extract Bugzilla tests from TestProblems into TestBugs
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk@1155205 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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package org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.Word6Extractor;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FieldsDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PlexOfField;
import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
* Test different problems reported in Apache Bugzilla
* @author Nick Burch (nick at torchbox dot com)
* @author Sergey Vladimirov (vlsergey {at} gmail {dot} com)
public class TestBugs extends TestCase
private static void assertTableStructures( Range expected, Range actual )
assertEquals( expected.numParagraphs(), actual.numParagraphs() );
for ( int p = 0; p < expected.numParagraphs(); p++ )
Paragraph expParagraph = expected.getParagraph( p );
Paragraph actParagraph = actual.getParagraph( p );
assertEquals( expParagraph.text(), actParagraph.text() );
assertEquals( "Diffent isInTable flags for paragraphs #" + p
+ " -- " + expParagraph + " -- " + actParagraph + ".",
expParagraph.isInTable(), actParagraph.isInTable() );
assertEquals( expParagraph.isTableRowEnd(),
actParagraph.isTableRowEnd() );
if ( expParagraph.isInTable() && actParagraph.isInTable() )
Table expTable, actTable;
expTable = expected.getTable( expParagraph );
actTable = actual.getTable( actParagraph );
catch ( Exception exc )
assertEquals( expTable.numRows(), actTable.numRows() );
assertEquals( expTable.numParagraphs(),
actTable.numParagraphs() );
static void fixed( String bugzillaId )
throw new Error(
"Bug "
+ bugzillaId
+ " seems to be fixed. "
+ "Please resolve the issue in Bugzilla and remove fail() from the test" );
private static void test47563_insertTable( int rows, int columns )
// POI apparently can't create a document from scratch,
// so we need an existing empty dummy document
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "empty.doc" );
Range range = doc.getRange();
Table table = range.insertBefore(
new TableProperties( (short) columns ), rows );
for ( int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < table.numRows(); rowIdx++ )
TableRow row = table.getRow( rowIdx );
for ( int colIdx = 0; colIdx < row.numCells(); colIdx++ )
TableCell cell = row.getCell( colIdx );
Paragraph par = cell.getParagraph( 0 );
par.insertBefore( "" + ( rowIdx * row.numCells() + colIdx ) );
String text = range.text();
int mustBeAfter = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++ )
int next = text.indexOf( Integer.toString( i ), mustBeAfter );
assertFalse( next == -1 );
mustBeAfter = next;
* Bug 33519 - HWPF fails to read a file
public void test33519()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug33519.doc" );
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor( doc );
* Bug 34898 - WordExtractor doesn't read the whole string from the file
public void test34898()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug34898.doc" );
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor( doc );
assertEquals( "\u30c7\u30a3\u30ec\u30af\u30c8\u30ea", extractor
.getText().trim() );
* Bug 44331 - HWPFDocument.write destroys fields
public void test44431()
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug44431.doc" );
WordExtractor extractor1 = new WordExtractor( doc1 );
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
WordExtractor extractor2 = new WordExtractor( doc2 );
assertEquals( extractor1.getFooterText(), extractor2.getFooterText() );
assertEquals( extractor1.getHeaderText(), extractor2.getHeaderText() );
assertEquals( Arrays.toString( extractor1.getParagraphText() ),
Arrays.toString( extractor2.getParagraphText() ) );
assertEquals( extractor1.getText(), extractor2.getText() );
* Bug 45473 - HWPF cannot read file after save
public void test45473()
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug45473.doc" );
String text1 = new WordExtractor( doc1 ).getText().trim();
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
String text2 = new WordExtractor( doc2 ).getText().trim();
// the text in the saved document has some differences in line
// separators but we tolerate that
assertEquals( text1.replaceAll( "\n", "" ), text2.replaceAll( "\n", "" ) );
* Bug 46220 - images are not properly extracted
public void test46220()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug46220.doc" );
