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Raw Normal View History

/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.xssf.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* This is a seriously sick fix for the fact that some .xlsx
* files contain raw bits of HTML, without being escaped
* or properly turned into XML.
* The result is that they contain things like >br<,
* which breaks the XML parsing.
* This very sick InputStream wrapper attempts to spot
* these go past, and fix them.
* Only works for UTF-8 and US-ASCII based streams!
* It should only be used where experience shows the problem
* can occur...
public class EvilUnclosedBRFixingInputStream extends InputStream {
private InputStream source;
private byte[] spare;
private static byte[] detect = new byte[] {
(byte)'<', (byte)'b', (byte)'r', (byte)'>'
public EvilUnclosedBRFixingInputStream(InputStream source) {
this.source = source;
* Warning - doesn't fix!
public int read() throws IOException {
return source.read();
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
// Grab any data left from last time
int readA = readFromSpare(b, off, len);
// Now read from the stream
int readB = source.read(b, off+readA, len-readA);
// Figure out how much we've done
int read;
if(readB == -1 || readB == 0) {
read = readA;
} else {
read = readA + readB;
// Fix up our data
if(read > 0) {
read = fixUp(b, off, read);
// All done
return read;
public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
return this.read(b, 0, b.length);
* Reads into the buffer from the spare bytes
private int readFromSpare(byte[] b, int offset, int len) {
if(spare == null) return 0;
if(len == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Asked to read 0 bytes");
if(spare.length <= len) {
// All fits, good
System.arraycopy(spare, 0, b, offset, spare.length);
int read = spare.length;
spare = null;
return read;
} else {
// We have more spare than they can copy with...
byte[] newspare = new byte[spare.length-len];
System.arraycopy(spare, 0, b, offset, len);
System.arraycopy(spare, len, newspare, 0, newspare.length);
spare = newspare;
return len;
private void addToSpare(byte[] b, int offset, int len, boolean atTheEnd) {
if(spare == null) {
spare = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(b, offset, spare, 0, len);
} else {
byte[] newspare = new byte[spare.length+len];
if(atTheEnd) {
System.arraycopy(spare, 0, newspare, 0, spare.length);
System.arraycopy(b, offset, newspare, spare.length, len);
} else {
System.arraycopy(b, offset, newspare, 0, len);
System.arraycopy(spare, 0, newspare, len, spare.length);
spare = newspare;
private int fixUp(byte[] b, int offset, int read) {
// Do we have any potential overhanging ones?
for(int i=0; i<detect.length-1; i++) {
int base = offset+read-1-i;
if(base < 0) continue;
boolean going = true;
for(int j=0; j<=i && going; j++) {
if(b[base+j] == detect[j]) {
// Matches
} else {
going = false;
if(going) {
// There could be a <br> handing over the end, eg <br|
addToSpare(b, base, i+1, true);
read -= 1;
read -= i;
// Find places to fix
ArrayList<Integer> fixAt = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=offset; i<=offset+read-detect.length; i++) {
boolean going = true;
for(int j=0; j<detect.length && going; j++) {
if(b[i+j] != detect[j]) {
going = false;
if(going) {
if(fixAt.size()==0) {
return read;
// If there isn't space in the buffer to contain
// all the fixes, then save the overshoot for next time
int needed = offset+read+fixAt.size();
int overshoot = needed - b.length;
if(overshoot > 0) {
// Make sure we don't loose part of a <br>!
int fixes = 0;
for(int at : fixAt) {
if(at > offset+read-detect.length-overshoot-fixes) {
overshoot = needed - at - 1 - fixes;
addToSpare(b, offset+read-overshoot, overshoot, false);
read -= overshoot;
// Fix them, in reverse order so the
// positions are valid
for(int j=fixAt.size()-1; j>=0; j--) {
int i = fixAt.get(j);
if(i >= read+offset) {
// This one has moved into the overshoot
if(i > read-3) {
// This one has moved into the overshoot
byte[] tmp = new byte[read-i-3];
System.arraycopy(b, i+3, tmp, 0, tmp.length);
b[i+3] = (byte)'/';
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, b, i+4, tmp.length);
// It got one longer
return read;