Fix formatting/indents/comments
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ public final class CFHeader12Record extends CFHeaderBase {
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
// Sync the associated range
// Write the future header first
// Then the rest of the CF Header details
@ -39,488 +39,429 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* and {@link CFExRuleRecord} for their rules.
public final class CFRuleRecord extends StandardRecord {
public static final short sid = 0x01B1;
public static final short sid = 0x01B1;
public static final class ComparisonOperator {
public static final byte NO_COMPARISON = 0;
public static final byte BETWEEN = 1;
public static final byte NOT_BETWEEN = 2;
public static final byte EQUAL = 3;
public static final byte NOT_EQUAL = 4;
public static final byte GT = 5;
public static final byte LT = 6;
public static final byte GE = 7;
public static final byte LE = 8;
public static final class ComparisonOperator {
public static final byte NO_COMPARISON = 0;
public static final byte BETWEEN = 1;
public static final byte NOT_BETWEEN = 2;
public static final byte EQUAL = 3;
public static final byte NOT_EQUAL = 4;
public static final byte GT = 5;
public static final byte LT = 6;
public static final byte GE = 7;
public static final byte LE = 8;
private byte field_1_condition_type;
public static final byte CONDITION_TYPE_CELL_VALUE_IS = 1;
public static final byte CONDITION_TYPE_FORMULA = 2;
private byte field_1_condition_type;
public static final byte CONDITION_TYPE_CELL_VALUE_IS = 1;
public static final byte CONDITION_TYPE_FORMULA = 2;
private byte field_2_comparison_operator;
private byte field_2_comparison_operator;
private int field_5_options;
private int field_5_options;
private static final BitField modificationBits = bf(0x003FFFFF); // Bits: font,align,bord,patt,prot
private static final BitField alignHor = bf(0x00000001); // 0 = Horizontal alignment modified
private static final BitField alignVer = bf(0x00000002); // 0 = Vertical alignment modified
private static final BitField alignWrap = bf(0x00000004); // 0 = Text wrapped flag modified
private static final BitField alignRot = bf(0x00000008); // 0 = Text rotation modified
private static final BitField alignJustLast = bf(0x00000010); // 0 = Justify last line flag modified
private static final BitField alignIndent = bf(0x00000020); // 0 = Indentation modified
private static final BitField alignShrin = bf(0x00000040); // 0 = Shrink to fit flag modified
private static final BitField notUsed1 = bf(0x00000080); // Always 1
private static final BitField protLocked = bf(0x00000100); // 0 = Cell locked flag modified
private static final BitField protHidden = bf(0x00000200); // 0 = Cell hidden flag modified
private static final BitField bordLeft = bf(0x00000400); // 0 = Left border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordRight = bf(0x00000800); // 0 = Right border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordTop = bf(0x00001000); // 0 = Top border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordBot = bf(0x00002000); // 0 = Bottom border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordTlBr = bf(0x00004000); // 0 = Top-left to bottom-right border flag modified
private static final BitField bordBlTr = bf(0x00008000); // 0 = Bottom-left to top-right border flag modified
private static final BitField pattStyle = bf(0x00010000); // 0 = Pattern style modified
private static final BitField pattCol = bf(0x00020000); // 0 = Pattern colour modified
private static final BitField pattBgCol = bf(0x00040000); // 0 = Pattern background colour modified
private static final BitField notUsed2 = bf(0x00380000); // Always 111
private static final BitField undocumented = bf(0x03C00000); // Undocumented bits
private static final BitField fmtBlockBits = bf(0x7C000000); // Bits: font,align,bord,patt,prot
private static final BitField font = bf(0x04000000); // 1 = Record contains font formatting block
private static final BitField align = bf(0x08000000); // 1 = Record contains alignment formatting block
private static final BitField bord = bf(0x10000000); // 1 = Record contains border formatting block
private static final BitField patt = bf(0x20000000); // 1 = Record contains pattern formatting block
private static final BitField prot = bf(0x40000000); // 1 = Record contains protection formatting block
private static final BitField alignTextDir = bf(0x80000000); // 0 = Text direction modified
private static final BitField modificationBits = bf(0x003FFFFF); // Bits: font,align,bord,patt,prot
private static final BitField alignHor = bf(0x00000001); // 0 = Horizontal alignment modified
private static final BitField alignVer = bf(0x00000002); // 0 = Vertical alignment modified
private static final BitField alignWrap = bf(0x00000004); // 0 = Text wrapped flag modified
private static final BitField alignRot = bf(0x00000008); // 0 = Text rotation modified
private static final BitField alignJustLast = bf(0x00000010); // 0 = Justify last line flag modified