// reference checksums as in Bugzilla
String[] md5 = { "851be142bce6d01848e730cb6903f39e",
"72d07b8db5fad7099d90bc4c304b4666" };
List<Picture> pics = doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures();
assertEquals( 4, pics.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < pics.size(); i++ )
Picture pic = pics.get( i );
byte[] data = pic.getRawContent();
// use Apache Commons Codec utils to compute md5
assertEquals( md5[i], DigestUtils.md5Hex( data ) );
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 46817 - Regression: Text from some table cells
* missing
public void test46817()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug46817.doc" );
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor( doc );
String text = extractor.getText().trim();
assertTrue( text.contains( "Nazwa wykonawcy" ) );
assertTrue( text.contains( "kujawsko-pomorskie" ) );
assertTrue( text.contains( "ekomel@ekomel.com.pl" ) );
* [FAILING] Bug 47286 - Word documents saves in wrong format if source
* contains form elements
* @throws IOException
public void test47286() throws IOException
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47286.doc" );
String text1 = new WordExtractor( doc1 ).getText().trim();
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
String text2 = new WordExtractor( doc2 ).getText().trim();
// the text in the saved document has some differences in line
// separators but we tolerate that
assertEquals( text1.replaceAll( "\n", "" ), text2.replaceAll( "\n", "" ) );
assertEquals( doc1.getCharacterTable().getTextRuns().size(), doc2
.getCharacterTable().getTextRuns().size() );
List<PlexOfField> expectedFields = doc1.getFieldsTables()
.getFieldsPLCF( FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN );
List<PlexOfField> actualFields = doc2.getFieldsTables().getFieldsPLCF(
FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN );
assertEquals( expectedFields.size(), actualFields.size() );
assertTableStructures( doc1.getRange(), doc2.getRange() );
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 47287 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* CharacterRun.replaceText()
public void test47287()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47287.doc" );
String[] values = { "1-1", "1-2", "1-3", "1-4", "1-5", "1-6", "1-7",
"1-8", "1-9", "1-10", "1-11", "1-12", "1-13", "1-14", "1-15", };
int usedVal = 0;
String PLACEHOLDER = "\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002";
Range r = doc.getRange();
for ( int x = 0; x < r.numSections(); x++ )
Section s = r.getSection( x );
for ( int y = 0; y < s.numParagraphs(); y++ )
Paragraph p = s.getParagraph( y );
for ( int z = 0; z < p.numCharacterRuns(); z++ )
boolean isFound = false;
// character run
CharacterRun run = p.getCharacterRun( z );
// character run text
String text = run.text();
String oldText = text;
int c = text.indexOf( "FORMTEXT " );
if ( c < 0 )
int k = text.indexOf( PLACEHOLDER );
if ( k >= 0 )
text = text.substring( 0, k ) + values[usedVal]
+ text.substring( k + PLACEHOLDER.length() );
isFound = true;
for ( ; c >= 0; c = text.indexOf( "FORMTEXT ", c
+ "FORMTEXT ".length() ) )
int k = text.indexOf( PLACEHOLDER, c );
if ( k >= 0 )
text = text.substring( 0, k )
+ values[usedVal]
+ text.substring( k
+ PLACEHOLDER.length() );
isFound = true;
if ( isFound )
run.replaceText( oldText, text, 0 );
String docText = r.text();
assertTrue( docText.contains( "1-1" ) );
assertTrue( docText.contains( "1-12" ) );
assertFalse( docText.contains( "1-13" ) );
assertFalse( docText.contains( "1-15" ) );
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 47563 - Exception when working with table
public void test47563()
test47563_insertTable( 1, 5 );
test47563_insertTable( 1, 6 );
test47563_insertTable( 5, 1 );
test47563_insertTable( 6, 1 );
test47563_insertTable( 2, 2 );
test47563_insertTable( 3, 2 );
test47563_insertTable( 2, 3 );
test47563_insertTable( 3, 3 );
* [FAILING] Bug 47731 - Word Extractor considers text copied from some
* website as an embedded object
public void test47731() throws Exception
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47731.doc" );
String foundText = new WordExtractor( doc ).getText();
assertTrue( foundText
.contains( "Soak the rice in water for three to four hours" ) );
fixed( "47731" );
catch ( AssertionFailedError exc )
// expected
* Bug 4774 - text extracted by WordExtractor is broken
public void test47742() throws Exception
