
380 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.*;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.model.*;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.SlideAtom;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.SlideListWithText;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.SlideListWithText.*;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.PersistPtrHolder;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.PositionDependentRecord;
* This class is a friendly wrapper on top of the more scary HSLFSlideShow.
* - figure out how to match notes to their correct sheet
* (will involve understanding DocSlideList and DocNotesList)
* - handle Slide creation cleaner
* @author Nick Burch
public class SlideShow
// What we're based on
private HSLFSlideShow _hslfSlideShow;
// Low level contents, as taken from HSLFSlideShow
private Record[] _records;
// Pointers to the most recent versions of the core records
// (Document, Notes, Slide etc)
private Record[] _mostRecentCoreRecords;
// Friendly objects for people to deal with
private Slide[] _slides;
private Notes[] _notes;
// private MetaSheets[] _msheets;
* right now this function takes one parameter: a ppt file, and outputs
* the text it can find for it
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
HSLFSlideShow basefoo = new HSLFSlideShow(args[0]);
SlideShow foo = new SlideShow(basefoo);
Slide[] slides = foo.getSlides();
for(int i=0; i<slides.length; i++) {
Slide slide = slides[i];
System.out.println("*Slide " + slide.getSheetNumber() + ":");
TextRun[] runs = slide.getTextRuns();
for(int j=0; j<runs.length; j++) {
TextRun run = runs[j];
System.out.println(" * Text run " + run.getRunType());
System.out.println("\n" + run.getText() + "\n");
* Constructs a Powerpoint document from the underlying
* HSLFSlideShow object. Finds the model stuff from this
* @param hslfSlideShow the HSLFSlideShow to base on
public SlideShow(HSLFSlideShow hslfSlideShow) throws IOException
// Get useful things from our base slideshow
_hslfSlideShow = hslfSlideShow;
_records = _hslfSlideShow.getRecords();
byte[] _docstream = _hslfSlideShow.getUnderlyingBytes();
// Find the versions of the core records we'll want to use
// Build up the model level Slides and Notes
* Use the PersistPtrHolder entries to figure out what is
* the "most recent" version of all the core records
* (Document, Notes, Slide etc), and save a record of them.
* Do this by walking from the oldest PersistPtr to the newest,
* overwriting any references found along the way with newer ones
private void findMostRecentCoreRecords() {
// To start with, find the most recent in the byte offset domain
Hashtable mostRecentByBytes = new Hashtable();
for(int i=0; i<_records.length; i++) {
if(_records[i] instanceof PersistPtrHolder) {
PersistPtrHolder pph = (PersistPtrHolder)_records[i];
// If we've already seen any of the "slide" IDs for this
// PersistPtr, remove their old positions
int[] ids = pph.getKnownSlideIDs();
for(int j=0; j<ids.length; j++) {
Integer id = new Integer(ids[j]);
if( mostRecentByBytes.containsKey(id)) {
// Now, update the byte level locations with their latest values
Hashtable thisSetOfLocations = pph.getSlideLocationsLookup();
for(int j=0; j<ids.length; j++) {
Integer id = new Integer(ids[j]);
mostRecentByBytes.put(id, thisSetOfLocations.get(id));
// We now know how many unique special records we have, so init
// the array
_mostRecentCoreRecords = new Record[mostRecentByBytes.size()];
// Also, work out where we're going to put them in the array
Hashtable slideIDtoRecordLookup = new Hashtable();
int[] allIDs = new int[_mostRecentCoreRecords.length];
Enumeration ids = mostRecentByBytes.keys();
for(int i=0; i<allIDs.length; i++) {
Integer id = (Integer)ids.nextElement();
allIDs[i] = id.intValue();
for(int i=0; i<allIDs.length; i++) {
slideIDtoRecordLookup.put(new Integer(allIDs[i]), new Integer(i));
// Now convert the byte offsets back into record offsets
for(int i=0; i<_records.length; i++) {
if(_records[i] instanceof PositionDependentRecord) {
PositionDependentRecord pdr = (PositionDependentRecord)_records[i];
Integer recordAt = new Integer(pdr.getLastOnDiskOffset());
// Is it one we care about?
for(int j=0; j<allIDs.length; j++) {
Integer thisID = new Integer(allIDs[j]);
Integer thatRecordAt = (Integer)mostRecentByBytes.get(thisID);
if(thatRecordAt.equals(recordAt)) {
// Bingo. Now, where do we store it?
Integer storeAtI =
int storeAt = storeAtI.intValue();
// Finally, save the record
_mostRecentCoreRecords[storeAt] = _records[i];
* Build up model level Slide and Notes objects, from the underlying
* records.
private void buildSlidesAndNotes() {
// For holding the Slide Records
Vector slidesV = new Vector(10);
// For holding the Notes Records
Vector notesV = new Vector(10);
// For holding the Meta Sheet Records
Vector metaSheetsV = new Vector(10);
// For holding Document Records
Vector documentsV = new Vector(10);
// For holding SlideListWithText Records
Vector slwtV = new Vector(10);
// Look for Notes, Slides and Documents
for(int i=0; i<_records.length; i++) {
if(_records[i] instanceof org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Notes) {
if(_records[i] instanceof org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Slide) {
if(_records[i].getRecordType() == 1000l) {
// Also look for SlideListWithTexts in Documents
// Need to get the SlideAtomsSets for all of these. Then, query the
// SlidePersistAtom, and group stuff together between SLWT blocks
// based on the refID/slideID. Finally, build up a list of all the
// SlideAtomsSets for a given refID / slideID, and pass them on to
// the Slide when creating
// If a notes sheet exists, can normally match the Notes sheet ID
// to the slide ID in the SlidePersistAtom. Since there isn't always,
// and we can't find the ID in the slide, just order on the slide ID,
// and hand off to the Slides in turn.
