Improvements to countif implementation in preparation for sumif
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.BlankEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.BoolEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.ErrorEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.Eval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.EvaluationException;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.NumberEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.OperandResolver;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.RefEval;
@ -214,6 +215,24 @@ public final class Countif implements Function {
return _operator.evaluate(testValue - _value);
private static final class ErrorMatcher implements I_MatchPredicate {
private final int _value;
private final CmpOp _operator;
public ErrorMatcher(int errorCode, CmpOp operator) {
_value = errorCode;
_operator = operator;
public boolean matches(Eval x) {
if(x instanceof ErrorEval) {
int testValue = ((ErrorEval)x).getErrorCode();
return _operator.evaluate(testValue - _value);
return false;
private static final class StringMatcher implements I_MatchPredicate {
private final String _value;
@ -322,7 +341,7 @@ public final class Countif implements Function {
public Eval evaluate(Eval[] args, int srcCellRow, short srcCellCol) {
public Eval evaluate(Eval[] args, int srcRowIndex, short srcColumnIndex) {
switch(args.length) {
case 2:
// expected
@ -333,41 +352,36 @@ public final class Countif implements Function {
return ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID;
Eval criteriaArg = args[1];
if(criteriaArg instanceof RefEval) {
// criteria is not a literal value, but a cell reference
// for example COUNTIF(B2:D4, E1)
RefEval re = (RefEval)criteriaArg;
criteriaArg = re.getInnerValueEval();
} else {
// other non literal tokens such as function calls, have been fully evaluated
// for example COUNTIF(B2:D4, COLUMN(E1))
if(criteriaArg instanceof BlankEval) {
I_MatchPredicate mp = createCriteriaPredicate(args[1], srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
if(mp == null) {
// If the criteria arg is a reference to a blank cell, countif always returns zero.
return NumberEval.ZERO;
I_MatchPredicate mp = createCriteriaPredicate(criteriaArg);
return countMatchingCellsInArea(args[0], mp);
double result = countMatchingCellsInArea(args[0], mp);
return new NumberEval(result);
* @return the number of evaluated cells in the range that match the specified criteria
private Eval countMatchingCellsInArea(Eval rangeArg, I_MatchPredicate criteriaPredicate) {
private double countMatchingCellsInArea(Eval rangeArg, I_MatchPredicate criteriaPredicate) {
int result;
if (rangeArg instanceof RefEval) {
result = CountUtils.countMatchingCell((RefEval) rangeArg, criteriaPredicate);
return CountUtils.countMatchingCell((RefEval) rangeArg, criteriaPredicate);
} else if (rangeArg instanceof AreaEval) {
result = CountUtils.countMatchingCellsInArea((AreaEval) rangeArg, criteriaPredicate);
return CountUtils.countMatchingCellsInArea((AreaEval) rangeArg, criteriaPredicate);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad range arg type (" + rangeArg.getClass().getName() + ")");
return new NumberEval(result);
/* package */ static I_MatchPredicate createCriteriaPredicate(Eval evaluatedCriteriaArg) {
* Creates a criteria predicate object for the supplied criteria arg
* @return <code>null</code> if the arg evaluates to blank.
/* package */ static I_MatchPredicate createCriteriaPredicate(Eval arg, int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex) {
Eval evaluatedCriteriaArg = evaluateCriteriaArg(arg, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
if(evaluatedCriteriaArg instanceof NumberEval) {
return new NumberMatcher(((NumberEval)evaluatedCriteriaArg).getNumberValue(), CmpOp.OP_NONE);
@ -378,10 +392,27 @@ public final class Countif implements Function {
if(evaluatedCriteriaArg instanceof StringEval) {
return createGeneralMatchPredicate((StringEval)evaluatedCriteriaArg);
if(evaluatedCriteriaArg instanceof ErrorEval) {
return new ErrorMatcher(((ErrorEval)evaluatedCriteriaArg).getErrorCode(), CmpOp.OP_NONE);
if(evaluatedCriteriaArg == BlankEval.INSTANCE) {
return null;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type for criteria ("
+ evaluatedCriteriaArg.getClass().getName() + ")");
* @return the de-referenced criteria arg (possibly {@link ErrorEval})
private static Eval evaluateCriteriaArg(Eval arg, int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex) {
try {
return OperandResolver.getSingleValue(arg, srcRowIndex, (short)srcColumnIndex);
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
return e.getErrorEval();
* When the second argument is a string, many things are possible
@ -399,10 +430,28 @@ public final class Countif implements Function {
if(doubleVal != null) {
return new NumberMatcher(doubleVal.doubleValue(), operator);
ErrorEval ee = parseError(value);
if (ee != null) {
return new ErrorMatcher(ee.getErrorCode(), operator);
//else - just a plain string with no interpretation.