private static final BitField alignIndent = bf(0x00000020); // 0 = Indentation modified
private static final BitField alignShrin = bf(0x00000040); // 0 = Shrink to fit flag modified
private static final BitField notUsed1 = bf(0x00000080); // Always 1
private static final BitField protLocked = bf(0x00000100); // 0 = Cell locked flag modified
private static final BitField protHidden = bf(0x00000200); // 0 = Cell hidden flag modified
private static final BitField bordLeft = bf(0x00000400); // 0 = Left border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordRight = bf(0x00000800); // 0 = Right border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordTop = bf(0x00001000); // 0 = Top border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordBot = bf(0x00002000); // 0 = Bottom border style and colour modified
private static final BitField bordTlBr = bf(0x00004000); // 0 = Top-left to bottom-right border flag modified
private static final BitField bordBlTr = bf(0x00008000); // 0 = Bottom-left to top-right border flag modified
private static final BitField pattStyle = bf(0x00010000); // 0 = Pattern style modified
private static final BitField pattCol = bf(0x00020000); // 0 = Pattern colour modified
private static final BitField pattBgCol = bf(0x00040000); // 0 = Pattern background colour modified
private static final BitField notUsed2 = bf(0x00380000); // Always 111
private static final BitField undocumented = bf(0x03C00000); // Undocumented bits
private static final BitField fmtBlockBits = bf(0x7C000000); // Bits: font,align,bord,patt,prot
private static final BitField font = bf(0x04000000); // 1 = Record contains font formatting block
private static final BitField align = bf(0x08000000); // 1 = Record contains alignment formatting block
private static final BitField bord = bf(0x10000000); // 1 = Record contains border formatting block
private static final BitField patt = bf(0x20000000); // 1 = Record contains pattern formatting block
private static final BitField prot = bf(0x40000000); // 1 = Record contains protection formatting block
private static final BitField alignTextDir = bf(0x80000000); // 0 = Text direction modified
private static BitField bf(int i) {
return BitFieldFactory.getInstance(i);
private static BitField bf(int i) {
return BitFieldFactory.getInstance(i);
private short field_6_not_used;
private short field_6_not_used;
private FontFormatting _fontFormatting;
private FontFormatting _fontFormatting;
private BorderFormatting _borderFormatting;
private BorderFormatting _borderFormatting;
private PatternFormatting _patternFormatting;
private PatternFormatting _patternFormatting;
private Formula field_17_formula1;
private Formula field_18_formula2;
private Formula field_17_formula1;
private Formula field_18_formula2;
/** Creates new CFRuleRecord */
private CFRuleRecord(byte conditionType, byte comparisonOperation)
/** Creates new CFRuleRecord */
private CFRuleRecord(byte conditionType, byte comparisonOperation)
// Set modification flags to 1: by default options are not modified
field_5_options = modificationBits.setValue(field_5_options, -1);
// Set formatting block flags to 0 (no formatting blocks)
field_5_options = fmtBlockBits.setValue(field_5_options, 0);
field_5_options = undocumented.clear(field_5_options);
// Set modification flags to 1: by default options are not modified
field_5_options = modificationBits.setValue(field_5_options, -1);
// Set formatting block flags to 0 (no formatting blocks)
field_5_options = fmtBlockBits.setValue(field_5_options, 0);
field_5_options = undocumented.clear(field_5_options);
field_6_not_used = (short)0x8002; // Excel seems to write this value, but it doesn't seem to care what it reads
field_6_not_used = (short)0x8002; // Excel seems to write this value, but it doesn't seem to care what it reads
private CFRuleRecord(byte conditionType, byte comparisonOperation, Ptg[] formula1, Ptg[] formula2) {
this(conditionType, comparisonOperation);
field_17_formula1 = Formula.create(formula1);
field_18_formula2 = Formula.create(formula2);
private CFRuleRecord(byte conditionType, byte comparisonOperation, Ptg[] formula1, Ptg[] formula2) {
this(conditionType, comparisonOperation);
field_17_formula1 = Formula.create(formula1);
field_18_formula2 = Formula.create(formula2);
* Creates a new comparison operation rule
* Creates a new comparison operation rule
public static CFRuleRecord create(HSSFSheet sheet, String formulaText) {
Ptg[] formula1 = parseFormula(formulaText, sheet);
return new CFRuleRecord(CONDITION_TYPE_FORMULA, ComparisonOperator.NO_COMPARISON,
formula1, null);
* Creates a new comparison operation rule
public static CFRuleRecord create(HSSFSheet sheet, byte comparisonOperation,
String formulaText1, String formulaText2) {
Ptg[] formula1 = parseFormula(formulaText1, sheet);
Ptg[] formula2 = parseFormula(formulaText2, sheet);
return new CFRuleRecord(CONDITION_TYPE_CELL_VALUE_IS, comparisonOperation, formula1, formula2);
* Creates a new comparison operation rule
