EscherSpgrRecord r = createRecord();
@ -59,15 +58,14 @@ public class TestEscherSpgrRecord extends TestCase
public void testToString() {
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherSpgrRecord:" + nl +
" RecordId: 0xF009" + nl +
" Options: 0x0010" + nl +
" RectX: 1" + nl +
" RectY: 2" + nl +
" RectWidth: 3" + nl +
" RectHeight: 4" + nl;
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherSpgrRecord:" + '\n' +
" RecordId: 0xF009" + '\n' +
" Options: 0x0010" + '\n' +
" RectX: 1" + '\n' +
" RectY: 2" + '\n' +
" RectWidth: 3" + '\n' +
" RectHeight: 4" + '\n';
assertEquals( expected, createRecord().toString() );
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -15,15 +14,14 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
package org.apache.poi.ddf;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
public class TestEscherSplitMenuColorsRecord extends TestCase
public final class TestEscherSplitMenuColorsRecord extends TestCase {
public void testSerialize() {
EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord r = createRecord();
@ -60,15 +58,13 @@ public class TestEscherSplitMenuColorsRecord extends TestCase
public void testToString() {
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord:" + nl +
" RecordId: 0xF11E" + nl +
" Options: 0x0040" + nl +
" Color1: 0x00000402" + nl +
" Color2: 0x00000002" + nl +
" Color3: 0x00000002" + nl +
" Color4: 0x00000001" + nl +
String expected = "org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord:" + '\n' +
" RecordId: 0xF11E" + '\n' +
" Options: 0x0040" + '\n' +
" Color1: 0x00000402" + '\n' +
" Color2: 0x00000002" + '\n' +
" Color3: 0x00000002" + '\n' +
" Color4: 0x00000001" + '\n' +
assertEquals( expected, createRecord().toString() );
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -15,15 +14,14 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
package org.apache.poi.ddf;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
public class TestUnknownEscherRecord extends TestCase
public final class TestUnknownEscherRecord extends TestCase {
public void testFillFields() {
String testData =
"0F 02 " + // options
@ -108,12 +106,12 @@ public class TestUnknownEscherRecord extends TestCase
byte[] data = new byte[8];
r.serialize( 0, data, new NullEscherSerializationListener() );
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
assertEquals( "org.apache.poi.ddf.UnknownEscherRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: false" + nl +
" options: 0x1234" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF112" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl
assertEquals( "org.apache.poi.ddf.UnknownEscherRecord:" + '\n' +
" isContainer: false" + '\n' +
" options: 0x1234" + '\n' +
" recordId: 0xF112" + '\n' +
" numchildren: 0" + '\n' +
": 0"
, r.toString() );
Reference in New Issue
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