// (Based on output from dev.SLWTTextListing and dev.SlideAndNotesAtomListing)
// There is often duplicate text, especially for the first few
// Slides. Currently, it's up to the Slide model code to detect
// and ignore those
for(int i=0; i<documentsV.size(); i++) {
Record docRecord = (Record)documentsV.get(i);
Record[] docChildren = docRecord.getChildRecords();
for(int j=0; j<docChildren.length; j++) {
if(docChildren[j] instanceof SlideListWithText) {
//System.out.println("Found SLWT in document " + i);
//System.out.println(" Has " + docChildren[j].getChildRecords().length + " children");
// For now, grab out all the sets of Atoms in the SlideListWithText's
// Only store those which aren't empty
Vector setsV = new Vector();
for(int i=0; i<slwtV.size(); i++) {
SlideListWithText slwt = (SlideListWithText)slwtV.get(i);
SlideAtomsSet[] thisSets = slwt.getSlideAtomsSets();
for(int j=0; j<thisSets.length; j++) {
// Now, sort the SlideAtomSets together into groups for the same slide ID,
// and order them by the slide ID
// Find the unique IDs
HashSet uniqueSlideIDs = new HashSet();
for(int i=0; i<setsV.size(); i++) {
SlideAtomsSet thisSet = (SlideAtomsSet)setsV.get(i);
int id = thisSet.getSlidePersistAtom().getSlideIdentifier();
Integer idI = new Integer(id);
if(! uniqueSlideIDs.contains(idI) ) {
int[] slideIDs = new int[uniqueSlideIDs.size()];
int pos = 0;
for(Iterator getIDs = uniqueSlideIDs.iterator(); getIDs.hasNext(); pos++) {
Integer id = (Integer)getIDs.next();
slideIDs[pos] = id.intValue();
// Sort
// Group
Vector[] sortedSetsV = new Vector[slideIDs.length];
for(int i=0; i<setsV.size(); i++) {
SlideAtomsSet thisSet = (SlideAtomsSet)setsV.get(i);
int id = thisSet.getSlidePersistAtom().getSlideIdentifier();
int arrayPos = -1;
for(int j=0; j<slideIDs.length; j++) {
if(slideIDs[j] == id) { arrayPos = j; }
if(sortedSetsV[arrayPos] == null) { sortedSetsV[arrayPos] = new Vector(); }
// ******************* Do the real model layer creation ****************
// Create our Notes
// (Need to create first, as passed to the Slides)
_notes = new Notes[notesV.size()];
for(int i=0; i<_notes.length; i++) {
_notes[i] = new Notes((org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Notes)notesV.get(i));
// Create our Slides
_slides = new Slide[slidesV.size()];
for(int i=0; i<_slides.length; i++) {
// Grab the slide Record
org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Slide slideRecord = (org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Slide)slidesV.get(i);
// Do they have a Notes?
Notes thisNotes = null;
// Find their SlideAtom, and use this to check for a Notes
Record[] slideRecordChildren = slideRecord.getChildRecords();
for(int j=0; j<slideRecordChildren.length; j++) {
if(slideRecordChildren[j] instanceof SlideAtom) {
SlideAtom sa = (SlideAtom)slideRecordChildren[j];
int notesID = sa.getNotesID();
if(notesID != 0) {
for(int k=0; k<_notes.length; k++) {
if(_notes[k].getSheetNumber() == notesID) {
thisNotes = _notes[k];
// Grab the (hopefully) corresponding block of Atoms
SlideAtomsSet[] sets;
if(sortedSetsV.length > i) {
Vector thisSetsV = sortedSetsV[i];
sets = new SlideAtomsSet[thisSetsV.size()];
for(int j=0; j<sets.length; j++) {
sets[j] = (SlideAtomsSet)thisSetsV.get(j);
//System.out.println("For slide " + i + ", found " + sets.length + " Sets of text");
} else {
// Didn't find enough SlideAtomSets to give any to this sheet
sets = new SlideAtomsSet[0];
// Create the Slide model layer
_slides[i] = new Slide(slideRecord,thisNotes,sets);
* Writes out the slideshow file the is represented by an instance of
* this class
* @param out The OutputStream to write to.
* @throws IOException If there is an unexpected IOException from the passed
* in OutputStream
public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
// Accesser methods follow
* Returns an array of the most recent version of all the interesting
* records
public Record[] getMostRecentCoreRecords() { return _mostRecentCoreRecords; }
* Returns an array of all the normal Slides found in the slideshow
public Slide[] getSlides() { return _slides; }
* Returns an array of all the normal Notes found in the slideshow
public Notes[] getNotes() { return _notes; }
* Returns an array of all the meta Sheets (master sheets etc)
* found in the slideshow
//public MetaSheet[] getMetaSheets() { return _msheets; }