public static CFRuleRecord create(HSSFSheet sheet, byte comparisonOperation,
String formulaText1, String formulaText2) {
Ptg[] formula1 = parseFormula(formulaText1, sheet);
Ptg[] formula2 = parseFormula(formulaText2, sheet);
return new CFRuleRecord(CONDITION_TYPE_CELL_VALUE_IS, comparisonOperation, formula1, formula2);
public CFRuleRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
field_1_condition_type = in.readByte();
field_2_comparison_operator = in.readByte();
int field_3_formula1_len = in.readUShort();
int field_4_formula2_len = in.readUShort();
field_5_options = in.readInt();
field_6_not_used = in.readShort();
public CFRuleRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
field_1_condition_type = in.readByte();
field_2_comparison_operator = in.readByte();
int field_3_formula1_len = in.readUShort();
int field_4_formula2_len = in.readUShort();
field_5_options = in.readInt();
field_6_not_used = in.readShort();
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
_fontFormatting = new FontFormatting(in);
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
_fontFormatting = new FontFormatting(in);
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
_borderFormatting = new BorderFormatting(in);
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
_borderFormatting = new BorderFormatting(in);
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
_patternFormatting = new PatternFormatting(in);
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
_patternFormatting = new PatternFormatting(in);
// "You may not use unions, intersections or array constants in Conditional Formatting criteria"
field_17_formula1 =, in);
field_18_formula2 =, in);
// "You may not use unions, intersections or array constants in Conditional Formatting criteria"
field_17_formula1 =, in);
field_18_formula2 =, in);
public byte getConditionType()
return field_1_condition_type;
public byte getConditionType() {
return field_1_condition_type;
public boolean containsFontFormattingBlock()
return getOptionFlag(font);
public void setFontFormatting(FontFormatting fontFormatting)
_fontFormatting = fontFormatting;
setOptionFlag(fontFormatting != null, font);
public FontFormatting getFontFormatting()
if( containsFontFormattingBlock())
return _fontFormatting;
return null;
public boolean containsFontFormattingBlock() {
return getOptionFlag(font);
public void setFontFormatting(FontFormatting fontFormatting) {
_fontFormatting = fontFormatting;
setOptionFlag(fontFormatting != null, font);
public FontFormatting getFontFormatting() {
if( containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
return _fontFormatting;
return null;
public boolean containsAlignFormattingBlock()
return getOptionFlag(align);
public void setAlignFormattingUnchanged()
public boolean containsAlignFormattingBlock() {
return getOptionFlag(align);
public void setAlignFormattingUnchanged() {
public boolean containsBorderFormattingBlock()
return getOptionFlag(bord);
public void setBorderFormatting(BorderFormatting borderFormatting)
_borderFormatting = borderFormatting;
setOptionFlag(borderFormatting != null, bord);
public BorderFormatting getBorderFormatting()
if( containsBorderFormattingBlock())
return _borderFormatting;
return null;
public boolean containsBorderFormattingBlock() {
return getOptionFlag(bord);
public void setBorderFormatting(BorderFormatting borderFormatting) {
_borderFormatting = borderFormatting;
setOptionFlag(borderFormatting != null, bord);
public BorderFormatting getBorderFormatting() {
if( containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
return _borderFormatting;
return null;
public boolean containsPatternFormattingBlock()
return getOptionFlag(patt);
public void setPatternFormatting(PatternFormatting patternFormatting)
_patternFormatting = patternFormatting;
setOptionFlag(patternFormatting!=null, patt);
public PatternFormatting getPatternFormatting()
if( containsPatternFormattingBlock())
return _patternFormatting;
return null;
public boolean containsPatternFormattingBlock() {
return getOptionFlag(patt);
public void setPatternFormatting(PatternFormatting patternFormatting) {
_patternFormatting = patternFormatting;
setOptionFlag(patternFormatting!=null, patt);
public PatternFormatting getPatternFormatting() {
if( containsPatternFormattingBlock())
return _patternFormatting;
return null;
public boolean containsProtectionFormattingBlock()
return getOptionFlag(prot);
public void setProtectionFormattingUnchanged()
public boolean containsProtectionFormattingBlock() {
return getOptionFlag(prot);
public void setProtectionFormattingUnchanged() {
public void setComparisonOperation(byte operation)
field_2_comparison_operator = operation;
public void setComparisonOperation(byte operation) {
field_2_comparison_operator = operation;
public byte getComparisonOperation() {
return field_2_comparison_operator;
public byte getComparisonOperation()
return field_2_comparison_operator;
* get the option flags
* @return bit mask
public int getOptions() {
return field_5_options;
private boolean isModified(BitField field) {
