Big overhaul, with lots of help from Yegor
Now correctly handle all the different kinds of stylings, in their twin list format git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,13 +22,21 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Vector;
* A StyleTextPropAtom (type 4001). Holds basic character properties
* (bold, italic, underline, possibly more?) and paragraph properties
* (alignment, line spacing etc) for the block of text (TextBytesAtom
* or TextCharsAtom) that this record follows
* or TextCharsAtom) that this record follows.
* You will find two lists within this class.
* 1 - Paragraph style list (paragraphStyles)
* 2 - Character style list (charStyles)
* Both are lists of TextPropCollections. These define how many characters
* the style applies to, and what style elements make up the style (another
* list, this time of TextProps). Each TextProp has a value, which somehow
* encapsulates a property of the style
* @author Nick Burch
@ -39,33 +47,74 @@ public class StyleTextPropAtom extends RecordAtom
private static long _type = 4001l;
private byte[] reserved;
private short paraStyleLen;
private int paraStyle1;
private int paraStyle2;
private CharacterStyle[] charStyles;
/** Get the number of characters covered by these text styles */
public int getParagraphStyleCharactersCoveredLength() {
return paraStyleLen;
/** Get the individual character stylings for this paragraph */
public CharacterStyle[] getCharacterStyles() {
return charStyles;
private byte[] rawContents; // Holds the contents between write-outs
* Set the number of characters covered by these text styles.
* This must equal the number of characters in the Text record
* that precedes this record, or things won't behave properly
* Only set to true once setParentTextSize(int) is called.
* Until then, no stylings will have been decoded
public void setParagraphStyleCharactersCoveredLength(int len) {
paraStyleLen = (short)len;
private boolean initialised = false;
* The list of all the different paragraph stylings we code for.
* Each entry is a TextPropCollection, which tells you how many
* Characters the paragraph covers, and also contains the TextProps
* that actually define the styling of the paragraph.
private LinkedList paragraphStyles;
public LinkedList getParagraphStyles() { return paragraphStyles; }
* The list of all the different character stylings we code for.
* Each entry is a TextPropCollection, which tells you how many
* Characters the character styling covers, and also contains the
* TextProps that actually define the styling of the characters.
private LinkedList charStyles;
public LinkedList getCharacterStyles() { return charStyles; }
/** All the different kinds of paragraph properties we might handle */
public TextProp[] paragraphTextPropTypes = new TextProp[] {
new BitMaskTextProp(2, 0xF, new String[] {
"bullet", "bullet.hardfont",
"bullet.hardcolor", "bullet.hardsize"}
new TextProp(2, 0x10, "bullet.font"),
new TextProp(4, 0x20, "bullet.color"),
new TextProp(2, 0x40, "bullet.size"),
new TextProp(2, 0x80, "bullet.char"),
new TextProp(2, 0x100, "para_unknown_1"),
new TextProp(2, 0x200, "para_unknown_2"),
new TextProp(2, 0x400, "para_unknown_3"),
new TextProp(2, 0x800, "alignment"),
new TextProp(2, 0x1000, "linespacing"),
new TextProp(2, 0x2000, "spacebefore"),
new TextProp(2, 0x4000, "spaceafter"),
new TextProp(2, 0x8000, "para_unknown_4"),
new TextProp(2, 0x10000, "para_unknown_5"),
new TextProp(2, 0xA0000, "para_unknown_6")
/** All the different kinds of character properties we might handle */
public TextProp[] characterTextPropTypes = new TextProp[] {
new CharFlagsTextProp(),
new TextProp(2, 0x10000, "font.index"),
new TextProp(2, 0x20000, "font.size"),
new TextProp(4, 0x40000, "font.color"),
new TextProp(2, 0x80000, "offset"),
new TextProp(2, 0x100000, "char_unknown_1"),
new TextProp(2, 0x200000, "asian_or_complex"),
new TextProp(2, 0x400000, "char_unknown_2"),
new TextProp(2, 0x800000, "symbol"),