// (1) extract text from MS Word document via POI
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47742.doc" );
String foundText = new WordExtractor( doc ).getText();
// (2) read text from text document (retrieved by saving the word
// document as text file using encoding UTF-8)
InputStream is = POIDataSamples.getDocumentInstance()
.openResourceAsStream( "Bug47742-text.txt" );
byte[] expectedBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray( is );
String expectedText = new String( expectedBytes, "utf-8" )
.substring( 1 ); // strip-off the unicode marker
assertEquals( expectedText, foundText );
* [FAILING] Bug 47958 - Exception during Escher walk of pictures
public void test47958()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47958.doc" );
for ( Picture pic : doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures() )
System.out.println( pic.suggestFullFileName() );
fixed( "47958" );
catch ( Exception e )
// expected exception
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 48065 - Problems with save output of HWPF (losing
* formatting)
public void test48065()
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug48065.doc" );
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
Range expected = doc1.getRange();
Range actual = doc2.getRange();
expected.text().replace( "\r", "\n" ).replaceAll( "\n\n", "\n" ),
actual.text().replace( "\r", "\n" ).replaceAll( "\n\n", "\n" ) );
assertTableStructures( expected, actual );
public void test49933()
HWPFOldDocument document = HWPFTestDataSamples
.openOldSampleFile( "Bug49933.doc" );
Word6Extractor word6Extractor = new Word6Extractor( document );
String text = word6Extractor.getText();
assertTrue( text.contains( "best.wine.jump.ru" ) );
* Bug 50936 - HWPF fails to read a file
public void test50936()
HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug50936.doc" );
* [FAILING] Bug 50955 - error while retrieving the text file
public void test50955()
HWPFOldDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples
.openOldSampleFile( "Bug50955.doc" );
Word6Extractor extractor = new Word6Extractor( doc );
fixed( "50955" );
catch ( Exception e )
// expected exception
* Bug 51524 - PapBinTable constructor is slow
public void test51524()
HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFileFromArchive( "Bug51524.zip" );
@ -17,26 +17,14 @@
package org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException;
import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFTestCase;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.Word6Extractor;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FieldsDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PlexOfField;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleSheet;
import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
* Test various problem documents
@ -427,410 +415,4 @@ public final class TestProblems extends HWPFTestCase {
assertEquals("Row 3/Cell 3\u0007", cell.text());
static void fixed(String bugzillaId) {
throw new Error("Bug " + bugzillaId + " seems to be fixed. " +
"Please resolve the issue in Bugzilla and remove fail() from the test");
* Bug 33519 - HWPF fails to read a file
public void test33519() {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug33519.doc");
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor(doc);
String text = extractor.getText();
* Bug 34898 - WordExtractor doesn't read the whole string from the file
public void test34898() {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug34898.doc");
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor(doc);
assertEquals("\u30c7\u30a3\u30ec\u30af\u30c8\u30ea", extractor.getText().trim());
* Bug 44331 - HWPFDocument.write destroys fields
public void test44431()
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug44431.doc" );
WordExtractor extractor1 = new WordExtractor( doc1 );
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
WordExtractor extractor2 = new WordExtractor( doc2 );
assertEquals( extractor1.getFooterText(), extractor2.getFooterText() );
assertEquals( extractor1.getHeaderText(), extractor2.getHeaderText() );
assertEquals( Arrays.toString( extractor1.getParagraphText() ),
Arrays.toString( extractor2.getParagraphText() ) );
assertEquals( extractor1.getText(), extractor2.getText() );
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 46817 - Regression: Text from some table cells
* missing
