javadocs fixes (jdk8)
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,8 +100,13 @@ public final class DBCellRecord extends StandardRecord implements Cloneable {
* @return the size of the group of <tt>DBCellRecord</tt>s needed to encode
* the specified number of blocks and rows
* @param nBlocks number of blocks
* @param nRows number of rows
* @return the size of the group of <tt>DBCellRecord</tt>s needed to encode
* the specified number of blocks and rows
* @deprecated in POI 3.15-beta2, scheduled for removal in POI 3.17 - this method is not used within POI
public static int calculateSizeOfRecords(int nBlocks, int nRows) {
// One DBCell per block.
@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ public final class DVALRecord extends StandardRecord implements Cloneable {
* get Object ID of the drop down arrow object for list boxes
* @return the Object ID of the drop down arrow object for list boxes
public int getObjectID() {
return field_cbo_id;
* Get number of following DV records
* @return the number of following DV records
public int getDVRecNo() {
return field_5_dv_no;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public final class EndSubRecord extends SubRecord implements Cloneable {
* @param in unused (since this record has no data)
* @param size
* @param size must be 0
public EndSubRecord(LittleEndianInput in, int size) {
if ((size & 0xFF) != ENCODED_SIZE) { // mask out random crap in upper byte
@ -41,145 +41,145 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
extends StandardRecord
public final static short sid = 0xE0;
public static final short sid = 0xE0;
// null constant
public final static short NULL = (short)0xfff0;
public static final short NULL = (short)0xfff0;
// xf type
public final static short XF_STYLE = 1;
public final static short XF_CELL = 0;
public static final short XF_STYLE = 1;
public static final short XF_CELL = 0;
// borders
public final static short NONE = 0x0;
public final static short THIN = 0x1;
public final static short MEDIUM = 0x2;
public final static short DASHED = 0x3;
public final static short DOTTED = 0x4;
public final static short THICK = 0x5;
public final static short DOUBLE = 0x6;
public final static short HAIR = 0x7;
public final static short MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x8;
public final static short DASH_DOT = 0x9;
public final static short MEDIUM_DASH_DOT = 0xA;
public final static short DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xB;
public final static short MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xC;
public final static short SLANTED_DASH_DOT = 0xD;
public static final short NONE = 0x0;
public static final short THIN = 0x1;
public static final short MEDIUM = 0x2;
public static final short DASHED = 0x3;
public static final short DOTTED = 0x4;
public static final short THICK = 0x5;
public static final short DOUBLE = 0x6;
public static final short HAIR = 0x7;
public static final short MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x8;
public static final short DASH_DOT = 0x9;
public static final short MEDIUM_DASH_DOT = 0xA;
public static final short DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xB;
public static final short MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xC;
public static final short SLANTED_DASH_DOT = 0xD;
// alignment
public final static short GENERAL = 0x0;
public final static short LEFT = 0x1;
public final static short CENTER = 0x2;
public final static short RIGHT = 0x3;
public final static short FILL = 0x4;
public final static short JUSTIFY = 0x5;
public final static short CENTER_SELECTION = 0x6;
public static final short GENERAL = 0x0;
public static final short LEFT = 0x1;
public static final short CENTER = 0x2;
public static final short RIGHT = 0x3;
public static final short FILL = 0x4;
public static final short JUSTIFY = 0x5;
public static final short CENTER_SELECTION = 0x6;
// vertical alignment
public final static short VERTICAL_TOP = 0x0;
public final static short VERTICAL_CENTER = 0x1;
public final static short VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 0x2;
public final static short VERTICAL_JUSTIFY = 0x3;
public static final short VERTICAL_TOP = 0x0;
public static final short VERTICAL_CENTER = 0x1;
public static final short VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 0x2;
public static final short VERTICAL_JUSTIFY = 0x3;
// fill
public final static short NO_FILL = 0 ;
public final static short SOLID_FILL = 1 ;
public final static short FINE_DOTS = 2 ;
public final static short ALT_BARS = 3 ;
public final static short SPARSE_DOTS = 4 ;
public final static short THICK_HORZ_BANDS = 5 ;
public final static short THICK_VERT_BANDS = 6 ;
public final static short THICK_BACKWARD_DIAG = 7 ;
public final static short THICK_FORWARD_DIAG = 8 ;
public final static short BIG_SPOTS = 9 ;
public final static short BRICKS = 10 ;
public final static short THIN_HORZ_BANDS = 11 ;
public final static short THIN_VERT_BANDS = 12 ;
public final static short THIN_BACKWARD_DIAG = 13 ;
public final static short THIN_FORWARD_DIAG = 14 ;
public final static short SQUARES = 15 ;
public final static short DIAMONDS = 16 ;
public static final short NO_FILL = 0 ;
public static final short SOLID_FILL = 1 ;
public static final short FINE_DOTS = 2 ;
public static final short ALT_BARS = 3 ;
public static final short SPARSE_DOTS = 4 ;
public static final short THICK_HORZ_BANDS = 5 ;
