bug 58384: add FormulaShifter.createForRowCopy
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk@1711866 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
package org.apache.poi.ss.formula;
import org.apache.poi.ss.SpreadsheetVersion;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.ptg.Area2DPtgBase;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.ptg.Area3DPtg;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.ptg.Area3DPxg;
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
private static enum ShiftMode {
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
private final int _srcSheetIndex;
private final int _dstSheetIndex;
private final SpreadsheetVersion _version;
private final ShiftMode _mode;
@ -69,7 +72,8 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
* For example, this will be called on {@link org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet#shiftRows(int, int, int)} }
private FormulaShifter(int externSheetIndex, String sheetName, int firstMovedIndex, int lastMovedIndex, int amountToMove) {
private FormulaShifter(int externSheetIndex, String sheetName, int firstMovedIndex, int lastMovedIndex, int amountToMove,
ShiftMode mode, SpreadsheetVersion version) {
if (amountToMove == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("amountToMove must not be zero");
@ -81,7 +85,8 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
_firstMovedIndex = firstMovedIndex;
_lastMovedIndex = lastMovedIndex;
_amountToMove = amountToMove;
_mode = ShiftMode.RowMove;
_mode = mode;
_version = version;
_srcSheetIndex = _dstSheetIndex = -1;
@ -94,14 +99,36 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
private FormulaShifter(int srcSheetIndex, int dstSheetIndex) {
_externSheetIndex = _firstMovedIndex = _lastMovedIndex = _amountToMove = -1;
_sheetName = null;
_version = null;
_srcSheetIndex = srcSheetIndex;
_dstSheetIndex = dstSheetIndex;
_mode = ShiftMode.SheetMove;
* @deprecated As of 3.14 beta 1 (November 2015), replaced by {@link #createForRowShift(int, String, int, int, int, SpreadsheetVersion)}
* @param externSheetIndex
* @param sheetName
* @param firstMovedRowIndex
* @param lastMovedRowIndex
* @param numberOfRowsToMove
* @return FormulaShifter object that can be passed to a RowShifter to modify formulas.
public static FormulaShifter createForRowShift(int externSheetIndex, String sheetName, int firstMovedRowIndex, int lastMovedRowIndex, int numberOfRowsToMove) {
return new FormulaShifter(externSheetIndex, sheetName, firstMovedRowIndex, lastMovedRowIndex, numberOfRowsToMove);
return createForRowShift(externSheetIndex, sheetName, firstMovedRowIndex, lastMovedRowIndex, numberOfRowsToMove, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97);
public static FormulaShifter createForRowShift(int externSheetIndex, String sheetName, int firstMovedRowIndex, int lastMovedRowIndex, int numberOfRowsToMove,
SpreadsheetVersion version) {
return new FormulaShifter(externSheetIndex, sheetName, firstMovedRowIndex, lastMovedRowIndex, numberOfRowsToMove, ShiftMode.RowMove, version);
public static FormulaShifter createForRowCopy(int externSheetIndex, String sheetName, int firstMovedRowIndex, int lastMovedRowIndex, int numberOfRowsToMove,
SpreadsheetVersion version) {
return new FormulaShifter(externSheetIndex, sheetName, firstMovedRowIndex, lastMovedRowIndex, numberOfRowsToMove, ShiftMode.RowCopy, version);
public static FormulaShifter createForSheetShift(int srcSheetIndex, int dstSheetIndex) {
@ -141,6 +168,11 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
case RowMove:
return adjustPtgDueToRowMove(ptg, currentExternSheetIx);
case RowCopy:
// Covered Scenarios:
// * row copy on same sheet
// * row copy between different sheetsin the same workbook
return adjustPtgDueToRowCopy(ptg);
case SheetMove:
return adjustPtgDueToSheetMove(ptg);
@ -206,6 +238,49 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
return null;
* Call this on any ptg reference contained in a row of cells that was copied.
