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/* ====================================================================
* The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
* Copyright (c) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
* if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
* "This product includes software developed by the
* Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
* Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
* if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
* 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" and
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* ====================================================================
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
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package org.apache.poi.hssf.model;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.poi.hssf
.record.*; // normally I don't do this, buy we literally mean ALL
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.util.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record
.aggregates.*; // normally I don't do this, buy we literally mean ALL
* Low level model implementation of a Sheet (one workbook contains many sheets)
* This file contains the low level binary records starting at the sheets BOF and
* ending with the sheets EOF. Use HSSFSheet for a high level representation.
* <P>
* The structures of the highlevel API use references to this to perform most of their
* operations. Its probably unwise to use these low level structures directly unless you
* really know what you're doing. I recommend you read the Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's
* Kit (Microsoft Press) and the documentation at http://sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf
* before even attempting to use this.
* <P>
* @author Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org)
* @author Glen Stampoultzis (glens at apache.org)
* @author Shawn Laubach (slaubach at apache dot org) Gridlines, Headers, Footers, and PrintSetup
* @author Jason Height (jheight at chariot dot net dot au) Clone support
* @author Brian Sanders (kestrel at burdell dot org) Active Cell support
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Workbook
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet
* @version 1.0-pre
public class Sheet implements Model
public static final short LeftMargin = 0;
public static final short RightMargin = 1;
public static final short TopMargin = 2;
public static final short BottomMargin = 3;
protected ArrayList records = null;
int preoffset = 0; // offset of the sheet in a new file
int loc = 0;
protected boolean containsLabels = false;
protected int dimsloc = 0;
protected DimensionsRecord dims;
protected DefaultColWidthRecord defaultcolwidth = null;
protected DefaultRowHeightRecord defaultrowheight = null;
protected GridsetRecord gridset = null;
protected PrintSetupRecord printSetup = null;
protected HeaderRecord header = null;
protected FooterRecord footer = null;
protected PrintGridlinesRecord printGridlines = null;
protected MergeCellsRecord merged = null;
protected ArrayList mergedRecords = new ArrayList();
protected ArrayList mergedLocs = new ArrayList();
protected int numMergedRegions = 0;
protected SelectionRecord selection = null;
private static POILogger log = POILogFactory.getLogger(Sheet.class);
private ArrayList columnSizes = null; // holds column info
protected ValueRecordsAggregate cells = null;
protected RowRecordsAggregate rows = null;
private Iterator valueRecIterator = null;
private Iterator rowRecIterator = null;
protected int eofLoc = 0;
public static final byte PANE_LOWER_RIGHT = (byte)0;
public static final byte PANE_UPPER_RIGHT = (byte)1;
public static final byte PANE_LOWER_LEFT = (byte)2;
public static final byte PANE_UPPER_LEFT = (byte)3;
* Creates new Sheet with no intialization --useless at this point
* @see #createSheet(List,int,int)
public Sheet()
* read support (offset used as starting point for search) for low level
* API. Pass in an array of Record objects, the sheet number (0 based) and
* a record offset (should be the location of the sheets BOF record). A Sheet
* object is constructed and passed back with all of its initialization set
* to the passed in records and references to those records held. This function
* is normally called via Workbook.
* @param recs array containing those records in the sheet in sequence (normally obtained from RecordFactory)
* @param sheetnum integer specifying the sheet's number (0,1 or 2 in this release)
* @param offset of the sheet's BOF record
* @return Sheet object with all values set to those read from the file
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Workbook
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
public static Sheet createSheet(List recs, int sheetnum, int offset)
"Sheet createSheet (existing file) with %",
new Integer(recs.size()));
Sheet retval = new Sheet();
ArrayList records = new ArrayList(recs.size() / 5);
boolean isfirstcell = true;
boolean isfirstrow = true;
int bofEofNestingLevel = 0;
for (int k = offset; k < recs.size(); k++)
Record rec = ( Record ) recs.get(k);
if (rec.getSid() == LabelRecord.sid)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Hit label record.");
retval.containsLabels = true;
else if (rec.getSid() == BOFRecord.sid)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Hit BOF record. Nesting increased to " + bofEofNestingLevel);
else if (rec.getSid() == EOFRecord.sid)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Hit EOF record. Nesting decreased to " + bofEofNestingLevel);
if (bofEofNestingLevel == 0) {
retval.eofLoc = k;
else if (rec.getSid() == DimensionsRecord.sid)
retval.dims = ( DimensionsRecord ) rec;
retval.dimsloc = records.size();
else if (rec.getSid() == MergeCellsRecord.sid)
retval.merged = ( MergeCellsRecord ) rec;
retval.mergedLocs.add(new Integer(k - offset));
retval.numMergedRegions += retval.merged.getNumAreas();
else if (rec.getSid() == ColumnInfoRecord.sid)
if (retval.columnSizes == null)
retval.columnSizes = new ArrayList();
else if (rec.getSid() == DefaultColWidthRecord.sid)
retval.defaultcolwidth = ( DefaultColWidthRecord ) rec;
else if (rec.getSid() == DefaultRowHeightRecord.sid)
retval.defaultrowheight = ( DefaultRowHeightRecord ) rec;
else if ( rec.isValue() && bofEofNestingLevel == 1 )
if ( isfirstcell )
retval.cells = new ValueRecordsAggregate();
rec = retval.cells;
retval.cells.construct( k, recs );
isfirstcell = false;
rec = null;
else if ( rec.getSid() == StringRecord.sid )
rec = null;
else if ( rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid )
RowRecord row = (RowRecord)rec;
if (!isfirstrow) rec = null; //only add the aggregate once
if ( isfirstrow )
retval.rows = new RowRecordsAggregate();
rec = retval.rows;
isfirstrow = false;
else if ( rec.getSid() == PrintGridlinesRecord.sid )
retval.printGridlines = (PrintGridlinesRecord) rec;
else if ( rec.getSid() == HeaderRecord.sid )
retval.header = (HeaderRecord) rec;
else if ( rec.getSid() == FooterRecord.sid )
retval.footer = (FooterRecord) rec;
else if ( rec.getSid() == PrintSetupRecord.sid )
retval.printSetup = (PrintSetupRecord) rec;
else if ( rec.getSid() == SelectionRecord.sid )
retval.selection = (SelectionRecord) rec;
if (rec != null)
retval.records = records;
if (retval.rows == null)
retval.rows = new RowRecordsAggregate();
if (retval.cells == null)
retval.cells = new ValueRecordsAggregate();
log.log(log.DEBUG, "sheet createSheet (existing file) exited");
return retval;
* Clones the low level records of this sheet and returns the new sheet instance.