public void test46817()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug46817.doc" );
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor( doc );
String text = extractor.getText().trim();
assertTrue( text.contains( "Nazwa wykonawcy" ) );
assertTrue( text.contains( "kujawsko-pomorskie" ) );
assertTrue( text.contains( "ekomel@ekomel.com.pl" ) );
* Bug 46220 - images are not properly extracted
public void test46220() {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug46220.doc");
// reference checksums as in Bugzilla
String[] md5 = {
List<Picture> pics = doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures();
assertEquals(4, pics.size());
for (int i = 0; i < pics.size(); i++) {
Picture pic = pics.get(i);
byte[] data = pic.getRawContent();
// use Apache Commons Codec utils to compute md5
assertEquals(md5[i], DigestUtils.md5Hex(data));
* Bug 45473 - HWPF cannot read file after save
public void test45473() {
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug45473.doc");
String text1 = new WordExtractor(doc1).getText().trim();
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc1);
String text2 = new WordExtractor(doc2).getText().trim();
// the text in the saved document has some differences in line separators but we tolerate that
assertEquals(text1.replaceAll("\n", ""), text2.replaceAll("\n", ""));
* [FAILING] Bug 47286 - Word documents saves in wrong format if source
* contains form elements
* @throws IOException
public void test47286() throws IOException
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47286.doc" );
String text1 = new WordExtractor( doc1 ).getText().trim();
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
String text2 = new WordExtractor( doc2 ).getText().trim();
// the text in the saved document has some differences in line
// separators but we tolerate that
assertEquals( text1.replaceAll( "\n", "" ), text2.replaceAll( "\n", "" ) );
assertEquals( doc1.getCharacterTable().getTextRuns().size(), doc2
.getCharacterTable().getTextRuns().size() );
List<PlexOfField> expectedFields = doc1.getFieldsTables()
.getFieldsPLCF( FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN );
List<PlexOfField> actualFields = doc2.getFieldsTables().getFieldsPLCF(
FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN );
assertEquals( expectedFields.size(), actualFields.size() );
assertTableStructures( doc1.getRange(), doc2.getRange() );
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 47287 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* CharacterRun.replaceText()
public void test47287()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47287.doc" );
String[] values = { "1-1", "1-2", "1-3", "1-4", "1-5", "1-6", "1-7",
"1-8", "1-9", "1-10", "1-11", "1-12", "1-13", "1-14", "1-15", };
int usedVal = 0;
String PLACEHOLDER = "\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002";
Range r = doc.getRange();
for ( int x = 0; x < r.numSections(); x++ )
Section s = r.getSection( x );
for ( int y = 0; y < s.numParagraphs(); y++ )
Paragraph p = s.getParagraph( y );
for ( int z = 0; z < p.numCharacterRuns(); z++ )
boolean isFound = false;
// character run
CharacterRun run = p.getCharacterRun( z );
// character run text
String text = run.text();
String oldText = text;
int c = text.indexOf( "FORMTEXT " );
if ( c < 0 )
int k = text.indexOf( PLACEHOLDER );
if ( k >= 0 )
text = text.substring( 0, k ) + values[usedVal]
+ text.substring( k + PLACEHOLDER.length() );
isFound = true;
for ( ; c >= 0; c = text.indexOf( "FORMTEXT ", c
+ "FORMTEXT ".length() ) )
int k = text.indexOf( PLACEHOLDER, c );
if ( k >= 0 )
text = text.substring( 0, k )
+ values[usedVal]
+ text.substring( k
+ PLACEHOLDER.length() );
isFound = true;
if ( isFound )
run.replaceText( oldText, text, 0 );
String docText = r.text();
assertTrue( docText.contains( "1-1" ) );
assertTrue( docText.contains( "1-12" ) );
assertFalse( docText.contains( "1-13" ) );
assertFalse( docText.contains( "1-15" ) );
private static void insertTable( int rows, int columns )
// POI apparently can't create a document from scratch,
// so we need an existing empty dummy document
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "empty.doc" );
Range range = doc.getRange();
Table table = range.insertBefore(
new TableProperties( (short) columns ), rows );
for ( int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < table.numRows(); rowIdx++ )
TableRow row = table.getRow( rowIdx );
