<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">43901 - Correctly update the internal last cell number when adding and removing cells (previously sometimes off-by-one)</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44504 - Added initial support for recognising external functions like YEARFRAC and ISEVEN (using NameXPtg), via LinkTable support</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44504 - Improvements to FormulaParser - operators, precedence, error literals, quotes in string literals, range checking on IntPtg, formulas with extra un-parsed stuff at the end, improved parse error handling</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44504 - Fixed number conversion inconsistencies in many functions, and improved RefEval</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44504 - Added initial support for recognising external functions like YEARFRAC and ISEVEN (using NameXPtg), via LinkTable support</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44504 - Improvements to FormulaParser - operators, precedence, error literals, quotes in string literals, range checking on IntPtg, formulas with extra un-parsed stuff at the end, improved parse error handling</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44491 - Don't have the new-style "HPSF properties are always available" affect the old-style use of HPSF alongside HSSF</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44471 - Crystal Reports generates files with short StyleRecords, which isn't allowed in the spec. Work around this</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44495 - Handle named cell ranges in formulas that have lower case parts</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44491 - Don't have the new-style "HPSF properties are always available" affect the old-style use of HPSF alongside HSSF</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44471 - Crystal Reports generates files with short StyleRecords, which isn't allowed in the spec. Work around this</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44449 - Avoid getting confused when two sheets have shared formulas for the same areas, and when the shared formula is set incorrectly</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44366 - InputStreams passed to POIFSFileSystem are now automatically closed. A warning is generated for people who might've relied on them not being closed before, and a wrapper to restore the old behaviour is supplied</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44417 - Improved handling of references for the need to quote the sheet name for some formulas, but not when fetching a sheet by name</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44413 - Fix for circular references in INDEX, OFFSET, VLOOKUP formulas, where a cell is actually allowed to reference itself</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44375 - Cope with a broken dictionary in Document Summary Information stream. RuntimeExceptions that occured when trying to read bogus data are now caught. Dictionary entries up to but not including the bogus one are preserved, the rest is ignored.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">38641 - Handle timezones better with cell.setCellValue(Calendar), so now 20:00-03:00, 20:00+00:00 and 20:00+03:00 will all be recorded as 20:00, and not 17:00 / 20:00 / 23:00 (pass a Date not a Calendar for old behaviour)</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">44326 - Improvements to how SystemOutLogger and CommonsLogger log messages with exceptions, and avoid an infinite loop with certain log messages with exceptions</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">Support for a completed Record based "pull" stream, via org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel.HSSFRecordStream, to complement the existing "push" Event User Model listener stuff</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">44297 - IntPtg must operate with unsigned short. Reading signed short results in incorrect formula calculation</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">Add another formula evaluation method, evaluateFormulaCell(cell), which will re-calculate the value for a formula, without affecting the formula itself.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">44233 - Support for getting and setting a flag on the sheet, which tells excel to re-calculate all formulas on it at next reload</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">43008 - Add a moveCell method to HSSFRow, and deprecate setCellNum(), which didn't update things properly</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">42464 - Avoid "Expected ExpPtg to be converted from Shared to Non-Shared Formula" on large, formula heavy worksheets</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">43807 - Throw an IllegalArgumentException if asked to create a merged region with invalid columns or rows, rather than writing out a corrupt file</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">Add a getSheetIndex(HSSFSheet) method to HSSFWorkbook, and allow a HSSFSheet to get at its parent HSSFWorkbook</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">Move POIDocument out of Scratchpad, and update HSSFWorkbook to use it</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">43410 - [PATCH] - Improved Formula Parser support for numbers and ranges</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add">When writing HSLF files out, optionally preserve all OLE2 nodes (default is just the HSLF related nodes)</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">42844 - [PATCH] - Fix for the EventUserModel and records that aren't immediately followed by their ContinueRecords</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix">43055 - [PATCH] - Fix for saving Crystal Reports xls files when preserving nodes</action>
<actiondev="NB"type="add"context="All">HSLF - Initial PowerPoint Support. Includes: Support for text extraction across the whole file; Support for getting individual slides, and their notes, and extracting text from those; Initial support for changing (but not adding) text</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Bug 25695 - HSSFCell.getStringCellValue() on cell which has string formula will return swap bye unicode characters.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Updated website for upcoming release</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Formula Parser fixes with tests, by Peter M Murray Bug 25457</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">The cloned reference for merged cells did not create a new collection, so deletes cascaded to the original.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Fix to 24519 call to getCustomPalette() from a newly created workbook now works</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Fix supplied for bug 24397 where some compilation got ambiguous classes. Explicitly imports the classes. Patch supplied by Jean-Pierre Paris.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add"context="All">HPSF is now able to read properties which are given in the property set stream but which don't have a value ("variant" type VT_EMPTY). The getXXX() methods of the PropertySet class return null if their return type is a reference (like a string) or 0 if the return type is numeric. Details about the return types and about how to distinguish between a property value of zero and a property value that is not present can be found in the API documentation.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Gridlines can now be turned on and off</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">A nasty concurrency problem has been fixed. Any users working in a multithreaded environment should seriously consider upgrading to this release.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">The EXTSST record has been implemented. This record is used by excel for optimized reading of strings.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">When rows are shifted, the merged regions now move with them. If a row contains 2 merged cells, the resulting shifted row should have those cells merged as well.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">There were some issues when removing merged
regions (specifically, removing all of them and then adding some more) and have been resolved.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">When a sheet contained shared formulas (when a formula is
dragged across greater than 6 cells), the clone would fail. We now support cloning of
sheets that contain this Excel optimization. </action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add"context="All">Support added for reading formulas with UnaryPlus and UnaryMinus operators.</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">Added argument pointers to support the IF formula</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">Formulas: Added special character support for string literals, specifically for SUMIF formula support and addresses a bug as well</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">BlockingInputStream committed to help ensure reads</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Fixed problem with NaN values differing from the investigated value from file reads in FormulaRecords</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Patch for getColumnWidth in HSSF</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="add"context="All">Patch for dealing with mult-level numbered lists in HDF</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Due to named reference work, several named-ranged bugs were closed</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Patch applied to prevent sheet corruption after a template modification</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">Shared Formulas now Supported</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">Added GreaterEqual, LessEqual and NotEqual to Formula Parser</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">Added GreaterThan and LessThan functionality to formulas</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">Patches for i10n</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="update"context="All">POI Build System Updated</action>
<actiondev="POI-DEVELOPERS"type="fix"context="All">font names can now be null</action>
<actiondev="GJS"type="update"context="All">Removed depedency on commons logging. Now define poi.logging system property to enable logging to standard out.</action>
<actiondev="GJS"type="fix"context="All">Fixed SST string handling so that spreadsheets with rich text or extended text will be read correctly.</action>