* This method is implemented by adding methods for deep cloning to all records that
* can be added to a sheet. The <b>Record</b> object does not implement cloneable.
* When adding a new record, implement a public clone method if and only if the record
* belongs to a sheet.
public Sheet cloneSheet()
ArrayList clonedRecords = new ArrayList(this.records.size());
for (int i=0; i<this.records.size();i++) {
Record rec = (Record)((Record)this.records.get(i)).clone();
//Need to pull out the Row record and the Value records from their
//This is probably the best way to do it since we probably dont want the createSheet
//To cater for these artificial Record types
if (rec instanceof RowRecordsAggregate) {
RowRecordsAggregate rrAgg = (RowRecordsAggregate)rec;
for (Iterator rowIter = rrAgg.getIterator();rowIter.hasNext();) {
Record rowRec = (Record)rowIter.next();
} else if (rec instanceof ValueRecordsAggregate) {
ValueRecordsAggregate vrAgg = (ValueRecordsAggregate)rec;
for (Iterator cellIter = vrAgg.getIterator();cellIter.hasNext();) {
Record valRec = (Record)cellIter.next();
} else if (rec instanceof FormulaRecordAggregate) {
FormulaRecordAggregate fmAgg = (FormulaRecordAggregate)rec;
Record fmAggRec = fmAgg.getFormulaRecord();
if (fmAggRec != null)
fmAggRec = fmAgg.getStringRecord();
if (fmAggRec != null)
} else {
return createSheet(clonedRecords, 0, 0);
* read support (offset = 0) Same as createSheet(Record[] recs, int, int)
* only the record offset is assumed to be 0.
* @param records array containing those records in the sheet in sequence (normally obtained from RecordFactory)
* @param sheetnum integer specifying the sheet's number (0,1 or 2 in this release)
* @return Sheet object
public static Sheet createSheet(List records, int sheetnum)
"Sheet createSheet (exisiting file) assumed offset 0");
return createSheet(records, sheetnum, 0);
* Creates a sheet with all the usual records minus values and the "index"
* record (not required). Sets the location pointer to where the first value
* records should go. Use this to create a sheet from "scratch".
* @return Sheet object with all values set to defaults
public static Sheet createSheet()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet createsheet from scratch called");
Sheet retval = new Sheet();
ArrayList records = new ArrayList(30);
// records.add(retval.createIndex());
records.add(retval.createCalcCount() );
records.add( retval.createRefMode() );
records.add( retval.createIteration() );
records.add( retval.createDelta() );
records.add( retval.createSaveRecalc() );
records.add( retval.createPrintHeaders() );
retval.printGridlines = (PrintGridlinesRecord) retval.createPrintGridlines();
records.add( retval.printGridlines );
retval.gridset = (GridsetRecord) retval.createGridset();
records.add( retval.gridset );
records.add( retval.createGuts() );
retval.defaultrowheight =
(DefaultRowHeightRecord) retval.createDefaultRowHeight();
records.add( retval.defaultrowheight );
records.add( retval.createWSBool() );
retval.header = (HeaderRecord) retval.createHeader();
records.add( retval.header );
retval.footer = (FooterRecord) retval.createFooter();
records.add( retval.footer );
records.add( retval.createHCenter() );
records.add( retval.createVCenter() );
retval.printSetup = (PrintSetupRecord) retval.createPrintSetup();
records.add( retval.printSetup );
retval.defaultcolwidth =
(DefaultColWidthRecord) retval.createDefaultColWidth();
records.add( retval.defaultcolwidth);
retval.dims = ( DimensionsRecord ) retval.createDimensions();
retval.dimsloc = 19;
retval.setLoc(records.size() - 1);
retval.selection =
(SelectionRecord) retval.createSelection();
retval.records = records;
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet createsheet from scratch exit");
return retval;
private void checkCells()
if (cells == null)
cells = new ValueRecordsAggregate();
records.add(getDimsLoc() + 1, cells);
private void checkRows()
if (rows == null)
rows = new RowRecordsAggregate();
records.add(getDimsLoc() + 1, rows);
//public int addMergedRegion(short rowFrom, short colFrom, short rowTo,
public int addMergedRegion(int rowFrom, short colFrom, int rowTo,
short colTo)
if (merged == null || merged.getNumAreas() == 1027)
merged = ( MergeCellsRecord ) createMergedCells();
mergedLocs.add(new Integer(records.size() - 1));
records.add(records.size() - 1, merged);
merged.addArea(rowFrom, colFrom, rowTo, colTo);
return numMergedRegions++;
public void removeMergedRegion(int index)
//safety checks
if (index >= numMergedRegions || mergedRecords.size() == 0)
int pos = 0;
int startNumRegions = 0;
//optimisation for current record
if (numMergedRegions - index < merged.getNumAreas())
pos = mergedRecords.size() - 1;
startNumRegions = numMergedRegions - merged.getNumAreas();
for (int n = 0; n < mergedRecords.size(); n++)
MergeCellsRecord record = (MergeCellsRecord) mergedRecords.get(n);
if (startNumRegions + record.getNumAreas() > index)
pos = n;
startNumRegions += record.getNumAreas();
MergeCellsRecord rec = (MergeCellsRecord) mergedRecords.get(pos);
rec.removeAreaAt(index - startNumRegions);
if (rec.getNumAreas() == 0)
if (merged == rec) {
//pull up the LAST record for operations when we finally
//support continue records for mergedRegions
if (mergedRecords.size() > 0) {
merged = (MergeCellsRecord) mergedRecords.get(mergedRecords.size() - 1);
} else {
merged = null;
int removePos = ((Integer) mergedLocs.get(pos)).intValue();
//if we're not tracking merged records, kill the pointer to reset the state
if (mergedRecords.size() == 0) merged = null;
public MergeCellsRecord.MergedRegion getMergedRegionAt(int index)
//safety checks
if (index >= numMergedRegions || mergedRecords.size() == 0)
return null;
int pos = 0;
int startNumRegions = 0;
//optimisation for current record
if (numMergedRegions - index < merged.getNumAreas())
pos = mergedRecords.size() - 1;
startNumRegions = numMergedRegions - merged.getNumAreas();
for (int n = 0; n < mergedRecords.size(); n++)
MergeCellsRecord record = (MergeCellsRecord) mergedRecords.get(n);
if (startNumRegions + record.getNumAreas() > index)
pos = n;
startNumRegions += record.getNumAreas();
return ((MergeCellsRecord) mergedRecords.get(pos)).getAreaAt(index - startNumRegions);
public int getNumMergedRegions()
return numMergedRegions;
* This is basically a kludge to deal with the now obsolete Label records. If
* you have to read in a sheet that contains Label records, be aware that the rest
* of the API doesn't deal with them, the low level structure only provides read-only
* semi-immutable structures (the sets are there for interface conformance with NO
* impelmentation). In short, you need to call this function passing it a reference
* to the Workbook object. All labels will be converted to LabelSST records and their
* contained strings will be written to the Shared String tabel (SSTRecord) within
* the Workbook.