for ( int colIdx = 0; colIdx < row.numCells(); colIdx++ )
TableCell cell = row.getCell( colIdx );
Paragraph par = cell.getParagraph( 0 );
par.insertBefore( "" + ( rowIdx * row.numCells() + colIdx ) );
String text = range.text();
int mustBeAfter = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++ )
int next = text.indexOf( Integer.toString( i ), mustBeAfter );
assertFalse( next == -1 );
mustBeAfter = next;
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 47563 - Exception when working with table
public void test47563()
insertTable( 1, 5 );
insertTable( 1, 6 );
insertTable( 5, 1 );
insertTable( 6, 1 );
insertTable( 2, 2 );
insertTable( 3, 2 );
insertTable( 2, 3 );
insertTable( 3, 3 );
* [FAILING] Bug 47731 - Word Extractor considers text copied from some
* website as an embedded object
public void test47731() throws Exception
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug47731.doc" );
String foundText = new WordExtractor( doc ).getText();
assertTrue( foundText
.contains( "Soak the rice in water for three to four hours" ) );
fixed( "47731" );
catch ( AssertionFailedError exc )
// expected
* Bug 4774 - text extracted by WordExtractor is broken
public void test47742() throws Exception {
// (1) extract text from MS Word document via POI
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug47742.doc");
String foundText = new WordExtractor(doc).getText();
// (2) read text from text document (retrieved by saving the word
// document as text file using encoding UTF-8)
InputStream is = POIDataSamples.getDocumentInstance().openResourceAsStream("Bug47742-text.txt");
byte[] expectedBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
String expectedText = new String(expectedBytes, "utf-8").substring(1); // strip-off the unicode marker
assertEquals(expectedText, foundText);
* [FAILING] Bug 47958 - Exception during Escher walk of pictures
public void test47958() {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug47958.doc");
try {
for (Picture pic : doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected exception
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 48065 - Problems with save output of HWPF (losing
* formatting)
public void test48065()
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile( "Bug48065.doc" );
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc1 );
Range expected = doc1.getRange();
Range actual = doc2.getRange();
expected.text().replace( "\r", "\n" ).replaceAll( "\n\n", "\n" ),
actual.text().replace( "\r", "\n" ).replaceAll( "\n\n", "\n" ) );
assertTableStructures( expected, actual );
private static void assertTableStructures( Range expected, Range actual )
assertEquals( expected.numParagraphs(), actual.numParagraphs() );
for ( int p = 0; p < expected.numParagraphs(); p++ )
Paragraph expParagraph = expected.getParagraph( p );
Paragraph actParagraph = actual.getParagraph( p );
assertEquals( expParagraph.text(), actParagraph.text() );
assertEquals( "Diffent isInTable flags for paragraphs #" + p
+ " -- " + expParagraph + " -- " + actParagraph + ".",
expParagraph.isInTable(), actParagraph.isInTable() );
assertEquals( expParagraph.isTableRowEnd(),
actParagraph.isTableRowEnd() );
if ( expParagraph.isInTable() && actParagraph.isInTable() )
Table expTable, actTable;
expTable = expected.getTable( expParagraph );
actTable = actual.getTable( actParagraph );
catch ( Exception exc )
assertEquals( expTable.numRows(), actTable.numRows() );
assertEquals( expTable.numParagraphs(),
actTable.numParagraphs() );
public void test49933()
HWPFOldDocument document = HWPFTestDataSamples
.openOldSampleFile( "Bug49933.doc" );
Word6Extractor word6Extractor = new Word6Extractor( document );
String text = word6Extractor.getText();
assertTrue( text.contains( "best.wine.jump.ru" ) );
* Bug 50936 - HWPF fails to read a file
public void test50936() {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug50936.doc");
* [FAILING] Bug 50955 - error while retrieving the text file
public void test50955() {
try {
HWPFOldDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openOldSampleFile("Bug50955.doc");
Word6Extractor extractor = new Word6Extractor(doc);
String text = extractor.getText();
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected exception
* Bug 51524 - PapBinTable constructor is slow
public void test51524()
HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFileFromArchive( "Bug51524.zip" );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user