new TextProp(2, 0x1000000, "char_unknown_3"),
new TextProp(2, 0x2000000, "char_unknown_4"),
new TextProp(2, 0x4000000, "char_unknown_5"),
new TextProp(2, 0x8000000, "char_unknown_6"),
new TextProp(2, 0x10000000, "char_unknown_7"),
new TextProp(2, 0x20000000, "char_unknown_8"),
new TextProp(2, 0x40000000, "char_unknown_9"),
new TextProp(2, 0x80000000, "char_unknown_10"),
/* *************** record code follows ********************** */
@ -84,76 +133,46 @@ public class StyleTextPropAtom extends RecordAtom
_header = new byte[8];
// Grab the paragraph style stuff
paraStyleLen = (short)LittleEndian.getShort(source,start+8+0);
paraStyle1 = (int)LittleEndian.getInt(source,start+8+2);
paraStyle2 = (int)LittleEndian.getInt(source,start+8+6);
// Save the contents of the atom, until we're asked to go and
// decode them (via a call to setParentTextSize(int)
rawContents = new byte[len-8];
reserved = new byte[0];
// While we have the data, grab the character styles
Vector cp = new Vector();
int cpos = 0;
int oldCpos = 0;
boolean overshot = false;
// Min size is 8, everything starts 8+10 in to the record
while((cpos <= len-8-10-8) && !overshot) {
CharacterStyle cs;
short clen = LittleEndian.getShort(source,start+8+10+cpos);
cpos += 2;
int s1 = (int)LittleEndian.getInt(source,start+8+10+cpos);
cpos += 4;
if(s1 == 0) {
short s3 = LittleEndian.getShort(source,start+8+10+cpos);
cpos += 2;
cs = new CharacterStyle(clen,s1,0,s3);
} else {
int s2 = (int)LittleEndian.getInt(source,start+8+10+cpos);
cpos += 4;
cs = new CharacterStyle(clen,s1,s2,(short)0);
// Only add if it won't push us past the end of the record
if(cpos <= (len-8-10)) {
oldCpos = cpos;
} else {
// Long CharacterStyle, but only enough data for a short one!
// Rewind back to the end of the last CharacterStyle
cpos = oldCpos;
overshot = true;
charStyles = new CharacterStyle[cp.size()];
for(int i=0; i<charStyles.length; i++) {
charStyles[i] = (CharacterStyle)cp.get(i);
// Chuck anything that doesn't make a complete CharacterStyle
// somewhere for safe keeping
reserved = new byte[len-8-10-cpos];
// Set empty linked lists, ready for when they call setParentTextSize
paragraphStyles = new LinkedList();
charStyles = new LinkedList();
* A new set of text style properties for some text without any
* A new set of text style properties for some text without any.
public StyleTextPropAtom() {
public StyleTextPropAtom(int parentTextSize) {
_header = new byte[8];
rawContents = new byte[0];
reserved = new byte[0];
charStyles = new CharacterStyle[0];
// Set our type
// Our initial size is 10
// Blank paragraph style
paraStyleLen = 0;
paraStyle1 = 0;
paraStyle2 = 0;
// Set empty paragraph and character styles
paragraphStyles = new LinkedList();
charStyles = new LinkedList();
TextPropCollection defaultParagraphTextProps = new TextPropCollection(parentTextSize);
TextPropCollection defaultCharacterTextProps = new TextPropCollection(parentTextSize);
// Set us as now initialised
initialised = true;
* We are of type 4001
@ -165,29 +184,19 @@ public class StyleTextPropAtom extends RecordAtom
* to disk
public void writeOut(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
// Grab the size of the character styles
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for(int i=0; i<charStyles.length; i++) {
// First thing to do is update the raw bytes of the contents, based
// on the properties
// Figure out the new size
// Para->10 + Chars + Reserved
int newSize = 10 + baos.size() + reserved.length;
// Update the size (header bytes 5-8)
// Now ensure that the header size is correct
int newSize = rawContents.length + reserved.length;
// Write out the (new) header
// Write out the paragraph bits
// Write out the character bits
// Write out the styles
// Write out any extra bits
@ -195,112 +204,311 @@ public class StyleTextPropAtom extends RecordAtom
* Class to handle character styles
* Tell us how much text the parent TextCharsAtom or TextBytesAtom
* contains, so we can go ahead and initialise ourselves.