* @param wb sheet's matching low level Workbook structure containing the SSTRecord.
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.LabelRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.LabelSSTRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SSTRecord
public void convertLabelRecords(Workbook wb)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "convertLabelRecords called");
if (containsLabels)
for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++)
Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
if (rec.getSid() == LabelRecord.sid)
LabelRecord oldrec = ( LabelRecord ) rec;
LabelSSTRecord newrec = new LabelSSTRecord();
int stringid =
records.add(k, newrec);
log.log(log.DEBUG, "convertLabelRecords exit");
* Returns the number of low level binary records in this sheet. This adjusts things for the so called
* AgregateRecords.
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
public int getNumRecords()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.getNumRecords");
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "returning % + % + % - 2 = %", new int[]
records.size(), cells.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(),
records.size() + cells.getPhysicalNumberOfCells()
+ rows.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() - 2
return records.size() + cells.getPhysicalNumberOfCells()
+ rows.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() - 2;
* Per an earlier reported bug in working with Andy Khan's excel read library. This
* sets the values in the sheet's DimensionsRecord object to be correct. Excel doesn't
* really care, but we want to play nice with other libraries.
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DimensionsRecord
//public void setDimensions(short firstrow, short firstcol, short lastrow,
public void setDimensions(int firstrow, short firstcol, int lastrow,
short lastcol)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.setDimensions");
(new StringBuffer("firstrow")).append(firstrow)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.setDimensions exiting");
* set the locator for where we should look for the next value record. The
* algorythm will actually start here and find the correct location so you
* can set this to 0 and watch performance go down the tubes but it will work.
* After a value is set this is automatically advanced. Its also set by the
* create method. So you probably shouldn't mess with this unless you have
* a compelling reason why or the help for the method you're calling says so.
* Check the other methods for whether they care about
* the loc pointer. Many of the "modify" and "remove" methods re-initialize this
* to "dimsloc" which is the location of the Dimensions Record and presumably the
* start of the value section (at or around 19 dec).
* @param loc the record number to start at
public void setLoc(int loc)
valueRecIterator = null;
log.log(log.DEBUG, "sheet.setLoc(): " + loc);
this.loc = loc;
* Returns the location pointer to the first record to look for when adding rows/values
public int getLoc()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "sheet.getLoc():" + loc);
return loc;
* Set the preoffset when using DBCELL records (currently unused) - this is
* the position of this sheet within the whole file.
* @param offset the offset of the sheet's BOF within the file.
public void setPreOffset(int offset)
this.preoffset = offset;
* get the preoffset when using DBCELL records (currently unused) - this is
* the position of this sheet within the whole file.
* @return offset the offset of the sheet's BOF within the file.
public int getPreOffset()
return preoffset;
* Serializes all records in the sheet into one big byte array. Use this to write
* the sheet out.
* @return byte[] array containing the binary representation of the records in this sheet
public byte [] serialize()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.serialize");
// addDBCellRecords();
byte[] retval = null;
// ArrayList bytes = new ArrayList(4096);
int arraysize = getSize();
int pos = 0;
// for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++)
// {
// bytes.add((( Record ) records.get(k)).serialize());
// }
// for (int k = 0; k < bytes.size(); k++)
// {
// arraysize += (( byte [] ) bytes.get(k)).length;
// log.debug((new StringBuffer("arraysize=")).append(arraysize)
// .toString());
// }
retval = new byte[ arraysize ];
for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++)
// byte[] rec = (( byte [] ) bytes.get(k));
// System.arraycopy(rec, 0, retval, pos, rec.length);
pos += (( Record ) records.get(k)).serialize(pos,
retval); // rec.length;
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.serialize returning " + retval);
return retval;
* Serializes all records in the sheet into one big byte array. Use this to write
* the sheet out.
* @param offset to begin write at
* @param data array containing the binary representation of the records in this sheet
public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.serialize using offsets");
// addDBCellRecords();
// ArrayList bytes = new ArrayList(4096);
// int arraysize = getSize(); // 0;
int pos = 0;
// for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++)
// {
// bytes.add((( Record ) records.get(k)).serialize());
// }
// for (int k = 0; k < bytes.size(); k++)
// {
// arraysize += (( byte [] ) bytes.get(k)).length;
// log.debug((new StringBuffer("arraysize=")).append(arraysize)
// .toString());
// }
for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++)
// byte[] rec = (( byte [] ) bytes.get(k));
// System.arraycopy(rec, 0, data, offset + pos, rec.length);
Record record = (( Record ) records.get(k));
//uncomment to test record sizes
// byte[] data2 = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];
// record.serialize(0, data2 ); // rec.length;
// if (LittleEndian.getUShort(data2, 2) != record.getRecordSize() - 4
// && record instanceof RowRecordsAggregate == false && record instanceof ValueRecordsAggregate == false)
// throw new RuntimeException("Blah!!!");
pos += record.serialize(pos + offset, data ); // rec.length;
log.log(log.DEBUG, "Sheet.serialize returning ");
return pos;
* Create a row record. (does not add it to the records contained in this sheet)
* @param row number
* @return RowRecord created for the passed in row number
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RowRecord
public RowRecord createRow(int row)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "create row number " + row);
RowRecord rowrec = new RowRecord();
//rowrec.setRowNumber(( short ) row);
rowrec.setHeight(( short ) 0xff);
rowrec.setOptimize(( short ) 0x0);
rowrec.setOptionFlags(( short ) 0x0);
rowrec.setXFIndex(( short ) 0x0);
return rowrec;
* Create a LABELSST Record (does not add it to the records contained in this sheet)
* @param row the row the LabelSST is a member of
* @param col the column the LabelSST defines
* @param index the index of the string within the SST (use workbook addSSTString method)
* @return LabelSSTRecord newly created containing your SST Index, row,col.