* If the ptg reference is relative, the references will be shifted by the distance
* that the rows were copied.
* In the future similar functions could be written due to column copying or
* individual cell copying. Just make sure to only call adjustPtgDueToRowCopy on
* formula cells that are copied (unless row shifting, where references outside
* of the shifted region need to be updated to reflect the shift, a copy is self-contained).
* @param ptg the ptg to shift
* @return deleted ref ptg, in-place modified ptg, or null
* If Ptg would be shifted off the first or last row of a sheet, return deleted ref
* If Ptg needs to be changed, modifies Ptg in-place
* If Ptg doesn't need to be changed, returns <code>null</code>
private Ptg adjustPtgDueToRowCopy(Ptg ptg) {
if(ptg instanceof RefPtg) {
RefPtg rptg = (RefPtg)ptg;
return rowCopyRefPtg(rptg);
if(ptg instanceof Ref3DPtg) {
Ref3DPtg rptg = (Ref3DPtg)ptg;
return rowCopyRefPtg(rptg);
if(ptg instanceof Ref3DPxg) {
Ref3DPxg rpxg = (Ref3DPxg)ptg;
return rowCopyRefPtg(rpxg);
if(ptg instanceof Area2DPtgBase) {
return rowCopyAreaPtg((Area2DPtgBase)ptg);
if(ptg instanceof Area3DPtg) {
Area3DPtg aptg = (Area3DPtg)ptg;
return rowCopyAreaPtg(aptg);
if(ptg instanceof Area3DPxg) {
Area3DPxg apxg = (Area3DPxg)ptg;
return rowCopyAreaPtg(apxg);
return null;
private Ptg adjustPtgDueToSheetMove(Ptg ptg) {
Ptg updatedPtg = null;
@ -375,6 +450,61 @@ public final class FormulaShifter {
throw new IllegalStateException("Situation not covered: (" + _firstMovedIndex + ", " +
_lastMovedIndex + ", " + _amountToMove + ", " + aFirstRow + ", " + aLastRow + ")");
* Modifies rptg in-place and return a reference to rptg if the cell reference
* would move due to a row copy operation
* Returns <code>null</code> or {@link #RefErrorPtg} if no change was made
* @param aptg
* @return
private Ptg rowCopyRefPtg(RefPtgBase rptg) {
final int refRow = rptg.getRow();
if (rptg.isRowRelative()) {
final int destRowIndex = _firstMovedIndex + _amountToMove;
if (destRowIndex < 0 || _version.getLastRowIndex() < destRowIndex)
return createDeletedRef(rptg);
rptg.setRow(refRow + _amountToMove);
return rptg;
return null;
* Modifies aptg in-place and return a reference to aptg if the first or last row of
* of the Area reference would move due to a row copy operation
* Returns <code>null</code> or {@link #AreaErrPtg} if no change was made
* @param aptg
* @return null, AreaErrPtg, or modified aptg
private Ptg rowCopyAreaPtg(AreaPtgBase aptg) {
boolean changed = false;
final int aFirstRow = aptg.getFirstRow();
final int aLastRow = aptg.getLastRow();
if (aptg.isFirstRowRelative()) {
final int destFirstRowIndex = aFirstRow + _amountToMove;
if (destFirstRowIndex < 0 || _version.getLastRowIndex() < destFirstRowIndex)
return createDeletedRef(aptg);
changed = true;
if (aptg.isLastRowRelative()) {
final int destLastRowIndex = aLastRow + _amountToMove;
if (destLastRowIndex < 0 || _version.getLastRowIndex() < destLastRowIndex)
return createDeletedRef(aptg);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
return changed ? aptg : null;
private static Ptg createDeletedRef(Ptg ptg) {
if (ptg instanceof RefPtg) {
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package org.apache.poi.ss.formula;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.ss.SpreadsheetVersion;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.ptg.AreaErrPtg;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.ptg.AreaPtg;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.ptg.Ptg;
@ -74,6 +75,56 @@ public final class TestFormulaShifter extends TestCase {
confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, 5, 10, 25); // simple expansion at bottom
public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsRelRel() {
// all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, true, true);
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 30, 40, true);
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, -1, -1, true); //DeletedRef
public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsRelAbs() {
// all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, true, false);
// Only first row should move
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 20, 30, true);
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, -1, -1, true); //DeletedRef
