xml signature: mainly javadocs - a few reorgs
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk@1631003 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.dsig.services.TimeStampService;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.dsig.services.TimeStampServiceValidator;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;
import org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener;
@ -122,8 +123,9 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
private HashAlgorithm xadesDigestAlgo = null;
private String xadesRole = null;
private String xadesSignatureId = null;
private String xadesSignatureId = "idSignedProperties";
private boolean xadesSignaturePolicyImplied = true;
private String xadesCanonicalizationMethod = CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE;
* Work-around for Office 2010 IssuerName encoding.
@ -198,10 +200,6 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
if (xadesSignatureId == null || xadesSignatureId.isEmpty()) {
xadesSignatureId = "idSignedProperties";
if (signatureFacets.isEmpty()) {
addSignatureFacet(new OOXMLSignatureFacet());
addSignatureFacet(new KeyInfoSignatureFacet());
@ -366,141 +364,358 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
public void setCanonicalizationMethod(String canonicalizationMethod) {
this.canonicalizationMethod = canonicalizationMethod;
* @return The signature Id attribute value used to create the XML signature.
* Defaults to "idPackageSignature"
public String getPackageSignatureId() {
return packageSignatureId;
* @param packageSignatureId The signature Id attribute value used to create the XML signature.
* A <code>null</code> value will trigger an automatically generated signature Id.
public void setPackageSignatureId(String packageSignatureId) {
this.packageSignatureId = nvl(packageSignatureId,"xmldsig-"+UUID.randomUUID());
* @return the url of the timestamp provider (TSP)
public String getTspUrl() {
return tspUrl;
* @param tspUrl the url of the timestamp provider (TSP)
public void setTspUrl(String tspUrl) {
this.tspUrl = tspUrl;
* @return if true, uses timestamp-request/response mimetype,
* if false, timestamp-query/reply mimetype
public boolean isTspOldProtocol() {
return tspOldProtocol;
* @param tspOldProtocol defines the timestamp-protocol mimetype
* @see {@link #isTspOldProtocol()}
public void setTspOldProtocol(boolean tspOldProtocol) {
this.tspOldProtocol = tspOldProtocol;
* @return the hash algorithm to be used for the timestamp entry.
* Defaults to the hash algorithm of the main entry
public HashAlgorithm getTspDigestAlgo() {
return nvl(tspDigestAlgo,digestAlgo);
* @param tspDigestAlgo the algorithm to be used for the timestamp entry.
* if <code>null</code>, the hash algorithm of the main entry
public void setTspDigestAlgo(HashAlgorithm tspDigestAlgo) {
this.tspDigestAlgo = tspDigestAlgo;
* @return the proxy url to be used for all communications.
* Currently this affects the timestamp service
public String getProxyUrl() {
return proxyUrl;
* @param proxyUrl the proxy url to be used for all communications.
* Currently this affects the timestamp service
public void setProxyUrl(String proxyUrl) {
this.proxyUrl = proxyUrl;
* @return the timestamp service. Defaults to {@link TSPTimeStampService}
public TimeStampService getTspService() {
return tspService;
* @param tspService the timestamp service
public void setTspService(TimeStampService tspService) {
this.tspService = tspService;
* @return the user id for the timestamp service - currently only basic authorization is supported
public String getTspUser() {
return tspUser;
* @param tspUser the user id for the timestamp service - currently only basic authorization is supported
public void setTspUser(String tspUser) {
this.tspUser = tspUser;
* @return the password for the timestamp service
public String getTspPass() {
return tspPass;
* @param tspPass the password for the timestamp service
public void setTspPass(String tspPass) {
this.tspPass = tspPass;
* @return the validator for the timestamp service (certificate)
public TimeStampServiceValidator getTspValidator() {
return tspValidator;
* @param tspValidator the validator for the timestamp service (certificate)
public void setTspValidator(TimeStampServiceValidator tspValidator) {
this.tspValidator = tspValidator;
* @return the optional revocation data service used for XAdES-C and XAdES-X-L.
* When <code>null</code> the signature will be limited to XAdES-T only.
public RevocationDataService getRevocationDataService() {
return revocationDataService;
* @param revocationDataService the optional revocation data service used for XAdES-C and XAdES-X-L.
* When <code>null</code> the signature will be limited to XAdES-T only.
public void setRevocationDataService(RevocationDataService revocationDataService) {
this.revocationDataService = revocationDataService;
* @return hash algorithm used for XAdES. Defaults to the {@link #getDigestAlgo()}
public HashAlgorithm getXadesDigestAlgo() {
return nvl(xadesDigestAlgo,digestAlgo);
* @param xadesDigestAlgo hash algorithm used for XAdES.
