
242 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package org.apache.poi.ddf;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordFormatException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.*;
* This record defines the drawing groups used for a particular sheet.
public class EscherDggRecord
extends EscherRecord
public static final short RECORD_ID = (short) 0xF006;
public static final String RECORD_DESCRIPTION = "MsofbtDgg";
private int field_1_shapeIdMax;
// private int field_2_numIdClusters; // for some reason the number of clusters is actually the real number + 1
private int field_3_numShapesSaved;
private int field_4_drawingsSaved;
private FileIdCluster[] field_5_fileIdClusters;
public static class FileIdCluster
public FileIdCluster( int drawingGroupId, int numShapeIdsUsed )
this.field_1_drawingGroupId = drawingGroupId;
this.field_2_numShapeIdsUsed = numShapeIdsUsed;
private int field_1_drawingGroupId;
private int field_2_numShapeIdsUsed;
public int getDrawingGroupId()
return field_1_drawingGroupId;
public int getNumShapeIdsUsed()
return field_2_numShapeIdsUsed;
public void incrementShapeId( )
* This method deserializes the record from a byte array.
* @param data The byte array containing the escher record information
* @param offset The starting offset into <code>data</code>.
* @param recordFactory May be null since this is not a container record.
* @return The number of bytes read from the byte array.
public int fillFields( byte[] data, int offset, EscherRecordFactory recordFactory )
int bytesRemaining = readHeader( data, offset );
int pos = offset + 8;
int size = 0;
field_1_shapeIdMax = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + size );size+=4;
int field_2_numIdClusters = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + size );size+=4;
field_3_numShapesSaved = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + size );size+=4;
field_4_drawingsSaved = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + size );size+=4;
field_5_fileIdClusters = new FileIdCluster[field_2_numIdClusters-1];
for (int i = 0; i < field_2_numIdClusters-1; i++)
field_5_fileIdClusters[i] = new FileIdCluster(LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + size ), LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + size + 4 ));
size += 8;
bytesRemaining -= size;
if (bytesRemaining != 0)
throw new RecordFormatException("Expecting no remaining data but got " + bytesRemaining + " byte(s).");
return 8 + size + bytesRemaining;
* This method serializes this escher record into a byte array.
* @param offset The offset into <code>data</code> to start writing the record data to.
* @param data The byte array to serialize to.
* @param listener A listener to retrieve start and end callbacks. Use a <code>NullEscherSerailizationListener</code> to ignore these events.
* @return The number of bytes written.
* @see NullEscherSerializationListener
public int serialize( int offset, byte[] data, EscherSerializationListener listener )
listener.beforeRecordSerialize( offset, getRecordId(), this );
int pos = offset;
LittleEndian.putShort( data, pos, getOptions() ); pos += 2;
LittleEndian.putShort( data, pos, getRecordId() ); pos += 2;
int remainingBytes = getRecordSize() - 8;
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, remainingBytes ); pos += 4;
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, field_1_shapeIdMax ); pos += 4;
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, getNumIdClusters() ); pos += 4;
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, field_3_numShapesSaved ); pos += 4;
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, field_4_drawingsSaved ); pos += 4;
for ( int i = 0; i < field_5_fileIdClusters.length; i++ )
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, field_5_fileIdClusters[i].field_1_drawingGroupId ); pos += 4;
LittleEndian.putInt( data, pos, field_5_fileIdClusters[i].field_2_numShapeIdsUsed ); pos += 4;
listener.afterRecordSerialize( pos, getRecordId(), getRecordSize(), this );
return getRecordSize();
* Returns the number of bytes that are required to serialize this record.
* @return Number of bytes
public int getRecordSize()
return 8 + 16 + (8 * field_5_fileIdClusters.length);
public short getRecordId()
return RECORD_ID;
* The short name for this record
public String getRecordName()
return "Dgg";
public String toString()
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
// String extraData;
// ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// try
// {
// HexDump.dump(this.remainingData, 0, b, 0);
// extraData = b.toString();
// }
// catch ( Exception e )
// {
// extraData = "error";
// }
StringBuffer field_5_string = new StringBuffer();
for ( int i = 0; i < field_5_fileIdClusters.length; i++ )
field_5_string.append(" DrawingGroupId").append(i+1).append(": ");
field_5_string.append(" NumShapeIdsUsed").append(i+1).append(": ");
return getClass().getName() + ":" + nl +
" RecordId: 0x" + HexDump.toHex(RECORD_ID) + nl +
" Options: 0x" + HexDump.toHex(getOptions()) + nl +
" ShapeIdMax: " + field_1_shapeIdMax + nl +
" NumIdClusters: " + getNumIdClusters() + nl +
" NumShapesSaved: " + field_3_numShapesSaved + nl +
" DrawingsSaved: " + field_4_drawingsSaved + nl +
"" + field_5_string.toString();
public int getShapeIdMax()
return field_1_shapeIdMax;
* The maximum is actually the next available. shape id.
public void setShapeIdMax( int field_1_shapeIdMax )
this.field_1_shapeIdMax = field_1_shapeIdMax;
public int getNumIdClusters()
return field_5_fileIdClusters.length + 1;
public int getNumShapesSaved()
return field_3_numShapesSaved;
public void setNumShapesSaved( int field_3_numShapesSaved )
this.field_3_numShapesSaved = field_3_numShapesSaved;
public int getDrawingsSaved()
return field_4_drawingsSaved;
public void setDrawingsSaved( int field_4_drawingsSaved )
this.field_4_drawingsSaved = field_4_drawingsSaved;
public FileIdCluster[] getFileIdClusters()
return field_5_fileIdClusters;
public void setFileIdClusters( FileIdCluster[] field_5_fileIdClusters )
this.field_5_fileIdClusters = field_5_fileIdClusters;
public void addCluster( int dgId, int numShapedUsed )
List clusters = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(field_5_fileIdClusters));
clusters.add(new FileIdCluster(dgId, numShapedUsed));
Collections.sort(clusters, new Comparator()
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
FileIdCluster f1 = (FileIdCluster) o1;
FileIdCluster f2 = (FileIdCluster) o2;
if (f1.getDrawingGroupId() == f2.getDrawingGroupId())
return 0;
if (f1.getDrawingGroupId() < f2.getDrawingGroupId())
return -1;
return +1;
} );
field_5_fileIdClusters = (FileIdCluster[]) clusters.toArray( new FileIdCluster[clusters.size()] );