public static final short THICK_VERT_BANDS = 6 ;
public static final short THICK_BACKWARD_DIAG = 7 ;
public static final short THICK_FORWARD_DIAG = 8 ;
public static final short BIG_SPOTS = 9 ;
public static final short BRICKS = 10 ;
public static final short THIN_HORZ_BANDS = 11 ;
public static final short THIN_VERT_BANDS = 12 ;
public static final short THIN_BACKWARD_DIAG = 13 ;
public static final short THIN_FORWARD_DIAG = 14 ;
public static final short SQUARES = 15 ;
public static final short DIAMONDS = 16 ;
// fields in BOTH style and Cell XF records
private short field_1_font_index; // not bit-mapped
private short field_2_format_index; // not bit-mapped
// field_3_cell_options bit map
static final private BitField _locked = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0001);
static final private BitField _hidden = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0002);
static final private BitField _xf_type = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0004);
static final private BitField _123_prefix = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0008);
static final private BitField _parent_index = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xFFF0);
private static final BitField _locked = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0001);
private static final BitField _hidden = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0002);
private static final BitField _xf_type = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0004);
private static final BitField _123_prefix = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0008);
private static final BitField _parent_index = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xFFF0);
private short field_3_cell_options;
// field_4_alignment_options bit map
static final private BitField _alignment = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0007);
static final private BitField _wrap_text = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0008);
static final private BitField _vertical_alignment = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0070);
static final private BitField _justify_last = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0080);
static final private BitField _rotation = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xFF00);
private static final BitField _alignment = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0007);
private static final BitField _wrap_text = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0008);
private static final BitField _vertical_alignment = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0070);
private static final BitField _justify_last = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0080);
private static final BitField _rotation = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xFF00);
private short field_4_alignment_options;
// field_5_indention_options
static final private BitField _indent =
private static final BitField _indent =
static final private BitField _shrink_to_fit =
private static final BitField _shrink_to_fit =
static final private BitField _merge_cells =
private static final BitField _merge_cells =
static final private BitField _reading_order =
private static final BitField _reading_order =
// apparently bits 8 and 9 are unused
static final private BitField _indent_not_parent_format =
private static final BitField _indent_not_parent_format =
static final private BitField _indent_not_parent_font =
private static final BitField _indent_not_parent_font =
static final private BitField _indent_not_parent_alignment =
private static final BitField _indent_not_parent_alignment =
static final private BitField _indent_not_parent_border =
private static final BitField _indent_not_parent_border =
static final private BitField _indent_not_parent_pattern =
private static final BitField _indent_not_parent_pattern =
static final private BitField _indent_not_parent_cell_options =
private static final BitField _indent_not_parent_cell_options =
private short field_5_indention_options;
// field_6_border_options bit map
static final private BitField _border_left = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x000F);
static final private BitField _border_right = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00F0);
static final private BitField _border_top = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0F00);
static final private BitField _border_bottom = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xF000);
private static final BitField _border_left = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x000F);
private static final BitField _border_right = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00F0);
private static final BitField _border_top = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0F00);
private static final BitField _border_bottom = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xF000);
private short field_6_border_options;
// all three of the following attributes are palette options
// field_7_palette_options bit map
static final private BitField _left_border_palette_idx =
private static final BitField _left_border_palette_idx =
static final private BitField _right_border_palette_idx =
private static final BitField _right_border_palette_idx =
static final private BitField _diag =
private static final BitField _diag =
private short field_7_palette_options;