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SSTRecord
//public LabelSSTRecord createLabelSST(short row, short col, int index)
public LabelSSTRecord createLabelSST(int row, short col, int index)
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "create labelsst row,col,index %,%,%",
new int[]
row, col, index
LabelSSTRecord rec = new LabelSSTRecord();
rec.setXFIndex(( short ) 0x0f);
return rec;
* Create a NUMBER Record (does not add it to the records contained in this sheet)
* @param row the row the NumberRecord is a member of
* @param col the column the NumberRecord defines
* @param value for the number record
* @return NumberRecord for that row, col containing that value as added to the sheet
//public NumberRecord createNumber(short row, short col, double value)
public NumberRecord createNumber(int row, short col, double value)
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "create number row,col,value %,%,%",
new double[]
row, col, value
NumberRecord rec = new NumberRecord();
//rec.setRow(( short ) row);
rec.setXFIndex(( short ) 0x0f);
return rec;
* create a BLANK record (does not add it to the records contained in this sheet)
* @param row - the row the BlankRecord is a member of
* @param col - the column the BlankRecord is a member of
//public BlankRecord createBlank(short row, short col)
public BlankRecord createBlank(int row, short col)
//log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "create blank row,col %,%", new short[]
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "create blank row,col %,%", new int[]
row, col
BlankRecord rec = new BlankRecord();
//rec.setRow(( short ) row);
rec.setXFIndex(( short ) 0x0f);
return rec;
* Attempts to parse the formula into PTGs and create a formula record
* @param row - the row for the formula record
* @param col - the column of the formula record
* @param formula - a String representing the formula. To be parsed to PTGs
* @return bogus/useless formula record
//public FormulaRecord createFormula(short row, short col, String formula)
public FormulaRecord createFormula(int row, short col, String formula)
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "create formula row,col,formula %,%,%",
//new short[]
new int[]
row, col
}, formula);
FormulaRecord rec = new FormulaRecord();
rec.setOptions(( short ) 2);
rec.setXFIndex(( short ) 0x0f);
FormulaParser fp = new FormulaParser(formula,null); //fix - do we need this method?
Ptg[] ptg = fp.getRPNPtg();
int size = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < ptg.length; k++)
size += ptg[ k ].getSize();
rec.pushExpressionToken(ptg[ k ]);
rec.setExpressionLength(( short ) size);
return rec;
* Adds a value record to the sheet's contained binary records
* (i.e. LabelSSTRecord or NumberRecord).
* <P>
* This method is "loc" sensitive. Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
* want it to start searching. If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
* When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
* at what this sets it to.
* @param row the row to add the cell value to
* @param col the cell value record itself.
//public void addValueRecord(short row, CellValueRecordInterface col)
public void addValueRecord(int row, CellValueRecordInterface col)
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "add value record row,loc %,%", new int[]
row, loc
DimensionsRecord d = ( DimensionsRecord ) records.get(getDimsLoc());
if (col.getColumn() > d.getLastCol())
d.setLastCol(( short ) (col.getColumn() + 1));
if (col.getColumn() < d.getFirstCol())
* for (int k = loc; k < records.size(); k++)
* {
* Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
* if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
* {
* RowRecord rowrec = ( RowRecord ) rec;
* if (rowrec.getRowNumber() == col.getRow())
* {
* records.add(k + 1, col);
* loc = k;
* if (rowrec.getLastCol() <= col.getColumn())
* {
* rowrec.setLastCol((( short ) (col.getColumn() + 1)));
* }
* break;
* }
* }
* }
* remove a value record from the records array.
* This method is not loc sensitive, it resets loc to = dimsloc so no worries.
* @param row - the row of the value record you wish to remove
* @param col - a record supporting the CellValueRecordInterface.
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface
//public void removeValueRecord(short row, CellValueRecordInterface col)
public void removeValueRecord(int row, CellValueRecordInterface col)
log.logFormatted(log.DEBUG, "remove value record row,dimsloc %,%",
new int[]
row, dimsloc
loc = dimsloc;
* for (int k = loc; k < records.size(); k++)
* {
* Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
* // checkDimsLoc(rec,k);
* if (rec.isValue())
* {
* CellValueRecordInterface cell =
* ( CellValueRecordInterface ) rec;
* if ((cell.getRow() == col.getRow())
* && (cell.getColumn() == col.getColumn()))
* {
* records.remove(k);
* break;
* }
* }
* }
* replace a value record from the records array.
* This method is not loc sensitive, it resets loc to = dimsloc so no worries.
* @param newval - a record supporting the CellValueRecordInterface. this will replace
* the cell value with the same row and column. If there isn't one, one will
* be added.
public void replaceValueRecord(CellValueRecordInterface newval)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "replaceValueRecord ");
* CellValueRecordInterface oldval = getNextValueRecord();
* while (oldval != null)
* {
* if (oldval.isEqual(newval))
* {
* records.set(( short ) (getLoc() - 1), newval);
* return;
* }
* oldval = getNextValueRecord();
* }
* addValueRecord(newval.getRow(), newval);
* setLoc(dimsloc);
* Adds a row record to the sheet
* <P>
* This method is "loc" sensitive. Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
* want it to start searching. If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
* When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
* at what this sets it to.
* @param row the row record to be added
* @see #setLoc(int)
public void addRow(RowRecord row)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "addRow ");
DimensionsRecord d = ( DimensionsRecord ) records.get(getDimsLoc());
if (row.getRowNumber() > d.getLastRow())
d.setLastRow(row.getRowNumber() + 1);
if (row.getRowNumber() < d.getFirstRow())
//IndexRecord index = null;
//If the row exists remove it, so that any cells attached to the row are removed
RowRecord existingRow = rows.getRow(row.getRowNumber());
if (existingRow != null)
* for (int k = loc; k < records.size(); k++)
* {
* Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
* if (rec.getSid() == IndexRecord.sid)
* {
* index = ( IndexRecord ) rec;
* }
* if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
* {
* RowRecord rowrec = ( RowRecord ) rec;
* if (rowrec.getRowNumber() > row.getRowNumber())
* {
* records.add(k, row);
* loc = k;
* break;
* }
* }
* if (rec.getSid() == WindowTwoRecord.sid)
* {
* records.add(k, row);
* loc = k;
* break;
* }
* }
* if (index != null)
* {
* if (index.getLastRowAdd1() <= row.getRowNumber())
* {
* index.setLastRowAdd1(row.getRowNumber() + 1);
* }
* }
log.log(log.DEBUG, "exit addRow");
* Removes a row record
* This method is not loc sensitive, it resets loc to = dimsloc so no worries.
