- Performs checks for JDepend, JUnit and Xalan *before* doing long-running tasks.
- Included HWPS in the generated API documentation. - Updated the copyright year to 2005. - Target "reports" completely split into subtargets. - Target "cvschangelog" is a main target now. - Issue warning if CVS_RSH is not set. - Minor build and documentation enhancements git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/poi/trunk@353621 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
<project name="POI Build" default="help" basedir=".">
The POI project Ant build.
The POI project Ant build.
<property environment="env"/>
@ -117,30 +117,33 @@
<pathelement location="${contrib.output.test.dir}"/>
<target name="help">
Main targets:
compile Compiles the POI classes
test Tests main, contrib and scratchpad
jar Creates jar files for distribution
docs Builds the POI website
fetch-jars Fetches needed JAR files from the Internet
generate-records Generates HSSF records
generate-types Generates word types
javadocs Generate javadocs
single-test Runs a single test case specified with
debug-test Runs a single test case specified with
-Dtestcase=classname with remote debug
options turned on.
reports Creates junit, jdepend and javadoc reports
site Generates the documentation and reports
dist Creates the entire distribution into build/dist
clean-dist Cleans the build directory then creates a
<!-- Prints POI's Ant usage help -->
<target name="help" description="Prints POI's Ant usage help">
- Execute "ant -projecthelp" to view a listing of the main build
- Execute "ant help-properties" to view a listing of some properties
controlling the build process.
<target name="help-properties"
description="Prints a listing of build controlling properties">
The following properties control the build process:
-Ddisconnected="true": Do not execute any targets that require an online
connection to the Internet.
WARNING: This list is not exhaustive.
<target name="with.clover" if="clover.present">
<taskdef resource="clovertasks"/>
@ -471,29 +474,54 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<target name="-cvschangelog" unless="disconnected">
<cvschangelog destfile="${changelog.file}" daysinpast="30"/>
<style in="${changelog.file}"
<param name="title" expression="POI Change Log"/>
<param name="module" expression="jakarta-poi"/>
<param name="cvsweb" expression="http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/"/>
<!-- FIXME: This target has to be split into several targets so that each
of them can be executed individually. -->
<target name="reports"
depends="-check-reports, is-available-junit, is-available-jdepend"
description="Creates JUnit and JDepend reports and generates the API documentation">
<!-- Generates a log of the latest changes in the CVS repository. -->
<target name="cvschangelog" unless="disconnected" depends="is-available-xslt"
description="Generates a CVS change log report">
<antcall target="cvs-rsh-warning"/>
<cvschangelog destfile="${changelog.file}" daysinpast="30"/>
<style in="${changelog.file}"
<param name="title" expression="POI Change Log"/>
<param name="module" expression="jakarta-poi"/>
<param name="cvsweb" expression="http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/"/>
<target name="cvs-rsh-warning" unless="env.CVS_RSH">
WARNING: The environment variable CVS_RSH is not set. If you cannot
access the CVS repository this could be one of the reasons for the
<!-- Creates reports and API documentation -->
<target name="reports" unless="reports.notRequired" depends="-check-reports,
is-available-xslt, is-available-junit, is-available-jdepend,
test-ignore-failures, jdepend, cvschangelog, javadocs, clover.html"
description="Creates various reports and the API documentation">
<!-- Runs all JUnit tests without aborting if one of the tests fails. -->
<target name="test-ignore-failures" depends="init">
<antcall target="test">
<param name="halt.on.test.failure" value="false"/>
<!-- Produces a report of the JUnit test results -->
<target name="junitreport" depends="is-available-xslt, test-ignore-failures"
description="Produces a report of the JUnit test results">
<junitreport todir="${junit.report.dir}">
<fileset dir="${main.reports.test}">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
@ -506,19 +534,11 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<report format="frames" todir="${junit.report.dir}"/>
