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/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter.AbstractWordUtils;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter.WordToTextConverter;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.Word6Extractor;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FieldsDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FileInformationBlock;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PlexOfField;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SubdocumentType;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.io.HWPFOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NPOIFSFileSystem;
import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* Test different problems reported in the Apache Bugzilla
* against HWPF
public class TestBugs extends TestCase
private static final POILogger logger = POILogFactory
public static void assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(String expected, String actual )
String newExpected = expected.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n" )
.replaceAll("\r", "\n").trim();
String newActual = actual.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n" )
.replaceAll("\r", "\n").trim();
TestCase.assertEquals(newExpected, newActual);
private static void assertTableStructures(Range expected, Range actual )
assertEquals(expected.numParagraphs(), actual.numParagraphs());
for (int p = 0; p < expected.numParagraphs(); p++ )
Paragraph expParagraph = expected.getParagraph(p);
Paragraph actParagraph = actual.getParagraph(p);
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(expParagraph.text(), actParagraph.text());
assertEquals("Diffent isInTable flags for paragraphs #" + p
+ " -- " + expParagraph + " -- " + actParagraph + ".",
expParagraph.isInTable(), actParagraph.isInTable());
if (expParagraph.isInTable() && actParagraph.isInTable() )
Table expTable, actTable;
expTable = expected.getTable(expParagraph);
actTable = actual.getTable(actParagraph);
catch (Exception exc )
assertEquals(expTable.numRows(), actTable.numRows());
private static void fixed(String bugzillaId )
throw new Error(
"Bug "
+ bugzillaId
+ " seems to be fixed. "
+ "Please resolve the issue in Bugzilla and remove fail() from the test");
private String getText(String samplefile) throws IOException {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile(samplefile);
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor(doc);
try {
return extractor.getText();
} finally {
private String getTextOldFile(String samplefile) throws IOException {
HWPFOldDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openOldSampleFile(samplefile);
Word6Extractor extractor = new Word6Extractor(doc);
try {
return extractor.getText();
} finally {
* Bug 33519 - HWPF fails to read a file
* @throws IOException
public void test33519() throws IOException
* Bug 34898 - WordExtractor doesn't read the whole string from the file
* @throws IOException
public void test34898() throws IOException
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline("\u30c7\u30a3\u30ec\u30af\u30c8\u30ea", getText("Bug34898.doc").trim());
* [RESOLVED INVALID] 41898 - Word 2003 pictures cannot be extracted
public void test41898()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug41898.doc");
List<Picture> pics = doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures();
assertEquals(1, pics.size());
Picture pic = pics.get(0);
* This is a file with empty EMF image, but present Office Drawing
* --sergey
final Collection<OfficeDrawing> officeDrawings = doc
assertEquals(1, officeDrawings.size());
OfficeDrawing officeDrawing = officeDrawings.iterator().next();
assertEquals(1044, officeDrawing.getShapeId());
* Bug 44331 - HWPFDocument.write destroys fields
* @throws IOException
public void test44431() throws IOException
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug44431.doc");
WordExtractor extractor1 = new WordExtractor(doc1);
try {
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc1);
WordExtractor extractor2 = new WordExtractor(doc2);
try {
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(extractor1.getFooterText(), extractor2.getFooterText());
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(extractor1.getHeaderText(), extractor2.getHeaderText());
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(Arrays.toString(extractor1.getParagraphText() ),
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(extractor1.getText(), extractor2.getText());
} finally {
} finally {
* Bug 44331 - HWPFDocument.write destroys fields
* @throws IOException
public void test44431_2() throws IOException
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline("File name=FieldsTest.doc\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"STYLEREF test\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"Heading paragraph in next page\t2\n" +
"Another heading paragraph in further page\t3\n" +
"Another heading paragraph in further page\t3\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"Heading paragraph in next page\n" +
"Another heading paragraph in further page\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"Page 3 of 3", getText("Bug44431.doc"));
* Bug 45473 - HWPF cannot read file after save
* @throws IOException