public static class CharacterStyle {
private short styleLen;
private int style1;
private int style2;
private short style3;
public void setParentTextSize(int size) {
int pos = 0;
int textHandled = 0;
// style1 0x00010000
private static final int BOLD_STYLE = 65536;
// style1 0x00020000
private static final int ITALIC_STYLE = 131072;
// style1 0x00040000
private static final int UNDERLINED_STYLE = 262144;
// While we have text in need of paragraph stylings, go ahead and
// grok the contents as paragraph formatting data
while(pos < rawContents.length && textHandled < size) {
// First up, fetch the number of characters this applies to
int textLen = LittleEndian.getInt(rawContents,pos);
textHandled += textLen;
pos += 4;
/** Create a new Character Style from on-disk data */
protected CharacterStyle(short len, int s1, int s2, short s3) {
styleLen = len;
style1 = s1;
style2 = s2;
style3 = s3;
// Fetch the 2 byte value that is safe to ignore as 0
short paraIgn = LittleEndian.getShort(rawContents,pos);
pos += 2;
// Grab the 4 byte value that tells us what properties follow
int paraFlags = LittleEndian.getInt(rawContents,pos);
pos += 4;
// Now make sense of those properties
TextPropCollection thisCollection = new TextPropCollection(textLen, paraIgn);
int plSize = thisCollection.buildTextPropList(
paraFlags, paragraphTextPropTypes, rawContents, pos);
pos += plSize;
// Save this properties set
System.err.println("Paragraph covers " + textLen + " of " + size + " characters, pos now " + pos);
/** Create a new Character Style for text without one */
protected CharacterStyle() {
new CharacterStyle((short)0,0,0,(short)0);
// Now do the character stylings
textHandled = 0;
while(pos < rawContents.length && textHandled < size) {
// First up, fetch the number of characters this applies to
int textLen = LittleEndian.getInt(rawContents,pos);
textHandled += textLen;
pos += 4;
// There is no 2 byte value
short no_val = -1;
// Grab the 4 byte value that tells us what properties follow
int charFlags = LittleEndian.getInt(rawContents,pos);
pos += 4;
// Now make sense of those properties
TextPropCollection thisCollection = new TextPropCollection(textLen, no_val);
int chSize = thisCollection.buildTextPropList(
charFlags, characterTextPropTypes, rawContents, pos);
pos += chSize;
// Save this properties set
System.err.println("Char Style covers " + textLen + " of " + size + " characters (done " + textHandled + "), pos now " + pos);
/** Write the character style out */
protected void writeOut(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
if(style1 == 0) {
} else {
// Handle anything left over
if(pos < rawContents.length) {
reserved = new byte[rawContents.length-pos];
initialised = true;
* Return the number of characters covered by these properties.
* If it's the last CharacterStyle of a StyleTextPropAtom, it
* will normally be 0, indicating it applies to all the remaining
* text.
* Updates the cache of the raw contents. Serialised the styles out.
private void updateRawContents() throws IOException {
if(!initialised) {
// We haven't groked the styles since creation, so just stick
// with what we found
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// First up, we need to serialise the paragraph properties
for(int i=0; i<paragraphStyles.size(); i++) {
TextPropCollection tpc = (TextPropCollection)paragraphStyles.get(i);
// Now, we do the character ones
for(int i=0; i<charStyles.size(); i++) {
TextPropCollection tpc = (TextPropCollection)charStyles.get(i);
rawContents = baos.toByteArray();
/* ************************************************************************ */
* For a given run of characters, holds the properties (which could
* be paragraph properties or character properties).
* Used to hold the number of characters affected, the list of active
* properties, and the random reserved field if required.
public static class TextPropCollection {
private int charactersCovered;
private short reservedField;
private LinkedList textPropList;
/** Fetch the number of characters this styling applies to */
public int getCharactersCovered() { return charactersCovered; }
/** Fetch the TextProps that define this styling */
public LinkedList getTextPropList() { return textPropList; }
* Create a new collection of text properties (be they paragraph
* or character) which will be groked via a subsequent call to
* buildTextPropList().
public int getCharactersCoveredLength() {
return styleLen;
public TextPropCollection(int charactersCovered, short reservedField) {
this.charactersCovered = charactersCovered;
this.reservedField = reservedField;
textPropList = new LinkedList();
* Set the number of characters covered by these properties.
* If this is the last CharacterStyle of a StyleTextPropAtom, then
* a value of 0 should be used
* For an existing set of text properties, build the list of
* properties coded for in a given run of properties.