return !field.isSet(field_5_options);
private void setModified(boolean modified, BitField field) {
field_5_options = field.setBoolean(field_5_options, !modified);
* get the option flags
* @return bit mask
public int getOptions()
return field_5_options;
public boolean isLeftBorderModified() {
return isModified(bordLeft);
public void setLeftBorderModified(boolean modified) {
private boolean isModified(BitField field)
return !field.isSet(field_5_options);
public boolean isRightBorderModified() {
return isModified(bordRight);
public void setRightBorderModified(boolean modified)
private void setModified(boolean modified, BitField field)
field_5_options = field.setBoolean(field_5_options, !modified);
public boolean isTopBorderModified() {
return isModified(bordTop);
public void setTopBorderModified(boolean modified) {
public boolean isLeftBorderModified()
return isModified(bordLeft);
public boolean isBottomBorderModified() {
return isModified(bordBot);
public void setBottomBorderModified(boolean modified) {
public void setLeftBorderModified(boolean modified)
public boolean isTopLeftBottomRightBorderModified() {
return isModified(bordTlBr);
public void setTopLeftBottomRightBorderModified(boolean modified) {
public boolean isRightBorderModified()
return isModified(bordRight);
public boolean isBottomLeftTopRightBorderModified() {
return isModified(bordBlTr);
public void setBottomLeftTopRightBorderModified(boolean modified) {
public void setRightBorderModified(boolean modified)
public boolean isPatternStyleModified() {
return isModified(pattStyle);
public void setPatternStyleModified(boolean modified) {
public boolean isTopBorderModified()
return isModified(bordTop);
public boolean isPatternColorModified() {
return isModified(pattCol);
public void setPatternColorModified(boolean modified) {
public void setTopBorderModified(boolean modified)
public boolean isPatternBackgroundColorModified() {
return isModified(pattBgCol);
public void setPatternBackgroundColorModified(boolean modified) {
public boolean isBottomBorderModified()
return isModified(bordBot);
private boolean getOptionFlag(BitField field) {
return field.isSet(field_5_options);
private void setOptionFlag(boolean flag, BitField field) {
field_5_options = field.setBoolean(field_5_options, flag);
public void setBottomBorderModified(boolean modified)
* get the stack of the 1st expression as a list
* @return list of tokens (casts stack to a list and returns it!)
* this method can return null is we are unable to create Ptgs from
* existing excel file
* callers should check for null!
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression1() {
return field_17_formula1.getTokens();
public void setParsedExpression1(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_17_formula1 = Formula.create(ptgs);
public boolean isTopLeftBottomRightBorderModified()
return isModified(bordTlBr);
* get the stack of the 2nd expression as a list
* @return array of {@link Ptg}s, possibly <code>null</code>
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression2() {
return Formula.getTokens(field_18_formula2);
public void setParsedExpression2(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_18_formula2 = Formula.create(ptgs);
public void setTopLeftBottomRightBorderModified(boolean modified)
public short getSid() {
return sid;
public boolean isBottomLeftTopRightBorderModified()
return isModified(bordBlTr);
* @param ptgs must not be <code>null</code>
* @return encoded size of the formula tokens (does not include 2 bytes for ushort length)
private static int getFormulaSize(Formula formula) {
return formula.getEncodedTokenSize();
public void setBottomLeftTopRightBorderModified(boolean modified)
* called by the class that is responsible for writing this sucker.
* Subclasses should implement this so that their data is passed back in a
* byte array.
* @param out the stream to write to
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
int formula1Len=getFormulaSize(field_17_formula1);
int formula2Len=getFormulaSize(field_18_formula2);
public boolean isPatternStyleModified()
return isModified(pattStyle);
public void setPatternStyleModified(boolean modified)
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
byte[] fontFormattingRawRecord = _fontFormatting.getRawRecord();
public boolean isPatternColorModified()
return isModified(pattCol);
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
public void setPatternColorModified(boolean modified)
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
public boolean isPatternBackgroundColorModified()
return isModified(pattBgCol);
public void setPatternBackgroundColorModified(boolean modified)
protected int getDataSize() {
int i = 12 +
return i;
private boolean getOptionFlag(BitField field)
return field.isSet(field_5_options);
private void setOptionFlag(boolean flag, BitField field)
field_5_options = field.setBoolean(field_5_options, flag);
* get the stack of the 1st expression as a list
* @return list of tokens (casts stack to a list and returns it!)