public void test45473() throws IOException
// Fetch the current text
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug45473.doc");
WordExtractor wordExtractor = new WordExtractor(doc1);
final String text1;
try {
text1 = wordExtractor.getText().trim();
} finally {
// Re-load, then re-save and re-check
doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug45473.doc");
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc1);
WordExtractor wordExtractor2 = new WordExtractor(doc2);
final String text2;
try {
text2 = wordExtractor2.getText().trim();
} finally {
// the text in the saved document has some differences in line
// separators but we tolerate that
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(text1.replaceAll("\n", "" ), text2.replaceAll("\n", ""));
* Bug 46220 - images are not properly extracted
public void test46220()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug46220.doc");
// reference checksums as in Bugzilla
String[] md5 = { "851be142bce6d01848e730cb6903f39e",
"72d07b8db5fad7099d90bc4c304b4666" };
List<Picture> pics = doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures();
assertEquals(4, pics.size());
for (int i = 0; i < pics.size(); i++ )
Picture pic = pics.get(i);
byte[] data = pic.getRawContent();
// use Apache Commons Codec utils to compute md5
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(md5[i], DigestUtils.md5Hex(data));
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 46817 - Regression: Text from some table cells
* missing
* @throws IOException
public void test46817() throws IOException
String text = getText("Bug46817.doc").trim();
assertTrue(text.contains("Nazwa wykonawcy"));
* [FAILING] Bug 47286 - Word documents saves in wrong format if source
* contains form elements
* @throws IOException
public void test47286() throws IOException
// Fetch the current text
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug47286.doc");
WordExtractor wordExtractor = new WordExtractor(doc1);
final String text1;
try {
text1 = wordExtractor.getText().trim();
} finally {
// Re-load, then re-save and re-check
doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug47286.doc");
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc1);
WordExtractor wordExtractor2 = new WordExtractor(doc2);
final String text2;
try {
text2 = wordExtractor2.getText().trim();
} finally {
// the text in the saved document has some differences in line
// separators but we tolerate that
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(text1.replaceAll("\n", "" ), text2.replaceAll("\n", ""));
assertEquals(doc1.getCharacterTable().getTextRuns().size(), doc2
List<PlexOfField> expectedFields = doc1.getFieldsTables()
List<PlexOfField> actualFields = doc2.getFieldsTables().getFieldsPLCF(
assertEquals(expectedFields.size(), actualFields.size());
assertTableStructures(doc1.getRange(), doc2.getRange());
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 47287 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* CharacterRun.replaceText()
public void test47287()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug47287.doc");
String[] values = { "1-1", "1-2", "1-3", "1-4", "1-5", "1-6", "1-7",
"1-8", "1-9", "1-10", "1-11", "1-12", "1-13", "1-14", "1-15", };
int usedVal = 0;
String PLACEHOLDER = "\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002";
Range r = doc.getRange();
for (int x = 0; x < r.numSections(); x++ )
Section s = r.getSection(x);
for (int y = 0; y < s.numParagraphs(); y++ )
Paragraph p = s.getParagraph(y);
for (int z = 0; z < p.numCharacterRuns(); z++ )
boolean isFound = false;
// character run
CharacterRun run = p.getCharacterRun(z);
// character run text
String text = run.text();
String oldText = text;
int c = text.indexOf("FORMTEXT ");
if (c < 0 )
int k = text.indexOf(PLACEHOLDER);
if (k >= 0 )
text = text.substring(0, k ) + values[usedVal]
+ text.substring(k + PLACEHOLDER.length());
isFound = true;
for (; c >= 0; c = text.indexOf("FORMTEXT ", c
+ "FORMTEXT ".length() ) )
int k = text.indexOf(PLACEHOLDER, c);
if (k >= 0 )
text = text.substring(0, k )
+ values[usedVal]
+ text.substring(k
+ PLACEHOLDER.length());
isFound = true;
if (isFound )
run.replaceText(oldText, text, 0);
String docText = r.text();
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 47731 - Word Extractor considers text copied from
* some website as an embedded object
public void test47731() throws Exception
String foundText = getText("Bug47731.doc");
.contains("Soak the rice in water for three to four hours"));
* Bug 4774 - text extracted by WordExtractor is broken
public void test47742() throws Exception
// (1) extract text from MS Word document via POI
String foundText = getText("Bug47742.doc");
// (2) read text from text document (retrieved by saving the word
// document as text file using encoding UTF-8)
InputStream is = POIDataSamples.getDocumentInstance()
try {
byte[] expectedBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
String expectedText = new String(expectedBytes, "utf-8" )
.substring(1); // strip-off the unicode marker
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(expectedText, foundText);
} finally {
* Bug 47958 - Exception during Escher walk of pictures
public void test47958()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug47958.doc");