public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsAbsRel() {
// aptg is part of a formula in a cell that was just copied to another row
// aptg row references should be updated by the difference in rows that the cell was copied
// No other references besides the cells that were involved in the copy need to be updated
// this makes the row copy significantly different from the row shift, where all references
// in the workbook need to track the row shift
// all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, false, true);
// Only last row should move
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 10, 40, true);
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, 5, 10, true); //sortTopLeftToBottomRight swapped firstRow and lastRow because firstRow is absolute
public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsAbsAbs() {
// aptg is part of a formula in a cell that was just copied to another row
// aptg row references should be updated by the difference in rows that the cell was copied
// No other references besides the cells that were involved in the copy need to be updated
// this makes the row copy significantly different from the row shift, where all references
// in the workbook need to track the row shift
// all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, false, false);
//AbsFirstRow AbsLastRow references should't change when copied to a different row
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 10, 20, false);
confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, 10, 20, false);
* Tests what happens to an area ref when some outside rows are moved to overlap
* that area ref
@ -97,7 +148,7 @@ public final class TestFormulaShifter extends TestCase {
int firstRowMoved, int lastRowMoved, int numberRowsMoved,
int expectedAreaFirstRow, int expectedAreaLastRow) {
FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowShift(0, "", firstRowMoved, lastRowMoved, numberRowsMoved);
FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowShift(0, "", firstRowMoved, lastRowMoved, numberRowsMoved, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
boolean expectedChanged = aptg.getFirstRow() != expectedAreaFirstRow || aptg.getLastRow() != expectedAreaLastRow;
AreaPtg copyPtg = (AreaPtg) aptg.copy(); // clone so we can re-use aptg in calling method
@ -113,7 +164,36 @@ public final class TestFormulaShifter extends TestCase {
assertEquals(expectedAreaLastRow, copyPtg.getLastRow());
private static void confirmAreaCopy(AreaPtg aptg,
int firstRowCopied, int lastRowCopied, int rowOffset,
int expectedFirstRow, int expectedLastRow, boolean expectedChanged) {
final AreaPtg copyPtg = (AreaPtg) aptg.copy(); // clone so we can re-use aptg in calling method
final Ptg[] ptgs = { copyPtg, };
final FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowCopy(0, null, firstRowCopied, lastRowCopied, rowOffset, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
final boolean actualChanged = fs.adjustFormula(ptgs, 0);
// DeletedAreaRef
if (expectedFirstRow < 0 || expectedLastRow < 0) {
assertEquals("Reference should have shifted off worksheet, producing #REF! error: " + ptgs[0],
AreaErrPtg.class, ptgs[0].getClass());
assertEquals("Should this AreaPtg change due to row copy?", expectedChanged, actualChanged);
assertEquals("AreaPtgs should be modified in-place when a row containing the AreaPtg is copied", copyPtg, ptgs[0]); // expected to change in place (although this is not a strict requirement)
assertEquals("AreaPtg first row", expectedFirstRow, copyPtg.getFirstRow());
assertEquals("AreaPtg last row", expectedLastRow, copyPtg.getLastRow());
private static AreaPtg createAreaPtg(int initialAreaFirstRow, int initialAreaLastRow) {
return new AreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, 2, 5, false, false, false, false);
return createAreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, false, false);
private static AreaPtg createAreaPtg(int initialAreaFirstRow, int initialAreaLastRow, boolean firstRowRelative, boolean lastRowRelative) {
return new AreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, 2, 5, firstRowRelative, lastRowRelative, false, false);
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