* When <code>null</code>, defaults to {@link #getDigestAlgo()}
public void setXadesDigestAlgo(HashAlgorithm xadesDigestAlgo) {
this.xadesDigestAlgo = xadesDigestAlgo;
* @return the user agent used for http communication (e.g. to the TSP)
public String getUserAgent() {
return userAgent;
* @param userAgent the user agent used for http communication (e.g. to the TSP)
public void setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
this.userAgent = userAgent;
* @return the asn.1 object id for the tsp request policy.
* Defaults to <code></code>
public String getTspRequestPolicy() {
return tspRequestPolicy;
* @param tspRequestPolicy the asn.1 object id for the tsp request policy.
public void setTspRequestPolicy(String tspRequestPolicy) {
this.tspRequestPolicy = tspRequestPolicy;
* @return true, if the whole certificate chain is included in the signature.
* When false, only the signer cert will be included
public boolean isIncludeEntireCertificateChain() {
return includeEntireCertificateChain;
* @param includeEntireCertificateChain if true, include the whole certificate chain.
* If false, only include the signer cert
public void setIncludeEntireCertificateChain(boolean includeEntireCertificateChain) {
this.includeEntireCertificateChain = includeEntireCertificateChain;
* @return if true, issuer serial number is included
public boolean isIncludeIssuerSerial() {
return includeIssuerSerial;
* @param includeIssuerSerial if true, issuer serial number is included
public void setIncludeIssuerSerial(boolean includeIssuerSerial) {
this.includeIssuerSerial = includeIssuerSerial;
* @return if true, the key value of the public key (certificate) is included
public boolean isIncludeKeyValue() {
return includeKeyValue;
* @param includeKeyValue if true, the key value of the public key (certificate) is included
public void setIncludeKeyValue(boolean includeKeyValue) {
this.includeKeyValue = includeKeyValue;
* @return the xades role element. If <code>null</code> the claimed role element is omitted.
* Defaults to <code>null</code>
public String getXadesRole() {
return xadesRole;
* @param xadesRole the xades role element. If <code>null</code> the claimed role element is omitted.
public void setXadesRole(String xadesRole) {
this.xadesRole = xadesRole;
* @return the Id for the XAdES SignedProperties element.
* Defaults to <code>idSignedProperties</code>
public String getXadesSignatureId() {
return xadesSignatureId;
return nvl(xadesSignatureId, "idSignedProperties");
* @param xadesSignatureId the Id for the XAdES SignedProperties element.
* When <code>null</code> defaults to <code>idSignedProperties</code>
public void setXadesSignatureId(String xadesSignatureId) {
this.xadesSignatureId = xadesSignatureId;
* @return when true, include the policy-implied block.
* Defaults to <code>true</code>
public boolean isXadesSignaturePolicyImplied() {
return xadesSignaturePolicyImplied;
* @param xadesSignaturePolicyImplied when true, include the policy-implied block
public void setXadesSignaturePolicyImplied(boolean xadesSignaturePolicyImplied) {
this.xadesSignaturePolicyImplied = xadesSignaturePolicyImplied;
* Make sure the DN is encoded using the same order as present
* within the certificate. This is an Office2010 work-around.
* Should be reverted back.
* XXX: not correct according to RFC 4514.
* @return when true, the issuer DN is used instead of the issuer X500 principal
public boolean isXadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder() {
return xadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder;
* @param xadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder when true, the issuer DN instead of the issuer X500 prinicpal is used
public void setXadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder(boolean xadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder) {
this.xadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder = xadesIssuerNameNoReverseOrder;
* @return the event listener which is active while xml structure for
* the signature is created.