return new StringMatcher(value, operator);
private static ErrorEval parseError(String value) {
if (value.length() < 4 || value.charAt(0) != '#') {
return null;
if (value.equals("#NULL!")) return ErrorEval.NULL_INTERSECTION;
if (value.equals("#DIV/0!")) return ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO;
if (value.equals("#VALUE!")) return ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID;
if (value.equals("#REF!")) return ErrorEval.REF_INVALID;
if (value.equals("#NAME?")) return ErrorEval.NAME_INVALID;
if (value.equals("#NUM!")) return ErrorEval.NUM_ERROR;
if (value.equals("#N/A")) return ErrorEval.NA;
return null;
* Boolean literals ('TRUE', 'FALSE') treated similarly but NOT same as numbers.
@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.AreaEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.BlankEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.BoolEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.ErrorEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.Eval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.NumberEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.OperandResolver;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.StringEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.ValueEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.functions.CountUtils.I_MatchPredicate;
@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ import;
* @author Josh Micich
public final class TestCountFuncs extends TestCase {
private static final String NULL = null;
public void testCountA() {
@ -142,89 +146,159 @@ public final class TestCountFuncs extends TestCase {
assertEquals(expected, result, 0);
public void testCountIfEmptyStringCriteria() {
private static I_MatchPredicate createCriteriaPredicate(Eval ev) {
return Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 0, 0);
* the criteria arg is mostly handled by {@link OperandResolver#getSingleValue(Eval, int, short)}
public void testCountifAreaCriteria() {
int srcColIx = 2; // anything but column A
ValueEval v0 = new NumberEval(2.0);
ValueEval v1 = new StringEval("abc");
ValueEval v2 = ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO;
AreaEval ev = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A10:A12", new ValueEval[] { v0, v1, v2, });
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 9, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 10, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 11, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
// tricky: indexing outside of A10:A12
// even this #VALUE! error gets used by COUNTIF as valid criteria
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(ev, 12, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, srcColIx);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
public void testCountifEmptyStringCriteria() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
// pred '=' matches blank cell but not empty string
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("="));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("="));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, null);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, NULL);
// pred '' matches both blank cell but not empty string
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(""));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(""));
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, null);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, NULL);
// pred '<>' matches empty string but not blank cell
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<>"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, null);
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<>"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, NULL);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "");
public void testCountifComparisons() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">5"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">5"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 5);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 6);
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<=5"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<=5"));
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 5);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 6);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "4.9");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "4.9t");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "5.1");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, null);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, NULL);
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("=abc"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("=abc"));
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "abc");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("=42"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("=42"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 41);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, 42);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "42");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">abc"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">abc"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "abd");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">4t3"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">4t3"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 500);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "500");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "4t4");
* the criteria arg value can be an error code (the error does not
* propagate to the COUNTIF result).
public void testCountifErrorCriteria() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("#REF!"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "#REF!");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<#VALUE!"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "#DIV/0!");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "#REF!");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
// not quite an error literal, should be treated as plain text
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<=#REF!a"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 4);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "#DIV/0!");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "#REF!");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.DIV_ZERO);
confirmPredicate(false, mp, ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
public void testWildCards() {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a*b"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a*b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "ab");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "axxb");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "xab");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a?b"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a?b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "abc");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "ab");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "axxb");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "xab");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "axb");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a~?"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a~?"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a~a");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a~?");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a?");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("~*a"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("~*a"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "~aa");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "~*a");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "*a");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("12?12"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("12?12"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, 12812);
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "12812");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "128812");
@ -233,18 +307,18 @@ public final class TestCountFuncs extends TestCase {
I_MatchPredicate mp;
// make sure special reg-ex chars are treated like normal chars
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a.b"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a.b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "aab");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a.b");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a~b"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("a~b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "ab");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "axb");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a~~b");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "a~b");
mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">a*b"));
mp = createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval(">a*b"));
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a(b");
confirmPredicate(true, mp, "aab");
confirmPredicate(false, mp, "a*a");
@ -258,6 +332,9 @@ public final class TestCountFuncs extends TestCase {
Eval ev = value == null ? (Eval)BlankEval.INSTANCE : new StringEval(value);
assertEquals(expectedResult, matchPredicate.matches(ev));
private static void confirmPredicate(boolean expectedResult, I_MatchPredicate matchPredicate, ErrorEval value) {
assertEquals(expectedResult, matchPredicate.matches(value));
public void testCountifFromSpreadsheet() {
final String FILE_NAME = "countifExamples.xls";
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