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 48065 - Problems with save output of HWPF (losing
* formatting)
public void test48065()
HWPFDocument doc1 = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug48065.doc");
HWPFDocument doc2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc1);
Range expected = doc1.getRange();
Range actual = doc2.getRange();
expected.text().replace("\r", "\n").replaceAll("\n\n", "\n" ),
actual.text().replace("\r", "\n").replaceAll("\n\n", "\n"));
assertTableStructures(expected, actual);
public void test49933() throws IOException
String text = getTextOldFile("Bug49933.doc");
assertTrue( text.contains( "best.wine.jump.ru" ) );
* Bug 50936 - Exception parsing MS Word 8.0 file
public void test50936_1()
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = HWPFTestDataSamples
* Bug 50936 - Exception parsing MS Word 8.0 file
public void test50936_2()
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = HWPFTestDataSamples
* Bug 50936 - Exception parsing MS Word 8.0 file
public void test50936_3()
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = HWPFTestDataSamples
* [FAILING] Bug 50955 - error while retrieving the text file
* @throws IOException
public void test50955() throws IOException
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// expected here
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 51604 - replace text fails for doc (poi 3.8 beta
* release from download site )
public void test51604()
HWPFDocument document = HWPFTestDataSamples
Range range = document.getRange();
int numParagraph = range.numParagraphs();
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numParagraph; i++ )
Paragraph paragraph = range.getParagraph(i);
int numCharRuns = paragraph.numCharacterRuns();
for (int j = 0; j < numCharRuns; j++ )
CharacterRun charRun = paragraph.getCharacterRun(j);
String text = charRun.text();
charRun.replaceText(text, "+" + (++counter));
document = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(document);
String text = document.getDocumentText();
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline("+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12", text);
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 51604 - replace text fails for doc (poi 3.8 beta
* release from download site )
* @throws IOException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public void test51604p2() throws Exception
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug51604.doc");
Range range = doc.getRange();
int numParagraph = range.numParagraphs();
for (int i = 0; i < numParagraph; i++ )
Paragraph paragraph = range.getParagraph(i);
int numCharRuns = paragraph.numCharacterRuns();
for (int j = 0; j < numCharRuns; j++ )
CharacterRun charRun = paragraph.getCharacterRun(j);
String text = charRun.text();
if (text.contains("Header" ) )
charRun.replaceText(text, "added");
doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc);
final FileInformationBlock fileInformationBlock = doc
int totalLength = 0;
for (SubdocumentType type : SubdocumentType.values() )
final int partLength = fileInformationBlock
assert (partLength >= 0);
totalLength += partLength;
assertEquals(doc.getText().length(), totalLength);
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 51604 - replace text fails for doc (poi 3.8 beta
* release from download site )
public void test51604p3() throws Exception
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug51604.doc");
byte[] originalData = new byte[doc.getFileInformationBlock()
System.arraycopy(doc.getTableStream(), doc.getFileInformationBlock()
.getFcDop(), originalData, 0, originalData.length);
HWPFOutputStream outputStream = new HWPFOutputStream();
final byte[] oldData = outputStream.toByteArray();
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(Arrays.toString(originalData ),
Range range = doc.getRange();
int numParagraph = range.numParagraphs();
for (int i = 0; i < numParagraph; i++ )
Paragraph paragraph = range.getParagraph(i);
int numCharRuns = paragraph.numCharacterRuns();
for (int j = 0; j < numCharRuns; j++ )
CharacterRun charRun = paragraph.getCharacterRun(j);
String text = charRun.text();
if (text.contains("Header" ) )
charRun.replaceText(text, "added");
doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(doc);
outputStream = new HWPFOutputStream();
final byte[] newData = outputStream.toByteArray();
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(Arrays.toString(oldData ), Arrays.toString(newData));
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 51671 - HWPFDocument.write based on NPOIFSFileSystem
* throws a NullPointerException
public void test51671() throws Exception
InputStream is = POIDataSamples.getDocumentInstance()
NPOIFSFileSystem npoifsFileSystem = new NPOIFSFileSystem(is);
try {
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = new HWPFDocument(
hwpfDocument.write(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
} finally {
* Bug 51678 - Extracting text from Bug51524.zip is slow Bug 51524 -
* PapBinTable constructor is slow
* @throws IOException
public void test51678And51524() throws IOException
// YK: the test will run only if the poi.test.remote system property is
// set.
// TODO: refactor into something nicer!