* @return the number of bytes that were used encoding the properties list
public void setCharactersCoveredLength(int len) {
styleLen = (short)len;
public int buildTextPropList(int containsField, TextProp[] potentialProperties, byte[] data, int dataOffset) {
int bytesPassed = 0;
/** Checks to see if the text is bold */
public boolean isBold() {
if ((style1 & BOLD_STYLE) == BOLD_STYLE) { return true; }
return false;
/** Checks to see if the text is italic */
public boolean isItalic() {
if ((style1 & ITALIC_STYLE) == ITALIC_STYLE) { return true; }
return false;
/** Checks to see if the text is underlined */
public boolean isUnderlined() {
if ((style1 & UNDERLINED_STYLE) == UNDERLINED_STYLE) { return true; }
return false;
/** Sets the text to be bold/not bold */
public void setBold(boolean bold) {
if(bold == isBold()) { return; }
if(bold) {
style1 += BOLD_STYLE;
} else {
style1 -= BOLD_STYLE;
// For each possible entry, see if we match the mask
// If we do, decode that, save it, and shuffle on
for(int i=0; i<potentialProperties.length; i++) {
if((containsField & potentialProperties[i].getMask()) != 0) {
// Bingo, contained
TextProp prop = (TextProp)potentialProperties[i].clone();
int val = 0;
if(prop.getSize() == 2) {
val = LittleEndian.getShort(data,dataOffset+bytesPassed);
} else {
val = LittleEndian.getInt(data,dataOffset+bytesPassed);
bytesPassed += prop.getSize();
// Return how many bytes were used
return bytesPassed;
/** Sets the text to be italic/not italic */
public void setItalic(boolean italic) {
if(italic == isItalic()) { return; }
if(italic) {
style1 += ITALIC_STYLE;
} else {
style1 -= ITALIC_STYLE;
* Create a new collection of text properties (be they paragraph
* or character) for a run of text without any
public TextPropCollection(int textSize) {
charactersCovered = textSize;
reservedField = -1;
textPropList = new LinkedList();
* Writes out to disk the header, and then all the properties
private void writeOut(OutputStream o) throws IOException {
// First goes the number of characters we affect
// Then we have the reserved field if required
if(reservedField > -1) {
/** Sets the text to be underlined/not underlined */
public void setUnderlined(boolean underlined) {
if(underlined == isUnderlined()) { return; }
if(underlined) {
} else {
// The the mask field
int mask = 0;
for(int i=0; i<textPropList.size(); i++) {
TextProp textProp = (TextProp)textPropList.get(i);
mask += textProp.getMask();
// Then the contents of all the properties
for(int i=0; i<textPropList.size(); i++) {
TextProp textProp = (TextProp)textPropList.get(i);
int val = textProp.getValue();
if(textProp.getSize() == 2) {
} else {
/* ************************************************************************ */
* Definition of a property of some text, or its paragraph. Defines
* how to find out if it's present (via the mask on the paragraph or
* character "contains" header field), how long the value of it is,
* and how to get and set the value.
public static class TextProp implements Cloneable {
private int sizeOfDataBlock; // Number of bytes the data part uses
private String propName;
private int dataValue;
private int maskInHeader;
* Generate the definition of a given type of text property.
private TextProp(int sizeOfDataBlock, int maskInHeader, String propName) {
this.sizeOfDataBlock = sizeOfDataBlock;
this.maskInHeader = maskInHeader;
this.propName = propName;
* Name of the text property
public String getName() { return propName; }
* Size of the data section of the text property (2 or 4 bytes)
public int getSize() { return sizeOfDataBlock; }
* Mask in the paragraph or character "contains" header field
* that indicates that this text property is present.
public int getMask() { return maskInHeader; }
* Fetch the value of the text property (meaning is specific to
* each different kind of text property)
public int getValue() { return dataValue; }
* Set the value of the text property.
public void setValue(int val) { dataValue = val; }
* Clone, eg when you want to actually make use of one of these.
public Object clone(){
try {
return super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError(e.getMessage());
* Definition of a special kind of property of some text, or its
* paragraph. For these properties, a flag in the "contains" header
* field tells you the data property family will exist. The value
* of the property is itself a mask, encoding several different
* (but related) properties
public static class BitMaskTextProp extends TextProp {
private String[] subPropNames;
private BitMaskTextProp(int sizeOfDataBlock, int maskInHeader, String[] subPropNames) {
this.subPropNames = subPropNames;
* Definition for the common character text property bitset, which
* handles bold/italic/underline etc.
public static class CharFlagsTextProp extends BitMaskTextProp {
private CharFlagsTextProp() {
super(2,0xffff, new String[] {
"bold", // 0x0001
"italic", // 0x0002
"underline", // 0x0004
"char_unknown_1",// 0x0008
"shadow", // 0x0010
"char_unknown_2",// 0x0020
"char_unknown_3",// 0x0040
"char_unknown_4",// 0x0080
"strikethrough", // 0x0100
"relief", // 0x0200
"reset_numbering", // 0x0400
"enable_numbering_1", // 0x0800
"enable_numbering_2", // 0x1000
Reference in New Issue
Block a user