* this method can return null is we are unable to create Ptgs from
* existing excel file
* callers should check for null!
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression1()
return field_17_formula1.getTokens();
public void setParsedExpression1(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_17_formula1 = Formula.create(ptgs);
* get the stack of the 2nd expression as a list
* @return array of {@link Ptg}s, possibly <code>null</code>
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression2() {
return Formula.getTokens(field_18_formula2);
public void setParsedExpression2(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_18_formula2 = Formula.create(ptgs);
public short getSid()
return sid;
* @param ptgs must not be <code>null</code>
* @return encoded size of the formula tokens (does not include 2 bytes for ushort length)
private static int getFormulaSize(Formula formula) {
return formula.getEncodedTokenSize();
* called by the class that is responsible for writing this sucker.
* Subclasses should implement this so that their data is passed back in a
* byte array.
* @param out the stream to write to
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
int formula1Len=getFormulaSize(field_17_formula1);
int formula2Len=getFormulaSize(field_18_formula2);
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
byte[] fontFormattingRawRecord = _fontFormatting.getRawRecord();
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
protected int getDataSize() {
int i = 12 +
return i
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" .condition_type =").append(field_1_condition_type).append("\n");
buffer.append(" OPTION FLAGS=0x").append(Integer.toHexString(getOptions())).append("\n");
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
buffer.append(" Formula 1 =").append(Arrays.toString(field_17_formula1.getTokens())).append("\n");
buffer.append(" Formula 2 =").append(Arrays.toString(field_18_formula2.getTokens())).append("\n");
return buffer.toString();
buffer.append(" OPTION FLAGS=0x").append(Integer.toHexString(getOptions())).append("\n");
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
buffer.append(" Formula 1 =").append(Arrays.toString(field_17_formula1.getTokens())).append("\n");
buffer.append(" Formula 2 =").append(Arrays.toString(field_18_formula2.getTokens())).append("\n");
return buffer.toString();
public Object clone() {
CFRuleRecord rec = new CFRuleRecord(field_1_condition_type, field_2_comparison_operator);
rec.field_5_options = field_5_options;
rec.field_6_not_used = field_6_not_used;
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
rec._fontFormatting = (FontFormatting) _fontFormatting.clone();
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
rec._borderFormatting = (BorderFormatting) _borderFormatting.clone();
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
rec._patternFormatting = (PatternFormatting) _patternFormatting.clone();
rec.field_17_formula1 = field_17_formula1.copy();
rec.field_18_formula2 = field_18_formula2.copy();
public Object clone() {
CFRuleRecord rec = new CFRuleRecord(field_1_condition_type, field_2_comparison_operator);
rec.field_5_options = field_5_options;
rec.field_6_not_used = field_6_not_used;
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
rec._fontFormatting = (FontFormatting) _fontFormatting.clone();
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
rec._borderFormatting = (BorderFormatting) _borderFormatting.clone();
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
rec._patternFormatting = (PatternFormatting) _patternFormatting.clone();
rec.field_17_formula1 = field_17_formula1.copy();
rec.field_18_formula2 = field_18_formula2.copy();
return rec;
return rec;
* TODO - parse conditional format formulas properly i.e. produce tRefN and tAreaN instead of tRef and tArea
* this call will produce the wrong results if the formula contains any cell references
* One approach might be to apply the inverse of SharedFormulaRecord.convertSharedFormulas(Stack, int, int)
* Note - two extra parameters (rowIx & colIx) will be required. They probably come from one of the Region objects.
* @return <code>null</code> if <tt>formula</tt> was null.
* TODO - parse conditional format formulas properly i.e. produce tRefN and tAreaN instead of tRef and tArea
* this call will produce the wrong results if the formula contains any cell references
* One approach might be to apply the inverse of SharedFormulaRecord.convertSharedFormulas(Stack, int, int)
* Note - two extra parameters (rowIx & colIx) will be required. They probably come from one of the Region objects.
* @return <code>null</code> if <tt>formula</tt> was null.
private static Ptg[] parseFormula(String formula, HSSFSheet sheet) {
if(formula == null) {
return null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user