* @param row the row record to remove
public void removeRow(RowRecord row)
// IndexRecord index = null;
* for (int k = loc; k < records.size(); k++)
* {
* Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
* // checkDimsLoc(rec,k);
* if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
* {
* RowRecord rowrec = ( RowRecord ) rec;
* if (rowrec.getRowNumber() == row.getRowNumber())
* {
* records.remove(k);
* break;
* }
* }
* if (rec.getSid() == WindowTwoRecord.sid)
* {
* break;
* }
* }
* get the NEXT value record (from LOC). The first record that is a value record
* (starting at LOC) will be returned.
* <P>
* This method is "loc" sensitive. Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
* want it to start searching. If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
* When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
* at what this sets it to. For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with,
* subsequent calls will return values in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
* @return CellValueRecordInterface representing the next value record or NULL if there are no more
* @see #setLoc(int)
public CellValueRecordInterface getNextValueRecord()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "getNextValue loc= " + loc);
if (valueRecIterator == null)
valueRecIterator = cells.getIterator();
if (!valueRecIterator.hasNext())
return null;
return ( CellValueRecordInterface ) valueRecIterator.next();
* if (this.getLoc() < records.size())
* {
* for (int k = getLoc(); k < records.size(); k++)
* {
* Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
* this.setLoc(k + 1);
* if (rec instanceof CellValueRecordInterface)
* {
* return ( CellValueRecordInterface ) rec;
* }
* }
* }
* return null;
* get the NEXT RowRecord or CellValueRecord(from LOC). The first record that
* is a Row record or CellValueRecord(starting at LOC) will be returned.
* <P>
* This method is "loc" sensitive. Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
* want it to start searching. If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
* When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
* at what this sets it to. For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with.
* subsequent calls will return rows in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
* @return RowRecord representing the next row record or CellValueRecordInterface
* representing the next cellvalue or NULL if there are no more
* @see #setLoc(int)
/* public Record getNextRowOrValue()
log.debug((new StringBuffer("getNextRow loc= ")).append(loc)
if (this.getLoc() < records.size())
for (int k = this.getLoc(); k < records.size(); k++)
Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
this.setLoc(k + 1);
if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
return rec;
else if (rec.isValue())
return rec;
return null;
* get the NEXT RowRecord (from LOC). The first record that is a Row record
* (starting at LOC) will be returned.
* <P>
* This method is "loc" sensitive. Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
* want it to start searching. If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
* When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
* at what this sets it to. For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with.
* subsequent calls will return rows in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
* @return RowRecord representing the next row record or NULL if there are no more
* @see #setLoc(int)
public RowRecord getNextRow()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "getNextRow loc= " + loc);
if (rowRecIterator == null)
rowRecIterator = rows.getIterator();
if (!rowRecIterator.hasNext())
return null;
return ( RowRecord ) rowRecIterator.next();
/* if (this.getLoc() < records.size())
for (int k = this.getLoc(); k < records.size(); k++)
Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
this.setLoc(k + 1);
if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
return ( RowRecord ) rec;
* get the NEXT (from LOC) RowRecord where rownumber matches the given rownum.
* The first record that is a Row record (starting at LOC) that has the
* same rownum as the given rownum will be returned.
* <P>
* This method is "loc" sensitive. Meaning you need to set LOC to where you
* want it to start searching. If you don't know do this: setLoc(getDimsLoc).
* When adding several rows you can just start at the last one by leaving loc
* at what this sets it to. For this method, set loc to dimsloc to start with.
* subsequent calls will return rows in (physical) sequence or NULL when you get to the end.
* @param rownum which row to return (careful with LOC)
* @return RowRecord representing the next row record or NULL if there are no more
* @see #setLoc(int)
//public RowRecord getRow(short rownum)
public RowRecord getRow(int rownum)
log.log(log.DEBUG, "getNextRow loc= " + loc);
return rows.getRow(rownum);
* if (this.getLoc() < records.size())
* {
* for (int k = this.getLoc(); k < records.size(); k++)
* {
* Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(k);
* this.setLoc(k + 1);
* if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
* {
* if ((( RowRecord ) rec).getRowNumber() == rownum)
* {
* return ( RowRecord ) rec;
* }
* }
* }
* }
// return null;
* Not currently used method to calculate and add dbcell records
public void addDBCellRecords()
int offset = 0;
int recnum = 0;
int rownum = 0;
//int lastrow = 0;
//long lastrowoffset = 0;
IndexRecord index = null;
// ArrayList rowOffsets = new ArrayList();
IntList rowOffsets = new IntList();
for (recnum = 0; recnum < records.size(); recnum++)
Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(recnum);
if (rec.getSid() == IndexRecord.sid)
index = ( IndexRecord ) rec;
if (rec.getSid() != RowRecord.sid)
offset += rec.serialize().length;
// First Row Record
for (; recnum < records.size(); recnum++)
Record rec = ( Record ) records.get(recnum);
if (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid)
if ((rownum % 32) == 0)
// if this is the last rec in a dbcell block
// find the next row or last value record
for (int rn = recnum; rn < records.size(); rn++)
rec = ( Record ) records.get(rn);
if ((!rec.isInValueSection())
|| (rec.getSid() == RowRecord.sid))
// here is the next row or last value record
createDBCell(offset, rowOffsets,
recnum = rn;
if (!rec.isInValueSection())
records.add(recnum, createDBCell(offset, rowOffsets, index));
offset += rec.serialize().length;
/** not currently used */
private DBCellRecord createDBCell(int offset, IntList rowoffsets,
IndexRecord index)
DBCellRecord rec = new DBCellRecord();
rec.setRowOffset(offset - rowoffsets.get(0));
// test hack
rec.addCellOffset(( short ) 0x0);
// end test hack
addDbCellToIndex(offset, index);
return rec;
/** not currently used */
private void addDbCellToIndex(int offset, IndexRecord index)
int numdbcells = index.getNumDbcells() + 1;
index.addDbcell(offset + preoffset);
// stupid but whenever we add an offset that causes everything to be shifted down 4
for (int k = 0; k < numdbcells; k++)
int dbval = index.getDbcellAt(k);
index.setDbcell(k, dbval + 4);
* creates the BOF record
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.BOFRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a BOFRecord
protected Record createBOF()
BOFRecord retval = new BOFRecord();
retval.setVersion(( short ) 0x600);
retval.setType(( short ) 0x010);
// retval.setBuild((short)0x10d3);
retval.setBuild(( short ) 0x0dbb);
retval.setBuildYear(( short ) 1996);
return retval;
* creates the Index record - not currently used
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.IndexRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a IndexRecord
protected Record createIndex()
IndexRecord retval = new IndexRecord();
retval.setFirstRow(0); // must be set explicitly