if (System.getProperty("poi.test.remote" ) != null )
String href = "http://domex.nps.edu/corp/files/govdocs1/007/007488.doc";
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = HWPFTestDataSamples
WordExtractor wordExtractor = new WordExtractor(hwpfDocument);
try {
} finally {
* [FIXED] Bug 51902 - Picture.fillRawImageContent -
* ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
public void testBug51890()
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug51890.doc");
for (Picture picture : doc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures() )
PictureType pictureType = picture.suggestPictureType();
"Picture at offset " + picture.getStartOffset()
+ " has type " + pictureType);
* [RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 51834 - Opening and Writing .doc file results in
* corrupt document
public void testBug51834() throws Exception
* we don't have Java test for this file - it should be checked using
* Microsoft BFF Validator. But check read-write-read anyway. -- sergey
* Bug 51944 - PAPFormattedDiskPage.getPAPX - IndexOutOfBounds
public void testBug51944() throws Exception
HWPFOldDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openOldSampleFile("Bug51944.doc");
* Bug 52032 - [BUG] & [partial-PATCH] HWPF - ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException
* with no stack trace (broken after revision 1178063)
public void testBug52032_1() throws Exception
* Bug 52032 - [BUG] & [partial-PATCH] HWPF - ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException
* with no stack trace (broken after revision 1178063)
public void testBug52032_2() throws Exception
* Bug 52032 - [BUG] & [partial-PATCH] HWPF - ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException
* with no stack trace (broken after revision 1178063)
public void testBug52032_3() throws Exception
* Bug 53380 - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception parsing word 97 document
public void testBug53380_1() throws Exception
* Bug 53380 - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception parsing word 97 document
public void testBug53380_2() throws Exception
* Bug 53380 - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception parsing word 97 document
public void testBug53380_3() throws Exception
* Bug 53380 - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception parsing word 97 document
public void testBug53380_4() throws Exception
* java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Non-extended character
* Pascal strings are not supported right now
* Disabled pending a fix for the bug
public void test56880() throws Exception {
HWPFDocument doc =
assertEqualsIgnoreNewline("Check Request", doc.getRange().text());
// These are the values the are expected to be read when the file
// is checked.
private int section1LeftMargin = 1440;
private int section1RightMargin = 1440;
private int section1TopMargin = 1440;
private int section1BottomMargin = 1440;
private int section1NumColumns = 1;
private int section2LeftMargin = 1440;
private int section2RightMargin = 1440;
private int section2TopMargin = 1440;
private int section2BottomMargin = 1440;
private int section2NumColumns = 3;
public void testHWPFSections() {
HWPFDocument document = null;
Paragraph para = null;
Section section = null;
Range overallRange = null;
int numParas = 0;
int numSections = 0;
document = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("Bug53453Section.doc");
overallRange = document.getOverallRange();
numParas = overallRange.numParagraphs();
for(int i = 0; i < numParas; i++) {
para = overallRange.getParagraph(i);
numSections = para.numSections();
for(int j = 0; j < numSections; j++) {
section = para.getSection(j);
if(para.text().trim().equals("Section1")) {
assertEquals(section1BottomMargin, section.getMarginBottom());
assertEquals(section1LeftMargin, section.getMarginLeft());
assertEquals(section1RightMargin, section.getMarginRight());
assertEquals(section1TopMargin, section.getMarginTop());
assertEquals(section1NumColumns, section.getNumColumns());
else if(para.text().trim().equals("Section2")) {
assertEquals(section2BottomMargin, section.getMarginBottom());
assertEquals(section2LeftMargin, section.getMarginLeft());
assertEquals(section2RightMargin, section.getMarginRight());
assertEquals(section2TopMargin, section.getMarginTop());
assertEquals(section2NumColumns, section.getNumColumns());
// Change the margin widths
this.section2BottomMargin = (int)(1.5 * AbstractWordUtils.TWIPS_PER_INCH);
this.section2TopMargin = (int)(1.75 * AbstractWordUtils.TWIPS_PER_INCH);
this.section2LeftMargin = (int)(0.5 * AbstractWordUtils.TWIPS_PER_INCH);
this.section2RightMargin = (int)(0.75 * AbstractWordUtils.TWIPS_PER_INCH);
// Save away and re-read the document to prove the chages are permanent
document = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(document);
overallRange = document.getOverallRange();
numParas = overallRange.numParagraphs();
for(int i = 0; i < numParas; i++) {
para = overallRange.getParagraph(i);
numSections = para.numSections();
for(int j = 0; j < numSections; j++) {
section = para.getSection(j);
if(para.text().trim().equals("Section1")) {
// No changes to the margins in Section1
assertEquals(section1BottomMargin, section.getMarginBottom());
assertEquals(section1LeftMargin, section.getMarginLeft());
assertEquals(section1RightMargin, section.getMarginRight());
assertEquals(section1TopMargin, section.getMarginTop());
assertEquals(section1NumColumns, section.getNumColumns());
else if(para.text().trim().equals("Section2")) {
// The margins in Section2 have kept the new settings.
assertEquals(section2BottomMargin, section.getMarginBottom());
assertEquals(section2LeftMargin, section.getMarginLeft());
assertEquals(section2RightMargin, section.getMarginRight());
assertEquals(section2TopMargin, section.getMarginTop());
assertEquals(section2NumColumns, section.getNumColumns());
public void testRegressionIn315beta2() {
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("cap.stanford.edu_profiles_viewbiosketch_facultyid=4009&name=m_maciver.doc");
public void DISABLEDtest57603SevenRowTable() throws Exception {
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("57603-seven_columns.doc");
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument2 = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(hwpfDocument);