// field_8_adtl_palette_options bit map
static final private BitField _top_border_palette_idx =
private static final BitField _top_border_palette_idx =
static final private BitField _bottom_border_palette_idx =
private static final BitField _bottom_border_palette_idx =
static final private BitField _adtl_diag =
private static final BitField _adtl_diag =
static final private BitField _adtl_diag_line_style =
private static final BitField _adtl_diag_line_style =
// apparently bit 25 is unused
static final private BitField _adtl_fill_pattern =
private static final BitField _adtl_fill_pattern =
private int field_8_adtl_palette_options; // additional to avoid 2
// field_9_fill_palette_options bit map
static final private BitField _fill_foreground = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x007F);
static final private BitField _fill_background = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x3f80);
private static final BitField _fill_foreground = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x007F);
private static final BitField _fill_background = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x3f80);
// apparently bits 15 and 14 are unused
private short field_9_fill_palette_options;
@ -398,8 +398,7 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
* Dunno. Docs just say this is for far east versions.. (I'm guessing it
* justifies for right-to-left read languages)
* @param justify
* @param justify use 0 for US
* @see #setAlignmentOptions(short)
@ -907,14 +906,10 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
_adtl_fill_pattern.setValue(field_8_adtl_palette_options, fill);
// end bitfields for additional palette options
* set the fill palette options bitmask (see
* @param options
* set the fill palette options bitmask (see bitfields for additional palette options)
* @param options the palette options
public void setFillPaletteOptions(short options)
@ -1662,6 +1657,7 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
return _fill_background.getShortValue(field_9_fill_palette_options);
public String toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
@ -1769,6 +1765,7 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
return buffer.toString();
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
@ -1781,10 +1778,12 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
protected int getDataSize() {
return 20;
public short getSid()
return sid;
@ -1797,7 +1796,9 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
* If The source ExtendedFormatRecord comes from
* a different Workbook, you will need to sort
* out the font and format indicies yourself!
* out the font and format indices yourself!
* @param source the ExtendedFormatRecord to copy from
public void cloneStyleFrom(ExtendedFormatRecord source) {
field_1_font_index = source.field_1_font_index;
@ -1811,7 +1812,8 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
field_9_fill_palette_options = source.field_9_fill_palette_options;
public int hashCode() {
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + field_1_font_index;
@ -1831,7 +1833,8 @@ public final class ExtendedFormatRecord
* contents as equals, as the various indexes
* that matter are embedded in the records
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
@ -186,7 +186,9 @@ public class ExternSheetRecord extends StandardRecord {
* Returns the index of the SupBookRecord for this index
* @param refIndex specifies the n-th refIndex
* @return the index of the SupBookRecord for this index
public int getExtbookIndexFromRefIndex(int refIndex) {
RefSubRecord refRec = getRef(refIndex);
@ -61,25 +61,31 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends StandardRecord {
private int _nRows;
* Convenience Function to determine if the name is a built-in name
* @return {@code true} if the name is a built-in name
public boolean isBuiltInName() {
return (field_1_option_flag & OPT_BUILTIN_NAME) != 0;
* For OLE and DDE, links can be either 'automatic' or 'manual'
* @return {@code true} if this is a automatic link
public boolean isAutomaticLink() {
return (field_1_option_flag & OPT_AUTOMATIC_LINK) != 0;
* only for OLE and DDE
* @return {@code true} if this is a picture link
public boolean isPicureLink() {
return (field_1_option_flag & OPT_PICTURE_LINK) != 0;
* DDE links only. If <code>true</code>, this denotes the 'StdDocumentName'
* @return {@code true} if this denotes the 'StdDocumentName'
public boolean isStdDocumentNameIdentifier() {
return (field_1_option_flag & OPT_STD_DOCUMENT_NAME) != 0;
@ -104,12 +110,15 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends StandardRecord {
* If this is a local name, then this is the (1 based)
* index of the name of the Sheet this refers to, as
* defined in the preceeding {@link SupBookRecord}.
* defined in the preceding {@link SupBookRecord}.
* If it isn't a local name, then it must be zero.
* @return the index of the name of the Sheet this refers to
public short getIx() {
return field_2_ixals;
public void setIx(short ix) {
field_2_ixals = ix;
@ -212,8 +221,7 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends StandardRecord {
sb.append(" .name = ").append(field_4_name).append("\n");
if(field_5_name_definition != null) {
Ptg[] ptgs = field_5_name_definition.getTokens();
for (int i = 0; i < ptgs.length; i++) {
Ptg ptg = ptgs[i];
for (Ptg ptg : ptgs) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user