return retval;
* creates the CalcMode record and sets it to 1 (automatic formula caculation)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CalcModeRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a CalcModeRecord
protected Record createCalcMode()
CalcModeRecord retval = new CalcModeRecord();
retval.setCalcMode(( short ) 1);
return retval;
* creates the CalcCount record and sets it to 0x64 (default number of iterations)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CalcCountRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a CalcCountRecord
protected Record createCalcCount()
CalcCountRecord retval = new CalcCountRecord();
retval.setIterations(( short ) 0x64); // default 64 iterations
return retval;
* creates the RefMode record and sets it to A1 Mode (default reference mode)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RefModeRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a RefModeRecord
protected Record createRefMode()
RefModeRecord retval = new RefModeRecord();
return retval;
* creates the Iteration record and sets it to false (don't iteratively calculate formulas)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.IterationRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a IterationRecord
protected Record createIteration()
IterationRecord retval = new IterationRecord();
return retval;
* creates the Delta record and sets it to 0.0010 (default accuracy)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DeltaRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a DeltaRecord
protected Record createDelta()
DeltaRecord retval = new DeltaRecord();
return retval;
* creates the SaveRecalc record and sets it to true (recalculate before saving)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SaveRecalcRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a SaveRecalcRecord
protected Record createSaveRecalc()
SaveRecalcRecord retval = new SaveRecalcRecord();
return retval;
* creates the PrintHeaders record and sets it to false (we don't create headers yet so why print them)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.PrintHeadersRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a PrintHeadersRecord
protected Record createPrintHeaders()
PrintHeadersRecord retval = new PrintHeadersRecord();
return retval;
* creates the PrintGridlines record and sets it to false (that makes for ugly sheets). As far as I can
* tell this does the same thing as the GridsetRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.PrintGridlinesRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a PrintGridlinesRecord
protected Record createPrintGridlines()
PrintGridlinesRecord retval = new PrintGridlinesRecord();
return retval;
* creates the Gridset record and sets it to true (user has mucked with the gridlines)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.GridsetRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a GridsetRecord
protected Record createGridset()
GridsetRecord retval = new GridsetRecord();
return retval;
* creates the Guts record and sets leftrow/topcol guttter and rowlevelmax/collevelmax to 0
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.GutsRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a GutsRecordRecord
protected Record createGuts()
GutsRecord retval = new GutsRecord();
retval.setLeftRowGutter(( short ) 0);
retval.setTopColGutter(( short ) 0);
retval.setRowLevelMax(( short ) 0);
retval.setColLevelMax(( short ) 0);
return retval;
* creates the DefaultRowHeight Record and sets its options to 0 and rowheight to 0xff
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DefaultRowHeightRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a DefaultRowHeightRecord
protected Record createDefaultRowHeight()
DefaultRowHeightRecord retval = new DefaultRowHeightRecord();
retval.setOptionFlags(( short ) 0);
retval.setRowHeight(( short ) 0xff);
return retval;
* creates the WSBoolRecord and sets its values to defaults
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.WSBoolRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a WSBoolRecord
protected Record createWSBool()
WSBoolRecord retval = new WSBoolRecord();
retval.setWSBool1(( byte ) 0x4);
retval.setWSBool2(( byte ) 0xffffffc1);
return retval;
* creates the Header Record and sets it to nothing/0 length
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.HeaderRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a HeaderRecord
protected Record createHeader()
HeaderRecord retval = new HeaderRecord();
retval.setHeaderLength(( byte ) 0);
return retval;
* creates the Footer Record and sets it to nothing/0 length
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FooterRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a FooterRecord
protected Record createFooter()
FooterRecord retval = new FooterRecord();
retval.setFooterLength(( byte ) 0);
return retval;
* creates the HCenter Record and sets it to false (don't horizontally center)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.HCenterRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a HCenterRecord
protected Record createHCenter()
HCenterRecord retval = new HCenterRecord();
return retval;
* creates the VCenter Record and sets it to false (don't horizontally center)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.VCenterRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a VCenterRecord
protected Record createVCenter()
VCenterRecord retval = new VCenterRecord();
return retval;
* creates the PrintSetup Record and sets it to defaults and marks it invalid
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.PrintSetupRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a PrintSetupRecord
protected Record createPrintSetup()
PrintSetupRecord retval = new PrintSetupRecord();
retval.setPaperSize(( short ) 1);
retval.setScale(( short ) 100);
retval.setPageStart(( short ) 1);
retval.setFitWidth(( short ) 1);
retval.setFitHeight(( short ) 1);
retval.setOptions(( short ) 2);
retval.setHResolution(( short ) 300);
retval.setVResolution(( short ) 300);
retval.setHeaderMargin( 0.5);
retval.setFooterMargin( 0.5);
retval.setCopies(( short ) 0);
return retval;
* creates the DefaultColWidth Record and sets it to 8
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DefaultColWidthRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a DefaultColWidthRecord
protected Record createDefaultColWidth()
DefaultColWidthRecord retval = new DefaultColWidthRecord();
retval.setColWidth(( short ) 8);
return retval;
* creates the ColumnInfo Record and sets it to a default column/width
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ColumnInfoRecord
* @return record containing a ColumnInfoRecord
protected Record createColInfo()
ColumnInfoRecord retval = new ColumnInfoRecord();
retval.setColumnWidth(( short ) 0x8);
retval.setOptions(( short ) 6);
retval.setXFIndex(( short ) 0x0f);
return retval;
* get the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width)
* @return default column width
public short getDefaultColumnWidth()
return defaultcolwidth.getColWidth();
* get whether gridlines are printed.
* @return true if printed
public boolean isGridsPrinted()
return !gridset.getGridset();
* set whether gridlines printed or not.
* @param value True if gridlines printed.
public void setGridsPrinted(boolean value)
* set the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width)
* @param dcw default column width
public void setDefaultColumnWidth(short dcw)
* set the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height)
public void setDefaultRowHeight(short dch)
* get the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height)
* @return default row height
public short getDefaultRowHeight()
return defaultrowheight.getRowHeight();
* get the width of a given column in units of 1/20th of a point width (twips?)