* Defaults to {@link SignatureMarshalListener}
public EventListener getSignatureMarshalListener() {
return signatureMarshalListener;
* @param signatureMarshalListener the event listener watching the xml structure
* generation for the signature
public void setSignatureMarshalListener(EventListener signatureMarshalListener) {
this.signatureMarshalListener = signatureMarshalListener;
* @return the map of namespace uri (key) to prefix (value)
public Map<String, String> getNamespacePrefixes() {
return namespacePrefixes;
* @param namespacePrefixes the map of namespace uri (key) to prefix (value)
public void setNamespacePrefixes(Map<String, String> namespacePrefixes) {
this.namespacePrefixes = namespacePrefixes;
* helper method for null/default value handling
* @param value
* @param defaultValue
* @return if value is not null, return value otherwise defaultValue
protected static <T> T nvl(T value, T defaultValue) {
return value == null ? defaultValue : value;
* Each digest method has its own IV (initial vector)
* @return the IV depending on the main digest method
public byte[] getHashMagic() {
// see https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3110.txt
// RSA/SHA1 SIG Resource Records
@ -545,23 +760,34 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
return result;
public String getSignatureMethod() {
* @return the uri for the signature method, i.e. currently only rsa is
* supported, so it's the rsa variant of the main digest
public String getSignatureMethodUri() {
switch (getDigestAlgo()) {
case sha1: return org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1;
case sha224: return org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA224;
case sha256: return org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA256;
case sha384: return org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA384;
case sha512: return org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA512;
case ripemd160: return org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_RIPEMD160;
case sha1: return XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1;
case sha224: return XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA224;
case sha256: return XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA256;
case sha384: return XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA384;
case sha512: return XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA512;
case ripemd160: return XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_RIPEMD160;
default: throw new EncryptedDocumentException("Hash algorithm "
+getDigestAlgo()+" not supported for signing.");
* @return the uri for the main digest
public String getDigestMethodUri() {
return getDigestMethodUri(getDigestAlgo());
* @param digestAlgo the digest algo, currently only sha* and ripemd160 is supported
* @return the uri for the given digest
public static String getDigestMethodUri(HashAlgorithm digestAlgo) {
switch (digestAlgo) {
case sha1: return DigestMethod.SHA1;
@ -575,10 +801,16 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
* @param signatureFactory the xml signature factory, saved as thread-local
public void setSignatureFactory(XMLSignatureFactory signatureFactory) {
* @return the xml signature factory (thread-local)
public XMLSignatureFactory getSignatureFactory() {
XMLSignatureFactory sigFac = signatureFactory.get();
if (sigFac == null) {
@ -588,10 +820,16 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
return sigFac;
* @param keyInfoFactory the key factory, saved as thread-local
public void setKeyInfoFactory(KeyInfoFactory keyInfoFactory) {
* @return the key factory (thread-local)
public KeyInfoFactory getKeyInfoFactory() {
KeyInfoFactory keyFac = keyInfoFactory.get();
if (keyFac == null) {
@ -601,7 +839,19 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
return keyFac;
// currently classes are linked to Apache Santuario, so this might be superfluous
* This method tests the existence of xml signature provider in the following order:
* <ul>
* <li>the class pointed to by the system property "jsr105Provider"</li>
* <li>the Santuario xmlsec provider</li>
* <li>the JDK xmlsec provider</li>
* </ul>
* For signing the classes are linked against the Santuario xmlsec, so this might
* only work for validation (not tested).
* @return the xml dsig provider
public Provider getProvider() {
Provider prov = provider.get();
if (prov == null) {
@ -627,7 +877,21 @@ public class SignatureConfig {
return prov;
* @return the cannonicalization method for XAdES-XL signing.
* Defaults to <code>EXCLUSIVE</code>
* @see {@link CanonicalizationMethod}
public String getXadesCanonicalizationMethod() {
return xadesCanonicalizationMethod;
* @param xadesCanonicalizationMethod the cannonicalization method for XAdES-XL signing
* @see {@link CanonicalizationMethod}
public void setXadesCanonicalizationMethod(String xadesCanonicalizationMethod) {
this.xadesCanonicalizationMethod = xadesCanonicalizationMethod;
@ -179,23 +179,42 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
this.signaturePart = signaturePart;
* @return the package part containing the signature
public PackagePart getPackagePart() {
return signaturePart;
* @return the signer certificate
public X509Certificate getSigner() {
return signer;
* @return the certificate chain of the signer
public List<X509Certificate> getCertChain() {
return certChain;
* Helper method for examining the xml signature
* @return the xml signature document
* @throws IOException if the xml signature doesn't exist or can't be read
* @throws XmlException if the xml signature is malformed
public SignatureDocument getSignatureDocument() throws IOException, XmlException {
// TODO: check for XXE
return SignatureDocument.Factory.parse(signaturePart.getInputStream());
* @return true, when the xml signature is valid, false otherwise
public boolean validate() {
KeyInfoKeySelector keySelector = new KeyInfoKeySelector();
try {
@ -227,18 +246,30 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
* Constructor initializes xml signature environment, if it hasn't been initialized before
public SignatureInfo() {
* @return the signature config
public SignatureConfig getSignatureConfig() {
return signatureConfig;
* @param signatureConfig the signature config, needs to be set before a SignatureInfo object is used
public void setSignatureConfig(SignatureConfig signatureConfig) {
this.signatureConfig = signatureConfig;
* @return true, if first signature part is valid
public boolean verifySignature() {
// http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/dig-signature-api-140772.html
for (SignaturePart sp : getSignatureParts()){
@ -248,6 +279,12 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
return false;
* add the xml signature to the document
* @throws XMLSignatureException
* @throws MarshalException
public void confirmSignature() throws XMLSignatureException, MarshalException {
Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
@ -261,6 +298,13 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
postSign(document, signatureValue);
* Sign (encrypt) the digest with the private key.