<antcall target="jdepend"/>
<antcall target="-cvschangelog"/>
<antcall target="javadocs"/>
<antcall target="clover.html"/>
<!-- Generates the API documentation. -->
<target name="javadocs" description="Generates the API documentation">
@ -545,11 +565,14 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>POI Documentation</h1>]]></doctitle>
<bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright © 2003 Apache Software Foundation.</i>]]></bottom>
<group title="HSSF" packages="org.apache.poi.hssf*"/>
<group title="HPSF" packages="org.apache.poi.hpsf*"/>
<group title="POIFS" packages="org.apache.poi.poifs*"/>
<![CDATA[<i>Copyright © 2005 Apache Software Foundation.</i>]]>
<group title="HDF" packages="org.apache.poi.hdf*"/>
<group title="HPSF" packages="org.apache.poi.hpsf*"/>
<group title="HSSF" packages="org.apache.poi.hssf*"/>
<group title="HWPF" packages="org.apache.poi.hwpf*"/>
<group title="POIFS" packages="org.apache.poi.poifs*"/>
<group title="Record Generator" packages="org.apache.poi.record*"/>
<group title="Utils" packages="org.apache.poi.util*"/>
@ -603,8 +626,13 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<target name="site" depends="reports,docs"
description="Generates the documentation and reports"/>
<!-- Generates documentation and reports -->
<target name="site" depends="reports, docs"
description="Generates POI's website's contents"/>
<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Creates jar files for distribution">
<jar basedir="${main.output.dir}" destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar">
@ -703,7 +731,7 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<!-- Generates the ANT document type definition (DTD) -->
<target name="dtd"
description="Generates the ANT document type definition (DTD)">
description="Generates the Ant document type definition (DTD)">
<antstructure output="ant.dtd"/>
@ -711,6 +739,7 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<!-- Still experimental targets: -->
<!-- Abort the build if JUnit is missing. -->
<target name="is-available-junit" depends="init">
<condition property="isAvailable.junit">
<available classname="junit.framework.TestCase"/>
@ -718,16 +747,18 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<antcall target="check-junit"/>
<!-- Abort the build because JUnit is missing. -->
<target name="check-junit" unless="isAvailable.junit">
JUnit is not available. You must download JUnit from
<http://www.junit.org/> and include the JAR file in your
<fail message="JUnit is not available." unless="available.junit"/>
<fail message="JUnit is not available."/>
<!-- Abort the build if JDepend is missing. -->
<target name="is-available-jdepend" depends="init">
<condition property="isAvailable.jdepend">
<available classname="jdepend.framework.JDepend"/>
@ -735,17 +766,44 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<antcall target="check-jdepend"/>
<!-- Abort the build because JDepend is missing. -->
<target name="check-jdepend" unless="isAvailable.jdepend">
JDepend is not available. You must download JDepend from
<http://www.clarkware.com/software/JDepend.html> and include the
JAR file in your classpath."
JAR file in your classpath.
<fail message="JDepend is not available." unless="available.jdepend"/>
<fail message="JDepend is not available."/>
<!-- FIXME: Make target "reports" depend on this! -->
<!-- Abort the build if the Xalan XSLT processor is missing. The
"junitreport" task seems to explicitly require Xalan instead of being
able to cope with any XSLT processor. -->
<target name="is-available-xslt" depends="init">
<condition property="isAvailable.xslt">
<antcall target="check-xslt"/>
<target name="check-xslt" unless="isAvailable.xslt">
The Xalan XSLT processor is not available. You must download Xalan from
<http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/> and include the JAR file in your
<fail message="The Xalan XSLT processor is not available."/>
<!-- Runs jdepend to produce a report about package dependencies -->
<target name="jdepend" depends="is-available-jdepend"
description="Runs jdepend to produce a report about package dependencies">
<jdepend outputfile="${jdepend.report.dir}/jdepend.xml" format="xml">
Reference in New Issue
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