* @param column index
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DefaultColWidthRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ColumnInfoRecord
* @see #setColumnWidth(short,short)
* @return column width in units of 1/20th of a point (twips?)
public short getColumnWidth(short column)
short retval = 0;
ColumnInfoRecord ci = null;
int k = 0;
if (columnSizes != null)
for (k = 0; k < columnSizes.size(); k++)
ci = ( ColumnInfoRecord ) columnSizes.get(k);
if ((ci.getFirstColumn() <= column)
&& (column <= ci.getLastColumn()))
ci = null;
if (ci != null)
retval = ci.getColumnWidth();
retval = defaultcolwidth.getColWidth();
return retval;
* set the width for a given column in 1/20th of a character width units
* @param column - the column number
* @param width (in units of 1/20th of a character width)
public void setColumnWidth(short column, short width)
ColumnInfoRecord ci = null;
int k = 0;
if (columnSizes == null)
columnSizes = new ArrayList();
//int cioffset = getDimsLoc() - columnSizes.size();
for (k = 0; k < columnSizes.size(); k++)
ci = ( ColumnInfoRecord ) columnSizes.get(k);
if ((ci.getFirstColumn() <= column)
&& (column <= ci.getLastColumn()))
ci = null;
if (ci != null)
if (ci.getColumnWidth() == width)
// do nothing...the cell's width is equal to what we're setting it to.
else if ((ci.getFirstColumn() == column)
&& (ci.getLastColumn() == column))
{ // if its only for this cell then
ci.setColumnWidth(width); // who cares, just change the width
else if ((ci.getFirstColumn() == column)
|| (ci.getLastColumn() == column))
// okay so the width is different but the first or last column == the column we'return setting
// we'll just divide the info and create a new one
if (ci.getFirstColumn() == column)
ci.setFirstColumn(( short ) (column + 1));
ci.setLastColumn(( short ) (column - 1));
ColumnInfoRecord nci = ( ColumnInfoRecord ) createColInfo();
columnSizes.add(k, nci);
records.add((1 + getDimsLoc() - columnSizes.size()) + k, nci);
//split to 3 records
short lastcolumn = ci.getLastColumn();
ci.setLastColumn(( short ) (column - 1));
ColumnInfoRecord nci = ( ColumnInfoRecord ) createColInfo();
columnSizes.add(k, nci);
records.add((1 + getDimsLoc() - columnSizes.size()) + k, nci);
nci = ( ColumnInfoRecord ) createColInfo();
columnSizes.add(k, nci);
records.add((1 + getDimsLoc() - columnSizes.size()) + k, nci);
// okay so there ISN'T a column info record that cover's this column so lets create one!
ColumnInfoRecord nci = ( ColumnInfoRecord ) createColInfo();
columnSizes.add(k, nci);
records.add((1 + getDimsLoc() - columnSizes.size()) + k, nci);
* creates the Dimensions Record and sets it to bogus values (you should set this yourself
* or let the high level API do it for you)
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DimensionsRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a DimensionsRecord
protected Record createDimensions()
DimensionsRecord retval = new DimensionsRecord();
retval.setFirstCol(( short ) 0);
retval.setLastRow(1); // one more than it is
retval.setLastCol(( short ) 1); // one more than it is
return retval;
* creates the WindowTwo Record and sets it to: <P>
* options = 0x6b6 <P>
* toprow = 0 <P>
* leftcol = 0 <P>
* headercolor = 0x40 <P>
* pagebreakzoom = 0x0 <P>
* normalzoom = 0x0 <p>
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.WindowTwoRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a WindowTwoRecord
protected Record createWindowTwo()
WindowTwoRecord retval = new WindowTwoRecord();
retval.setOptions(( short ) 0x6b6);
retval.setTopRow(( short ) 0);
retval.setLeftCol(( short ) 0);
retval.setPageBreakZoom(( short ) 0);
retval.setNormalZoom(( short ) 0);
return retval;
* Creates the Selection record and sets it to nothing selected
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a SelectionRecord
protected Record createSelection()
SelectionRecord retval = new SelectionRecord();
retval.setPane(( byte ) 0x3);
retval.setActiveCellCol(( short ) 0x0);
retval.setActiveCellRow(( short ) 0x0);
retval.setNumRefs(( short ) 0x0);
return retval;
* Returns the active row
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
* @return row the active row index
public int getActiveCellRow()
if (selection == null)
return 0;
return selection.getActiveCellRow();
* Sets the active row
* @param row the row index
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
public void setActiveCellRow(int row)
//shouldn't have a sheet w/o a SelectionRecord, but best to guard anyway
if (selection != null)
* Returns the active column
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
* @return row the active column index
public short getActiveCellCol()
if (selection == null)
return (short) 0;
return selection.getActiveCellCol();
* Sets the active column
* @param col the column index
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord
public void setActiveCellCol(short col)
//shouldn't have a sheet w/o a SelectionRecord, but best to guard anyway
if (selection != null)
protected Record createMergedCells()
MergeCellsRecord retval = new MergeCellsRecord();
retval.setNumAreas(( short ) 0);
return retval;
* creates the EOF record
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.EOFRecord
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
* @return record containing a EOFRecord
protected Record createEOF()
return new EOFRecord();
* get the location of the DimensionsRecord (which is the last record before the value section)
* @return location in the array of records of the DimensionsRecord
public int getDimsLoc()
log.log(log.DEBUG, "getDimsLoc dimsloc= " + dimsloc);
return dimsloc;
* in the event the record is a dimensions record, resets both the loc index and dimsloc index
public void checkDimsLoc(Record rec, int recloc)
if (rec.getSid() == DimensionsRecord.sid)
loc = recloc;
dimsloc = recloc;
public int getSize()
int retval = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++)
retval += (( Record ) records.get(k)).getRecordSize();
return retval;
public List getRecords()
return records;
* Gets the gridset record for this sheet.
public GridsetRecord getGridsetRecord()
return gridset;
* Returns the first occurance of a record matching a particular sid.
public Record findFirstRecordBySid(short sid)
for (Iterator iterator = records.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
Record record = ( Record ) iterator.next();
if (record.getSid() == sid)
return record;
return null;
* Sets the SCL record or creates it in the correct place if it does not
* already exist.
* @param sclRecord The record to set.
public void setSCLRecord(SCLRecord sclRecord)
int oldRecordLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(SCLRecord.sid);
if (oldRecordLoc == -1)
// Insert it after the window record
int windowRecordLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
records.add(windowRecordLoc+1, sclRecord);
records.set(oldRecordLoc, sclRecord);
* Finds the first occurance of a record matching a particular sid and
* returns it's position.
* @param sid the sid to search for
* @return the record position of the matching record or -1 if no match
* is made.
public int findFirstRecordLocBySid( short sid )
int index = 0;
for (Iterator iterator = records.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
Record record = ( Record ) iterator.next();
if (record.getSid() == sid)
return index;
return -1;
* Returns the HeaderRecord.