* Currently only rsa is supported.
* @param digest the hashed input
* @return the encrypted hash
public byte[] signDigest(byte digest[]) {
Cipher cipher = CryptoFunctions.getCipher(signatureConfig.getKey(), CipherAlgorithm.rsa
, ChainingMode.ecb, null, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, "PKCS1Padding");
@ -277,6 +321,10 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
* @return a signature part for each signature document.
* the parts can be validated independently.
public Iterable<SignaturePart> getSignatureParts() {
return new Iterable<SignaturePart>() {
@ -324,6 +372,9 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
* Initialize the xml signing environment and the bouncycastle provider
protected static synchronized void initXmlProvider() {
if (isInitialized) return;
isInitialized = true;
@ -401,7 +452,7 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
SignedInfo signedInfo;
try {
SignatureMethod signatureMethod = signatureFactory.newSignatureMethod
(signatureConfig.getSignatureMethod(), null);
(signatureConfig.getSignatureMethodUri(), null);
CanonicalizationMethod canonicalizationMethod = signatureFactory
(C14NMethodParameterSpec) null);
@ -513,6 +564,12 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
* Write XML signature into the OPC package
* @param document the xml signature document
* @throws MarshalException
protected void writeDocument(Document document) throws MarshalException {
XmlOptions xo = new XmlOptions();
Map<String,String> namespaceMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
@ -569,6 +626,12 @@ public class SignatureInfo implements SignatureConfigurable {
sigsPart.addRelationship(sigPartName, TargetMode.INTERNAL, PackageRelationshipTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE);
* Helper method for null lists, which are converted to empty lists
* @param other the reference to wrap, if null
* @return if other is null, an empty lists is returned, otherwise other is returned
private static <T> List<T> safe(List<T> other) {
return other == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : other;
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ public abstract class SignatureFacet implements SignatureConfigurable {
public static final String XADES_141_NS = "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.4.1#";
protected SignatureConfig signatureConfig;
protected ThreadLocal<XMLSignatureFactory> signatureFactory;
public void setSignatureConfig(SignatureConfig signatureConfig) {
this.signatureConfig = signatureConfig;
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.xml.crypto.MarshalException;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.CanonicalizationMethod;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.dsig.services.RevocationData;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
@ -105,8 +104,6 @@ public class XAdESXLSignatureFacet extends SignatureFacet {
private static final POILogger LOG = POILogFactory.getLogger(XAdESXLSignatureFacet.class);
private String c14nAlgoId = CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE;
private final CertificateFactory certificateFactory;
public XAdESXLSignatureFacet() {
@ -117,10 +114,6 @@ public class XAdESXLSignatureFacet extends SignatureFacet {
public void setCanonicalizerAlgorithm(String c14nAlgoId) {
this.c14nAlgoId = c14nAlgoId;
public void postSign(Document document) throws MarshalException {
LOG.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "XAdES-X-L post sign phase");
@ -351,7 +344,7 @@ public class XAdESXLSignatureFacet extends SignatureFacet {
private XAdESTimeStampType createXAdESTimeStamp(
List<Node> nodeList,
RevocationData revocationData) {
byte[] c14nSignatureValueElement = getC14nValue(nodeList, c14nAlgoId);
byte[] c14nSignatureValueElement = getC14nValue(nodeList, signatureConfig.getXadesCanonicalizationMethod());
return createXAdESTimeStamp(c14nSignatureValueElement, revocationData);
@ -370,7 +363,7 @@ public class XAdESXLSignatureFacet extends SignatureFacet {
XAdESTimeStampType xadesTimeStamp = XAdESTimeStampType.Factory.newInstance();
xadesTimeStamp.setId("time-stamp-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
CanonicalizationMethodType c14nMethod = xadesTimeStamp.addNewCanonicalizationMethod();
// embed the time-stamp
EncapsulatedPKIDataType encapsulatedTimeStamp = xadesTimeStamp.addNewEncapsulatedTimeStamp();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user