* @return HeaderRecord for the sheet.
public HeaderRecord getHeader ()
return header;
* Sets the HeaderRecord.
* @param newHeader The new HeaderRecord for the sheet.
public void setHeader (HeaderRecord newHeader)
header = newHeader;
* Returns the FooterRecord.
* @return FooterRecord for the sheet.
public FooterRecord getFooter ()
return footer;
* Sets the FooterRecord.
* @param newFooter The new FooterRecord for the sheet.
public void setFooter (FooterRecord newFooter)
footer = newFooter;
* Returns the PrintSetupRecord.
* @return PrintSetupRecord for the sheet.
public PrintSetupRecord getPrintSetup ()
return printSetup;
* Sets the PrintSetupRecord.
* @param newPrintSetup The new PrintSetupRecord for the sheet.
public void setPrintSetup (PrintSetupRecord newPrintSetup)
printSetup = newPrintSetup;
* Returns the PrintGridlinesRecord.
* @return PrintGridlinesRecord for the sheet.
public PrintGridlinesRecord getPrintGridlines ()
return printGridlines;
* Sets the PrintGridlinesRecord.
* @param newPrintGridlines The new PrintGridlinesRecord for the sheet.
public void setPrintGridlines (PrintGridlinesRecord newPrintGridlines)
printGridlines = newPrintGridlines;
* Sets whether the sheet is selected
* @param sel True to select the sheet, false otherwise.
public void setSelected(boolean sel) {
WindowTwoRecord windowTwo = (WindowTwoRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
* Gets the size of the margin in inches.
* @param margin which margin to get
* @return the size of the margin
public double getMargin(short margin) {
Margin m;
switch ( margin )
case LeftMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( LeftMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
return .75;
case RightMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( RightMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
return .75;
case TopMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( TopMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
return 1.0;
case BottomMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( BottomMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
return 1.0;
default :
throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown margin constant: " + margin );
return m.getMargin();
* Sets the size of the margin in inches.
* @param margin which margin to get
* @param size the size of the margin
public void setMargin(short margin, double size) {
Margin m;
switch ( margin )
case LeftMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( LeftMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
m = new LeftMarginRecord();
records.add( getDimsLoc() + 1, m );
case RightMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( RightMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
m = new RightMarginRecord();
records.add( getDimsLoc() + 1, m );
case TopMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( TopMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
m = new TopMarginRecord();
records.add( getDimsLoc() + 1, m );
case BottomMargin:
m = (Margin) findFirstRecordBySid( BottomMarginRecord.sid );
if ( m == null )
m = new BottomMarginRecord();
records.add( getDimsLoc() + 1, m );
default :
throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown margin constant: " + margin );
m.setMargin( size );
public int getEofLoc()
return eofLoc;
* Creates a split (freezepane).
* @param colSplit Horizonatal position of split.
* @param rowSplit Vertical position of split.
* @param topRow Top row visible in bottom pane
* @param leftmostColumn Left column visible in right pane.
public void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int topRow, int leftmostColumn )
int loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
PaneRecord pane = new PaneRecord();
pane.setTopRow((short) topRow);
pane.setLeftColumn((short) leftmostColumn);
if (rowSplit == 0)
else if (colSplit == 0)
records.add(loc+1, pane);
WindowTwoRecord windowRecord = (WindowTwoRecord) records.get(loc);
SelectionRecord sel = (SelectionRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
// SelectionRecord sel2 = (SelectionRecord) sel.clone();
// SelectionRecord sel3 = (SelectionRecord) sel.clone();
// SelectionRecord sel4 = (SelectionRecord) sel.clone();
// sel.setPane(PANE_LOWER_RIGHT); // 0
// sel3.setPane(PANE_UPPER_RIGHT); // 1
sel.setPane((byte)pane.getActivePane()); // 2
// sel2.setPane(PANE_UPPER_LEFT); // 3
// sel4.setActiveCellCol((short)Math.max(sel3.getActiveCellCol(), colSplit));
// sel3.setActiveCellRow((short)Math.max(sel4.getActiveCellRow(), rowSplit));
int selLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
// sel.setActiveCellCol((short)15);
// sel.setActiveCellRow((short)15);
// sel2.setActiveCellCol((short)0);
// sel2.setActiveCellRow((short)0);
// records.add(selLoc+1,sel2);
// records.add(selLoc+2,sel3);
// records.add(selLoc+3,sel4);
* Creates a split pane.
* @param xSplitPos Horizonatal position of split (in 1/20th of a point).
* @param ySplitPos Vertical position of split (in 1/20th of a point).
* @param topRow Top row visible in bottom pane
* @param leftmostColumn Left column visible in right pane.
* @param activePane Active pane. One of: PANE_LOWER_RIGHT,
public void createSplitPane(int xSplitPos, int ySplitPos, int topRow, int leftmostColumn, int activePane )
int loc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid);
PaneRecord r = new PaneRecord();
r.setTopRow((short) topRow);
r.setLeftColumn((short) leftmostColumn);
r.setActivePane((short) activePane);
records.add(loc+1, r);
WindowTwoRecord windowRecord = (WindowTwoRecord) records.get(loc);
SelectionRecord sel = (SelectionRecord) findFirstRecordBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
// SelectionRecord sel2 = (SelectionRecord) sel.clone();
// SelectionRecord sel3 = (SelectionRecord) sel.clone();
// SelectionRecord sel4 = (SelectionRecord) sel.clone();
sel.setPane(PANE_LOWER_RIGHT); // 0
// sel3.setPane(PANE_UPPER_RIGHT); // 1
// sel4.setPane(PANE_LOWER_LEFT); // 2
// sel2.setPane(PANE_UPPER_LEFT); // 3
// sel4.setActiveCellCol((short)Math.max(sel3.getActiveCellCol(), colSplit));
// sel3.setActiveCellRow((short)Math.max(sel4.getActiveCellRow(), rowSplit));
int selLoc = findFirstRecordLocBySid(SelectionRecord.sid);
// sel.setActiveCellCol((short)15);
// sel.setActiveCellRow((short)15);
// sel2.setActiveCellCol((short)0);
// sel2.setActiveCellRow((short)0);
// records.add(selLoc+1,sel2);
// records.add(selLoc+2,sel3);
// records.add(selLoc+3,sel4);
public SelectionRecord getSelection()
return selection;
public void setSelection( SelectionRecord selection )
this.selection = selection;